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December 20, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-12-20

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'Zf. of W.TaY1'U.



_____A single hitlli, lint orncold, fotl10i Ta vsl lite hnteelcps nMNSSOS 11-
Published Dily (Sundays excepted) daring ''is.u h IotliielDhi Sh-2t 11iti 5'51litI'NIIi'S,11(1( tliiLADIES' SHO ii ES SHO1 ERS
thie Cosligcar, mby- A very desirable smite oftroEmsSwPtMPS 'c:LPES 'rc. S.EUIIE
bhtiheiatedl with hot water. Stitioas
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION ors'15howls with ltit and coldi siteri OF COURSE._
111((1itie it 4,7 ,)o. Disvisions t. 5ris
Sii.in'i~at.peecit~nipeyearinmariabiy Tie T'. A. A. L\-N. M. IC gies
in at, 55(1' Single cop'aies(ets. Saiisi'ip- iit)td'e thaitIthey swill sell reduiedl fate 458 0171'-:1 A IN S'i'IREET.
tions mnay be let at t'eaofice orathe((is(ai'. excuirsiio irlels toiall poiiits ill ('ell
a .5ioiiei's. (itsh sany of liecditotator tral 'Tra tf 5Assiiiatian, o hidiliq /hr
iiithoiiie d siciitor's jLakr Slit' 'r .lfitiiaoi Sidhrrli',IC r .to ~ S . L . o r o '
Co mncto siiihouldireateiii toffice ty stoenis lioldiing Ceetilieateo. l_-A_____- __o_
7 loi,. s. if (hiy are to apipearthte iiest HoiaRtnfeStcnn
dily. Adilesalli nattlerint(ended foe pahliia- HldyRtsfrSuet - 3SFo
tion tiithe lManaging' Editiie. All iuissI <5li Iitet i0li'U fC.~i h
ieloMnagee. senting ploper 'ertifieates. the'1., A. i alr n unses
THE U. af M. DAILY. A. & N. 1. 1 ystill sell exern-ioiiTiosad unses
An roMc.tickets alponsil iiigaii, anald ________________________________________________
An ro.Hc.to all pitiiiltheoins O tiToed
-~ piai onIli Iinesiii'(ilt' loltlo ~ 'r,- 1 Toledo, Ann Arbor and North,
EDTRS.ciinaections, exeept the Latke Shire
i an Mihign Suthrn ailwy. t (iic - .r--- Michigan Railway.
E. J.OI ion aniit. '94 , anagiso' aiiitr. iiiiol i u-tiotf(ain(Incor the rtn riii i pl'~.
('. A. Ilisios.Uti.'93 assistins Tckts'liekeis tiilii'siiiold ei. 2 2 4.? al~
55. E. Ii( s ~e, l it ')>, Assisant, 22, an
SiW.i'( ,1n is". . (is., Boiness Sanae. V. if lCardluilesis. ail iiitll lar
W ant.stt nr;t'. 5aisx.,Lit. 4, sisai rnti eoistiiant. Ill,In' I ~ j' iii LE ~latirc iiis atiilinAI oniii.
A.55 '. 55 eiii '.t t, A. sis'an.tiiii tlsve i--s-a talil. li'es- i i i iiiii~iiA i(i
s.(on' ii( li.Ani.iwi illI iotlie solil outside tlhe territoiy (of "s-
i. . andys, '. W. Ev 5t'as'93. tihe $211, alo a la l si i oli nle (o N ~7 'ui tt ''s'ici . P~.ii
" ' i, "9;f'. .I) . Sp ier,'9:3. seiiiplla ,0 ie hootikEAIOGSdHOLno 14iisroadsag- No. 1. :Mi'-li'c pttii ..i
T..a A. A. '6 ilDI~ .' 40 '( KIS) a nti N.H.'tll' 1,0 lle h~ i nai; s~nt''dgntalaltnioplb i No. :i. Malati i' as 'n e ....._.....4i:i1). n.
l!NiOA IIC " . o es a rc.Is h AIi go 'NGn'S CHOOa27pL' INESS.'to a g- 'a ii' No. 1i. ''lt'die(i i At o l) ... u )a n
C. r 4. . <4 itievia b iig i nea ta cheniid ai genttititwainitiitititi. ,l.i
ofti . ahmi S ( tog fcquoliiiiii''20t1.ail tii p n i.raiiinac ai~I ik<tti;a, SMMll. ;'a tiae ill tl tiI . ti.
in; system roos; stits i N tire P. Batur a nigret ions iiiiatiiiiii
THE ARGU" PUBL8HING HOUS A. . I . l . d N ,R . dmn;sotadgautsalscr oiin: N .1 li n still se I..........irs"iitiim
the lhcnsyi concert still Ibc toain- tii'kets at ione fare' fur t1e otild '(l Iaity esi'i'(t1rims
to all 'prolieett'point 1Cnaa + $.K $n3009$400 $51i itaia s Ill undol (In rins btweenToii iti ledoa
ya cll h etr lots ioci Iiiilefs iiitllii 'taa ektssill be gooid going titiregular' flitiH.
* * a it iiittl(i iiin teweo n's .ntAu] rit T r':
ofi toe old stanod-il-ii lte planit, as tr'ainisolabtove lates, tiiiil 'iii'ei'i'l ro o IFist Cl,4in ilit l rtl ''ittil itIi 'ltediouoilty , Oat. 'x tSi n a itl'
ituattc n , iitil .January lilthi 1 59x, Iutisis'e. N1o f Every XA 'iay' thertiiini is daut iiiy x c iii ilii
eyyioi1etosly repotrtd1t Strd "' or inlfoirmationiicall Oiliticket agenit,. E W~,. s. It. iBENNETTi'. I. S. G RBiiIN1tii,
l~pcaer 5 lee r2:) E 4q Doty & .Feiner. 1 i(en. Pass. Agnti. I hai Agent.
C.aodidlates whlo swish to enter the Holiday Exusion to Canada.
cointest hocrIlic office of orator and The -Micliga ('entral still sell ex-
ptoet for the class '96, moat register ec'sIITil tickets tii2 0 loits i iint- ~S ~ ~
aao De.2 i, tm liie totheir inaims y mail oin to eorson , iii. 1(,1, ti at liowest ist f ace fo~r tie
onl or becforcIFritday, Tan. i -1 89 nan ol trip. 'Ilese tiekets rei' slt And reader of '"The Daily" is cordially invited to attend
goouI lootrainis 5, .19,.20.SHEA &CO PN'
ssitli I.. A\. I c,4( 1 i1)suihi-!SHEA &CMPN
street.Holiday Excursiois.

-- - ""he Nis'igaii (eatrat ssillsell ax-
(St. yc'rct to Inc obliged Iito 'tccup 'iii'silllitickets, )ei'. 24th, 2.th. Ilst, ' J \1 1 " V
.LI Jn.15 an '(1 tnleliitd o H LBOO+ 30 K .+.-S fA L En
I'ubl pcet rpy t i tdaycs J1111i.d t 1t lai l ints on((l e irited n j ~ j.. ..'i1
salmicatsiceoN con f h n1(1ad rUltdstt" xet
loi tti a ' p )earedi bec'itcIlcaus ltte5man itoled ivii n . Ilati'. tite atid itle-T-
1 IIIthird flrst class fhare fori rouniid till. \evt'111( tillNilcest (goods firthL t Aloh m Yi
gecs of that ecceiii ild nulot nidern it Theseattickuets ssill lilt lie (r11011 l l a in
tnitations tot hc press.iittio.t The University Booksellers, - State Street.
T~ .NorSthwsesteritheIliwseekly Olit'..5htilc
papecc at thein istituitiono of a lilac - 20 PACES. PRICE. 20 CTS. PEN TS cc .CH LEE.,
nanic, has toe folloinig 10 say itii J'l34 ' {gn '5iiillYiIt stilitun h torc ph ,
regardl to thie (Ian of iiie I )_ i.v t10 . --
o)rgaioiec an liter etllegiale diate: Ntonl n ris, cu n Tiliic I5C QFAiittlnlSiSN555li 1(5
''Wc motst heartily agree scithithe ;are. In f insjwl ings and Ian- A$OF '95,
danitts w talishowlie n ti a s ed a s- I
stiggestioni andslbelieve if it swas car- soliet ill fH Oh Ss~.
ried out it wotuid result is great DIAMONDS i i..1F NSL,
benefit to tii colleges intetresteid. OPEALSj W E DNES DRY
Northosesterin is tnow united sithi PEARLS Inithet bosx lofficimin il idiiig. lIESERVEE)10 ,~l
thirec of the largest collages in Itse RUIS Ittl lt iashtndtgodi ttllli
g b ~~~~TURQUOISES ~l III NA lwbuliginsaiNflit' n
west ini athletics. ainil se se n0 ETC:., El C. llhll~i. .Mf'oti t '.k W chllhit a's lainlSt. - - -- - - - - -
reason wliy thecre shiotiulnot bti 00n GRINDS AND HUMOROUS VERSE GRAND OPERA HOUSE.
inter-collegiate debate contest, sotin- 5'ATC'IIES ail'5-;have u r' mositlin
thointog aftter the pl1015of ethe allnutah iatcltlite. iioeaiit s (uiicult A\re ,th Ie feafues S of Itie istuin:.{
\arle-I Iays'oyil iehate . X\ wousldi rl d uul'Ii ei'so In addiion lltoiall tihe asi it }ocs i 151. Nt
famous ihmakesiw'ash siala at teniitin iii n'ltiia iii nlorit 'ii ctta, fise full{
suggest thtat a mleetiing of the colleec (0to eur ion tipeeialItoSii . & o'.. 'I'
associatin eldc rlyomcnextt rcm, auiet meenh115iits'etant.lai. iif-oc oin'istit tii
It'e.ibfstctre issigli ever ilsci.
00n1 a comnmittee appoinatedi Iseater sc l1)F TH''lA;NE \I IIUVI
wih - A'l5N'( F . N IE FOR
into corresp~ondenice wththe tol- 8 ,,j'p SMTH, (IIR ISTMAI S tin sholw te elet~ii IS 1
leg es. abnoves'uggestced ansI see if loc'iiisi'i. S ONES Whtfgtnineiicolefgei f;tilis, anid
somie suchela01(0caniniit be'cacciedl 'h ~& Co. ;ntttemiiret'lhie'grindon1ui ou. tillou rin'.1(1.)1W.IIJONS


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