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November 01, 1892 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-11-01

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'VO,. III.-No) 26.



(DjjNI) flE T JhE.
Robert G. Ingersoll at Uiver-
sy Hal on Shakespeare,
C r'; teci bye 1 NI tlefiant 1Aed1woc0
Last fNig-h9t, hotwthstandiog -n
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Tribofeto th~e Greatest Dramatist
-2,800 Students, Protessors, aod
Towosj eole Entranced for Two
Hoors ---- AuspiciosGOening of
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'11Shakrspearet 'wasth :;
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Every 9Political 0reeze. =;

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