e . of
, . air .
VOL. III.-No. 29.
NTI~1I'aImilton , ant irs. J. Reed; medi-( STUDENTS THAT TOOT,
THIOA S LEAGUEIcal department, AMisses iBishocp andr
Cok;hmoatibis__-TeU fM Will Add a Band to its
What it Aims to do for the U. of h erg; its, Miss Btenson; tdental, stf ranzaios
M CoE.Miss PIhillips pisarimiacyf .:iss it The IUniversity is soon to hisve
Pierce. new miusical organizations, to lit
Its Organization, Aims, and Resulmts 'he presideist is chosein ever)' al- kisoswn as the tr. of M. banil. ThIis
Accomplished- Executive Corn- terstate year froms te isslepentdents. nesv msicsal tir(anizatiisi is to Ut
mnittee and Officers for this Year TI
- The Fa-C Taken hy Faculty !is.eirst president was Msis.EthlscI suiler the sdirecto~rship of Gcralsin
..adies--Heiw the (t-Eds Masy !lounstasin, now preselstress ini a pros~s- ('Colis. Al r. Collinis' Isis.nt is aI
Theso.,a55 tvls Wicsliou~i se
tre'tissy sbove all siller-s tisc
( NI M. girl is tihe l's siisis
s aguse. Ilis soieity, fosrmsed abtit
-%V V~seassgso, hIssmaniifosldlsobjects.j
'I~e need ssfisrinsging the girls of the
periu sislashes' college in Oak~islands,
Cal. 'I'lis.secondsri iesidlent,5 Miss
Loise Rasndolph, note Mrs. lPsi.
dcraiy ii i sis.Berlin isIJuliette
Sessiosns is this. presidenit this Vesir.
It is the airs of tie eaIsgupe ts iaie
as sieetis.-shbout onice ev ery monsth,
-isper classes ito more shrect snion ansi anisinteresting programt is tsr-
ith the cotmparatire straisgers sarI rangedl fsor the coming scar. In
osnghieen felt. Heee, too, all of ahoist twooweceks M~rs. Robilinson,
lie girls mecet simiply as students of
the University, not as menihers of
sty particular departmnent or class.
I[ere tise "iris useet and find social
sof inthe. best form in d sitan isslis-
s~neesni leiatsre. shiishIsatiy issis-
Wr ofi op5s dis v iisate. parties cosild
1i0 girs. I Pess.thes.ladhes sit the
failts. gisvs.ofithis.best issaities
-, v - sses fo t eselifttiof thes
ii's Btasncroft, of Detroit, a w'ell-
knowen esdsucatosr, will adsdsrless tse
tLeagtse on 11The Adivsntages of
higher Eduacation foe Lashes frossi
Ahroad.'' later iii the seasoss ad-
diresses trill he gisven ts rlis. Nans-
crede and Carrosw osiemsergesscy
cases asnd hose to trea~t thesi, sasnd
Mrs. Asngell will gire sas tals. on the
weorks o~f woensis at the Worldl's
yosngesr siesmbers oif the I easyie. l air. NIrs. Anigell is Ilaisyiisa.' er
!,c '05555 st 1 'st'twor-thsirdls(if the .\lfrm s-cigssn, andsiwill I iirissiliess
l . Every girl ini tse lI iisrsiss jgive isii.tfiiisyverlots.'restsig.
rt'inhil y ousght tos le aisle t d tisl Thi 'le remindsisier if tisi entertin i-
ra'half astwteli. Sie trill alhess tnentis tillise soialsss, iiftee the
ise the feelisig that she iassasidcm-ssj plait uf those givesn last yeare, the
ate pissce, aind that somaehsosdy stasscl experim ent tihessmadielharisig provetd
lslliil Iser to rendier help asis as- that socials givens at peltvste hsosises
sstance swhess needed.' were a consplete success. A social
[lie reception coismmittee uopessed timie is usually indculgedcini after the
te year hy rendering assistasire to aidresses. 'fis fissal entertainment
strangers in regard. to roosss, classes is alwaeiys a hatwr social, assdl thesn
and progriams. . A portions cf the osse tintks of thte many heastiful
rommoittee ressined constantly ini places in Ann Arbor foestuchs pleas-
mh saiss hail to receive the ste's stire, the sisccess of this soiai is evi-
yens. A girl svho comes litre is ' r dent.
cass lsardly appreciate thse diffirsilsi s lMany young lashes seemii iot to
ccountered foreely hy thsose telso knote to wehons they msay give thseir
anse as strangers, tithout some osse feetiventy-five cesitsanil obtaiss a
toi help thsem. In tihis particuslar ibaiige. Akny memsher of the execs-
hine the Leagisetvorks in cosjsnc- live comnmoittee casn settle thast suat-
ho's swith thse S. C. A. tee. These young laidies twear a
[Ts. executive comssiittee consistsI badge of yellotw,hisue asid clark
o5 one msember frost each sorority, hlue rihhon. It would lie an excel-
ias eq~ual nsumhee of girls from the lent idea if every girl ini the Uni-
literary deisartment and one mem- versity wouid identify herself with
lie from tacit of thet othser depart- this society, as all who listened to
merets. Foe the peesestt year thtis the excellent address delivered to
committee is composed of the fol- thse League last montishby Dr. Asngell
lotting members: Literary depart- can certify.
ment, Misses Durfee, Goodeich,
hlolden, Ross, Barnard, Stearns, At 9:30, tonsorrow, '9- lit meets
W~olf, Phelps, Sessions, Wadsworth,' in room A. Importlant hbusiness.
mscianissiis stelil kissitess tsthtie
I; iiv ersity- asnd li h siuscnetiton siths
the bistsii till cs.rtainulyinue: its
success. .mseeting ws'as hld1lsast
NVesisessly v en issg andcte foiiott
isng officers elected: ].'resiilesnt, J.
W.s Cory; ice-presidlent, Carl Jones;
secretary, L.S. Wiggints; treasurer,
1: I oeeester hbisiniess miasager, C.'
S. heramuselibrearian, It. 11. Whiit-
ten; director, Gerald Collins.
Th it.band, whens conmpleteii ttill
contain ahou~t thirty msembhes. Thse
ohiect is to give pishlic coiscerts.
lDurintse Sftll ansi sprinig openi air
concerts wtili he givens on thte campuss.
Dursing the spingssyvacaion the baud
will tak e a tosirthsrosigiscollege,
townts atid sosme iof the large cities.
its. folloinsg an- the nanses of the
slayers andilthseis insstessieists:P'c-
Coo, teo. Cis;flt ca ine,
]'ranki Casse; first P1 lit sclasrsosnt, I1.
1. Brow, irslst ciionets'.l 1'seres-
ter; secoundilaia ntC L lisst;
obeo, (to he fillsed);sisolocunset,
Chass. Vsasdeelt, It rossItis p,'f'.
S. Blennuei;first corsiet,3J. W. fury;
second corntet, Earsnest lBraynser;
solo alto, RasysiosndHller; first
aito, .-obsert Christman anil 11. it.
Whsittest; thirdi alto, J. J. Lasedl;
first tenor, L.. S. Wiggisns; seconsd
tenor, WilliamsiGwtyner and C.
Adamos; first trombone, Geo.
'sansderwalker; secosid tronmbone,
Pauil Nklinnis; baritonse, Carl Jones;
tuba, H. IHi. Whitney; haslssru,
Walter Moore; site drum nsdisitraits,
E. Edmnsts.'Thse ibandselxpect to
be abie to give cuiscerts iii the sitar
future. 'T'he butsinsess msanager's ad-
ciress it ;, South Fousrths street.
IV. H. Nichols, lit '91r,twas chair-
msan of the meeting foe the organi-
zation of Prohibitio nists at the
Univ. of Chicago, Saturday. j
Mrts. Allen, of Portland, one of
the World's F~air commissioners for
the state of Oregon, is visiting her
daughter, Miss Allen, of the medical
de partment.
10os 133-185uw iODist, Ave..,
,55 '.ttL'VS ,
Detroit, Michigan.
9 iehmond Straight Qcit.
No. 5
d's tetatt moerswhis
'x 1 are wilinstosi sssa listle
u4; ch5 olargetdssor the srinisa
traeeCigarettes, will find
'feaps AND superior to
5 Thishimossnd Straight
Oust Ne.51dCigarettssartetmade-fromsstht bright-
est, mostsdeica~ttely flavoednt d highsesteos
Goid Leaf growistn iVirginsia. This is the Old5
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ands seas bohessilt outthe as istheyetar 5555.
Beweare of 5Isitsatisss,ad ostsertettsatthe
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