1 a
Publiahed Daily (lu~ndaya excepted) dui
the College year, by
There will be an important meet-
ing of the DIstsIv Wednesday even-
ing, at 7:30. Several vacancies are
to be filled and other important bus-
iness will be up for discussion.
rihe writer of the communication
in today's paper wyill(doubtess be
pleased to learn that the ideas hie
advances are already inl a fair way
toward raliation. For some time
there has tern agitated the qusestioni
of- oraizn a Uiversity press
club for the hi ne it of students i-
terestenistha t linie f swori. N et
Frdas evening there wilt e a met-
ing oy rtt(i purpose it discussing
plans of ogizati tiiiiiand sok.
TChoseuenmbers ofitesefaclty swho
have beets -pptoatheed itsthe umatter
have taken a deepin iterest, aid en-
thusssis is manfested by ele jour-
nalistic elenent of the Unversity.
At the meeting Friday eeing Prof.
Scott swil give a talk and tiere wiii
be an iformal discussion of the
question. Let all studensiwsho are
doing jounalistic work or who in-
tend to ecuter the profession of jour-
nalisnm be present at tis initial
meetitng. i-our and plare of meet-
tug xilIbe announsced later.
Tin: Oberlin Review of last Wed-
nesday contains te following refer-
ences to the Oberlin-U. of M.
game: A one-columnnporn, tn
verses; a two-verse son, to be sngn
to tie tune ''Little Jonisnse'a
half-columnn etitorial; a fve-colunt
report; atdsoeany squibs under the
heading ''IBe Reb"ths' lat se ile
not take the tinme to coust tem.
Evidently, to quote from nte of
their squibs: "-The exuertsce of
our yotthful spirits ettirely got
away with s.''
(httRnesx still claisss to have svon
that gasme swiths;Michigat. The boys
at situ entd of the line feel perfectly
sure in regard to the result, but if
Obierlin feels a all doubtful w
tbink our net year's Rgy msnas-
geercats arrasnge another game fr
their benefit.
1'etr. Thosmpson's course of lec-
tures on the "Mosiac Lasy' affords
an excellent opportunity for those
interested in this line of stuy.
The S. C. A. is o be congratlatet
on its succest in securing Prof.
Thompson and Dean Knowlton for
this series.
Tits month's Inlander is unussu-
ally full of interest. Every student
ought to read and meditate well up-
on Prof. McLaughlan's article e n
"College Spirit.'t The proof-sheets
come to hand a little late this
month, but from causes that make
the editors entirely excusable.
We. have received the first num-
ber of "The College Folio,' a neat
sfl-page monthly, published by the
Cif nt ofte(nsi in r Wso t 0m5ii
Of all kinds for Ladies and Gentle-
men, of course.
SPECIAL bE-- Nov. ~-Dc
WAGNER S CO., Tailors and Furnishers.
Western Reserve U~niversity, Clese- f'91 Y Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
land, ()thin. 1 - Michigan Railway.
"THE U. of jM\. IAIey is smsree - -
newesy sue)is being better conseucted r- imeCan e fe cdt Sutndiay. lthttt]t ,
tisass at any othser tinse ins its hsis- _ ItL]tttiitt tpa tur '.ttttsat Ants Stint
toe'.'"-State Etlitor Btrittons, if the
ttsit Evesin"N esws. ' ~ ~ / t i ssn' -
COMMUNICATION. N.S A tttt \hstAsen est.... si 'tntls
sthLEADNG} SCHOOL00 OF0B505NESS. 'seg ts.st1.5P--tspr bnt nti ,)tst 10i5taitn.s
-gttsenttttprsentbulig nneteart s; reti att tendatnce;
tti 'it tistsood s cipsin tte~; s irsk;telsuledti ea intg
'Iotnt1' ) '31 )_I Y oo ;il e t res;n S alnttrayening eept te'ions; N tisssti'
thisi seareniteiyes;reomesite fordutingingrtft p, tr i n 'sseis 1:i_ .m
s e reik eensit" estascisse cli-it e manttshrstadrsrti'tcallsecretisitons
ens:u ofexepenthnseisiit siese~$2.00,$30,$ 4.00, $5rvine sies: ttt' ncr iste ti..;0i.m
lif e a owasvdihe n ornissi n- a >. ForN0 1 ~ l't I in .Lsst Wits u srt netnnsi ttsiwh No.rB. 'lollndo sv Stt tst
eleet npnotdessaesseiytre)~~ itinfo e e t drss N.l Itts snitint (una ol p
nexvs Pe sn lo allIfoftee 1 . P. R.uCEyRYFeine. Cntalsnt'sdTie
pshl civb tsuggast ais imo edpoaver*al xet 1411
tooranizeoerentseou ee ozttse $2,00EN $T .409i$4.0ALF5YOraistMOan 02nY Metwe LYoid n
utmostovalue. eetings foerth
toer neay.sptper meninou(Wilheehelduatay
diestmonsuentbe tonleaytrte ( 1
library, at Nesvheery bail, orOat
spreciib roos tsnsur ost TDNT'BeJSTrR., TT T
andoinadzen her wouys eoldthese
uteprstleeffc etinditor nthe SUint SVEHLF FO URid lANDssId
dscussvotofk t stoistfimperintes AJAN YEDCAL-O K
neglastteols sroesitnal ut-n
liain i epto the fhenee atATtHOLEA ILE RIES
separateclub rotsst atealltco-
Cn n oLeG ter asld' IMysi teStthtree ~ah
join ni. hWo sdgit ottbes ells o r tsaltsute x t~tt tndS ecFisk nd
thlrsn fiin dtr nt e sess tse'ti'ltll'elo GL IP O E A E US
Yadgn toraeeis ititgivenethi, ssAW"'N D lls EANA dBOO S
rnmtro varyoteeto l besections hns ut ea eits SitBOOK S SWER angr
toChild schehet thinAToneHOLiESL RC S
nis Citis ti ,'eser tdxstte
isgioe fts Lts. ntth i gros' ceis egfrol p ri ts t.Se- h t adn s s i fi d him'e stisle ln -stU n u ttt Meittt te l'
xvii sties'ycsu Cie stostsisoho- t ng iroersitown.i ' hie
'I1e stleeting yROB sIciety
alivsbest nooik. NvansedenoNewFsik
ba g o ly li llj w e r , te inse li s ag(ndine in ahoro u ecusG R eN D ts 5 nie d i a ya t stO
FweGwant Hou 0o ear 00s.,l inTheretllesa frgriaes offeredgbyfAst otAWYERen anagr
the tiastGos atoftesesofChutes-
nsi ttncrAeputainisn the Pody veing.StDec st t i '~ursdAllT ed y N v m e 9
contetbuttons otutebeamnutheihand
wil fer ou th- e IMr sttOAN. ig 'oft c k. (l s o ei n r a u a} t no ns ,e by at Ismoc. P ILO T RN H O O D
___ ____4_0__ _*___42_4,__H-_-AN The2a tre Nw ok .
Htsesbest wriork.