THE U. OFRM. DAILY. C. of , A.T CV~tV rsih two years ago, when Henry AI.'FN A D EL G T Salylectured, swould oppose such F E AN EL G N ___a plan. A football rush is mild Pubisihe'd Dtily (susndays excepted) during comipared witis it. Inogersoll and tiw Cortse year. Ry eed wnould be as bad, anti the Ot ill kinds for Ladies and Gentle others not msucih better. When we nmcii, of ctntie. THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION consider that the audience contains ' mainy ladies, the absuriiity ansi ins- A .IETfnDXT -D R- ~II __________________________possibi lity is a) onice als-parenit. The ..hIO v rii tx z ii.a± euditur or tes-li)h. of Al. h:Nsisv evi- 4S SOUTH MAIN ST. THE S. L. A. DIFFICULTY. ilently niale illsis indiisc after a__________________________________________ The coi usis of the D)msil i aris very superficial conisideratioii, if opna )oi otl ees fteay fteqeto.C . . .acts-on as toois-ilsisition. As to the comminticatioii, it evi- S31.kACI1J.A S AI4 Nok JIr" ! Wh'lile sse are tar froni believitng that denstly coimes froti the last depart- V E OA T 1 G . ment judgig fromits legal, pree.V R L .7 the botardi sas actuated by any sinis-supiu, ad inltg toe icr msotives as sosme fisolishly aver, Where the tsvo classes save most WAGNER & CO., Tailors and Furnishers. still swe emiphiatically bselieve that generously offered their services asAn Aro ad Nrt the offcers has-c masse a tmistake. guartdian to the itifantile, ''arbitra- -TJol nAroranort thedoliotigrieowithry," "unfair,'' anch"dishonsest" cl-Michigan Railway. esltsiaresilicommitittee. I]lowsvstransgely kisid. _IJ.L tion that seats siiust lie reserved. '' Arbitrary,'' lit reasonabsly so; 'The fChiral IUnsioni planits feasibsle, ''unfair,'' riot stall "'"dishionest, ' 'rimesiscatrd - inte, t st,iis. ut ' iii i ani- its ieeii si provesd by ex- antiimpiitatioin s-st ssorthys of its =4 V - perieie, isis by aiiy tar fetched atii.hs h asstu- h ssu i ~eIi ni h ssihoi os i irs xotn- sohs ia t- psoci ssoisidstering to the test of their ability yos Paer AnsiAbrAtisi .s-si .12'itiiioon tryIs- ulsiis-ie i. 'olie ae siltliolisitles 'The coss-ts-ittee Isas n ithetbildig;LEADING neSCHOOL OF t achrs ag IE8 i ttesala-nsi st.i-sesc'Osiits'st -)..5 'l 1 sansled wth an kin of a seatfor srugged wih ths pro lem its-Yg ut isis-ins-isuperlit work;i' llts sis-gis a inve; r ttT sasssissi ssils asy h iiis-sI a es-t dic Istrugle-h silh thi isoluins tuig gusiloin; e-vdaily s-liectures; Satur 's-iday iistievesnisng -gres-septisirns; a mstic'al rsnts-rtaiinme'nt. 'heys-es- andc ttu honitestly, sate cosidsseredh s-I-ad - n-tse eueg;cs mmrcilgadutesin gim t Nos ". )Tailtndut'Istisg's ...... ss ..1 3' n dem'ssands- hrthan,~s d grs-ad uas iillsecr os Oiios;t No. 4 51'sitill dEx sirt ....-' .... 8 4, . is . isis-i msossre particualar absout it tuhnsvsee froutisreceslisigboas-rus, ass-ti iigexnses$2.a Ito $2.5sper-week-n pvte fut- ,0.Nu.I:'~v- ss--sts fitnally Issdecid tle h t -tthis islast is caie pos-iionss tss-s u its e- sc, addrs-s', i'ssessger's- iS sits is-i st--- .1 for i littre.( iis-al tuu as -the best. Of ionse tliii l tey sre iii- CLAT, 'ssiritsss''ui. thesis-es are practically as large as theesd sure, that the )resesnt plass, 'Da0 30,$40 5 Te-sili s-epsil tnd'tt -i'srs is-r- -s those of the S. IL. A. 'The fact of evess siththe usei-mbisser sdraw-ing, is FH (toouss nl. lRedusc's- 'sri'.AiAson'- the s-ilIs-Irush at the tism-e of Stan- ass ustolerable tnsisance . 'The o0-1F '-5t stl rll t .tItn' T ol sedo onlydais' Ict's-esis- S is- i'ts'