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December 03, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-12-03

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. 1ai .

VOL. III.-NO. 48.



ATHLETIC BOARD MEETS. the crowd that cottectest in the
_______main halt to protest the action of
Financial Condition Reviewed-$550 the S. t,. A. bsoard was verv decidect
Net From Tnankisgiving Game- ,
Protest Considered. in its denmands. T he tsoardl was

The U. of M. Will Have a Journal
Club-Committees Appointed to
Perfect Organization.

yettedrt itor, aindlintliidatetd, swten-
The atthletic hoartt tetct a meeting (esver they shored tthenmselces. 'tie iN otssitlistantting severat cotiiter
last nighit in room E. Outnstanding action of nmost of the stitdents was attractions there swere thirty studeists
tills were presenatedt and an attempt rattter roots and us that thsey ctitd iot present last evening at the mieeting
was tiade to fidottt ttie financial atd aiiy glory to thseir cause. Stiltiel for cinsidirering the crganiza-

coinditiois of the associatton. Therie thtey shosweit the hoarid that theyI
are a fesv hills set stsspasd, swhicla the wesc otlint synmpathsy aitisthe
associationl sill soion liqidcate. Ihesechemtse fiir tse sale of scott. Xio
net gainlsfirosm thec'T'hanksg liing"1tests cottlithe solid and the scheme
gaileat tDctroitt weeasout X550.o sadl to lbe abandstoinedi, ai least lot
Tlie captain of 94's foostba ll te as 1 the time.
plresentdi otest ~ agatnst C. ,.I --- +
Thlonsas' playingonois 94 tcamsos- THECAMPUS.
serting thsat tstr.Thlomsas was not a_
mesuher o1ftte class of 9gI Ilse JossIoiin Uiistt ha
trotest wnas snot allosweid.5s2 stuideitts. (if these, 300 are
Menmhers of thse advisory hoartd gradtuates aind 2r2 under-graduates.
were present asid an interesting dsi- 'The University of Wissoissin offers
cussioss took tatace regartdiss athsletics acureindirig. tnstruction
in general at the U. of ALt Some in thse depsartmsent compstrises dairy-
irotaosats were nmadte, hist isosdefinite in g, msilk testinag, bustter miakisag,
actionsais takesi. and cheese niaking.
DID NOT SELL SEATS. I A1Ir. tHerhert Whsittens. last year
- as swths '94 it, hut nosy instrtuctor ini
The Lecture Board Frustrated in lassguages at Bienton Harbor College,
Carrying Out of its New Rule. 0'
The Crowd was too N umerous. was msarriect at Chsicagos, NOss. 24, to
Te chief topic for dtiscussionl isOivaAln
-yesterdtay iss all thse Usiiversity c- "Epaochas in Mecticiss" 'slthtie title
cles ws thtle S. L. A. qisestion. of a simall stoct jtust puhlishsedihr

tion of a ptis clu.iv- y i-
terecst avas taskyn isi the smsvscmic-t,
whsichs till sdoahtlexssIcsslt isa the
formsationlof apantnsstes society.
UC. A.ieisonssastmadoetchcasir-
mniasorf thlesmsetissgtrithistis it ar-
iaet Sa s secretarys 1'o fcorms
015 scdeoof a titan foirorgansieationi,
thc cisastittitios of thse Unsiversity
Psress Clsuh of WXisconsin Untsversity
tras react.tProf. Scott thsen addressed
the smeeting, giving sonse valuable
suggestions as to permsanent organi-
zation. He apptroved of organiza-
tion among University students, asnc
of a press echbhecause it wossld
hring togettser ttiose interesteh in
newspaper 'work and wroold psresent
oppaortunsity for fornaing acituaiss-
tances thsat would afterward prove of
inestinsahle tsenefit. It niiglht defone
thse ensis totward whsicth jotirnaisma
aimss, sasnswotulctgive ass ideai cf
whtat nesptaiier work really is.
'tihere is a false glasmousr ahotst thse

AnnssArboss prsces, wadsforCsstalisesto
101. 183-186VO DissssvnssAet.,
DET 101T, - - MICIIIlA-N.
9q zhmonGI Straight Qait.
+ - Clgareste Sssoksers who
- .are wsillins to nar a littl
- nsare thassteerice
chsargeslfoteshe osirs
t trasle Cigarettes, stillSild
\ -' a ll hers.
'1o The Siesmsiad Straight
Cust No. tCsgarettes arre masdetrssastheSright-
est, aosstsdellcatelycflavssedl and highsit cost
bold Leafsgroswsis Virginia. llis 4the Ol
assdOisgsisalBradofStra,-ightCst Cigarettea,
andsttsaslbrughtasutsby us i teyear18tt.
Beware at imsitatisoss, asnstssbserv-ssthsalt th
firm amassbelowlris aneverytpcka~ge.
Thes ALLEN & GINTERBrItanchl
OfttheAsmercansITsbaccs Cs.
Manatetrers. ichmssdss i Xrg.

Meetisngs its almsost every- tepaartmsentl 1Dr. Jamies U.%VWoodt, of ttie Isonsi o- professioss, swhich might he expsosecd
twere hselsi, asnc resoistions of pro- pathic thepartmaent, a cots of wvhichs ly taractical cdiscssssiosnamsosng msens-
test tiasseditotisbe presented to tie tine sas ipresentedt to eacts smenmber ofI hers of a clssh. Isnvestigations of a
hoard. Ttse sesnior lawvcotsittee the tdepartsienlt. cdefinite nlatlure msighat he unstertakens

appointeid to take defisnite actios in 'Tie foothall ganme betwteen the '93 such as ass organized report ssf the FRATERNITY JEWELRYmttrrpre t hi lss ntttin twsalos~gse
th atrrpreht ietcaslasts and lits at thle athletic intttotbi ic
susat slyte sanme vorss ap-gsounds, today-,'will tic thse most ta nognzto ih eueu n teIfr'eresrn ro
pearedt in yesterday's cornmnisca- ctn iseo iesets.C nieitexercising a negative suptervision N ( v 3....
texniinntileme ss vhfrontsthatGcos ncattediatth:30 o'clock.mAshasissnoss over publications; could cdiscsssi
miittee.'Tise repiort trot accepatcdli ct., tattles free. tiheir failitngs and invrestigate their 'p
and the cootmlittee continueid.osotives. Isa conclsion :Prof. Scott ROERIY & SON61,
'[ill:junsior lassmet, rccesid'r,: lise foothall players miet at 48 rioehasmtrralasiii )cci-, - - .uii ixs
piort fromthtte senior comminsttee, ;tii Fst ILihecty street, this forettoon, preference to a fsirsaidablhy costi-
asast snfornmally hallottedt for tssteil socn, t~I . sretyo s
ate awithm thseseniorss mathir esort. year's caistain as followis;s hygert After consierahle rdiscussionccla- *~ IINU-AN
nateeimgatmetmeo 0c 141uias (oas~ hesim tis e to the proposed clls a commit-
ary- "stutdects wsn ldtienhmaroos A.at Capitain Dhygert naade a hrief slechtecitsss fltse.IItsa'
twhaichs iaaiatedt dtscssionaprn.ithtich wswtarmlty applsaudcedt. Watefield, and Peiarson nata a- 4B 1.OH ANT
assi con. was casri nei fo0r11a0tnsme. ( alc asd arvla ard swilhlcmet ini natedt to cliaft a siitahle conissito-
Rtesoihitions of prcotest trere adohpted dehate a'gain tisays-ar. A few stay-s tion . seconsd consmittee trasI
and a comamnittee appointesd to pre- since comsmlittees front thme twvo uni- selected repsresenstinag time varioums T ILOR
sent thesi to the hoardi this msornaing. - versities omet at Springfid anoud set- departmsents, to canvass tme siews-
Secretary- Wade twas Ipresesat a short thech on Jans. 53 as thet-t. Hr sie hssn ftm siest-ad - A 'M't
tinme, and signified halt desire to hiave yard hsas chsoice of sies on thie arouse interest in thme clubh hy sedtir-
the hoard's actioss rescinded, on ac- question: "Resolved, '[hast tise ingsnenhers. 'Tine meeting adjoisrned =2771- CD T_= S
count of the adverse criticisna it thas power of the railroad corporations with a vote of thianks to Prof. Scott,
created, ins the United States shsoulhdtbe and suhject to call of that commsittee
The medics fell isalisne andh tassedh further linsitech ly sational legisha- otcnttto.5 ' " Rrsr
resolutions similar to thsose of tthe tion.'' Debate 'will he held at Cara C a pishp*ei this
other departments. ilbridge. afternoon D t ot 1ih g n

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