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November 12, 1892 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-11-12

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_--._-A\( I 'N ib.. 1 bS ,O ./_°-.,-.
We w'sisli to call y001' particular' attention to the fact 1that our
block , as utsual, includes a g(eneral and complete line of high ci asa j Ilre the finest ini the W o I'Il . 01 s lt it' PI ne line of
('lothling. Youog M ~len's {F'LL D LOSS% ri eSI-i Hm.S
S~rr~ ~ITM bOLEAcENs { P 01,
m(ade 11p) Wtli all t he detilii, care anld skill which Char'acterizes the o'o~~0UIIA N { XH T
b e s t m e r c h a n t t a il o r i n g W o r k . a h m , K n e y R u .M S


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Ann Arbor Savings Bank' PATR0NIZE -- STIL--
Ann Artoor Ylic . Capital Stock, ;$00(), OWEN 'S BARBER SHOP.! - ° ,__
.5 am tlao, f.5000.5
Organizeodonder theGnral ttanklooLaw's No ". ASTlHt:'ONit EE1
a hio tate.c.et'o(iveseosic(Ots, btroando 5
'cls ela oa o n 0 thc 100i mt~l cities ofithe
I-'onitedStateo. lrafts as'ahedlupono per - TH'E ARGUS.'-'
denttcation. Oficers:
('lo1itO 1MACK, B'' V,''('o.. jN 0Jo T (%V TIN ( 11 W.Washington S t.
'5.HAS.10, 1 E. lo'i'. Cshir.ATl 1111 1 IiC Jzs- u'-
'F. .Fu irA~iCzsii1 9R . E. J O L L Y a C O ., 1 H O T L U N C H E S
f a=I~. Sevediat all 'Hous
r r.n YN'I)) Al. l ',I'T iEN''S it' 1 1 '1 'P11 .S'ri' ' fnesr
~~ - 03U. t'. M. ('AI.ENIIA1. shlLsloes not knowetioough, 1as no00
lloesitalltonatter h11chtildlren( 1av(0
Nov'. lii Alpa tl~a 1)10(00oo'c 13'. Literary(I rown U d tol0) 11 011 If the tray, to
R~ ..N A L L o((go(((lol scowo.start ot ta11nt ake a career for hter-
FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, Nov. 1311rof. M. L. 1'(oi-e o "Te(achingof tn Xhrgrsslsm
MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! inoleture. Sro'. oA.riny aysloth0inde
10 East Huo011t00 t,0iaNo. 13.-DOr. Dace (befoeV0Wesleyan (C(wild, on(1 p01(0101ceoflsot skirts and gaiters.
'"rhe Dratna (of the Reortion0 ,''at ;7:30,
!No,'. 14.--1?l(0(01t100 }"i0ot' lee'rt ol)i} I ---1-00 . \ . Sut.
I !0 111 + L.'A Series
It.LTioi Nov .11.-Iladl et l0.i'((C((((( tl'e l cial, 111. 111(01 00111be a 1110n io letlllt of
H FOR ('(((10t'', 010s. I 1unit1h s". 011a 1 ('eas, 'ci's 1.aiond andi tile NV01111-0 leople's Chlristiani (lon,
of Ann l)Arbor1Saulrnay evenitng, at
oul.lcl'Ll( Nooc. 1% 1 l ulo- (( 1 I (lo t 0(1' (('1'.
E A I.y1r 11:. i(6:,o inithe Plre051(0tori 10 clhurchI.
S pp Cur oue.!SCODELEVEN ATDETROIT. i11tl(l1hr ista orsitrelckt"
The IMen who Play To-nay Ae-a-iist 1 11)1o o"IClI oit
a 1 5 1M. A.A. ito the IChristian 051)0sotionIl'is
Ilenr ralt; Hc itttbIle Stllly anol
'The sccond 1ieevn ill pllylyl. the Votml' Icill( 5Sotciy, Char'les
A. A. at thei igounds1t1:ill IDet roit ls Ii l ttis 1 itI001(s h I 0 I
E strong footliall,1a(1 thiere is n h ut;Irllii no,1l:r
doubtofht 11 llgood lie. 'Th'lieof (TI. NIall ci
G111e second(le( lven take 1positios115 Roerot Downi'ng.
foll(10(ws:1 (Greetileaf, left end; NW(ray, Hbert,1(1(10 111110, t1100Amer0ican1
left tackle; 'ci'kton, lceft giiard; tPrlottdia1, swhooct11illshortly bet'seen1 i1
51(0111t~sctt((1 .101 1000,Spaingler, (cntre; Aldrlichigh111t ]fgt P iedaal has atlami((t (f 11(
Medical,IMeMta 1(1(1All I oivo'rsii guard; IDonov((an, right o'nd; I Iclt , toPry 1(01itl('lt0(tO5the G laittor,
'.t'xt-ts((ls Itietapo'slI itilltt'; 'iigirtiis(, Itgcmat', Othello, jottos
r ig ht hialii IW hitehieait,0 fullI tacl. 1 i5010111 1 ('( i(' 111. Itoois about 1(oI'll
~T. I i iiiil soicsItlatge.tooi1110iht by0'the addion of a1 newk
4t~ 4 fl -'.r--.f 0,0(11(h'sticn lltirll' 11(0 ato'an ealyc
S LUU~~ll1~ i~~ivw iiT00K neit110s conies fhornt:111nnArbP1(11 ott(i l 1The iny readst''1 well11. ind
hiis 10 ito'0 stroogsitulations, a(titst
thititihic 'ciloe grls hose lapphearced j stoiy is It11 o111'05't'1', 110 i((1a0100L1(
in1 11nciis gu e'b'dzeso l'srcsooiioo~ voh h ~'tiii I 'e(11111(C0ligs.
city flIP -'11'5oIs qt111(1 niog stwilt gisv' it thie'0111110
lKetih'el o1&Ecsr 1laiheioliticat Instra- !plain, tight-litting skirt reacingnostrong;ca('t,1 1(1(1fill' 5lalvisht (Care
inetits. Ie(dIrprIlices (((1 'v'e'yth~inig, 111il00aybintween thokiiee ainilaiikle, 1111' l'1P5'i sc ilyhim t ot(('si at
atid high gaiters. C ollege girtl1at it 01(1(11se0 110 iie's('1''sfrl in his
the great owestern iuniversiy is anils
s~ris.Eselastic term.. lEverybcody knos' FreIshmiiii'Its(leet this its'tiioiii
South State Street and Main Stoeet.
(~oposite PourdHouseo'. 'that a we'stern omanllliwtio feels tiiat 1 iiP1ro111A Oit 2:;0.

Ex.celsior 1Laundry,
'0 1 5 ork50 1. 1 . ll d. C110 , ' al!(1 Fo
o}n) l J ler . A.iCOO EPT, rop
21Yeacs in then Ausiocs,
M. l.Sea ' a. .1. ourthSt,
'Ff-ae Shower DI-atbh. New Poreltain
'lOSitoot.50000.. Surpi lusoandPoisl, $17,001,
Dioes' a veeral litiiotng buiness0. Pays in-
000001 (On Saw'inogODePOaitS. 1IS Sbfoty'
DeositBoaxesfor Sont.
ft. K ETP, Pros. 5'. 11. 0111.500, cashier.
Bank 0oven00Satardao ovening.
I E. Wasllington Street
Goodspeed & Sons.,


19 5. Main.
Goodspeed &Sons.,
To'N CALiF lil((1110S
NOliMAtN N iiNN i'
17 5. Main.
Goods~peed &Sons.,
l5 S. Main.

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