W e wish to ('all youlr particular atton a anton to thle faict tIfIt iI AT THE T' o Mr rle tt i nero lrsca lFT
Stok, s uual jol U105a g'i'ra an rolplte 110of ighd (ENTS. Better grade at SEVENTY FIVE I1\ENTS.
('lrtliilfC. Y0011 1 i ' i.1jj grade(s of lilt') r'('ar'in)ine sAil, 01w , ANI ill no 1_),l
~IZ~S £IT~ C ~ OATS ltii1.
;rll1 11 () Ivrill all fIhI 0 "ai l 0, 1ca1re'lll skill scllt obi c ara aetrite the
Wadha n, Kennedy & Reule.
«1elt;' 1141 for -11 le'1 ja .i a Is ''ci I 'a lei a' c l
Ann Arbor Savings 3ank PATRO0IZE elo Ludr
:inl oI~it n c 1.5,ilIiitl1. til ,1,t al OWEIN' " BARBER SHOP ! 4 ?0IlASt' IItf0 ' aoa 51 110'.
,this statte. lecaiites tDepost, hil nd ________1_____________1___slid ' 1 ii veve.'. COVERT, II-ota
-ells exchttanonthe prIinci)ltitiet it the
United State's. trafts catshed ponrptt eri' --THE ARlGUS,5-
ieiicain. OffierstVt ec Gl JI 2J s~N,1 W ahnto t 1Years in the ,Business.
W. D.iH51155 Mars, i(. rs. ,p N NCITY LAUNDRY,
t. J. Ft'ia, A. (ashiei. HesaCahiSTLOtW PRICES. 0 1<70- O~ . . K. Se. Stlt.N . 4 N. Fourth St.
1'0)"M.(AELI\I. sichools tci whtch athee belong, l in- 0. K. BAR5BER ,SHOC)P.
I ~Atendl to sa setitam lelt torus to the II toalainia. Poceai
Not' 1t4,t14ir Choal Unon puc~ti c at :1Q ane Shower Bath, Nlew ocli
inrhpl df,' l esaesadnaa Tubs.
!zlii' ii"' No t limerica north.o
'\hiLL ljt( ER ai.lvs. ALT GnD0 lit III10 'III)N.(1',
nowi 1). C0)n.i ii 'Ia' 1 111111 01 j 'I 554
IN 1 il) '1' t('a')11 O :s 4 1 11 ii Ms s 1 Itcillt { , £'' c I rOflS.'"_,
itiis ill y 11:10lei'kist(7ii tta ll I ts
5/'. o Arclio tlrm o d(ma 1(11 0a t aC' cs.'' Ii
S111iety1 t j II iics0(Lilo ii ISS t't5 X'i)tolENS
A ] ' ~~ A 10111 ial ~ ca t+C( 1it(21Jar' i C li C < DArnrci Stle:, C X11 )~f al_7ilt;l S t!OcI ullr rn ' 1 1" IN II,
' 1 1 11Y r~t ''I(',tllGiGOlSi1the _ 1c icl (tltiI ' '00 (IC l t he jo o:Ilhllc 1:a i t s ll t lIC'sInXii ''
i yll tl I " 2l ) 1111 il'l I~l 11 ' lath' ltt.C t hes I> 11(101 'C a r i ll 1
ipI ,a~i2 0IeI, i 1)hott 0c tlt Ilti l o c iI sclt 'sci ottt1iiiIc.l y 1a calctl e(ITA I ORC
- 11111 )l1tdens n me1ca1Clu ewll h caioti refll~ S lys lc t e arsuI _)Ir, I
- - I ecc tttist tat T h e oltict a tl i I y ame.iotgIANpropeN coil
Medical, Dental and ll U iver i CC hap illssI tnde edo urpo
I~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~o the nex1sI t 11 s 1 tltc best ssaySs I offera
jrie ot $rSo, fcr thetet beItst at
N~~te ~ pizetof tiootnd f1)1 or thelicx ~t bCst
S1llqOIts' ot 5p~ -o; tiso thrtrCh011r jprizes oo~
it the city' fttr 2X.5cents. Arenit fttr
Keulftel & IEster MltIeitlltiC)11 Instriu-
menilts. IUniter prices tillecel'ytlttIg
$6on, antI 40 for thte beat jirartical
plants of plrom~otinlg increased huntanC
edu~cationt it0our highe~r insttutionst
of learninlg tefotrCe namEedt, nonelCof
the Csayacato eceedCIIsix thtousanld
Oea House-All the Waek.
sign Nveas displtyed atiC7:'30. Of thte
shtows tIl$itm b tsiiiit ws f irst-clasill
every' risptandtl 1:islodiftot silpi- i
ritir tttaly high pricedilshtow we hase
ever hiat. ASilas I lellierson, the stalr,
ion amoiing Niltgl'iats aud still bte wel-
comued scheu shte retutrns, sitd seeas-
tle tier'1 ('0Ctitbithioutae. Manlag'r
ha~vinlg tinlif tte atronigest ctopanies
otilhle 'tmlI.-N\agaim 1' (lls I)s'ttacral..
17 S. Main.
Goodspeed & Sons.,
'Solc' Agcli1ts foir thete Illjjl'
IMd a(kin ltoshies.
15 S. Main.
L --j lehS ~'""'IIC (pri/C essay's, withl unames
South State Street and Mlain Street.ofsrteP1(oflCclegsr
(OppotitetIC(ut u tse . oI rtr n o h ol~ s o