c je tt* of
, li
VOL. I1I1-No. 55.
The New Organization is to be
Press Club of the University
of Michigan.
'the second meeting of the Pi
Clb ttd(rew oust about forte-fiee
dents iterestedl in jounlalistic we
C. A. Denison and Miss M\ar~ar(
Shass acted as echairmntaiatnd se tr epc
tae iesectel e IThe comit
appotinted on constitution repor
and after aspirited i scussiosn.
somue amtendmsents the. coinstitut
seas adopted.IThe.conmmittee
niembhetrship r eposrte~d ahout ft
uncles of propose~d memnbers.
Sec. z. rThe officers shall be ! COMPLETED AT LAST.
chosen hy hallot at the First regular
the meeting of each semester, ansd shall The Junior Law Election Saturday
hold office until thseir see.cessoiss are Morning a Quiet Affatr.
electetd. (reatlcton thte stirprise of all pr
rest Sec. ;. Tisetints ot the presidlent ties rosternedl the. unior late elass
stus- shall ie to preside at e tahmeetin conmpletedlthte eletei on of tofficers [
irk.I of the cluth andI appoint 'alltansing withosut atis opposititont. J'he.
'ette aittispecial committees. followeing oficersswer e eleeted bIy
cre- Sec. 4. Thse vice-pre.sidest shallaclsais
stsce~eit totite ititiecorataepress
lattice. Teiser C ENyTS.
dlentit catse of thte tatter's abtsestce.
See. . aThle. duties of tite secretary
shall lie. to keept in accirate record
of all mieetings of the cltul anti attend
tt ts ectrrespionidetice.
Sec.f6 I lie. treasnrer shtall rot-
timte reimainiing after the. adoption lecit all fees andteluftes antil disbsurse
if the ctonstittiioni for electing of-!thte tame on order of the piresident
firers, a ntosiniating romsmsittee con-t andI secretary. Ile shall mtake a re-
sistinig of C. VW. Ricketts, H. V. port at the end of earlh semiester or
Wehher, C. N. Soweers, aiti sts at tlse call of thse clnh.
Sliawe sas appointed to formulate a Sec. 7. Vacancies shall bte filled
list of officers anid reptirt sext Sat- he hallot at the next mseetitsg after
netlar. sclhvacancies occtur.
Tefotllowisi' is thserconistituttionsiTIsEn 11'
as adiopte. See. r ITle presient shall, at his
sit iii i i.Iinsuguratsinappoinit anee.critive
Scetionsii. Te. naime. ittthis ecomimitte~e of thsree -activ e.meme.r1sof
organiztionishalt the'li. .nitversity whlichs iosmsitltee Ilie sha ll lie.chirsi
're-s ICltbof thse.[ciiversity ofNIMih mc 1-ni //ti ii
iga. ec.a. It hal b hieslitylitsof
Se.. ' Thle iibject sltail he.tisj the excuttiv e econmmitte~e to pr osite
encorae ths studyle opractircii proitimis for te reisla r imetinss
iounaclissmt to seeusre.intlconitr ol if theclb
replresenitattiosi foricollege evesits in (jATIC LE
outside jountsals ansI to pironmote the Sec. r. fTie selar mistsi's of
isterests of the college pushlicationss.j this clibshslall he held eery tswo
ciRIrCcEis. iveekus on Satusrday afternsoonl at
se(c. i. Thiere sisall lie tio classes hsalf-past fourt o'clock.
<if ssessiters, artiver cur hosorare. Sec. a. 't'svelve artivermlenmhrrs
Sec.:2. Artivernieniers shall in of the cish shall conistituite a iqssorumc
clnude those sttsdesits of the [ nieer- for tise trasisaction of biusinsess.
I:. NV. Sisnss, aid sice-presidemnt
11t. II. Winigert,I("Cfornsmodlore, '')
treasiseer; I. C. Jonecs, secretary;I
Etigece Batavia, malnger of fielili ,i
sports; IR. 1'. Willifasssosi, 11. V . I
fTscker, aiiil W. ..tHarvey, ne- tiliensyiurastiitaeiimrsletropmiiei iesr.
shials. 1ni addition steo the ahovethe of A? , i hoe t.tolspairless tims
folloiwitig comttmsittees terre appointed 0! f
by the rcsair: Cc class yell, Appier-R FYFEt
son, Chiamberlin, ItirCahe, Cory, H . Ar.,C
Pattersosi. (In class colors, 1Itoti DEI' T , - tl MICHIGfAN.
kins, Welcs, Wright, Btest, Felnile.
On motto, Btissell, flussk, Videll, qiehrnond Straig~ht Qa~t.
Ed~wareds andh Clark.NoI
An assessmnet of in cetts CIGARETTES.
levie. on the nietmhers of tlseeclass. c igaiette Smoers whot
An aedjourned ruretisig till beheld are.Ingto a ltte ir
this a fternoon after the lecture. trd ige~tes,trill Lid
+ _ - s Isis t s I i zvsuplerior tot
' RAH FOR THE '93 LITS. ciTaei Richiond Strsighit
CtNo. I Cigaeteartemude froheetrbright-
- 'est, mostdeicamtely tfeavored ted highest esst
bald Leaf groiin V irgisiia. This Is the Old
They Will Entertaiin Their Football tnd iOriginaliiBraindiofiStraighit 0Aigiiarettes,
Team in a Royal Manner. atid instbrought ti b sini ithne rear ttti.
{tBewareioCitnitititin, aniiiobserve that itie
fimne aebelwis ant eerrtitpckage.
'it the.cae~detsetiig the '91 The ALtLEN&LNTE ranitch
g f e )3 Of them Asieiicas Tobaeco Ce.
1is, Saturrday afternoonis, it was tde-sianufatctuirers, - iche ndiiiiiii i inia
tiedelto ive a haliquiet iii Iotios of
the '9- foothill tram, to tie. heldl Unquestionably
Thiurseday eetning at Nichsoll's hall. 'tt' HIMIESTRAE O
Mr. Bahst seas elected toast-clatter FRATERNITY JEWELRY,
for the ecenintg. 'sessrs. Dygert, and thl ~aiet A5'oaiiiiieit ot
sity nifI'diclhigainwhlo sate ehenrsti
are desirouss to he, enigaged in jotir-
calistic swork.
Sec. 3. Honorary tmembhers shal
inclusde memhers nif thse faculty,
alsitisi, iorlprartiral josrnalists, whlo
smay he elected hy a vote of tiwo-
thsirnds of the active msemhers present
at any regular nieeticg.
See. 4. Apiplications for artiver
tmembershiip citylie suhbmitted to
the rch at any reeular cmeeting to
be voted upon at the first regular
nieeting thereafter. Flee negative
votes shall be sufficient to debar
froct membership.
AeTtICLc itt.
Sec. z. The officers of the rch
shall be a president, vice-president,
secretary, and treasurer.
Sec. I . The initiationi fee shsall
he tsenuty- flveerends for earlstiens-
Sec. 2. iReguslar discs shsall hr
fifty rents earl semnester for earls
Sec.I . Thlis consttittititnctay
be anmended by a two-thiirils vote of
the artiver cembership of thse rch.
Proposed amendtments shall be
placed before the clbtiwo sweeks
before the vote is taken.
The Press Club will meet for thse
election of officers next Satnrday,
4:30 P. ci., Newberry Hall. It is
important that all who contemplate
joining should be present at this
Thomias, attdlCumntiigs swere apt-
pointed as a cocimittee ti mcake the
cecessary arrangements, amsdh'Mr.
Richiardhsoinivan elected to take
charge of thse mussic for the ev-ening.
Every cman wvho has ever tbelonged
to the class of '9J is itivitedl, atid
urged to be prenent as this is the
last occasioti of th~e kitdtinhswshichi
thse class of '9Jswill have ams oppor-
tutsiy tio larticipsate.
The Colunmbia Rolling Chair Cos.,
of Chicago, is desirous of obtaiting
the services of cohlege sttudents to
condluct the whleel cotncessiotn on the
World's Fair grouinds. Stutdents
desiring information shonld atddress,
John R. Adams, managing director,
53 River street, Chicago. If enouigh
stuidents interest thsemselves in the
matter,a representative of the above
company will visit thie University
and explain the plans.
Colem Fa" sin inan \hisBttomit c-'
ANii IAPtI'iiTii'1, () V
55 W_ FO'AlNS2'_,
Detroit, Michigan.