Vol. III.-Nba.
A ~ 1 7WSL traN and the brilflint qualities of M\r.
AUSICIUSY B,1GNI Troas'interpretitions wetse dis
Splayedin a a nnner whichftatonsed
Theodore Thomas Opens the nimarkedf enthustasm. fiTh tjtuaint
Chra Uio Sris. Rustian dintc t thnss and te
ChoalUnin eris. curiotus effects so chfarateit sicof
Gretedby ,20 Popl---he eweastern munsic, ner e markedfeft urues
0 a ed y 2,00 eept-Th Ne
Orchestral Compositions Well Re (of flits selectiton.Ilie Xletefrsiitger
ceived-Chicago Well Representea Vorspie vas givn nsuat fmanttniter
by the New OrchestraI
______ thtat the whole attdience ntias carried
J 'e iTeodfore Thsomnas' orcttr Iifotggwstff it. The intensity of
m iembfers, opented tie ho~fral msical exfpressioin in this Vorspiel
tion series fast nighst, a tIiiverst is uineqnalled by any other work of
sy hall . An titdience of ahoutt mtodera times.
2,200 weelconmeil the orchestra, and Thle advrent of a great geeiuis to
the series of entertaitnments was theise shores, not as a sisitor, hut as
:auspiciously opened. Considerahie a residient, is an event of sach signal
dlifference of opinion exists in re- importance that the Symphonic
,Yard 10 the relative mlerits of the Variations, hy Dvorak, swhich intro-
Chicago Orchestra and the Boston duced the second part of the pro-
Symphony, hut it is certain that gramrme acquired additioinal signifi-
Chicago is well represented. cance. As a musical composition
Regarding the programmie we nmay this wvork occupies a foremost posi-
say that it was calculated to place tion among later modern sworks. As
the orchestra in a favorahle light, the swork of a maii destined to do a
ad reveal the qualities which hate great work for American music, its
iade for Mir. 'T'homas an enduring performance in the greatest IUniver-
f. me as an orchestral conductor. sity of this couiitry was a fitting ti-
Tfhe programmte was anistructive b ute. The Largo was nmagnificently
Oein twvo particulars. First, it done, and will linger in the tmeniories
presented cuot alone genis from the of all. It has heen ternied "hack-
classical musical literature, hut also neyed". It can never lie ansything
imusic swhich representeil the miore b ut a great and suhlimte thought,
frifliant side of thie art, and, sve emhodied in the simplest of form.
tiay add, the iiorepopular prohahly. The Strauss waltz was played hetter
The programme iin the secoind place than Strauss' orchestra coulid do it,
gav cosidrabe pomienc totheand the musician, heethe never so
gt s cosidralle pomienc totheclassical in Iis taste, who does not
svery latest phases of composition enjoy thoroughly such a selection,
and made its acquainted with the like the man svho saw nothing in
Slavonic eleenit, whlich at the pre- Shakespeare, "should have hisj
sent time is prohahly the itust im-huntps examined''. The last nuns-
hers were hrilliantly perfiormed. Mr.
fortant factor in cretiie art. Thomas svas delighted sith his re-
Gte Freischtuetz overture by ception and inspired hy the atten-
W1efier seas played suiperhly, t w tire anid appreciative audience. It
ihorns doing magnificetwsork. ft', seas a model audience in every re-
tirosesoThmslias iisfect anad we vensture to stiy atn
sonoousessof homa' bassandaudience made uip of adniirers of
te superlatively ine qutality of Itis Theodore Tsonias, the man who
wo-todwind ws're marked feafttres of more than anys- ithier matdte stich
lie ensenmhle of thie rchestra, antl msusic possihle itt America.
ite firstiminpressionis received suere C - -- ---
,sUcs as fo establisfiite factithat the The Webster Literary Soocisty.
(_"hiscago orchsestra is a very cttmuplete (Iting to vacationt, the «'efister
aiw atfmirabu ls antuftcedf srgatiza- sociie t ill Live thteirv vr-i setthis
Tile Universty Minstrels Premise
New Songs. New Features. New
c Jokes. Prosperous Season.
Thte UI. of Al..mtintrels tire or-
ganized for the year, anti cnder the
aisle mnagemtis of Mr. Phil flowver
j r pitting ini sos-te Iteavy wvort, pre-
pairing for fte seasons. Thte bhs
promuise that this year's troupe wvill
suirpass all fireviotus oties. New
songs have heensvritten specialfly
for them, aisd teem wviths college weit
and fun. New features will he in-
troduced, and a fewv nesw jokes
sectiredl. There are fifty in thme com-
pany, including the orchestra, anid
a sensation is promised wvlien they
make their appearance.
The first trip is to he taken during
the Christmas holidays, and arrange-
nients are nosy heing made. The
hoys will go to Detroit and as far
east as Toroisto, Ontario.
"Cap" Dygert Announces the
Make-up of Our Team.
Last night a call svas made upon
Captain Dygert, aridlie announced
that the men weho wvill represent
Michigan swill he as follows: L.. e.,
Woodwvorth; I. t., Decke; 1. g., Pear-
son; c., C. T. Grififis; r. g., Jefferis;
r. t., XW. AV. Griffin; r. e., Hayes;
q., Sanderson; r. Is., Jewett; I. h.,
Grosh; f. h., Capt. Dygert. Suhsti-
tutes: Thomas, Henninger, Posvers,
Freund, Bird, Odell, Hall, Baird,
Southworth and Paul.
The ankle injury svlicliLeoniard
received ini the Oherlin game wvill
prevent him from participating in
the Cornell egame, aind mnay keep
hi-u off thse field for the rentaindler
i/tPsifTfs -r
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Cigarette Smokers who
as are swilling isonar a little
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ast, mos eallieaityfSneered and highest nest
iteid Lest grewn in Virginia. This is the 01d
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end was brought enttby ua ini the year 187th
Bease rimitatis,.andidbehrcve that the
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Of the American Totbacce Cs.,
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Andtihle Leut)-st Assieniteof
Di teot I - XiC1-ilAN.
of the season. This is certainl y aj P J ZN UC
grettloss. XWitfu Leonarid and IN UC N
-lriguaalbefr stathe prosp~ects liofk pretty hlue, as ME1R CHf-ANT1
Captain Hoft, fuuthue ill -ak-e---t-he' '-
testSL inis- e a udelte ir
s-sitnJ cutuisuances. Ile hads istron g esld 1A.I LOiR~
I atll t ethv~el).itseletttsi- l' Vocal solto, hiisSit ii eca- elllIounedhopes of gathieriligIit
btissil his tehdeiciasy of Niksc5 t ' ts Xv i til. I-i-hi t Xi5 tuIe ust.sm ttrtsr-u i
stisugs. Ths- tithisof ttie violins ITintor; Debats.;sestilveifIlu-t - - ---"+--~ -inteRso ypoyocetaeprso onr,-hni xes lpsoplc-eswl eitrse
hats never besen a ttaiunedi ly any of thue utimorts, ari. consducive tos the in knowvitng that a Htobart Gsuildf class 0 _ s
oranztou tis outr, nd country's fprosperity. ffirimative, itnCalesthensics ivill he organised
this numher s-mphiasiuzed this faset.Xsssrs.(irunedy ass-IHitchcock. nuder the instructions of dMr.XWill- I s "VV FORT''S'7
In the hillet music, hyTschit Negative, Messrs. Troy and tinener. iamson. All are iinvited to lhands in
kosvsky-, the virtuosity of the otches- All are cordiaslly inuvits-d. their itanies to the curator. Detroit -Michigan.