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December 06, 1892 - Image 1

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40 Aff


VOL. III.-No. 50.



FOR WINTER SPORT, appoint a temporary pacemiaker at ROMAN ANTIQITIES. - .
any period of the chase.
Two Popular Games That Might be Ts, pack mast keep wsithin ha il- Instructive and Novel Feature of
Adopted at te U. of 1M.OuWokILan
TheWaiTeyGo distance of tise master and ords- Subjects.--TeheWyhyGo I
I____ narily hehind hint until the break - -
The following interesting descrip- for honme is ordered. Only one Oe fEletos itnisin le-lilFJPO RiS
tion and code of rales governing hreak swill lie ordered, and that after titres of the swork in Latiii, course DETROIT, MIC. ''M
cross-country inns and the gamne of thec trail has heen lost. Previons toI' at Else Uniitersity is the systemt of
hare and thounds are takenisoIt 1 ii tembreak all mtaci igtEwiltlibelisertaitions Its-stmdesits on Roman -
cersite N ews: hiinediup andu at the word will start -archeologys and life. 'The followingl
"' hsetw gme ae imla, heIfor sonic hythe shortest route. sre Else subjects asidslates ainnounced
-teetc ansaesni st u nenocrusacsmytefrscin3an..foth frs
sifference Ibeing that in te irthi OiiciocranacsEsyteli e ii ni frEi.i
cit ~uleiute houndiirs folloiw the line of sigttwslien semiester:
hegi a iisi to curl and officcials ar I the hares are seeniutlint1 st alwvays I hr cricsi ''TieRomsan lani-
ios -1 1tedl at varions points alone the ( foslloiw the trait.. il,'I i se ,dorey; IDecembser i13, i
coret1 cekteossp stey I h se ri- oi i Th le Ronsan Reliion,'"i 'h yrsa
couse o hec te mn s teywion soss iwant tht Itent vetriocitlen ctis
pcass. In the secoiccI the course isEley sire entitled to teprize; on \c~nr Deenbeer I-, "Savaery ofC. $t. or $isho sestiti5ci o iiinn lu min es thitn
sithsiiicertainislimilts, for inistance: thce other hmud the first tiro ihousnds yiie teRoiss''Chre ii AF' rcsse iritii-nE
denieraisfotsati"poinit;ic takse the prize.'' Drake; Decenmher no,'''Else Trades
the hares choose their coarse and Ii nin ocEte as
EleIoasflovh ias f NINETY-FIVE'S ORACLE. Decembherl22 "The Theory and 101, 183-185ii'iwOtcsDnAre vg.,
'scent.' T'lis sport is desersedly Use of Masc Amng~ the Romans,'" EREM~ION
IWill be Out Before Ghristmas and Raleielh Nelson; Janunary 12, 1893,
popular hothi among tnen wh uvn15 Indications Are That it Will be < m n.Srih t
simsply for Else sake of exercise, anti The Best Ever Issued. History and Influence of Ronsan eQ m fd Srih ~t
those swho use it as a prelinminary 'Ele printers lhavinsg the Ninety'- ar SncIGleARatToTJEtSia
trailctig fr slieial cntests As aFrank Adams January 17, Roman ICGA ETS
tannfospcacotss Asafire iracle in charge Ihase pronmised Cigtrette smoktertswhs
masof -etting ito prime condli- that it can he lint on sale twvo veeks motlrIif dsn Bok a~t -5e t'iiaefEsher ice
ian 11 focie.aty 19, Roman Musical EInstrit , iy' ehargedtsor the sordin'nra
tio st t Ic art nnyathletic fomtomsorrowc, i. e enesday, - trttle Cigarettes, will and
titmtk eats Carrie Sterling; January - lTs BAste suiperior ts
gYamce it tisns o superior. Rstotinug Bec. 20. 'T'his swill lie three days a'liienali othAcittetNoICeite r s.tstth g
""i Rmis fAcin1Aci teRchodstrEaifht
acrssstebroketn counstry, leapincg icefore Else colidlay recesstbegincs, tcat i' Mdrc oi,'' crth t.I Cigreittes tvreaded from theasigt
feicces andI salls, forrding streams, ttahsiscgthe '95 tOracle Elsefirst thcat iloiil acaynl 'th f e tgeiBed5 ttgtltC t~
and climin hiicclls wsithchisslsngs in- has ever bceic grotten out silts imce in iitat wsrotout yssoint hiereatr 18ti.
of E'arly (Christiaiss at Ronme," Heware ofimitattions, ted observe thitsthe
fiated wsiths Ele paire, crisis air, glees thce n26 sears' ihistory of Else sopios- (trnasieas telos is as eiverrylietkage.
a rm n ickness of eye andc foot. m nore aistualt.Aiexainder Cumnmning. Section 4- h ALN &lGttflhtBrnch
tacais - O1 tseAmeicaneeTobaccoetCo.,
sleet1 anti endiiransce. 'the hook wili he an especially ar- Dcme ,"oa _dcto, auatrr,--RcmnVrii,
'Ps ae gsrii teeoel tistic oute, containinag ire fail half- tsoge - lgord; Deeenber 3
b i~san nuerus er "eisanMoesini Ancient
vary somsewhat in nilnor dteailshsti totie engravings an asesss ieI"rs at.. asin a ~ q e to a l
intt ui r sfloe: cats, Gost of tisenm beig of a lis- Italy,'''lhssnas M. khiie;lDe- Til:ti[E,t titstOF
'Phsechase shahl he witinisaradissmorotis ature. 'rie covre s ehei5 "otasAusnens' FRATERNITY JEWELRY,9
deinForneBarnard; Decenahet 2o,"
ssf fire oiles of Else start: andthle is pronountcedI hy all whio hare seen , Antiue Largest Assortmtetosi
total uhistancethe coeelscitntEsgcoofs to he tite finest es'er used. '"rThe Ronman Monetary Systens,"
toa itneto covrd hlln ti1 iGeorge I). 1-adesiis; IDecemsber 22,
he over ten tmiles. It 5sin twvo colors, maizesandI siolet, 'Rnit talc i'' na ery;At.1111
'T'wothares, otneniaster of thtspachk atnd is calcitlatetd to sell Else took on "oa ulcLfIa1er;AEAD J
and tswo whlips shahl he chsoseis froiss sight. Jlur-1,ni3 'itr O ~
Elsefieli ofentres.The sipecial feature of Else hook Ronian Lasw to the 'Tinie of Justisn111-
''hue hares shahl heIprovidiediosi tIsiswill he the gritnds. 'lhey-wiilhe inn, Charles IBairdi; Januiary 17,P s i rioiir, - is its (AN
iba'sconthaiiniiccscraps tif satinr, I asore tumotrosannA pointerth iai''hsoyan mth I..ifitteicee of ~ isoac e Flag, n, ad lii'bittos

wvhichs they' shahl scatter as thiey-rita
for 'sceit.'
'The hares sshlhe givetn fire tin-
utes start of the houndss. They'
Muisst keep witin hailing distaince of
ends othier, atidhy' a fair, continuous
trail. T1hey shall cross fordahle
streanis only, and must sarmount all
ohstacles over which they lay trail.
In all cases where the hare's paper
gives oat the lreak for home msust
he indicated hy scattering colored
The master will act as pacemaker
and have entire charge of thle hounds
until a hreak is ordered. He may

ever hefore, ancd its additions to lhis
the hoardi has decidied Eu grindrithe
co-eds. 'This proiposition creatcel
considerahie objections oni Ele cart
of the twvo co-edl nenmbers of the
Oracle hoarri, hut wvas carriedi Iy a
vote tif to 3, oinenihmer not vot-
ing. T1hte co-ed grinds are snier-
ous and are said to he very appro-
priate. The sine of the hook has
heen increasedl, hat the Irice will
not he raised.
A hoycott of the Oracle huad heen
threatened hy one of the local soror-
ities if the girls were grottnd, hut
the co-eds have evidently hegun to
look at the matter in a more sensi-
hle way, for the hoard has reported
no hoycotsttp to date.

Myron Neal; Januanry 19, " Roman . .KINNI1UCAN1
Relt riota IHal It. SnaithsJainary
24,'Stoiismaari Epiicreatnitsn'
the Timtoe of Hlorace," W. C. Gore; MER.CHANT
J anutary 2nf l, urns and tHorace as
Iyric IPoets,"Elsie Gt Anderson; AIO
Janutary 31, "rhe Survivals frontmAIOR
.Ancient Rontan Life in Modlemn
Italy,'' Lucy hE. Textor; Fehruary ANti ls1llutsTER Oi
3, "The Contrilbutions of Rouse to1
Modern Civilization," Gertrude :'N OO = S
'' 55 'W_ F©RT S=_,
A full attendance at the re-
hearsal of the Choral Union to-
Bight is specially requested. ]Detroit, Michigan.

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