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December 13, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-12-13

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o f Ninety-five's Oracle. W Pn rT AN O J C
College laao will 1)e the characteristic
feature of the 1)o)k. Humorous velse That we sell clieaper than the cheapest in MEN'S SHOES, RUB-
Pi~lifed aly (undys xcpled) during and grinodsswill he numerous and of
Plhithil ail (Sindyaeae the besttdlilty. Everybody is "in it" lEE S, PCB MPS, ETc.: LADIES' SHOES, RUBBERS.
hrfCollegee year.,ity all classes, all departmnits. The liter- SLIPPERS, E'..
lT U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION try andilartistic features arec]not for- OF COURSE.
gotti Ci, hosesver. The rover design is_
teiia ternmeal aliumimiei. Five --* -
nbttrit'tltnst rite htS)per year, inauriably flil -page haill-tuts of class oisgania- LG V4~ - 7
siu advace. Sin)le copis.t3Ben t. Suhsrilt- titojs ill olalsar, hireakiig allrecrods. 4 0U,1 I IN 8 1Er
basns nay Ibe hoflat 'he stlis- of the DAILY, A rlaSS 5(soa, wordls tl lalic, is48 S IIH AI ST E .
lit. Stolirtas, s-Oh any' at) the edi)tors tor aiiother teal ore.'Thle prin~ter's p1151-
sI~ot i~~ S~aoeltli~lit. is)' I hat tilte i'ai-le 1)11be 111111)11sale( - -
(Communiataions shold teaehithe ofiller hy-Wedniesdlay.-Dec. 21. Irice, asivtisuall, f -I- O
7 o'clockh P. At. ii they ore toappear the nest 25 itdo. 51-£7t1.
'lay. Atireat till tpsatte intened or I o' itliica' - '
tots Iso the Msssoisa tEltitr. All latitista Holiday eaves for Students.0 C
Imtliain htid he aruIt Iltoite)' ~i-AT WAGNER & CO,
ct-ta 'Nasopr.r"lTo studenits ifttthe U. of 'dNJ.iandlthe
THE U. of X. DAILY,. grte Normal Sichoodl it Ypsilaniti, pre- Tailors and Furnishers.
Ann Arbor. Hich. seitlitig'proper certificaltes, the '1., A. ______________________________________________
A. & tN. 2il- t st ill sell eeursionloelAi rbr ad N rh
tcets al ll Ititiin II licllig-ll 'and Toe , An Aro ad Not
L EDITORS-t 11all 11o111s oihe1.11 nes1totflo111 1oledo
F.J. (h-[,.%t%,t itt tI vlianagtaIing ldtati 'iltlit'l111(iio tej l lpt teLk ] -'1;' L1,t~l i'i cS t~ l(1 i..i-al'otl~nrilait 00r(l P ,i~p ' R oian Ralw y
Ciit'tis,1t ( it. IttitR'' ittag r . at
It Ittlll~l tI t~''TFi~i, I io ti ~e fatli s at Sit. tittr.
t, , w.~l £ ') t ' Llt-~t it itangt.' lim ted to rtuI t li tlt fr t.oIT tilns n a i an.11111,'1-tie;
1, I. ic sie o rial tfetts ick t f -- . IL < <)'t~ t ta )air i ta eltiOtatit
I;. i%.. 'r(ct It±, "i~i Ilt).llillllittoteate-tin outsitelt eittI-isirvaftlotttsi I. tasl Nat lt. tl pttti't t ..'t0laltiit.
TraftfitItci-itia5tttthotl 7tiiic llNctt oisi :ot M I lititt~r~l Eat' 1 . -t~l 1 14 5
3f.I li f~georet atap .11t-if.iIV. taolc n0115 Ni:.t.ltlcthet lI-I-Ittitllttltititttt - t
- I('.N 5'r Dial! r nt-i i S5 l i . ... .. . ,, n
N to l tt lll CttFlawels t r96. s ella ,00 mltelitobil' it t mta 14roads11110, e LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS $5119- Itj111 ir 1)0Ittt~t tltIti
I otIIe i l ilt)A TH I', C.tl i <)\VIll St.a e 117ll )Itllt N )).$.), $111o'Dty & F i e . I). 11 s ,to'tt(rldi t lata..1(-al>at
ti ri 5it Ill ltl p alersnlg; nine teaha athears1 5))r1g51attenaadatnca;
Mu1 tt 1)11;1 vatllill' d 1t~tl . aclto do 1)011oo1;111iytlacttrls; Sturdayaevenig tellptians
,rd man; shrth nd ltliatalalls P 1repostion, toilit!tnd Sl )(c It....t
exrpeailttet lt eaoa 1 Ot at ~saiggtit li lr nseaer of0$.75Three D iaily''mis or ..Tdally1invitd to atten
TaHEtltlisi't)'t ttll Ill 1. Il l-otv'tlitll ttiSHEEH A Iiion ..00Ilvi PAN!.Yt,
faa 1.1-NIr -I 'itlat itt tandll't1of1S1udents1wh
cake5 Aa pa 5-I o ionsfrm iee t wekadres o.10. 'r\ +-l nt) ily_-
111 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ eta a 'irsltsita' ienltasl i __________Titt___________e.____
iitsofatalcol11 e ) p11 s 1)1 a heUivrsteBokeles, - S~ntat tre
5'llty llteataatr t a t eGetHtSaei h v mad 30 ,0
a1tat1N'oa tllnaltacl01seli ad HiIayLats.RV n sTQ ht-tI Iu 't~tRizu

dil , nor eveniias larger c011ointalsis
depoatsithng itinl tthac loyplacedin
tae miains tall fth ie ipurpose, or
lay givi111 it to onie ot the co-aeds haav-
inag the mlatter its]han(',.
IA sa Satairday moin~ g's mteeting
instituting vise practice of college
sonlgs wvas emnsently sulctcssful. Thse
maoveenit swii lindouibtealyt continuve
in this'popularity it deserves.
'la tar s ill he a mseetiag of tlae
DILYicboartd, tomorroev~eeninga at
7:30. Buasiness of especial imisort-
ante ciii he discaissead. Every rmem-
iser of the baoard nmust he ipresent.
AMAvIAi for press clubs seemas to
hate struck vise university and col-
legevworld. Wisconsin, Cornell and
Oberlin hate recently orgrnized.

Ill selectinig sour society
badge or anythig ill jewlery'.
vs- vatYou 11to hear usin i
mlindt. Otir re)ltatioll is the
iiigiiest for' this vswork 11nd1we
wviii offer' y011tile 1110st1110e-
rato prices inIl ichigan fol-
tile ihest sworik.
Waoodwcard Asva., and State St.,

-aor tIlItias antd N ea r'eis It it i D- rpr
aass, the IToledo, Ann iAiboandlrth h ltil f'
11licitigait railay vsill sell exturaitSonIJ S
tickets brtsween till sttions oil )11its ills
lat whlitch ticktets arel-p d), alsho to pinlts C>iItNEUit1111IN A N I lLTllN cis.
on severail ittolieetig intiealton111'a11t
onae-thtirdl tale for that'rovunda trip. G N P ' -J3
Ticketsswilltbe glao ing )1151ec. 24th, G AI PL S
21th, t~ail 001) -tlrandlgJan.itl Jtandt TO-NIGHT.
anad o e~"in;utli tiiliave. 43 -han. 1,13. Thle Laughingt Hit of Two Hemispheres
New Route to the Northwest, DvP r a
[ nadatrMndy oebr2sthit)° 15).the Toledho, AninaArbor ad___
Noth -Michligain railwalys nIICa r A lAGhORODUl~~hCERhhOIl'THiELEGI'lI-
tenty, 1"Ann Arbor No. h," caill mnake 7dIA'I l' SCHIOIL.
dailyltiripsabtwteentl F'rIankfort, iMich. cCII 400 tasesis
Tleisaat vs ill scarry freiglit cal-s - ' iaSqare~i'ieatre, NwYr.
acroaes Lake Miehigani, making the trill
in 6 hiours, so thlat all freighit siipped Prices, - - - 50c, 75c and $.00.
by this roulte wvillibe carrietd thiroutghi Sealsoais asle at Posaattice News stnd.
w sithlout breaking bulk, as hasi5beel
necessary heretofore waithi freih ('IB , -
Ihandled across thle lake. .1 VJ 1
As this is the shortest roulte 111th~e T G A F
ynorthwvest it shlold le vselI patronize(hP IT I V A U~
byMichiigashippers. .L. A AA&A 4A
4-J an.1 ],. O. 12 W. HURION ST

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