je . o
FgtoE, TausCH,,m.
eulogy on his race, bihen~ed with'
Their Effects on Civilization Ably! gems of description sod fliehts of Bright Prospects for First Class 11EhbtdLs ih yPo.Cus ragmnsMd I/yU
Hirsch. oratory. Whatever the A1abiicOcu for a 'Trip.
tuire of the middle ages amounteid to - -8s
professor 1.niii C.Ilirsclh, (f tlhe Hebrews deserve the credit. Word froni Managcr Siitli in. 9 . nPORE :
Chicago Un iversity, swas greeted by 'They wcere the guarcdins of ileasn- forms its tihat arransgemntos have DETROIT, MICH.Q111J13
a large anidience at Uivser sitv hail ing. Te world is fottnded cn ideas.lseen made by whiicli theivr sistt'
last noittht.HesptokeionTthlii.Idleas maike civilization, instintiss(flee and banjo Ctubs swili he 'able -
Contribtutionsof iithii.Semites tothe It e bretvs have dones.iucit.IProf. to get dowsn to soilttiltwok wsitt a
Civilization"adgv comupre Hursch dlevoted several ie povagecfall corpts.
tensvsurivey of te enttrehistd. sif his lecture to a msaguificcnt e:.- Te clubs arc or"gantzedtfoir the
lie confuteid the slateentstoiftte prestsisi of adnitratioti Iorithes.9r- conming seasois as follos:
oadn" (lict atlo ite t iilugtcotn nthe NIMonnt, thie "rsiniest
leaingfrech uth ritesma i n Iresident, Ii. N.iRichasoiti nii 93
wel sitpporrted assertioisite si the Intterantc in the wvorldstidstatie by lit; lmanager, I . C mt,1 .
conttr ass to theitrianis-Allantic 1ri tSiitc. It is Semtitic to te coreassistant mnsagcer iStiuIl ietbttry, IWhentyoim snttltisLatest Sletrsseiitaii sides
tere H ho e tha tsmeof t ie a " m sae rec~ogtniingthe , la . ft2,5$5oec-it Sites at Sitect Ita lair less than
greatest factosrtin modern ctiia-I Itrighs attitptr01laimntheSiteiittes of Glee club: irtectotStrof. .R dl
tiot tire sitrectlyi'traceable to tthetment. 'ilis;ileader, It'.iTompusionp& CReH F L
Seies espk etrlyw Sh ote're'at streatm of(ivitizatton g.secretary,1 1' odien,'94 *
ou oeandslhis delisverythtouvhthi ie isryant attdSenmttis taces are in'b eectie onnttte, 5 118-10310 5 sins o As ..
out; totese omite;H. DEiTOITMICIIIG~AN.
seenmingpeculaitar at fitst, toolncontributtots. Soiseday itt tell1Richaardson, W.IL. «sebster, StA
sihoswedthtt i t possessest elements of enmpty into the ereat oceaniTt heta Reese,5H.1F.5 otden;omusic com 9Ih'-d St~t'tQt
leastire tot' audsietnc".the quetiionssetl1not be: S tAtttoti Itttttee IS N ShrsettaNo. In Pt'
Rise 0o1risal tomse of the Sets r li rattiotJs I vi eWebster, Jno. A.Iratt, R. '' CIARTTS
sa te plaintof I lesopota sia.thiSes aoe.brothserly emtotsinsitS re- George, R. F'.'Totipsot; firt ten;"_-)cgrteSmkr h
tave noi tbeetn ai parasite ottcitviliza- csgnizisn"thetr ditherences. It sthillos V.L ese, 9 et A.aeiligt aseriehe
ctote titanht ied f lte prbe
.s a ttitliFe s itrrSie itttota;sa7 5 litsD,. 1 e lettrh G- ut it else ', swillfitd
a Iinferiotr tate. I lie tiseforisl Baseball at (Cornell. it 'SN 155 5 94P ttet{ Csit shets
I The huisttseond Straighit
t~ 'ii'tii' t el O a litrihit ll i-teisors,5 If. I it aSta ittit't " lit; ti 't it t t etill'it's e e sitt'I ett i sit - .
atl)te OfLCisvilizationt Cotisel1 is 1ltitrtin on 1'r b l saltI l''t aftelttll'l)n stV ie ini. lhisgite ldi
sNlieli fit siath itaid iidepth H ry (Tyor ieL u s i tsit '96lit-,itrstisass, R'. G. Gesor ge, 1a1d11wtst troCuht otCyiiiSti n1t1hetill ariirs152.
compatsres sw it ita tif Is esee and utile' professiontal testis is s inteI'91 lats I S. Deese, '9; itt; . t'trti h11111s0 itt t is n it'evn' IltetitiCt.
Romei. IUitisuhi' it tecentt ears1. law school, as ittvll ittaitas sellas J Priy 9 t t ut e s( 511115 tltett sutess(i.
te isisetts itt ite siui fisitt wit-ectachis'.Testetn siso tetusrtiare j.lit; secosbsis, Tt. F' Si orsiesi Mnfcues ihod.Vrii.igpa enadsutdpseso .Tyofrtbae ol n a;I.1.Tomsn . A a-U q eto al teSmts u o hi cam ilrfrteFed retintetlJ. 9 a;\.W \ro-i'"EHGETGAEO
ussist siststited. ITsety seere tshe otx 11511rowsiat shtort.t 1Jo son, bittvy,'11'9t4l Clittw.
fist etto itsvett asy stemsiofswsitsilt. sif te tUnitvetrsity' of Cutscstitatsis iss Stantjo Cltb:Ieadier, IG. Startett, 1 FRATERNITY JEWELRY,
I Tie assertiss thiS tis'h e ne ites e1treelCotrtell, and i chitof tswo X94 lit; banleastrittes, G. Starrett, Ali thte La est C It ll I o
lack i~igitatit I.isoter cinite irtis- (Yeats agoIhas returnted. I 'he teamiii 94 litt; J. I,.Taylor, 194 it; first
tici creativenestsate ibeent disputted.I sgoes So te trininsgtattle early itt baniosII1. Iioedge, '9 lit, Roger- .i Z iS
sheirts was s scolossal, theotwtsasrd te sprtingC. Shermsats 'I)4lit; II. 1.Start, 196 ittEtMADE BY
expr essionos ne oe. i ) tteseeptcnehbto tlit; S.Coiburit 195 lit; secondilban- R EiI& SN
buligso ieeiweeaswa NePe vti lt setn ih15CC Srentiss, CCI
° Niewberry hall mtitssi6eitnInI N sules I Sea'sot'r, - - Nireiu sti r'.
tossertis sae.t I nlii is c isii feni.esituesof. a tlltClii R ohidemtas'96 Tt;F . I .is il e risss '96 CIt'"'i ~~'O.ttiIi" Ii ul
rssehstii ~'stsrst uit. is ti ifer oriz pitusea o varsuc as USits vtoe lt IIra-heso i ii t P
powe is see . T e d odecitialI ispsossite eh blI t t stp it ;g ias R. . 'itr an ,'- cle Iarpn:adgasbu on,
uttt'ctt~sit first ~ situ atanizliost schas thedsfoot-~ 9 tS 1~ p i.I P.J.JIg~~3f.A'
aito o feas urn tmsi h i lotiat'seue its : .tr anieis tsb.on'9 it; She .t
iSentions, ieoteehe rsithail tr f tbsitteethis.lbsotonupone Halltii '94 sit; aC.s11.atConrad 9 it. P.JRap'j.,N
astonomereathenitbestapsitnei a fhais ec Tciheris illbe aivets tsth sameii
'Sie itotiiati vec te irs S Itile, coennsile m an'I es charsiysIrn ietiith fNacs .7~.
l a Th e o ir n uati e hor e n I iansn h ,sli ses tM illa h cord, M i s e s yfM t sthe onro t ae nfor fst ca sr; ei n-Sibss he e orA'esid n t a kIi itlGb on t eihto r ph rlinngM R C A Ti I I i
coealitistoorganizhertstitseand Cratty-ailhitr.codi ot umhaeitser Ir rihersuastumer ioaf
The ee h fist terhanfirs the tevecottss day Fficersicri r t suplygbtheofmoho niaetsatan
pioneers of civilization its barbaric chairmtan; Miss Taylor, Miss Jones, earnest sworkers. _ 7O t
hands. Thtis branch of the Sentic Mr. Cahill, MSr. Goodell. Comsmit-1 5 VT W
fanmily iented the alphabet. he e oticlass yell, :Mr. Sawyer, chsair- Are5omWgongOtothe Wrld'
Rr 'uIo "t heWrdse Arabs and M~oors weere Sent- Imoan; Mr. TIhrum, Mt. lorrySMr. Fair ? Get acqulaillted with it
ites, and lastly the H'ebrewes. prof. SlBur ton, Mr. Tuthtl'. tonight. Detroit, Michigan.