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December 03, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-12-03

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'Cc. of f. $1it"
Published Dtiily (6minliy n excee d) during

plan tor those who are at the head
of our dehating societies to propboe
soch a mneetiog between the t'. of
\Ii. atndl SOIc otour western ens er-

cities . A ilebiate arrangeud swih
JTHEU, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION 'northwestern, Iiniveersity of Wis-
uIs'I)tot'rice sIL.in Irev yer, innnariuly rouse1, tMinnsotn, ior f^ iicago,E
in acleancfr ingl'eo niv.ire Iits i. lnlueip won'011Ille)i o ICto arouse interest in
lineons a ine lneliat he office oithe. DILY, n7 ii ayaiulto iltii
nt Pinnitets, Aoaaii i of the editosi rel~i . hn nn mon oii'o i
ai~tortrd soiettv8.als or foeml uji nig.
cointiiietin sld reachi t heli ii 1111by1
LII Sn-li I. uit they ain-toIn iii. rip text 1'i: hase receiveil commnicsiationsI
day. Adiless anllmater uiiennleilInr puiileii
Mine tn the Managing Ellillr. All Ismiless'sffcent tL ilt]the l).i ii Cfor tine
(omutr~unicntinn shiuld he rent toI lie BItl next week, relatiiig to the S. L. A.
Mtes Mutner, difficulty, suoiie pro and some) coil.
THEU.upx. AIY. The affair seemsstLi have heein
Ann Arbr, Minh.,
thoroughly discuisseilaned therefore
EDITORS.twe dilo ht leem) it wise Lo contine-
IE..1. 1111 11111, Litl. Nt, MCtng i 1uliui the pulicaetiono1 furtheic omnmni-
f'A. Ox nx Lii. '93, Assista.Il
I , is 1 .11In, ill '95, Asnlnlnul. rations, (exeNelltthile matter be r-{
L. II Iisi ii ii, U1. liileiani. e. opned for linecussion.i


Ofl it ilnldC thorLides5 il a n Ginti.


$ PECJAL SALE. -Nov. . 8--De. 3
WAGNER & CO., Tailors and Furnishers,
x RY 1 Toledo. Ann Arbor and North
- 1 ,-Michigan Railway.
c iiue ard i ffect 111Suniy, iNo ,
liiru o'i ii) 111111l lii i)i

Ii . 5 5 ,kt ;,si 1t 'M s.ta t
GaI. or '04.I [1.iiiW.ii C ii l ii 'll) '14.
IR. In.ill,
'tie rersult of the attenmp1tLII carry
out ithe nelilan ofiitheS.I..wa
toi Linerieeneixpeced.i Ill tile fart
of suhllivlersal loppositioni troll
tine stuiieits, the iiiiy wondter is
that the bortisiiouiildL trto ilt tie
plin to)0oiperation. It seouldil ielil
Lila)tLiceusetimetiof thlosemot
interested I iin he p in.)n;it to lie
regardied, bu t niiscide~a seems Lo
Iav sre cLketiLiimajIorily iofLtii
Soard . IPresiiient Iii ci's sniges-
tionLtiat Line sentimicefthiLieeli-ni-

hiiaiusx 'u r~ . eeied 6GOING 4 1.111 t.
()N 1, liiIai)dl xs is . 0 .M
nfi\o.aliii. Miii ulaisni ii LiCiinrx~, i 4-p.s iniii
pe st Lhat stuieints lenirllg to ait as nf ti Ce EADING } Sneno0LOr. oe INouS.d Bg' .Lx, iii In tger (Cii ily).. 0l:i- n.
godeic ipeln u e rior nine kwellee s uledraingifCctr
giuidrs at the Liii nneblin I-. h ibitiiili rniiiidai le lectures; Snurdaienv ening receptions;
f o~~piueneientire year;uniommeecial gradiutesingeati Ni".M2 ii-ail dlarneileci. I3' s n
niay seii thei apiplicationsnoweeieoiidemaundl; usrndgruadiutesall teculrepoit ios .4M i nd SlEre'.........r4 .Ii
liig cexpenseu $2.to $2.75 peweekii n ivate fm- Nc . T ld col oa cn.. (0i.I
Dirrictoer Generai (Leo. ft iDavis. '.-t. ueNuweueLrexndLeitnI~luiletswliu Cu I Lulcdu ro wektoee, ddes 7aeeluinuaynul-- p.l
Though the arrangemienis for ciioos- P. R.CER, Pres. Central Standiar ie.
ilng thle guides are no01}yet onatureud, CI $20,$,09$.0,5 ails 101uedli2t iii beweeiiToldo5i
the appliicatiorns are fiiii foe furthier * +'I $4.0, O nssu nly.lReduceduiFaee.
giiiniiul a6im ete en Aniliol. '
cousideration. C.illWoli edoii nlyndil iiy e ice na
o -'iE v~ery 'I.isthrtaittnesliidaiil iuiilSunda.
Ti111 iiailfiirlttla ne LI s Dot Q' Lelner.15.IM BENLNETTl, 1.15. iIRiE'utiIO )v
1 1ll~c~ (F n ninenionl ver &f leen sent:. linuerugn


sighltLine resignation oft'. AV. Thuk-
etts fron thL~e lii enstaff wasiCnotj
mlelntioned in Thurnsdlay's paper. hi r.
ILicketts ins berm rilencteid with
Line paper sincr its origin andilhins
alaisesien one of itLs eos)tmianneui
S Fi- Cof thnr coiliegr bani.o clibs

Greek, Lutii, Frenchi, (Germani an~d ill Cllege; ., I tluii I n 5
11111 Secondii-lliiiil

aree introucing- la nne inlstrunmnent
hers iii lie asxociationi stio« iiiii 0Lniroraini lS iami-
.Lscirtaulire i i rce to IiniiCie ilan, Lth e ilo. It Inas bc-en gesteul
andi that planclied opIorIdi ilng tinat tine iof AIih. icliubitry ine einil-
to tue idea i te1 l- atoll.
nuy whviethner i it e Cor('in ti - --
flan,. sonii ewep~lan, o teI~
il scemlle. WhilIC nil thins di iiclty * - ;iL'
is to be ndepiored, still if it resultsu
in tine establisinmelnt of a pian suit- CO L G
Withnout gooid effect.
lii ill-es-stitdents uwere su~fficienly Ini seleetinig V0111' soiciety-
interestedi n inewspaper seork to bagorathio"n e lN
-meet toe prelimnlary organlization hagornytmgi ewl,
last eenitig. Thtrer are at least Stwe want vion to bear usinSil
fitee eri tO inl tihe Uiversiiy Swhoi) liild. Ourrlelilttal iol is the
initendl Lo mlalke joutrnalism thteir pro-
tession. 'This 1nmber certainsly highlest fthils work hanl ut-S
twarrants thle irgalnizatiuon of a society trill otter NCoithotI 1 iiode-
in whic i- deurscitfIlultnual.benefit
may ibe interchnangeid andi que~stions late pr'ices inl Michigan for-
uiscitssedl of initerest to ali. lThe tIe bost Nvor~k.
ilnterest ilisplayedilast eveniing xili
give tine elub aniiml~petuts suffiient 1 3Y I LITLITS.t-O
Lii place it 01) a firlo basis at oncie. I ~ 0i
(Lee sc 'iliterest and e nthuisiasm S\ ,V()o-dwa r v., andllstate C
alwcays centers in tint Yale-Hfarvard Drie tllo r - MiunloIAN.
deblate. Winyvouiild it not be gooid

Holiday Rater. RENTSCH.LEF<,
Foir Ilirisnlias alidI Newundear's Ih u- h t ap
ucmays, tlln 'ol All A t- bill 111d Norlthij j ~ ~ ~ r p e
IMicifgant taiiray will nell er in illS
tickuets LIPLICCED lall staiLonsiC1Its lie
at uhic littickets are soildulso115 pit s 1011)5 1I 31 A dlSlA -ND IlIll{0 irsnI-.
one-tlhrdlfire fur the ilmildtrl ip~ .AIP O E H iu3
gickesi l b odgoin~g IDec.24th, Ditect fonCm iii u'u'lh'leater-.
2-5hll.26th and 3ist, 1a1idfJa.s't atnd
L2lrid,1a11 goll retulrnfig uti~l Ja.1111 )1Saturday, December 3.
Illilif C- 4 I I IS' Ullie Ake'stormI2,
f New Route to the Northwest. Seccompnied byl stng compayi e rlii iew
Oil and 11after Mileony,-Nl5 111 bel
2thi1I5I9.thme Toledo, AtnAlrborlitiand IS
iNorth ?MInichiganrailws newtiP ctil R O A R E R,
feriry, uAniIIArbor Nn. Ittwill make A
dwi itrfips Lbetweenu FrainkfolitrtMih., Itntisuciig het tralic nere "Cup" end a
alld Keaunlee, Wis.nnepatlof.fo i hounds inuth eeet hintig
'1lix bu~it tiliI 115 lelglt di reen'. Speinl cnar iiesceneiry, cl nn lihghts,
Thsba illgarryrigahtt arsnete.pEiveytaccessory andleffect i~edi by1this
suross bakeie tiiitmafrigthe trllipttompniy,insi'na aperetalproducihtion.
inl lhursn, so thtalfegtshippedl Pricer,--- 35, 50c and 75c.
biy thisi roiute unitli e careried] Lhseugh Sunlune ruleeat'1.1. .Newtaindi.
wtithount lireakinlg blkiiisas tbeP11
tiecessary Ieretuofore swithifrecighut '+.
ha~lndlueruss thse lake.G BS N
As this is the shortest route to tile p
northtwestit sllhli e usl1 pateoninedi J~ J l~1A ~I II
biy iei iiall shipipers. A "YO RAkA L 4A
4.5 .inl V93i NO.12 W. IHUITION S

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