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December 13, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-12-13

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TO STOP THE DISORDER, tralia. The carnival will thus have WORLD'S FAIR ON THE SCREEN
'_ an international importance and -Ir
'The Junior Laws Adopt Resolutions wl alotahsto opttr.The Views of the Great Fair Were -
anhTrnsctrthrgusnes.me ~ for the three clays Unusually Fine. a
The junior lasws adopted the fot- is as follos:s-First day, openishand- Saturdlayceiening, in the S.C. A. Il ORE S&
tosn eoufis etra fe-Icais ganmes; < seconds day, football, halseas given a stcreoptitan enter- 9 Ni] IER
sonatrth ecue lacrosse aisd lasso tennis; third day', tainmeni, shoswing viewes of the -DTROIT, MICHS.
'sulereas, there is nmuchsvaduahlichoampionshuip ganses. The eveints World's lair buuildiiigs, statuary,I
tissue wastedaisd the lawseclass of 'y Iaranged for the latter are as followss etc., also views of the different'lirfvlv wiKY o
is fast gainiun";the enviable repisla- ion yardlrun, oneosmiesulk, 220 parks aind great liuildiisgs cof the i
tioll citbeiing a tiurbuilent aiiiyard rin, three msile swalk, 440 miilev city of Chicago, closing withs several
disordlerly claiss hiyirvasoin ufitietn ut,vo umile bicycle tareSho syard groups of U. of 'it. stidents, amoing
usngent lvii iid botlisous o n- ruin, sole vault for Iseighut, nse ilesehichs sere the Dvi vs board and
duct i s our m ieetin s a id l ectren s s. ri r ni nig high jum p, f iee notee so otball teami. T he v iseswsere very
Theefre beitreolvd ha we i'ru, rsusning broadl iusps thuroisng fuse, givinig a good ivdea of the us1-
as a class, dlistcouiitvnaiive auy ly 16-poud haimmnerliiirowing 5'6 nmensity atnd graindure oif the greal
OU1d wightfordistnce r + tunsyou atthe Latctt'v .ltiiupiiitani 05005
nitoinstratiotis that tvend to loswvi the pnuiselliorcisaceputting fair. The feature of the evening, o s i ort ies55Shoes at 5ic to ,l i tpair* lcss tiisa
clssii is ssiusef esivt n Yu6-fpound shot, 120 Wsd urndtivletasee hoswever, sasthe playing of the JAAIrso jpces, sest ndort t tiiieetii
the estinmation of the faculty. Inoflighsts, three feet siiches highi"Dt'Trumtser tiny of tlhe Rapipaliati-r F
A coilectiotn sas taken for Churist- 22 yarnd hurdle raceteis flisltvotuoc,'slo swoti the applause of *
eina s remenmbrances for thy snmttes feet six incises high; individual hug- everyone, being called hack rc- lot, 183-1S5 itneutusanAet.,
of the hospitals. About hsalf of the of-soar, uiilitmited weiglit.--Tateard peatecdly. He retnderedlliii favorite DETROIT, - - M4ICIIItlAN.
class siubsvribed $io.13. The janitor Crimsoin. selection, the journey if tse rail-
seas votev i. k committee of --v-- ~ road traits across thse country. I .jehmfofld Straight Qzit.
thsree seas appoinstedl to resqutest tse Freshman Banino(Club O.
{ ne-oleit CtpsCIGARETTES.
fatcilty toviae tse Sausrdlay lecture ItrcleiaeCmu. The applicatnts fot positionoi n i)0 CiaretteSoiker iho
if Decr. 24ielirered on Frinday islt o~ rauedfeiuaslauo i s~ i a r ili;t nay a itt
clubabout fifteets intsuimbet, erstiae iartenlsvuwi imca
tmilwhctotaehoefrteElect Stevetnsoni vaI eta 'a 'les lrtmmntsupiorrto
tue't'i st Ia c ui o h x ites atrl 55st" hTseta. The ionitStraigiit
holidasyIrecvsos; - essrs. Starrett, ''alasor, andsoviboi v isisCut No.1tiutrottes are irate fomitite bright-
The ----__Unierity of 1 tnnylv ni iestwolt tiiceyttv or mlhitett e0,55
Iats, of the 'Varsity bnoclub.hasa rstasoaldsu e ar gronLiiii ini n ta. rhisis thteold
WORLD'S FAIR ATHLETICS. abaisauatfr h xluieatiOiiaoBai Strttightte itv'n-rttcs,
'bitecxamtinters tinissithsvie is excel- atiitwits i onittot ott ii tthe )-oar i:s
There Will be a Great International }let matsserial frotii chliiusto fotromaueofrslyassstsiviirmnamat elowstuuis aiiveiyisackae.ntss
'ie sseelklys-isUn it owas Cviiige STathte LEN&tinisTsEsIrnchses
Mont int Chicago Nest Year- club. Essougis of earls istsumns tto AtsorscatsTotisacnCo.,
seereys Pora' srepresensted, bitt there is til isagitainsg a rcsasieof ntmetore lus atttsavttttvus, tRichttssl. Virginia.
Arcas~cstesss ae besug ssssle omnfor sotte seho plat'eithser the thsat insstituitions.U q e to a l
y tti tar or banjo.''isbosaeer
a"rt.. huvhcctIi l t ii-t putblishs front its ownts press, ttvveesTuE iii:l:t s r.i :
dinisg thye Wtorldi's htin. 'ble ganmesis ironsosoipleis ignetosperiodicals on hUniversitsyLExtetssots FRATERNITY JEWELRY,
willbe nde theausice of he ownto oss iitoirder to "et'?
stil to suusit th aupics te assoo as , 0 Econonmicsatsd Geologs -Flx
Ciiug tlis Cliefof seloici M~tr. niowearsHatondoseork. o
i \tsother examnsatiots is to be held Seeac -tnnonohueIIo is ie TAe'1 sIti5 _Wi,S
A.r. Salving ussunlradyscusrerdthis coisniig Satstrday, anud atsy de- C. calls thse U. of C. 'Weekly a tri-
Isc Spl s ssatesy sruriw-seekly, becattse it conies oto
the usue ohthy old it otserisood hisse- string infornmatiotn shtosulsee Mr. oust ots ussr re
Jolo 1 r era nc.Ter-tinte for onse week asndigsiito thiso55 I 1 fl11TT ft
bll i-eagise "routnds lust Septendwr Je r r Kr t tce foer-thseinext. ALfI.
14, , nd 6, i93 ad fr S;I,_sats of thse examniationi are ntol Uiesiyo hcaoWel
tetihr 5'oii ueessty Thu csrii-ready for anniouncemntt et. bu tiest fCucg ssekyDaesc in vn
temer S, f ncesar. Te cI'I I - Ioffers a year's sublscriptioni to thue
vat sil ethnebl ins cotntection oswih - stutnent of that University seluo sill 1 I'iet'it.,ii ii5- tsi,
thse annua s lsamspionshisp contests, f l'he proofs of the grotbp of last serite thse best U.- of C.- sonog, isortds .KT U A
whlich sun hldbti htne Athletic spritng's baseball teattsarc at Ran- otily, before Feb. I. I P .KI1 C N
Unions. I1nall's for thin tspectiono of thuenmena- Cornell has setnt a petitions to cnt
'T'he iiansager s oh thue Athetic hers of the leant. The grou1p is asrest eusig htahonhte M R H N
],upion isasenauthsorizedt Mr. SpaldI- I excellesnt onse. Snmall photographts, partsettbe estabilishaed 10in Wash-
ing to hsase a one-thirnd of a noile panel size, seth he placedl on sale for issgton, sinitlar to tha Agricultural
cinder track laind out, annd also a tseo those wino do not seisho tp urschlase Departmoent, the purpose beintg to TATILOR~
hundrend and tiventy yards straighst- the large grouip size. promote kinoswledge in tine art of
away course. A grain-stand to scat i'res. Zollars, of Hirant College, constructinug roads. 'The petition Ai1105t i
25r,000sill he built. sehso lectured before tse Inland further asks that the departmsent
Provided that the World's Fair League last evening, seas an inter, make provisions for the teaching of
managers agree, World's Fair ested ohserver about the camptis students in road engineering, and F=OO ?i C
medals soul be given. Each competi- yesterday. He is interested in the also that Congress appropriate suf-
for will also receive a souvenir. The new theological school to be estab- ficient foods to erect a building for 55 W_ FEOR~T ST'.,
commnittee of entries will conmnouni- lished here and was looking about a comprehensive road exhibit at theL
cate sith cluths of Enrope and Aits- the city with that end in stew. World's Fair. Detroit, Michigan.

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