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December 09, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-12-09

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THE U. oF:M*1v. DAILY.
,- C I Blue" will be used. Learn to sing VE B L L ANNO UJNCE
, Jatlestyor ~t nUnvesiy on y lbefore leaving the tniversity. That we ascull ebeaiper than the eheapest inl MEN'S SHOES, RUB-
Pat iche i aie (Ssndys eceptetildaring IFlEEtS, PUMAPS, F-Cc.: LADlES' SHODES, 1RUBBERS,
Thle Colee year, bytw tee ladlies of the University SLIPUPEIRS, Err'.
THlE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION should b ear ini mind that the Press OF COURSIE.
Chltb invites themn to becomte mem- - -
tiratt-ptat'tee5201 t'teei rntatyhers and avail themselves of the ei
issaivn" sirgieeoteies.t cents. Sattseeip-Op
tions tsar be lreft trtofice oa the Di t..lprtty r. A ntumaber have already 4 o''iMI TET
ac stottet's, wth tSane of the nato 'ar thandrred lltttheir tianies ail[the trios-
et cttttin hatothtnteb etsotf the lathes being well repire- ,Jj, r,,- D % b ~ V
'oeica ns hudicaht1.olceb PC ILiocoki. at. ittthey anectoapaer tte retensttetlItI tihe rchbis a fair onae. 6$PECdrssaJlmaterinAnddEor--Deca N i ibNGS 1.
tirs tor the -ManagincgtEdicor. Alt tusinettss BUSINESS.__ SUITIN( lb
tact 'ttlattttho~ esn t h ut '1:ruo htteUiesiy1 T(F aaer. to close laefoare Dec. 23 15 unsfoeundedl. WAGNER & Co., Tailhors and Furnishers.
THIT,'U of X~. fDAtLY, Studteets lviiig at a distance will he _ .-"
Ann Arbor, Mich. abetI ttlaleillaerfaa ''- ~ - Toledo, Ann Arbor and Nortih
EDITORS. senerorrrrthe (lean of tiaeir tiepart-MihanRla.
aes 'ttttt 'F i t.wtill ire airitmrirartittnice t-
rttrcrnr-nca-rtt1'iv: C. i it tiretlisttA litarri irartir{iFrt O LLvine paitryf Tritttt-tt An rtitr
r~ei.W i t'rt vttvt),I l tt ~ it' t5 5-"s~s i ac ' -o t.I.i ~ oad oi~l t bl
r. tn- t lv t(t' asittnt. tr vvertitt at se'vetto'clock. Bursiress d.c0I ~ t
' Nin ,': of Impior'tatteis itrconai vIfor the &; f Z/ k_/66 9 ~ n. ;. tPass--AtnnttArbr x tvt,ttt ..i: it t st
tiI~lnon, it. i. 1i. ti~i (, t+. me tino and he e tire oa~d sholi(I Is th LEA ING S HOOLOF BU INES . , . t'N. n101 t'i tnupe (Stt ayon\.i...y..1(it ., . it 7i
lit irv F ioe .4 'sei* )rt:1. iicntt ltittt5 i n nteers tnlarge tttte ttante;
C.1. cutt +. 1 tic *ttetvt .it. pn thetentie yetr;comerteci g tattatetinsgret Non"' ttttttnuii't:3''n t't
inus ie .NS~l t titi nttiI it Otts''otps p inn tti i tetta ttt; tttttttthadgates ltsecretpitions;ei o.e4. 'ittii t a tnEpess*. ......
- t')~rlif t<) eil ytge etes 2te n.tseretkirtvatett tnt- C
________________ - terrirtas," ______in__itoutthe_________aly_______S__d__
TH siCUTYOCErt T.sabislv 'r"'s siginaturre. Futhrexnaltion ~ .cnA,0,$.00$ aPnens.n 0 un jtrq~ 1o(,oa
I ie svsttli o vii sabihe fits ntir e airnie'is suntneessary. i oH IFirst (lts unWarrantttd 'reI rain :att6in t i nt«tt etn Attt n o ii
iy sitheicoo l flMusic: ha hecotme 0Usetrs 'Vs'tav. ' Tietledo nl,.v ti ttt
__Oter trinttsdtiity sa(t S ndt y
oneiof te rost atitriraleniedri Ninety-fives Oracle. I W.FeinerI .iEN'i1', iiit. tb'ttit
pleaisirigifealtures tofIthe cshbrai.E
i'ronittire lirst voncert the aavlitri UCllege li wsilllie thit'vlitrriterfthc
iiiI erirrryunt trt hetir rrvl-featureoftire hbooti. Ilttit'rcrs vese STi' DENTS, SAVE T.IA Li' y D l ONY XE)Il,
II (i \ xv'err hal h s ben row - til tgriira till b le oitet t n;; ind if
ttiiiitiltir luu o i as'tairar irs ril tiretrest tiuatlity. 1Esereittoly 1is ''ittit I -
(tt ntilthe lan f In itat on lar h st l eltisses, all detirsrtlirts. 'Il'he litertiV A
tra i s-;v rwy; in tart, tirart admiiss- trly sn tut itittttit e tiri's i' 'nt r-
urn fee. iinitydertorersirict the Hnt- 'gottrri,lnhowever. The (triver (desit lT.''llSU
liancaly r to crniti t rliits. Last esverr- fll page harlf-tonters of erirss ot'gititie
ing's ttitt 'rt sitlisservtosil iii1etlith- lassi stlietie, iwors ih i >ll]nderecr.is DE T 'BOOKSTORESTATE Sir.
lisia mtrct riurirtitiin tiids of ll ni thiet'rttit'. 'le piniters prii-
trrrsrt los itt rpeoalet heco vco ieth at file 0 flrale ('trthe ftit(ill stilt'1 Greek. I ttlir, _frs10tv- it rtiari rn1 tl l leniicgerl 'Net-.}tlit ti', '
I De(-. 21.urn Iri'r(,ras-iliiii, i
'hat theS cholr o fitt 'usictvis tilling --)i'tstit;'. -ri 75(eol-I~li
rainpletelytte sit-re vli i-lihits longt'' ;itt iitsvi1, 'its li:t-vi )(,L ND 0011",i
ler nrcil iat Tl lcri},ratvihert nttire wsttIttiy. tispA ~ M D C l O K
rutI hihrr5it his alit its beentr 5 lthevCi' A g-tto. itirltris ltscittt, ATWhOLSAL l 4 (',
tiesir co01 irof.'iiStnlts rndth i i
layostet il livth ho
Holiday SRates. ---c

Ar last evening's irreetitig of thre
Jeffersotnria society than luestionr it
an inter-tunisversity tdebate c-as
brotighattip, resulting is a iriatti-
castes senttimnat in fanor tof the
movement. l. cotmmittee iwas ala-
paointetd consisting of \lessrsIBegges,
Curnninghana, and Evans, to confer
sirth thte othaer literary societies itt
regard to the mtatter. If favorabale
action resuhts, as ito doubt it ivill,
an inter-society dlehatinag coattest
will fohlowe sooty.
Ni-oyr Saturday, at ine o'clock,
in roonm 24, P'rof. Stashey iill mteet
all those interested in practicing col-
lege soiags. TIhere ought to be a
large number sufficiently enthsusias-
tic 10 come out and get familiar withs
college songs. The "- Yellow atnd

III seletinig 3our socit"f
badge or antlhig in ;jewelry,
ste wanttoiu to laear no in
muind.l, Osr re'putatiotn is the
highest for this wtorrk anid it-c
weill offer youthe (lerost m1tode-
rate prices in Mlieligurnifori
the hest wvoirk.
FG L. 0>1111, .SON S &00,,
toodartiu d Are., atnd Statr- St.
Dsecuorr, - - MICHIGoAN.

Fo'r t htc;stttts antd r'N ewtea's huhi- hoto g a h r
dayos, the 'l'trledht, AltAi kbt'ritlantNoth j ph r
Mielhigarariltsayig sill sell exettrsfotcesbewe l t tiosoi tn
at wictieckteets aticsonldilsotnetoin ts titiaN En15 tsr 0-\0DitItiuX evS.
otn severatcoettcitintglhues, atite nde-hrdfi'fo ie oud tip.eNlD aA U S
Tickets still bencoo griti gtiigDee. 24thi,.i
25tth, 2tthi atndi31st, ai aitl. ~uu1st iandlANN ARBiOR.
2ndilanutugoortlcetttcttitg unttil Iti, th Friday~r December, 9th.
iieltii i'e. 45 -liii I,'"i. 'IWTN'rt'-THIRD nSEASON,
New Routn to the Nothwnnt. f lTPCLS6
Ott titil aiter Mititday, Nosenmhec ANRO cOAD
25th. i1t92, the 'IToledot, titArbhranalS'ittlther AiNsh&yeDtipN aDt
Noarthi Michiganria rilwcay'siitewstrnlygetletentaihtottan ietuntingleoable
fei - ilit Arboc Nit. ,"stiltliiiake tandtile som~ersts5fro th bartn.hn
datiflytrilps bteets-niF1rankfot.t ieh., atNO eNZ neLen dt wot Ltitl.
airdi esrititee', iWis'Tlien Six ny Bot's ittinbandnetttt5ittand or n
'Iltis bhtiwsill carry freight cs fntaltseicialtiets.iiGrottdStreelttatineat 1
tcss Lake Miehilgant, takisg (lie tcip o'cttok.
in (>hturs, sontit all freight slhippedl Prices. - - - 350 50c end 75c.
by thtis rattlestill he etirried thsriaught Sta oaat P. et .0NewseoSlante
Withaout ureakiti bulk, as haus beet,
necessarcy eretofore swithi frefiglut .I Cl
As this is the shortest route toth le
niorthwest it should he well patroniedrl P1j (hr Gd lA P RE~1
byug Mieligiun shippers.
41-Jan. 1,193. NO. 12 W. BURON ST

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