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November 02, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-11-02

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E tt. of

A. Wail.

VOL. III.-No. 27.



of the supporters of the enterprise
can be successfully carried out, it
will, in time, be the nucleus of a
Exceptional Advantages Offered new department of the University,
to the Student of Music. the much talked of School of Fine
Art. It is even safe to prophesy
The Efficient Work of the Choral that our unique University system
Union and School of Music in will eventually extend to the School
Training Musicians-A Tendency
Toward the Introduction of a De- of Fine Art, which, having equal re-
pertinent of Liberal Arts in thequrmnswt th Uivsty
University-It Should be Encour- quiremets with the University,
aged. will allow advanced students to re-
ceive bachelor and masters degrees
Ann Arbor seems to be a town with music as a major and probably
destined to a world-wide reputation. painting and sculpture as minors.
The remarkable growth of old To many this may seem like draw-
clega is without precedent in ing very strongly on the future, but
college annals, and unless all signs we should remember that it has been
fail the end is not yet. No step in hut a few years since music could he
recent years seems to portend so elected for credit, and the experi-
much good to the University as the ment has proven so successful that
recently founded University School at present there are sixteen courses
of Music. Since the organization in music offered for credit. Surely
of the Choral Union, Ann Arbor has we have reason to believe that the
rapidly gained that tone which founding of the School of Fine Art
should ever be present in a Univer- is not far distant.
uity community-keen appreciation The question which is uppermost
of good music and all that such ap- in the minds of Ann Arbor's music
preciation carries with it. lovers today is, "'ill the Choral
Prof. Stanley and his cohort of Union be able to accept the invita-
carnest supporters have been the tion to go to Chicago?' The answer
means of giving to our University a depends upon the support of the
phase of culture to be found at few students of Michigan. If our great
Universities. chorus of 280 voices is to go to Chi-
The work of the Choral Union cago next spring it is necessary that
seeds no review at our hands, it is the chorus itself should do conscien-
sufficient to re-state that their rendi- tious work by constant attendance
Lion of the "Damnation of Faust'at all rehearsals and the students
last spring in Detroit has perhaps and citizens in general, should lend
never been equalled in this country. them financial aid by supporting the
The high grade of its work can in excellent course of concerts offered
no way be better attested than by this season. Their recent circular
their invitation to take part in the states that ,8o season tickets must
World's Columbian Fair, heading as be sold in order to ensure the suc-
they do the list of thirteen similar cess of the series. The support
organizations invited. asked for should be enthusiastically
'the success of the Choral Unii givenand the actual number sold
has given rise to the founding of a should be near 2,500, for a better
University School of Music, which course of entertainments have never
should receive the support of every been offered in the northwest. For
student and alumnus of the Univer- the increased reputation of the Uni-
sity and every citizen of Ann Arbor. versity, and for the interests of our
The need of some great conservatory new department, let us by our
of music in the west is apparent, generous aid help on the good work
and its establishment here could not so auspiciously begun.
have possibly been better timed. "--
The school, although open but a Rev. E. T. Williams, who spent
month, has already 107 pupils with over a quarter of a century in China,
a corps of well known and efficient will give a talk on the customs and
instructors. With such a showing habits of the Chinese in a lecture
thus early its success seems assured. before 'the Inland League, next
While the school is not a part of the Monday night. Mr. Williams is an
University, yet its connection is intensely interesting talker, and will
such as to make the interests of the no doubt delight all who hear him.
two common. If the alternate plan Admission ten cents.

What col. Robt. G. Ingersoll Thinks
of the "Athens of the West."
Robt. G. Ingersoll was seen after
the lecture Monday night by a rep-
resentative of the DAILY, and ex-
pressed himself as well pleased with
his audience and reception.
Speaking of the University and its
phenomenal growth, lie expressed
himself as follows:
"I consider the University of
Michigan the greatest institution of
the kind in this country."
"The one distinguished feature
which is noticeable here is the prac-
ticable nature of the instruction."
"I have seen men who could talk
seven languages and did not know
enough to pay their board." "I
was surprised to see your large Uni-
versity hall.' ""The acoustic
property of the hall is exceptionally
good." "I was especially glad to
have an opportunity to speak to the
students on the subject of Shakes-
peare, because I hoped to get the
students to study his plays more
thoroughly." "I have been inter-
ested in the growth of this institu-
tion since 1847, when I was here for
the first time." "It seems to me
that there has been a remarkable
growth in liberality and breadth of
thought at this institution during
the last decade." "This is an indi-
cation of the tendency of the times
iu which we live, and is a good sign
of our advance in personal liberty,
freedom of thought, and its attend-
ing benefits."
Chicago Observatory.
C. T. Yerkes is to build an ob-
servatory for Chicago University
and furnish it with the largest teles-
cope in the world. The lenses to
be used are ones made several years
ago at the order of residents of
Southern California, as a counter-
attraction to the Lick Observatory.
On account of a lack of funds they
were never accepted, and were al-
lowed to lie in the rough at Cam-
bridgeport, in the hands of the
makers. The attention of Mr. Yer-
kes was called to the matter, and he
purchased the discs at cost price.
The instrument alone is to cost
$5oo,ooo, and will be the largest
single donation yet received by the
university, exclusive of Mr. Rocka-
feller's gift.

When youewantthe Latest Metropoiitan tityis
at $2,$1ar' 55 thoe astu0 to$1 a pair less ilian
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