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October 05, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-10-05

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A, Few Words on the Foot Ball
Rapid Progress Being Maade.-New
Candidates Showing Up Well in
Practice. - Barbour's Efficient
Woark as oacri.-A Numbeor of
Goo UamesPromised.

and tie macagenment does weli in
fuircishincall pssible cooveicitites.
AI ma-er Griffin is buye irepairiis'
tte ialhletic field for Satutrdays
pTar tate h thIe lAlicb i-an'toltitc
Asscain A 150112 s-aiewitht
Albioi a s been at ratteeda'lter toni
diftictulty for Not.5

Pr ogram for the Ocentec Recital
To-Morrow Nigft-A Notable
I le opeini recital of thec year ina
mosiai dcireles trill be giveis byi'the
itculfty oflbe Scbhool of 11d Itir,
1A1 II I ill tel ected ititomthe itest
matslerSs as een a:rrin-eildellnd ino

'r~t foo bil prctic ot the . 'S. P '92otelicis rae- Ileiter if nitisic idhoeld fail to attend.
t.ittlt ros Mtoere sterestisg tice9' at Manilstee. tercalsilieIh1Uieroit
taly s teseltcelbeSielag '~alte s lIs of the Schooil of Music itt Neweberry
croweelof spectators earls afterinoons. Itictre' 1lsteits(.Chticgo. Iil 91i esl fltlitaeii
Thilt increased ititerestisf the stuteent J. 14 Nog'f1nacellec '9 2, i S prac- rli rlrts sesfloss
iody is a satisfactory intdeex of tiehele a 'actntvIsann
progress tlse University Isas beets Te fresh dentt cocnI some good I. tweoSoseatints fromt sonata (t Matotr,
otakitag of late in athaletics. HOse- ball play ets antong their tnunmber. Mtodertato cons mottt. Thtesme with Varitons.
'ver, tlte spectators most refrain 'The ittntor dents laboratory lass Mr. J Erich SchitsosiandaMr. F. Mitts.
froni croweding upon thae fiel, thtus heels enlareed atsd nese desks pro- Am totno rmSoe tcae
liegthne efforts botha ede. ga---- r .M-il-S------- Verdi
of te leans andtih~e coacher. M r. Wsf. l. Quarrels, lit '92, bat a po- . ki oiltttello Solo.
'Barbour is roeing a very efficient iina ecsro iate t a. "An deerOWiege,-t--------Dvidoff
coachs and a bard worker, and Katasas City. Ter. F. A. Abl.
shsoutltltiot Ise handlicappaedl inIsis Reed, Of '94 dent classltss ettered Mrssta.otst.F aEr.ch opa. ..tehe
efforts lay beitsg compielledl 10 glee the dental departametat of the Nortla- 5. Twno Sloveets frosm'Vtalin Concertt.
hilt timse to keeping te crowdtl back. seesterta Uniiversity. -----------------t endelssotin
Andattte, Alilegs-etso, Viensee.
lie expects to shtowete boys somte 1Keison, the Phetsomntal spsrinater 'te. F. Mills.
tieswiedeas its foot ball tactics. Of '92, is back to contitnue his ki. tIas atesoiro,
15. Sec's .11). tor gestirras ---.--Sehloirt
'Tetaunmber of catdiidates for tlae costrse atar loteer his record. ' . er Pet' iderer,
team natcreases eachs cay, adllsonme J. N. Ncllriele, lit 'SS, lis beets 7. rie its Il Major, Il.tt.12---------Redf
oftemrercn apiatAllegrit, Presto, Anrdnte ciotttto, 5'restissoi,
etf~~~ ~ ~~~ t~enoercitspist giee Iappioinated pirofessor iof political -tiessra. sotoaal, Stills, and lAb~el.
lsrostaise of dolitig gootd work-. I'Fo0r ecottomay ints tl sieligata Agriceil-)b _ .*i
several places ott the leans te men tural College.TH COALUIN
are ser y evenly msatcbed. After a The 'C. of Mt. Mock Cong~ress swill I ''s hrl'iit tllisiata
lasf sites tratic in~sssiag bebegits work ag7ain on Tuesday next.
ball and kickitngteo eleveets lined Tbe senate is confined to tbe late oleetitig1 last eveting intsh~e chaspel,
ill, yesterdlay, for an hsour's weork. depeartment andth~e bouise to te lit, wills about tweo-tltirds of tbeniens-
A squadd of twelse men swere bttsy a1t 'Tlse Kansas City journal of Oct. hers present. A large nunther of
oise side of the field its tacklitig atadI2, devotes two atnd a half columnns aplalicats fete admtission are ott
running, The elevens play weit in- pasnecaotthtistStet hand. aisdl Srof. Statnley will hold
creased quickness and vims,listSShe o tf M. It is a weell-wrillen article exaitinations Wednsesedsy, 'Ilues-
bsil is funibleel entirely too niucli at by 11. F. Woolnaan, '94 lit. lay, antI possibly- "'riday, forenootis,
mnty places. 'Te value of lie A. 1'. Eseing,, law ' 92, quite gene- f rom 9:30 to's1 a. (ld tembsers will
laity Ipractice of St Pt ee pastktwosen anung ieboeso h and theirIsaties iroSecretary Hop-
in fallitng on thse ball becomes rally b:5 ins at otnce, if they' desire to con-
0L last twvo or tharee years, is Repihicants ince Iteir mtenmbershtip this year.
tparent tn its quick recovery after a nomniee fronmite third district for I Concertting te propsosedl trip to
funale. t i satsfacory to oterepreesenstativ'e in te stale legisla- Chsicago, to take lparS in tlse tusical
the increased use of blocking tar -tae festival of te Worled's Fair, Prof.
tics, but sonte of tlse runners fail to. Prof. 11. 'I. Bailey, of Cleary's Stanley saied that rates could be se-
followste ir blorleers. Others naust .cutred mtaking te total expense iper
rerembr ot o un ackars ad susiness College, Vpisilanti, is atbout calpita, only $'14. 'lTere weill be
to start a schtool in shiorthanel at difficulty in naskitig aerang'emetats,
thslsbron tStesat h ~e S. C. A. building. Classes will haowever, for te reason that tbe tripa
naen follow tlhe ball well, but do not beiedZsense:)n Stra must be nmade during the tird week
tackle hared enoughs. The action of eveninas in June, just at exanination time,
Captain Dygert itt allowing no talk- Prf lbnlsndvrdbn and a slay of five days is necessary.
n 0 rof. Tompon dlivredhisA vote will will be taken next 'rues-
ing on te line is ntuch to be com- first lectures of te college year to day evening to decide the question
mended. The boys have bard work the junior and senior classesyser- of going."
to do bsefore the Cornell game, andyedy Helcudtoiesnor A change having been made in
have no tinse to devote to disputes ~~lwo elett l~sb in the programme of the World's
overthehai. jct f Iis jnio leturs fr afewFair festival, the Messah and Elijah
overtheball jet ofhisjunor lctues fr afewwill not be sung, if the chorus de-
Tlhe men are undergoing a hard weeks will be, Fixtures and Ease- cide to go, but she music designed
antI systematic course of taning, ments. for that occasion will he substituted.

Whens youittwant te tatest 'mtestooitan Styes
itt ShtIosat 5sclto$1, aspair lets than AnAtrb eor
ptices, send losrtCatalioguicto
R..H. FYFFI & G.,


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