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November 22, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-11-22

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^'C. of 1 Ji'(. Xitit.
i~rsue hour D ily unisadys exeped) ur
le Colieeu sm50.r
Our team, as annutuscr'dbyhr_'iji-
tain Dy gerti s Icinted irno1tierj
colunin. Itiit i edesto 5 (5(1that
it is the strongest to he selecteul from
our men at this stage ol the season,
and under the circumstances of fre-
(uvnt injuries. That they ssill play
like grim death itself goes wsithout
saying.'Ts-'bmy's knowe swhat Cor-
nell is like, and our iesw signals are
calctulated So greatly' mystify the
Ithaca menh. Tihe onlys'desideratrnm
sowv is to hare a big delegation ac-
company the teams. Nothing less
titan a party o~f ,000 shouldl go to
ejoy the fusn andi to slieer 01) our
risen. 'lie Milchigan Central tass
made a roc-hottoims cornhinsatioa
rate of $i.50 for tire roud tripl)n
cluding 75 ciits admission to tihe
game. Special trains will. lease the
M. C. idiptt at to: ,o a. ni., Thorn-
lay, stansiarsiims; returning, trains
sill leave depot at D etroit at 7arnd
2 p. 1i1. 'Iurn out, feilos s
Tii t. prolonsgeuiapplause whiich
greeted Prof. A. A. Stanley as he
came f orssard at the' Thonras coin-
cert iaot nigiht to mhake assannrounce-
sient, wvas an appropriate ackn.owl-
edgiucot of his exceptional qualiries,
as weel1 as a comrpjlimnt to the
Cisoral Uinr, the Chroral Uisoin

T\T7TT".1 ! '! TT'1 T1T T rN A 'KTM

doribtless fail ot its sdesired end. "FlINE AINI) .JJ.J.Ci.LiNJ
Somse one should lie appointed by
Manager Gtriffin to save teeshlole ! S =~O Is"
mnatter in cisarge, with lientenanss
statioedu at conssenient distances Citll iiin ds fos Ladies and Genitle-
along tire grandl stand. ____nhiriiof eoeii so.
ii:hasve received a cmiiiiua- (.u LinE
fa astiuitent, irnerly an 2§'h ItONtco . . \ AH R & MI LLER
Oberlina ,in regard to tue fOber- -eo o - 14S SOUTH MAIN ST.
lieh U. or 1i.g(ruie, in whiicistire
sri teret(:, tire side o1 Oberlin. It
cansil oo hire foripubluicationin iito-No, 4 1 -9
da' subtwill lie printdwt P C A Ai. utbentc f terte rIlnscitinU I P.
'Ilii it valoe of thli Uive rsity WAGNER & CO., Tailors and Furnishers.
Recordl,rioticedi in another columns,An Aro an Noticesswhtegoth fteTld,
'niversity, and its statenseints are - ie/~~s Michigan Railway.
official. Tlie Novenmber number is ('pJj
an imp~ortant one, and slhouldl have «._ '{n iii vri ests iv ai s
a wiiie circulationasuosig -U.t) 'S 0I.IIDe.arOineof '.rin stsi Ar .
frierds rindstudsents. ,wJMML
Thip.i Unisersity misrpom-.No 1. a.i-s Expr~iAsesseer..i.. i; IOacmii
isv 'newsons efeaturcs, ev No. 5. SMiliand i Fsejig se' . I5 p.li
Ises therswesani C 5LEADINSG SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. 5Mg- No.-fSli. Pssuenger simit n-...l511ia.3a
jo es" ,anwestn al hi t ifcetbuldng in tace s lreaniidar~ngei;soe
on timn1e .rom aly leturs;Saray emeinig rceptions;
__________oper~~n thercntcreyear; Commesrcial graduasinrrr N o. >, )ail anduP acrs ir't....... n.1, -
uli-riandl; ishorthandigraduas allnsecrricpnosiirs; NOri 'flai ndExss'" """ "- 84 p.ii.
tr'1.gorNwpesms is an i striof SudntIsi-h o :o.i. 'ioiedo Acceiniin ii. t li0ia. In.
Notice So University Stucients- ak-sitircon5s o we onweeknadrss nii isNo. 102. vnssenisreclndlua only)i---- t 2xir-. i-.
F__ . 5R. CLEARYT, Presm. 5'CetrlStandduimue.
Onii ecoiniuii I' ihausikgilug 55aca- -'300w .nily excepSu indaiy.
tioss, this vompansy sill seil totinere- F* $2.00, $3 v- $.09 TOwossoly. dul'ced i-i i-iarei.uuii
cy students, oili nepresentation of ner- Tw saOiSisi ae
sit'S - I iadiVl~iltdin TansSn osm iir~ctn Ann iu Seiiana
tifieates if memabership, signed iby I~IIi't asssu iiiiei~ Tolecdooonly, dih lvteptSundaisise.
ets to poisnts witiin the Stsate of Mielsi- F w C'.BENET, iS..sivsiNsv0toii.
gasn,st rate of osse and one-third first E i Doty & Feiner. (,en. Pass. Anest.. Local Agenr.
class fare for round trip. Dsate oif sale ___________________________________________
Nrivember 22d and 23d. Rtetssrn limit,
usti November 28, ',isiclusive. T r STU DENS, SAVE HALl' YOURI MONEY AMT) TBUY
Tisue tickets will not be good fur pas-
sags- onlomain line trinss Nos. 5, 6i, 10,_
Nov. 21, 1892. Agenti.
To Studens.
Frthei siiklsgis ic s-vacationi, T.,
X.. & N.M. Ity .('iu.svll sell roussd trip
tickets toaniy poit its Mieiiigauu, and Greek. . Essiii, lrc'tli. (i Crisi8and inl tl l ul(e e'x'-t -liuolks.
sia-all lines out of Touledou except L.S. &S rdScolTtd
S M. S. iRy. 'Tickets osisaleSNuus. "22 sandrdSriiu-lus

series of vsterlaisuiii'uts . . aithin. (t,5 iiectt etrnim, u. i
On'u'i-tiiiuate plasi.
SUsivsersity Schlutof Ni osie ssvtih it. y. GIstostt'scuIsO.
lie repsreseunted. - 'iii' L11-vsirsh ies i 41_2t ELical Agesit.
Sio returns thankis to hisstihroughs its - - - - --
-olunsos forhins kiliness in pvrelmr-
ing the appreciative critique OfIsvthe
concert givens crs our lrst jag'e.
Prot. Stanley is onei of the fcwm per- ~ ~ --m-
sons is Ansi Arhor qusalifiediito pass COLr LE IVIEhI,
criticismus piosucshass entertain-I
nient; aisd see do nsot doubt thsat, - -
slile still osne ousihlies-ry fess he is h eetn
head aind shsoislders above tiereccst. Inslehis your soviety'

As s.(credit is slie the second
eleven for thseir swork in training the
Varsity teamss. Every day for al-
roost twvonmonths tihey mave been
faitinfully at their usual place, and
serateser surccess tire''arsite rien
iasv achieved is cheicnr a certains ci-
gree, tos the sing andlsystemratice
wvort{ them hasve lone against elvesenE
Nfo. 2. .Accuordinugly, iii, castinig tp
rise season's resuslts, ('apt. IMolt's
issen shoriled coic iinisfor tir fl
shsare of glory.
STroSs shocslu he takers lookig Sti
appointment of yell niasters toioold-
siate in 'TIhursday's game. If this
is not lone tine ciheering at least
will lie iscornneeted arid swouric

badge or anything is jewelry-',
u-e cenictyoss to boar utinii
umindl. Our repustations is the
highest for this swoirkundchwe
uill offer syoiu thre' most irsole-
rtd 'e is iii Mlic-igrrsfor
itic litst sork.
it iiusi ,a-e.. mnu tcSiti ,

Gohtois'. x. .i lsylnrcithre Stste street g9oerforoil soperuis,-tc.Stu
dents s-il l isulins the mistaotusir- t ia her3
uiciiaiuggrocer is tonn. COOT itNtIAN AND IIURCOXN Isn.
Sscssrsius'' 1'Atti r aailble
at short isoutice wantedcincow. 1"tssk GRAI{ OPER . hOU
Teachers' .Agency,'0IWabsh aeinne.
Chicagos. Ins i eneaANN A.1,t.
WV stieswl.-t scisisto (olinesluosslI W d esa, Nov. 23.
weitis sisyfraternity desiring board bsysiNE NIGT o sxsX.
the club. . Ii K Sewart, 'Ii3hiunpsnri
Street.Thsurtningui-lied Actress,
Ohs- sit the rstrlusrgcst sits utuini
'"Josephrineu,Empuress osithSie FrIesuch.
thut fuusuuuius phsy iselhichi Miea ue mdesre true rria-mnit ofr. W.ssD.0Loun,
NNil it l~pu-ir aithile opera5 luuisi inAIt. Hmust3trndeat Iismom ii O Dama,
W- ii-sdi ighig s tire meetingbe
ir1 <cciii teisrivalrempresses, osine T'N' "5 sT
,iii SI ric Lousuis'. Tine fur mr nbite-JO EHs
I. til raids tire latte'r fmuiser desertini e1tarEnSSOF 1.5' 'hu I tS lfI.
ufi' lihe emperour ini Iis tine sit truble,'. Prices, - - - a0o, 7uc and $1.00.
I- he withriof "Josephline" is scud tohI ISeas onSram e at srltoiir ernstadMonday-
hav linu-i > a svery stronsg cha~racter iii
ruaesure dusy uritsded anid introl- V
dhlimiself tot her asnher future huus-
band do uur mnajesty's Cpictures isavei
snt druie yeols justice." I NO. 12 IV. 111015N ST.



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