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November 17, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-11-17

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4mn to smake a godclshowving, the
0f .i a patc groundl must lbe kept cleat
--! of studients.
Pulitshet Diotty Ott tas toeertcd)it i tn .. 1
the Ctz-eerbyr. ' e eczu. teandttthe day before '9-1
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION anti 'g9; were linedtipi against earl
otther. anti played stharp ptractice 4
Serie-tptit-~pitoe St,1t50or 't, ttttttifty
ata nto'' S~a <t 5't entst. St'tttitp- gatte. Ilthttteams tave esYelleat .
t5 tof tlE (l;l. a t erial, w,(1, Ct6esptecitttty is to be

oIf tallkittls for Ladies atnd ('aeitll
tttettofcif 'irt c.

at tnoac', wctto'tt ac it o tttiVi, tfti o r ' 1b
to'.loAttY.tv.tth toeyrito tttI rthei e x~t'
,ito tte StiotipEdttittt. Actltbtattess
tie 5 muitt joot holth sntttte'il
THE U. of X. DAItY,
Atn ArborEttith.
.tiiits it t

icoi gritiIaite'tl ton gett
at in ett Ii gamet.
The fo aterli.
lcC' a kc~ SC' iiitoday.i
Xoe heo.' I u i
iai a (,r( i i crl c i irI'

'ti cr milt lnr G

_____ __

10vs«cc$PECIAL AbF.--o .erber14--i
'us. WAGNER & Co., Tailors and Fuuuishers.
i t1i:2. 1 IC, Toledo, Ann Ar a so
All tal c ,cii r setS . ' {$@@¢[ ic an P iway.
lC'. 11('11 tc vt
" c'IciiIl 'cT alst ov ~h
' t o to ta'nnn. n aoaae1
t, it ' rcccltrrito i c
1('att{1; . .iii ' ' t . iii ( ii. ii

'~lrt . c c ll
lunyfeltitia' iacdliit
ho eri tilt rsti

I, ii i i ' 7 ASece k
IIii t' t l ci V

lei' I'i ' dl(i Nii siii' ii'''ccMti
is birtli. 'hlie i-crtati1 'is tee I-I
ar, andtiis Ifcir I rut tuoit 'imeitarv
t tite etnergy ccntdlprolesac tac int t-
east itsste stienits oitilc deptart - I
It is indeeet a stranige spcecteile to
see a adepartmtetnt of nsearly .lso slt-
dients unable toa snpptart a sitciety of
a. literary caracter. We would
urge thte resurrection of thsis society
atmotng thteratilical studlents. 'lPte
tnte of its Matron alonse shtould cer-
tainly itnspire theist sitth entttsiasit
for te work.
LisH.1a' t irie Ris justle itndig-
ttantt at tihe way itt wthiclh the stu-
dents etncroacl a o the football 'id,
thuts not allowing the teasm the ronm
tteeded for the various plays and
tricks. Hle says thsat rarely is so
little regard slhown for the righats of
tse team and that if we expect our

boll ca ]Ie i re' lit titii
b h sad Reatylitg ll"itt jessel 's
NOV t. 1, er rlt aitta<nd tio ":is the
tlIre Will amet'y Da t y ttost stotl ,
Rsste ti t'es i~sa Mi)cldgtts lii'
the best OI-Srip.
F. , MIT{,~ON ~CO
Iarttats s-c , sadtat ueSt

STUDE r' BOO r S TO 1,ST A"I"', S 'i,
cI t -c ' :CiTA-llc"tcci
Le t caol (cat 't11 it(g.alt'ittcc tins nIo r ph r
btte thiitse'l(vces' ciiti'ilt'sOEE \AN N URN
1severalt tetr trielks. 'Siebt etlr N itors _______
Chtas. tritettaldi ittit' Evas ps~leatsedGRAD\OPERAHJSE
te otitiesee ttl sotigs attd cotmtedy________-
cbtusites. ThteSiohgitkinantg td ,st-
tecsltte dtcritsg of Macla.Mrtonandtt uANN58bitOt.
Mtackla os gotod. Wtst. Milligstt, asthelt Saturday, Nov. 19, '92
1)utttlt setotr, keptt the autdiette otttin stor attnd tC trktttSi
tt'to'tr Sty ifs sottgs. .Puree Sadies diol Fun o tt ry iiod. the SpArkito u~ia
PaSrisia ballet. UChas.II. Kitng, te r
' l~n . ofbanjoitssatg sottgs, ColdS
futvJksad did soeteryety v~ter Ti1E% Z I
Ine }i ta; ottilte instrumtntt.OTe tree Presetntedtbytoeofthtte test farcia rietit it-
.5ilttio sditS a itovel tacrobtatiec asotk.la. tiontttt Atti-ta ot to h~ehtt'-
Ote fteatture of the shoserv wats thtat the tote atnd trigtometttditenatt,
Cucrtaint did not go downttdusrittg te MISS DOTTIE PINE..
etntire tperformance attdtere stere i0 tteig'ttMttsic. origittal Sttecialties. Stoeia
swgetaits its-Ex. k Sceatety. Dalinostum ootte
_.---._-"Prices, - - - 35c. 50c, and 75c,
I'o('ri">A~l.NOTCE.-n odertha Mets on sato at PtostefflceNews Stasis.
th'ptice ot. th'Vasity-lnaorder tliatj GIBSON
games will not be played till after p][[ Ft'
Tlsatksgiving. IC I. tetcei I
t xl NI, '. 'Manager. NO. 12 W. HURON ST.


.Ititsto AN.

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