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November 19, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-11-19

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VoL. 11.-N o. 40.




The closeness of the play in the WILL IT BE BLAINE ? -
[hI . ERSSOIERbIN ;latter halfof theIthaca game inspires ragnett ee
A Great Game Today at the sill score, and at the same time brCeoWasigton'sppoitd.
Athletic Field. 1 keel) the score of their olppottents
co to a low figture. itsn accordlance with te attnttal lfl\PORTERS&
i custm thestudets ofthe lw de- ANLJIFhI LFPS =a
How the Teams Wilt Appear on the- The special trains will ceave AIMn cstoEtTRsOdets (fIteHlw '- '--"
>Fteld-The Thanksgiving Game Ahra o- lnlrltm otpartment swill celebrate tslitto _____DETOI12IC
at Detroit--There Will be a Good jtnsbrtdyFba2dwt p
Game and We Witl no Doubt Have lras'e Detrrtit at 7:00ond itl13:00,ti sbttir_ k ili tl p
Reason to Gtve Thanks. ulrl Tefr o teettiiptopia~ttt.tte riesin 55 ivtisity I
l~t sptst s~ i nfbritiitt ~ trip, incrlutding adtmissiont, still it I I lull I'or sevral ners istiutttsh-
fr0 admtissioni1-ce cr1 ot et It-siacceptedi the Iptrely
ic~ bestire litre seen lier0.Sthisesceat
Choitce carriage sta ndls ottyrle rib-Ititnorary insvbitinto iiilister ora-
>.Obi trin listamtotht itaintl Of tie mntager. ydoi ts tionsttn tbsetrsvtatin oi lhsshIolidasy.
tesryplas astritt teti itiitthis early, grod positirns (,ali beIsl~-t(rn (iseiilia h
tackles swell atid does excrllreit ensd Ittrd. As utsual sptecial cars still hi.( otatot.IThts ytar effottistwill he
work. IHer tro guards tie sstltseaifr ttolatiItm-sde to seture etrtttHtion.Janmes whenyu tnisie eoicsurutt ittiti acese
be brolters, wrhir hail frottt thet. G.IBlatie, Presirdent Hattttsots, or Ans Arbhow prices, seed for Catalogueirto
Sasdswichs Islands. '[her ate sery ;Chief Justice IFuller.Thrersentor 0 ff
posrerful turn andt knows hose to plz ERSKINE AS AN ADVOCATE. ls ouutrt opsi fteW ll
the namte. ObIerlin has swon all her fllwngwrty.e:1esr. t f DU3-8EL ~wtu yr.
t+Dr. High's Lecture Before Law floen irh te ess o.ta~nwtiwii r.
times this year ant its confidetnt Classes Yesterday. Sands, Psurd, and Camsphell. DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN.
tat shte isill be the rtctror today.-___
Thse 'Varsity- eleven, hiosever have In a few weell chtosets sorrds, Pirof., UNIVERSITY SUPREME COURT, giehmond Straaight Qcst.
(ifferet i-a r -ard s -ictory anrd - eltutoinrrt-ruedDr. i--IhItto a t
shipect to disap~poinst theumtas buatly larerauientce, yesterday afternsoon, Re-organizes and Elects Indiana / CIGARETTES.
as thtey tdid 'lbirntwstioiseeks ago. inthe lecture riomotif tse laws te- Man Cur President. 'Cgareli ittt Seswho
It eterth Ut-au-u" r fl. W. Asley, plartmet.ctI -tit tsaitle re
,l ie SToledolct Aii..Art tbor truihroasIdr, uhIiptw hltstrirade tltrtty' - hm ettteses, ilto-i
a ~pfi Stl ~scutrsosry sketchItof ttectitrlY lifeof 7 ttt:Iis sStu, ~ stDs BDs~t tw~iereioto~
C7 See te t ' t wltonsist o 1 ot d i ri l I n ety s a ssay fireratl ftSeirt thandsi . ,-thiefu. t' ttCigariettsaeTht te letironti s tratight-
't out Iti --iSeof ll- slv 'se!desrrilierl i a"ruphtsr ti in nerI is th e - Gos]oti(ri -' ,r'tt grniuVis rgii.'r'tieis teOlit
tietds, is Sn i iS.SteIts itcetuiersehtthsSethSt ist itt Sit t tltt la T hIt i s utitieslirst Organized rt l -ttiOrignot S rsandonittSltietntc ut ticuretces,
lat er: A utieis to lie electrhte e eaer im tita~iitinsssnd ttieree ta ite
- ,pcia trin n hs pivat ca. pofesio oflaw.It as cae o fim eme a eltoistaneeryipckage.
tetaltriss t tt prs tfesiusoflat. t s s tts Ifrot es state clutb cotirt. The AAtitiN & 0 INTER leutiwli
[toislito sasw lIsit yeur's-sitme an exposttre of a hhdett"entussbhi- iirthie Americas 'i'ottict cot.,
Site folloingttjustices Ituse ulreuady Niatscte rs - - Richmondiirin ia.
trill remembrti e stetrotis"amutht.ttthsenmere force tuf circ~umssl~tabnces.t .H.'ro s t
I ihinans lirougtti stthemtria nd thet. His first retainer seas tSit uSof SCalit.uitu o uiftnaUnquestionably
scre i of toft suggests thtat tses Ilaillir's. This cast.lutis te foitndu V igt, fSiisosN 5 liHiIGET GRAMi ~iscor
ste not to hrbes tsvilSalkeastiton of his fanue.- It -,va the se eiis firnytai FRATERNITY JEWELRY,
sVtti. Catpt.iD pert sit.am is in faretof Iis fansily thtat inspiredt Ite isofihga;.I.ltse
prinse conititosnn ilthInot hut. eloquoenterof thurargutrust. Asnd ihe le e ssurtiueitt of
of Iowa.tOlyl seniors are eligili
satisfiedulwitth utusistg less thsansdtt- tedocttur thetn pruceedeid to to the offe Of justicer. 110_Q"i7' -.'-'TMS
-~i 5.0 s lii tSu us sil tut.dsese re rlens tfeie f The object of the tourtisll hue to AssEssNr.lE
tip ass follows .Tomsa int. and Quees Caroline, ha ae htaeappealed fo O:irll wliga osdrbelnt ntecu ors n twl lo R O O
sht.'rruaiu --left tS S rb_ «'odwl - thet.tusrity andrtnobletness of putrpose serveransother putriose in causing the DcumuTu-i, - - SIt-(t ItI G -
Tets ----teft t rki r uuT ot '~im sn l ssrli u hoh satten judrges of She cluth courts itu e tmores itiug 'tg.tt tli itis
W est- l---etetrut_-t', it.Griffnits ht u ct.careful in their rdecisions. [he nu-l
1ts e__._ u-gtuaonto --Hetninps Ihtrt utb irtugi }irgr reecourt il11take cognizancse of p. * I~NTJ
hary ---- right tackle-55NV . i fetlhti h r ilb etn f l e
5 nukuu elSnu Ittr til hi seiu" her ieaythe Ipractice of thte state front whlch
the taei peld h or s#ilt tiuss S utitiquartSe . -- Sdrsonu progruam, followedi by a stocial, swili lsweadyistopealutcase t -- - ethl --- enr eteodro h vnn.,ad it us ~ N
Soitsliii ii tightSItill Iris--Jeett -dresiredt thiatearls statetcl ub cothu
ti~r rn ~T ~Sri Murc v.Nf.Ssurderlandh u-touldthi be ,,

Mt.eMat f. andI~iimaoern-au..,.u..I gladtto ussetionorroue at 2 i'ciulok

sliau tie relpresentsedu bya justice.

TAIl (C)'R

slit(Ites. i-s the parlors of the Uitsarian IDr.- Somsbsart addressed the jsunior
u-sE: "~srHA us sesic-M. chorcs, any students oh itt Univetr-deutus rirlayandl declartedthilatthe j At.~ouriiis
_At the timer druws near for the all siytsewso would like toi join a class Anuerican tdentists serre aheadt of
isI rporlani pause of the season to read the New 'Testament throopli the Europecan dentists, antihlat it Ih~ '7 O.~-
aunxiety as to tir conditioss of ltst with him this year. Alt1seho join deptended upon ihe collect student T =:(T=AS
SU. of 1\t. team is nmore miarked. "will be required to read ten chapters of today to deciudewehler thse posh-
Petarson, of course, will play,as also a week-one chaper each weerk day, lion weould he maintainedl. 55 W_ F'OtET ST.,
,ri11 Jefferis, thtus pulling our biest andX three on Sunday. This will of
M) . vs. Oerli this after-
Seam in the field, take the class Itrough this year. U Of aMtltc il er it ihg n

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