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November 19, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-11-19

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Purblished Dtaily (Sundays excepted) during
the College year, by
Ontct i ore we ile our protest
against the mnethoeds o1 applause pur-
suied at pub]lic lectures atnd 'tnter-
tainttctts in Utniversity tall. 'thle
good1 sense of the students swould
easily retmedy thte evil, if good sense
might htave its sway. ThIe first ob-
jectionable featutre is that of hissing.
Nothing new cans te said itt con-
demtnatistt of it. At atsy titte it is
ill-mainnereid andI oat stf Iptace.
Secondly, the systern of encores thtat
is sprintgintg t13. ltisost every
nutsical progratm is dottbled andIofteta
a lontg start is mtade ttn the third
tinte around. It carries teo cottipli-
itenst to thse terformser antI is ti re-
sotne to thse atitience. L.astlys, thle
practice of stamtpitng of feet atnd
tlappinsg otfhantds in regular, mteas-
uretd tittte. 'I'bis last is tnot tnly
otbttoxious, buttdantgerouts. IEven
thtc rapitd talkittg of thte ushter tul
thse gallery aisles sthakes the gallery.I
Whenth le stamptintg cotttmensces it is
inftnitety seorse. It would seetm
thtat sit muchlssaid swere stnniecessary;
btat aisythitng tot stop thsis nuisance
swill certainly be gladly welctmedl
by thee helter sentimnt of the I-
ANs stttdent weho fails to secure a
Choral Union season miembersthip
ott the score of too great expetnse is
rertainly pDenny wise atnd poond
foolishs.'" (One entertainment wotuld

TT'*TT"f A '1T 't". TT T:7 !"V A Wrr"

1.1 tion oroganiztiaoni, mieno FINE ~A.NDL ELEGuAJNT
tionet inI yesterdtay's article otn
Theotdore Thomas, ditd not refer to
the Bttstotn Symphonsy orchestra. O (f til kinds for Ladies antd Gentle-
butt to thse old H arvardl utitsiral rnaieit, of cottrse.
hueget I o~tlaityof lsetstr~148 SOUTH StAIN ST.
sc's itllliolitgv-lhts r eiqtiretd this year
ant intcrease intthle facultsytofIbothT f _N v m e 14 9
tlt cogtal stttd ttttattitatdeprt $PECI AL LEaNo cnb r 14 4
.r. I.. N. .1otitnon, wllIo is thte
itnstrurtor in btotatty is a graduate of WAGNER & CO., 'Tailors and Fulrnishers.
Wesleyan universit y, takiitg thseToe.An ArradNrt
degree ttfA. 18. there in '84. I-sir E T@dAn b0 adN tl
two yearsIse seasItrinciptal o ttfi anianRalwy
acradenty its, his inative sttate, Coettec-_- -'
tient, attd the live follosvitngy ears lte I li Ciililla ffcit ld tttty, NOat.itlI '.
huycttg fts scen e rstorl i ' I it ttti ti o t ainu te Anni A rttbot.
hdcreoftesinewrinthe high schsottl at Esvanston. ill. <;s sitGNW11
Nao. . Pact van ti Attres cttt. t2.. Its0c.si.
This last J tinelite receisedl his A. 11. Ntt.,t. PSttt teti Esp rs' . t '.itt n
atItraeslee t st ~etts Is tteLEADING SCHOOL. On nUSaINS.Sn. ae No. ttt. Pssenger tetlay olit ""Itte tt i att.
ittiti ttttttuiiang; tcutte ers;laree ttndance;
year itt adsvancedl work tttt bottany. go civpline,'snutseiciu ok;wellsupplied eadig 1tsoti trit.
roomtt ilestetyts; Setrdyeening rncaetn; i" ittxitlusigc tttitt
(Walter Cattip, ale's 'M'eatt foot .Fo s CTLG s n itstiecStu entt .. 5 wthiioniie ~ i i.st
ink as posiinst Ccxiweettwekt:, attrtss~No. 10:'. tassentuer (tuaytiiy)tt-b).p.
ball player, is to roach the ILelandel P.xR. CLEAuY, Pres. centrtatstansdrd Ttte.
Stacnford j r. eleveis intshleir ITattls- 30054.0$5 Pis ]indt1' lutitttt oldo-
$ ,' 2"0,.,$000$ itios ttiontytiRetucedare
gte lug game withs lerkeley.Ocscct' lsanlFr'
F irst ('lisst intlWa' t tted 111 Traist t asnd itsun bteentAntniArit sit' at
Rt. Waite Joslyn, late iulitaster I Tottedosocib', daty, eucettSunutt.
itn '90.9 i, now a('hicago attornteyw t sNT, Stiittte. GE NetCit.
hsas rontribtuted tolse "Green Itag,"E, D t & Fenr Gn.as.Ant Lol gi.
an article enstitledl "'te Phlilosoiphy TIE S AEhL Ol OE N)JV
'The elesenths anutal bantiuet cfi '
the IDelta Sigma D~elta ftrternitty '
was hseldl last evenintg at armotry-AT TItEV--
ltall. Ats elaborate mtenunwsas settee1S AT T
The followintg candidates were itt STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE,ST E S .
itated: G. A. .Rawlings,AV. Ml~t ilk.
ins, A. H. Kesler, :jolts loss'sigst Greek, Itiii, French, Geria antmdtill College'Te'xt-lioolks, 1ess-
atti Do uglass Antdersott. ndSecomnd-Heind.
Buy -yoir seasnon Choral Union i LAWATAIND M-EDICALI. BOOKS
tickets. Tihe last chancee. AIT XWHVOLESATLE PRICES.

bse sufbfiint to conice the imost I________________________

i..11 it 11V.i..J 11 N.L 1.1J 1J .Y 1V1-V1.I h!"
..r. r- -r-- "r r ?C '9 T T / " T '1 .r r T 1 r+

peniust. 1attn a tieoe t st ic ' a/9 s-
roncert, Momndayesvening, affors~IsaRE T C L ,
chansce seilsitht~e aserage stadent '' V.. BUSINESS LOCALS.RE T C L ,
still onsly meet ini his uivoersity
course. IGIoC.t . .May.nad,the. Stt tet hot r pher
CUJ.UL L .V.LYE.N, grocer, list cii, soaps, frutits, etc. Stui- t ~
densts still find hint the most aiccom-3
't1it' seittal stusdeists ate agitating iodating grocer in towni. coteit'it MAiN .AND i)tlON sr.
the sluestions of te he ange of thse In seleetiing Your society at aliotsi nctics,,tastiited mi oss isk ---
degree of D. ID. S. to D. Al. ID. bdeo iyltn nj;-~ Teachers' Agseicy, 106 iWaIbasl aseneliciGR~AN\D OPERA HOUSE
Thseir reasoms for socs actioms is thactCiao
the U. of A\T. dental deartiseit we 5'iitntComm to beur aus in Fifty batsfotr $;5.S, thins wseep only,
l tthe OpseralIfousse B'rbrh Iop .andlANN M.lmsit
having takemn a position beside liar- in~d. Our remuttatiomn liis th R t oonis. 'rickets transferrable. Saturda o.1 '2
th "-7 -4t C. JI. Sitetter ly. Prop. I a,N v.1, '2
yurd deistal school, and obtained thimmFn or b'merybo dv.Te Spamklimgs,.ise it
for hisstok tiidw~ W'AN'l'lti.-Lirwish to CorresponIti' 5Cmedy in ThrieeAecs
sanme privilege ini Eurotpe, thse sttm- highsest sorithis okanh ilty ratternityysdesirig board tspG
dents desire thte saitte decree. silofn ti s d the chili. C. K. Sitetiart, 3tt)Thtompsonmi iT H-IE TK ID I
- I srcs'[?'senmtetby'conesifite tent tneict iogai
- 'Nv. flrIutit's imatke iutp 1 . ilpole o ai ointsA meicai, suptiportigthes'cliactit-
rIttattestsssiui tt i o prices itt Michtigainfot ' Jintaitsrtl in lleile.tiasspilay, 'lm- md giit ttitCtitjnc
thinetsbeoutdsst oil tkl lIfe. EttipresiftheliFreinch," swhifeitMISS DOTTIE PINE.
thesesbebtestcstwyocfkr..\ss-still lit'prodiuces in isitucity at thse
reemerth outey(f r Ah-r rit iiiiiie. iurieiami~ci utities. spialso
Operai ilnirse, on Wedntesdtsy ineat.is scenery. Dtiiig Costumnes.
Icy last spring its domating his cle- saimltis be one of (lie most remasrkable' Prices, - - - 35c. N0c, and 75c"
gant piaecar to time ball teans for ', r' SMITII, SOONSOC1 00. ever seetic nvastage.T Mr. ttart hat5s tsats cut Sate at PItticteNes Staned.
private stutdied carefully every line of Freinch
the eastern trip and otiser courtesies history thtat in any stay relates to the' G BS I
extended His patyssttudsti mard Ave.. and tiaite St., Little Corporal, and the resulno istir
exedd iapryssudget iaborioua resatrclies aist ieadhsli ai
hearty t. of Al. reception today DIETROIT, - - MICHIGtAN. a perfect atomstgeoa picture mof, h(hl e wondlerdeful ciiA H t
whnthycoeupnih ied ies of Fi-ance in the ptalirn of lift handcl NO. 12 WIV. HURON ST1.

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