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November 12, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-11-12

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.^ + - ' a ait in all class exercises and socials, it
,-Jl 'tn isof great valuec in preparing mies
for the 'Varsity Glee Club, as the
Pahiishest 1)aiiy (Sundays excepted) during accession of several '9- men to this
the Colere year, siy
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION yearsciiub'till show.- Class eniter-
________prisc ouldlcot better exercise itsill
Suiscreipt iiistrie 1V,,5 per year, iac'ariahsyIirthan iii this (Ilre('tion.
in ti ange 14itigi rrcpirs ,'3 cents. Patiseir-
tionesmay h tic fit te otlticc'ofthteiscTtst.s',--1
ct Stoftttc's, sitiw rsi t fte sditcrs otic 'f'is tre iy too tail that "'i nut -
Ctta rtzs olis ci'ors.itts' tit'i tcsi es'ty ton asi itt 'Ii it hudrahte te yitnecessatry St iii-
s oclocki- s. .isftiryareto apptar the nsxtcISterpotse itr the safely cif their tetamc
,fsy'. Addtress allmtin t tetdedi for pytuica-
ution ote tasiagitt Edtoir. Aulitissiseaasisi teslace use (Cornell gtsnse off it
oamtuticattin ssosutitichsseti to ttBsi-i'otiner to race the eleven (tsr the Vatle
nes tutiager.
THE U. of H. DAILY. ganse. Is lPritncetotnafraidl there
Ann Ariser. wish. swotltd le nothing t care if they

Of till kinsiii for Ladies and. Gentle
R. r. tjj WAHR & MILLER
$PECJAL SALLi.-ovme 7-1
WAGNER & CO., Tailors and Furnishers.

F'. E. JAINEl-M, Liii.'tO.ii i git ip SIdutsr
(', A. D,t'scstx, Lit. '9it, Ass.is.tant.
Wl. isissic's, iiLit 5, Assistasit,
5..5 tts s A1,i.'4f, i~i."in5..stsx r
A. 55'. iVs'sisis is, iss '? ,s5"' t ii
A. 5N'. J i1Si titit sst. isi.
Lai1. Bi.iSi'situ
I:. it. 'o V, it "i
AR 55 : . Iii iii.
5 . 'i. riist, Medicir'1i.
M Ats s sit viiiC.SitWsIr. '.f},
C.K. Sit~rr, teotits' .
I. srslIssim,Lsite'91.
Souse weeks ago te statemuesntswas
made its this paper that the M1cA\lil-
lan gyr essould sot be open So girls
this year as usnal. The statenment
weas erroneoius, andr being aidvisecd of
the fact, we corrected it in tlits cot-
usmn. Sonic residuce of doubt seemiss
So retnain. It mais' le well to state
further that te managers recognize
She fact that while girls ace quite as
mussch, if tntsmsose its sied of syste-
static culture tiansbitts, y(ASSlie


Iler ksi ldwlsin W\ardl, isistruto r i iss i itt is
(itt iIt z
flit (('lo ,ias ii na is5i)ii i /~ Y ( /6 '~~ as iivof o p r stuofTristit An rbrc
i tr iu tEG Se ,f O Bitt ri 'tg'It. 7 i itsii't"'s't~sr'
i'ssc ttsis' . Ii Sis'W issr iitoo iici C"5ltiiiii. sr'issisc scisttis riitt ut. e litit.
or.a yeas.111rs iaend ciPaisssicn r"ssessssscs'slcrsitissrs-1tsp.sl m."
Is( a g tte n trlsinT te EA INs S HOc .USNEsratsr~asd~s SS . tss a g-tl5 AssN'. its-seet cr Susisisiss t till ..1 l 1.t
sticfcti sclin tunesis tsacrs; larg ts t endanc
matei at .it s it I r 5 int e1 (y) 11s h o godctzipi sprr v k; eltepi daiT. PGOI.G stiticstiis't t'ssss
Slisigeicdall is'iiiurns;Saturray'eviti reit.sitit
assi threpsic''. btl sa tt oti c n Wce Aisee; c erigrtes n e e at Jo'usui iss tin s sc o(Ctll5)'isis's
at~ad Sste oobigcal salints is)6 ii ll s cure icissestmatIsady'. lieissesitre. 7p i
caSillieri5istis Drumitvtikitit i'ektaddisis
A tim ys'at felowsii t n, Irsal}rd P. R.FCLEARYSPres. '.. {E titStan~it"Ir'. i. S li il
wa so rne ntt n urii ENS-S OS-I STCK l ites. issscest. cndaAy
Issti t therelg icle tbriogltnso ill- tsvss Rdued t
Snnand Hi Nplstology(if St ioucisD ty F e n r oldooly di ,aeet ud~
was nowd rats, toh' ad nd ' urin g E NS-SHEa N- T C .j -e. as.Aen. Loa Aet
alan taking She degree of Ph.). in -AT T1f1--
ir. Wad antisspesnt She last liwn STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE, STATE ST.
summaers at Agassiz's 'sewtsi
laboratoiry andi makes Iis spit alts Gieek, Laiiti, IFrench. (etiim ia tiad ani l clepegs 'xt-Bioks,Nsc
invsertebsrates tandt larasitioctSestid-l sict
1It. . .1'ici'las',is unisl )t LAW AND MEDICALj BOOKS

tire sdebarrest fcomuse sugtg iiig " +frtsssctendstclasses, onaacrounst if iltness.
muaisy osithelcspirts suit recreastiosti ________________________
un whccichlcoys hfsntopporsutunty to t
keep their uitoies its goothcontion. u
usonss, therefoare, aisst\\'elnesda~y
aind Saturday morsninigte gytni- C L EG , M l
stuns roocms atud apparatuis are re-
servedl for tuse exclusive use cuthS~e-
girls. Ini selectinig your' Society
Thae instrusctions given bIt the di- badge ote an-thling ini jewelr3,
rector on these stays is specially
adapted Sn their reqluiremaents, asnd wetSwatssit to bear us iii
thtose whom tishi it rats, withaoust ex- miinid. Our reiputatio is tise
sense, hsase a physcical examsination
lay a phyesicians of tuheir on sex, thighest fori'thits ws'rk studsrie
rvho xill suggest suscuseercis's as 1 utll Iofferil' sithle nist isodc'-
tine bst suited ti chssl.
__________________raite pliees in ichgis t or ~
A POINTER FOR '96, Sis et cis
'The class of '96 coulds not better
imaitate her imiimesdiate preuecessor ovmvOSO O
than ia thec fort-satin of a freshmnsuc '' '' T "1" SONSĀ± , COi.'
glee dlub. Thue success of '95 osughtt ittut~ictrd Atve., andI State St.
to be sufficient encouragemuent to
justify the attemapt. iBesides being .DE~'r~1 - - iII1tOAaublNlssogniainueu

t. cn stisertseinushis colssmntattOs sate
itt1 ients perslisse. Spsecisia i rts fis isagci " 'Iw
I tire ad ttuxra liaestfstished 1,37aplyitigat lw TOG A
I tue DILY e ;iee.lIr u O R
.S (St'tc'I."r, i'iistHEts avilatble __ --_ -^
ait short Aigtee s'atitthisss.1 s'sl
.lietta ie, GRAND OPERA H U E
(Go to('. A. Msiyiartt,tle State street AN R10t
groeir, fuse oil, sosap, fruits, etc. Stu-TuedayN v.15, '92.
denSts w5ill fiitdlhimtitSlt'mo'stcutis- '1115 ov
stlodtiitg gioeer in totwn. SHE fTRAGEDIAN,
P~er'sosdesirn i ratte instruceutin'
swilt. inst 'scomipetenst teacers'grattei P B ~ D L ix
tif flueI'. of M5. at Xc. I VtitlnilSt. _-AS--
Speitis, Latii dt iul(tek. -TR SCC
I 'tsuireit lid ifeitha ire iis'tt's is Siiptiitt byiriic' u e ue . t'art'1st'i'ii'i5ASit -
Y ousel an frendsareinvted t essisark Criur. Des,. Macomtter. ia. c. ii s,
Balltt IIthe.('eelshuse, AA rborNeia. HurbertS Maril. Si. ISt. witnurs Rist Iii
'sis utter 14, 1a,'Si, std 1 .7, 1 lsslcisttuy, 'suiaui.Chsarees ssI vye. Chsaries SIustiuutist.
t, G eusr stail. SDavu i Robinuson..aisssoe
'I ittst sit, SWedncsdasy , atushutrsdiay. tuuavid Stsius. D.L.Ciarenuce. I'icrencs r tnsuu
a i' st i'.tiiitia51full late of satimples of Sophtie' Aibertstud Statte C'lins.
Vltetst metrospolitant stylesoifttaie' Psices, - - - S0n, 75c and $1.00
tutu geensu'set's gysttuistiti uning., PSe5at sialeat SPostoittue tewStauutd.
snouther sporyting, datueiltg,pttrty,alt RIEN TSCHLEU,
street pisces,slppiters, overlshoe's, stnd
rubtbers, shonl by I'. IP. Licintgstont, ~~
of 11. 1I. Fuyfe & Co., IDetroift. Amsaong h."noto Pam h er
whlichs aire(liecelebiratedl "Fyfe-Font- jg p' s
turms" sties aind''double stilt', russet.
bluchsers" for swinter.C055INElR ,MAIN AND It ilotti- l s.

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