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November 17, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-11-17

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VOL. II L - ' t .


URIC - ,, r imtii i, CFIN1S.

TieGym Building is at Last to
be Pushed
ieDelayed Iron-Work is at Hand
-Board of Regents Will Ask For
a Big Appropriation-Thle Build-wilPoaybeUdfrte
"J" Hop-
Th'le slow - inress tof work oii thle
,-tiflasii 110 bat;beena attracting ttile
!ra-tl attelitidi of tie stileii 1
ted othler's iter.Ieste i llin the ito

tide, andibyhr ltttle it properly
conid~lerableit nfludencietean lie
broiilit to bearI 11p1onttelieext 1leoi-
latitre, sebitli stilen stS le will be
tihat the artistic effectiol the Bud
legn is Icitios,,I by th i ; et-3
ator swlichitand'tsii t so Siiroitil ilrt-V
ly- oil theniithiisile, bit it tilust lieI
Inl eiiiltered that the co-cdlen nes iS
to lie built I11) cltite to the veittila-j
for sinthiat side, as the ieIrimiilii-


[he Board of Regents' Novermber
Meeting Held Yesterday--Impert- I
ant Transactions.
leobeiti' 11011ciiofitsliost iliport- -
tilt actitons itas the apporitioof ,iii

i s i15ton the Smaiiti. 'lis- eiitrancee ,

)Uiling liii the northeast coriier o is to -'t hesoutibwest cre ir aiitl
tte ctamOpus. lie telay, 11s lisisthe whole structure, as seeii in the

beent st-sled ill the Diii sz- is tlireetly '
cl to thse Hoimrsteaoi trotible ini
Peiinsylvaiis iiid the iinability of
hr (Carnegie-IFitck Cotipany to fiul-
ilt its contract cail supply tlie teas-
ses adsuipports toe the ioof. 'Tle
original contract fur iiieleoing the
ill chugnus-is lit to ia Cincinnati
cin'ipanan) -id torthemi ithe Cariie-
C oipans tics the con-
tatfor the illn portions tif the
tttrkr. Tbe rolliitg of [lielong iron

plans tiisi spellifictioiis, shows a
hlaitdsoiie bliiling, that (,annilt fail
to rellect credit B[ponf a great inshi-
tistion like the Unoiversit- of Michi-
gan. It weill probably be tie if the
finest college gyms ini the wtirld.
The Boom-a-Lagers Elect their Class
Officers for the Last Time.

ary of Caori W.belt i i ssi-ttpo
saisted to 1>I iboo.n o Iczr
Ippinted iiiil cor i IIlat
ic 'od itooy respetilyi salaries
tl ciiiical lsboiiatory , Si o \i : nil501 z si or -;shesiatclteri ii r es than
dliie Hnliit, issistaliltin dcal An ripi 1 ot cs, e fotalogueto
riscdttoti$3 50; Siunois I ctiteassist
ari 1 iiiaatoniitalidemnsitiation: O 09 t t
Aicliibasld lMtuirlieaut assistnt t t o10, 103-1850 l)olllsin' cost.,
chair otfiateria ottii ciII - - tC.~'N
Ne cvlaiw cuizl-miasters wsere ap-
pointedt as follows: ].XW.lDwerI QIhmofld Stratght Qcst.
I'. A. Sheldoss, VlM. XWells, AT.. NoIe
Kedetig ansd R. 'r.Tboisomn.CIGAR ETTES.
d Cigaette Smekers whn
Sauiel TMaxwell, tif N-ebriska s S"arswilig to sey a 1111k-
appointed specealIlecciurelr1)n rodei-irgtril loan1t11'ricer
pleading, and 'in .(T. I sisnioscl 'is, t~ adCirrewillSild
of Sit, tools, AMci lectirei onci ealco-stiher-- ~ '?1 s.l1slollrlrI
htoyof consoon lawr'i.N T'i~et~s'he ROichodStralightcob
hsoy CtN Igrte re 11d111fr1omllthe liright-
E'. R. Ray-ndtws riecomnd- rot caost idell attly flavoed ind hciheust 111s1
SIiold efrownIlis I irricoht. Tisisthe OMl
eel for thie'degree if 1>.S.,ian 'Itr. E idtseOrig'il Banid ofStrlaighit IuatCigaee sac
Ilower fur rtle leg ree Of\1. n 51and1wa5 brouighlit tby is in she i'ar 1875.
of Beware orttins, aind iobsevethat she
-- --.-a. ---- irm lna e iaslbelow is an every package-
inland League Program. I heAL.LEN& GINTER lraiels
Mgassfactrera. - - Richmlndilir ugunia.
'fle lext Mieeting lit the Inuland
feague will lie'luiesdlay eening, Unquestionably
Novemlber nod. lProf. WXalter still ITHEl1ll1ll1ES 11111 ilO
grve a tals ois Motaignie, and Prof. FRATERNITY JEWELRY,
Bi. A. Hinsdale a talk on 1"Itarfielct
as Student andTI leacher'" Persios Anth de Lasrgest Asotentii isf
attendling this series lit entertain- STO TUrT1I-:P S
meets should niake noite of tii'falct AllEIMiD1E1BY
that a chane has lbeeni rnatde onthis - --


ttsses fosr thlt iooif is -s piere of ITle seiicr lawsinoel last nliglht for
strk, ot exceedleindifculty' lid thle thle fiftimle to finishl the electiton
ttllt' pla1ce- in this rcountry wbere It of thleir class officers. 'Tie struiggle
-all b lhone lprolierly15is aI Ionic-lover valedictorian, which had takea
Itcait so01that Ititre 1 is, oicme;lourteen lballots , resciltein athe elec-
ornto cilcd hactsliothilig to do -L110n cftMilton Johinsoii, of Ken-
xt to "c 'sit Idown -aind wait." tucky. Anmidst great checering, Mr.
lt the :140,000 pioundts ohf1iron Johnson was escorted 1t1 the plat-
til siceel wshich arc to constitulte I form n ds ad aci des.i
5i ro ,000~o pountds are oil the . contest oss class hilstorian xras also
1111us iansd as soon1 as thle reimaiii- quite spirited. After several ballots
Ier tan lis obtainlell, the work ot I bad been taken, C. K. F'riedmnan
~tgynsiiiii will lie actively wsOl chosenl. I-or class prophlet, A.
pusetil i oumpletion. - lverythling K. itchcock adlUL. V-. Ilickley,
f le s o te ,rotund.I fte men' are',were nomiated.-sMi NI~'l5,iclo with


te an:dibu11tfor this ileaS-iiililt
ate buiidin"gwoldI-10% ll_

tii.Cfr ork til t hintciosr.
N()11111v1so, a as -ccyetenittke
i.. fthe 40,000 fundltIhint wa~s
"tit' 'lly- availabile, $3non0Will lit'
- II i ieiloinclose the obud tile
'h, 1 ,0 0left1111ii ll p oalyttlbe
I AiAO't .''?000 -I re itecessary
11511-Dishteingadte Bocardt
Wse'g'nts ItIthesirtest rmeeting
:-, I probiibItlytcide to ask hIte leg-
=s.iefralt appiropriation il- en-
I e cheNespapeirs oflDetroiit,
tiai -ails atidtotherirties inlte
Cute lcihave dsciitit tlet es-i


drewv Iis namec andctMr.1111Hitchco I '15010 fromssMondlas toI'Tiuesdaiy j1(JIIJ.[ & SON)
seas declaIse lected.ljeenin".This r-hange was Iecessi- DI 0 0 51 15V ct:(.N
ipehnm ina'ted lir. I111515 solfIItIkes p1ace in the Unitsity11hiallIont ___________________________
Olhi for Ill ii ier oftif Cldishorts. ihit'formiereenling. J
[He wst 0liiitlaioslythelecI tilld Tile Jeffsi 50tlla0 Society.
to te he t ltf ormleto dli erIt s pee lltcli I --- r A T -I!
bet the 1-Ieerlil I'ssoldan 1 111111 lilt: followhots gram w'i 11 illhh ibe f j I MERCH) I AINT
lolng, thaIthtcaa nednt t - ledercldat1111 Jnfftesonitonih,b
tempil.b XIr. lblir ii 1f htBal tior, hR ctttabio 0 11111 111integ s;lIoratlin
Aid. wa latectedl 1ars1hl it elhouit I I.. amer; hlilera1111 lh 1511 TA. r.LOuP..
oposition.Ileh ws 1 cl1 totei i111 illhifomtiI discussilon:IReslvedc
pljuatforii anIll eaitt ndIh 111el liet lTIlit tIle I'union l0awc celetin shio hld DI 55 -1 ltn F
speech. AiIr.XWigginsofi(Obiosswas be It hel under tilt sultciiltenotlce
eheced i iist atsistaInt m111011tI,11111of tielfclt 1 t ly.IDebtte: Iesolv.elId
fur. Xl lerslwis is cesIt tetondl Illt thelltlair schol insu111111 more
assistanl lt. heometing w5115 etli hooulghl preparatlinbitt thetpIll-
adjourel d file t suarter oIaChur it oflawtha tulshe tffhce.1huirota- 55 '- f'OCIf, S'T-tI?,
triumpano Aace elhi"-'nfruittite IU. XX heal; eatv,-.G
of thu e b tln ilard. I Detroit, Xichi au.,

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