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November 02, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-11-02

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It will astonish the male "fits," lv=
,2. of" " j ~t~ " ct aws, '0 " denits,'' "medics,'
"hiomieops" and1 "pharinics' of this New Firm, New Goods, and Low Prices.
?ubiiidhai iiyi(iSndays exetd)rxingi ____
iiini'siiestiyei by i nstitutioin to lsarinthat wxheni they
THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION speak of their young lady frieiiisiiiglkesSLMFG REtptitiiixtx.
aiiionitg the students as "'co-exds'" Wi' nice laid in a very Large Stock of Seasonaixie'Goods. tic
subxsripiiixice eisx' 5'iiipervx' m" iii'variibily tieeyarc'eiimiloyinig''a reiic of a IBought Cixeap. We Seli Cheaif. Fine F{(ootwear', [oots asod1Shoes.
inice ii'i' 5hs i .x' cns . cxiii.
tixixs mays' le leftxx ait'thiei'offic heDILY, iiiCiixecaiway ofl ookixig at the tiosi- H'+ z "..AI--I::.,
at stofl~l'x withay of he iiii l",iior tioln of icomeni.'' 4'~5 OCjT1 AIIN STREETl, - ANN AIII3I1T I MIII.

a ti' zedxxxxsxiciiiii"'ii 'i 'ii'i l' lx'
Commnicaionsshold rachihe ii ico b
THE if'U.iof t. DAILY,
Assn Arbor, Mihi.
cEDIT 0 S.

'ix'xi isr cxxvawclayss ias a cixtilt
task can'~ thic lxis xinattc'n pt igt '0
releIctia. ;siian irs. It seetms that

$P1ACJAL $ALL, . ---For One Week!


Oc'tiberx22'ciixx. that 5',
r '
(viC'S S' ilUlC 1 iC
xx ciitl i '.. .:aci ii t.' , at x tlxi~ i~lxcoiivixs Sx i
rii'i ~i~i" i i
a 'i~t ' a 5, ' si xix50x x~xxxxr
ii' Si ix '''taiiu ix''ix xxIx'1l 'x D liIiigT S 'ix '? '' x '

1. .:1. Six.1N

xx'_ x xi x ii 'xt lxx i.xxi ixi ihe? d tliit xcfs ix', ii55'iiii i x
N i. No.ISII;..-'uS1' Ax'(sinxxi iir'N'.tx,{x'itxx.iiiisis
IS.i iii~xi x Lecitcures axxd Concerts' o'aNd 13lxxxt"3xx
Ali S( xI? 'As tiipr'ii We Advise Studernts tnSeen erl''xSxx Six Tme
- .'' lfoll hiiixg it'rx'stintsc S 'iii c ') l' . 'cxxxix sxi xxiii li x xxx ix i i a E.
has________________bee_________ n c' ai rrxangec'ibyt'the txxcxi vof t xe)1 J T 'i'ix xl- il 111 lxxxi2 , 1(0 xind.1 ol cxiii xln'Ft
The names of all persons whlose the tixiersity Schxoxl (if dtxixic. t itheol S]'5 iOS 'ie islail}xriicxixiiiixlna .
subscriptions are not paid on or be- is recommendcxced to the attetioni ofTNNSN7SO . ti 1 IESNL 'ri'. Il. S. ixiit'1ISNSV(Ii)
fore November 5th will be stricken all studttnts interestc' i usc: TENI SHOES - I - STOC . ceii.i'ax. A'evixi. liioilj'el
from our list.
\ov. 5. Vocal Physiology. War- I STF'l)ENTS, SAVEI HATLI 'YOLRMOM EYXAD)1I[I
YE EDITOR FULMINATES. ccxx F. Loxmbard, Ph. 1).,A\I ). i a ~ ~
'The nexcivctor of thx eiew xxi .Nov. x o. acullty concert. Ness
versity Nexws, students' organi of the tberry fll. --.u Tnol}_--_
ncxv Cthicago Uiviersity has ixiade a Nov. Er'.\usciilar anid Nerv-
dliscrivery, ianiely, that the youniig xus 'rocesses in Pianofolrte Ptlay- STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE, STATE ST.
laity students ixn soxtiecif tthe western ing.'' A. S. -Viartitin, A \
cotleges xwtire co-ceducation exists M1) . Grcck, Litin iiircichi, (Geritiantxd till CcxllcgexINt Iliol N c xx
arc callccd 'co-edfs."'' Ite sadden- Novusrcx y di;stlistics.'"' . N'xndcfSecoiic-Uxicf
ness of hils discovecry seixis to throw Scott, h.D.L lDx f) J BO K
thei ecfitoxr iito a stateofxiio'xle'nt Nv a1 ' ct. C'horal ixioni A W AND ME ICA B OK
ixi/ rvous agitatioxi. seris. ixodort Thoimaxs' (Orclies- AT WHOLESALE: PRICES.
the exfxrc'ssion; x fallig husuxpoixnxtia.
ears whchet tieIhaxe not cet iirii it Dec. . ccture. IY. R. ctc''xxst, i h Z~_O- ._ C 0 , O
tox the rough xandtreacdy toxic <i col- l A , .. ..
loge xvcrnxa'ulxar sxxxxxcs ''arix roxs,'' Dc.8. 'acltyCcert. Mcxc-I FBUSINESS LOCALS. GIBSO
"vuligxar."' 'andxi"''texstablIe.'' Ilehe lcrrv ft li.-
'xxlcrtaixxx a I rkiig susp~icioniithaxt EI 'xxx7 Pu i'sre il Der.it xxxi'l l e1ix' xix lx{'x kIiix,usr AS
l RAa okacis sxxxicixrx i intendxetd, xxiiias .e.-. C oal tFix iou x'oncrt. 1exery 'I' s(ii t . xxxillxiibe pleiasedx to i
sucix,''it is cccii too chxcapxfor the '"Me ssiali'SI.h"xtxs 1 X'.I i5NS'
ax'erage ccxllege xwit."' Ixavinxg Jaix. 14'. tGreek. -Mutsic. M ..I Aixis'leg giltxit e o oe xi l i e s iiilxl <b
wroughtlimsxielflUitothtiis cixcoix- I)'O(oge, 1... xI),irshw xitstexikIg tiil froGo -- 7 T
Portxale stxite iifxxii ir lie sits him an. o. o cr. hrlG lo st tlxxitu' 'tli.lxx1;y '. J. R txxxxxs, the Sills Arbir.x lxx+iii cx i xxx ii 5
iloxixto flmxxinxxte, closixig xxithi this series.lPiaixo recital. 1'mxix dxix- 5). E'xcilusiveniesuofxxxixelties rn iiiY O T BR 3
exhoxrtation: S "Inxx this ;ge'nt axnct el. m di nsxhultli l hPile' esai' i dxxo eiii Amevicas1on'~raieS
]folxlit chaxrcteristics o ifxs tinte.TTt 5 l~
glorious axid compifaratively frce re- Jaxi. . 'Sonxgs of thxe Elizxa- irlieisxcl u x li'he fxxx L .Y Ii T L
puxblic a younxgiixn has the privi- bethnxx\Age.'' 1. N. flenixtoxi . A. dies, espiecially 'csloltes, it E . A.,
lege to sxay and do a caiey of oh- 'M. { I apninot5,tileStae shet rxer'c. 511i15i511'i 5
Ixutitfc sfle eigh of ates t, Ja.h5e. Pi'reitalf. I5.,ticket 'it hirsier' s NewcAcadxecmii.
butthewhle eigt f te est 1;e. . Lctre,"Pschlog."Apply at 1Dsixs' olice. ''CHA1NGE OF PILL NI( ITl1'i'.
fublic opisnion of the University J'" Dexweyf'h. D. Attend the grexit 1_1atxwhirl fox three di1S0 5,2,ad3CEt<
shoulhd be unfalteringly arrayed Fxeb. r. Organ recitaf.. _ days onlysut The Two Samss, eonirne- Amss , 1, 2,an35C ts
agaist ay atenip at ntrducixg Sanfe, A.dl.ing Nov. I to 5tl-Thurxsdays, Friday
aganstan atemt a itroucig taney A.M.and Saturday-anry of thse new shape KEN TSCH LER.
this relic of the medieval way of Feb. Y6. Closing concert. First soft hasts, Fedor or Alpine shape, cost-'
ing $3551, '3.00 and $2.50,for 'f.85. This ho L ra her,
w ftredays olyTth1e 5 SeIh indow
of the students.'" urdays, at 4 p. m. display of hats. costS 75 M3AIN AND HSURON vs.

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