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December 02, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-12-02

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C. of , A.T CV~tV rsih two years ago, when Henry AI.'FN A D EL G T
Salylectured, swould oppose such F E AN EL G N
___a plan. A football rush is mild
Pubisihe'd Dtily (susndays excepted) during comipared witis it. Inogersoll and
tiw Cortse year. Ry eed wnould be as bad, anti the Ot ill kinds for Ladies and Gentle
others not msucih better. When we nmcii, of ctntie.
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION consider that the audience contains '
mainy ladies, the absuriiity ansi ins- A .IETfnDXT -D R- ~II
__________________________possibi lity is a) onice als-parenit. The ..hIO v rii tx z ii.a±
euditur or tes-li)h. of Al. h:Nsisv evi- 4S SOUTH MAIN ST.
THE S. L. A. DIFFICULTY. ilently niale illsis indiisc after a__________________________________________
The coi usis of the D)msil i aris very superficial conisideratioii, if
opna )oi otl ees fteay fteqeto.C . . .acts-on as toois-ilsisition. As to the comminticatioii, it evi- S31.kACI1J.A S AI4 Nok JIr" !
Wh'lile sse are tar froni believitng that denstly coimes froti the last depart- V E OA T 1 G
. ment judgig fromits legal, pree.V R L .7
the botardi sas actuated by any sinis-supiu, ad inltg toe
icr msotives as sosme fisolishly aver, Where the tsvo classes save most WAGNER & CO., Tailors and Furnishers.
still swe emiphiatically bselieve that generously offered their services asAn Aro ad Nrt
the offcers has-c masse a tmistake. guartdian to the itifantile, ''arbitra- -TJol nAroranort
thedoliotigrieowithry," "unfair,'' anch"dishonsest" cl-Michigan Railway.
esltsiaresilicommitittee. I]lowsvstransgely kisid. _IJ.L
tion that seats siiust lie reserved. '' Arbitrary,'' lit reasonabsly so;
'The fChiral IUnsioni planits feasibsle, ''unfair,'' riot stall "'"dishionest, ' 'rimesiscatrd - inte, t st,iis. ut ' iii i
ani- its ieeii si provesd by ex- antiimpiitatioin s-st ssorthys of its =4 V -
perieie, isis by aiiy tar fetched atii.hs h asstu- h ssu i ~eIi ni h ssihoi os i irs xotn-
sohs ia t- psoci ssoisidstering to the test of their ability yos Paer AnsiAbrAtisi .s-si .12'itiiioon
tryIs- ulsiis-ie i. 'olie ae siltliolisitles 'The coss-ts-ittee Isas n ithetbildig;LEADING neSCHOOL OF t achrs ag IE8 i ttesala-nsi st.i-sesc'Osiits'st -)..5 'l 1
sansled wth an kin of a seatfor srugged wih ths pro lem its-Yg ut isis-ins-isuperlit work;i' llts sis-gis a inve; r ttT
sasssissi ssils asy h iiis-sI a es-t dic Istrugle-h silh thi isoluins tuig gusiloin; e-vdaily s-liectures; Satur 's-iday iistievesnisng -gres-septisirns;
a mstic'al rsnts-rtaiinme'nt. 'heys-es- andc ttu honitestly, sate cosidsseredh s-I-ad - n-tse eueg;cs mmrcilgadutesin gim t Nos ". )Tailtndut'Istisg's ...... ss ..1 3' n
dem'ssands- hrthan,~s d grs-ad uas iillsecr os Oiios;t No. 4 51'sitill dEx sirt ....-' .... 8 4, . is .
isis-i msossre particualar absout it tuhnsvsee froutisreceslisigboas-rus, ass-ti iigexnses$2.a Ito $2.5sper-week-n pvte fut- ,0.Nu.I:'~v- ss--sts
fitnally Issdecid tle h t -tthis islast is caie pos-iionss tss-s u its e- sc, addrs-s',oE.is-s-. i'ssessger's- iS sits is-i st--- .1
for i littre.( iis-al tuu as -the best. Of ionse tliii l tey sre iii- CLAT, 'ssiritsss''ui.
thesis-es are practically as large as theesd sure, that the )resesnt plass, 'Da0 30,$40 5 Te-sili s-epsil tnd'tt -i'srs is-r- -s
those of the S. IL. A. 'The fact of evess siththe usei-mbisser sdraw-ing, is FH (toouss nl. lRedusc's- 'sri'.AiAson'-
the s-ilIs-Irush at the tism-e of Stan- ass ustolerable tnsisance . 'The o0-1F '-5t stl rll t .tItn' T ol sedo onlydais' Ict's-esis- S is-
i'ts' <sst 'psi saspe'iositionts onies niostly fronstse e r si). iv s--sissthrtraissss-ga-iycpts sI-lisis-ss-.
sIty s- etu-a s nots-cs al- ee xaoseeh lw, h asiy, v litrly ndN. N.B Ni.'5"i', st. Oht'EN'-s- 11,
ah the '' adsesorvsohasilevhiopearnyand Doty & --,Feiner. (;e. Psss. As-s-st. Loc-al Agents
egotistically, hsave delisvered their an
es-rier at that tulletie sdifficulty ushtimatuns siths consical self-as-sac-
swousld hasv beets avoided. 'hue ance conscernisng a qutestion swith the bTITI)ENTS, SAVE II AJLI"T OUR A1ONEY AsND B11-Y
swriter s-s- the comins-uicatis-ssits merits of shch- they are entirely
statisig thsat the S. L. A. audsiensces unatscqusasin" stlVihisesta
cosisai ailie, eviiellibylorgetssisaat
coti ais vdnl ogt htitlis thue supports-f tse nmajosrity of ___ATTH
the Cholral Uniis- concs-erts are also is{iariA.T.'b. is-s i.
fas-ored swiths a fewe of the fair sex. ST D NS-O K TO E T T T
All talk abs-ut the edhitosr of tse S tt1St.l lei(I '1's- ls sss-iiils- S UD NT ' S AT
1) 1I',sor assy othser pers-os-, imaksinig I lt s-crt iltc 5t tiittwan t ills-c. 1i'sP ,--ii s'-tll. (lisnt tuh sil (Iisf' 1't1tssk. N s
'ehlers' .\gen'cly,10(ttI Wabsti erels ---il, Gre, itiIr(nlGriiadalCoeg 1x-Lcls N
upis their misoil si a supiserfic ial es-- hiseago. liii1t11I Sectonis-handlis-.
sidlerationis, is tuo abssrdlits--- Gil to ('. A .a- tiusnriltte Stnite stre't't
crant I Isis-is-ti. 1'1' uioitose (lie ises-s dIs-ts s-ill lists-h is-ist tis til ist ati511155-.
s-slan isbeatsse it- discritinastirs is- Is-l-s-t C li-e'ib ttt



favor srof thols sews-itldllthe Iash is,
s-sislie it hoes nist ois-aite ints-hes-'l ast -

ifs- oldll diffiulty. We las-or.s a s-
its wshich all arc eqs-sally treated.
Toi the U. soifs-. us I1,v
Btoths by as- editorial ansi by cons-
munication the recent chsange is- the
the systenm of reservisig seats for thse
S. L. A. Isas beets criticised. Nose
it seems to me that those weho isave
the msost to say against thse action of
the conmnmittee are those that save
thioughut the least about the pro-s-
lemu to he solved. Seats muust he
reserved, It is sionsense to pro-
psose the Chtsoral Uision tslan. 'Ihte
S. 1L. A. isas several huindred inure
people to acconmmtodate. Still all
the isles of thse gallery are file- for
the Chsoral Union, atid nmany hsave
to stand nit. 'The only psossible
mianner of seating the pseophe is by
reservedl seats. Blesides for muic
there is not so great a choice for
seats, pseopsle are suited with any,
hut in a lecture it is far d-ifferent.
Certainly any one's-vioseas in the



IIIseslectinig -otisocuiety
btsdge or anytitiig it jewselry,
s-e wan-touIlsto beasttSitt
intd. Otis- repuitation is the
highest fttr this wosrk aid 'we
still otffer s-ottthe isost msocle-
rs-te- pr-iicesoittMichtigatn for
the beus-ti-ok.
F. G. iMITISONS a 00.5
Woodwardis--isiAsve., ansd State St.


r S == =. 00., c --
Holiday Rates. R.ENTSCHLER,
Fo-r 'hiristmass anth s-ItTeas s ussi- h7)i... 1...
haysu, this- Tsoledo, AAsst.rbori its-hNorthi'"'
Michig~antrtilwa'ty s-ilt sell excurintcesbtenalsain nits sis-ie
at wihsichitiehkets s-res-oltd, talso ta poisnts C5RIlls- Nti -A .Nii-Iso. \-SS-.
sit severail cecietiing linssat otis ands-
oine-thifrd fire fotr teitstitd til. GLANDIP OERA.T IiOUSL
Ticekets witl he gosod goigDtes. 24th, Dsres-t Cioms tsis-5's- 't.is-ats-s.
2--ths-2Gth a3stun anlut.ntish 1sthun'ds
2ntd, s-sts- goodt rettirintg lntilTan.-st8th Saturday, December 3."
finclusive. 4.)-Jats. i,193.
-- "a---Ullie Atkerstorm,
N ss- s-tm I ootbalh election. 'Ts-crec ompsulanied its-austirsigsums-ant in us-s as-s
will he an election of capstan for thse t/(j oss ass- piay
next sear's 'Varsity slet-cit nestIVIISS D( AJ1 1
Sastur Iday ming it- at 9:3o at sty "U' -VJ1L ~
1.uu11, 48 isb iserty street.
'J.E is-tsx Itrodi-sus-insghlistrasine-d Sose cs-p"anda
, .E. GIFFN, M s- as-h of eos sounds in ohs- gs-sas hunting
'ene. Specialss-car ofscenes-iys-calc-ism tights
ete. Every pcs-sors- and sees- carried by this
AsrE-it- Season tickets of thse S. s-omnpays-insuring a perfect prouction.
I. .1 cotirse s--ill remaitsoss sale Prices,- - - 35, 50~c and 75c.
thirs-ughout tse course, bsut no re- Seatasi sate at P. 0. News Stand.
Iducts-on its price. Nuimhers titu bec y
Idrawno for a position in line Satur- GIBSON,
day niorning for reserving seats for P O O R P E
Iseason on S . . . course. P l TO ~ A lE

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