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October 29, 1895 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1895-10-29

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STU ENT ! W Gie Y u - - - FOR KNOWING WHERE - - -
is sold. You have shown us by your generous patronage that
are just right for people who wish to dress correctly and it the same time SAVE MONEY.


37 S. Main St.

R T I AN INSECT'S FOOT-FALLS, ' resemble nthiag soa mach as a very ANI C XTU 0 lum.
T ime Table (Revised) May 19, 1894. af a Fly Seued Lead to the Etar. pace at which the wheel maces is s ~ A&~U M*I
EAST. WEST, slow that there is ample lime allowed
P'. a A. M The improvemeats which W. H.a h uvya hemreasve .0 &C y .&N.R.
Mal and Exe-__3M0 Maill - 5______843 frtesre ftemreosve .o .B . K LM y
N. Y. Special.... 500S N. Y. SCpecal:: b7 30Saniby has lately added to the micra- aver Leaden affarded by it. Taunader-
Eastern Exa.--10 12 N. S. Limited.---.9 5m phane, ar "sound magaifier," makes it stand the enormous siza af this great slid through trainsietwenToledo, Obloa,
A. a PacificEx--a---1157 oeo h os aelu mcaia nd Charleston, W. Va., va lumelabs,the
Atlantic Na-__ 747 P aa. f h msMmre.u mecha n mcaical triumph yea mast stadua- shortad only direct caste.
D. N.Eapres....- 5 40 Western Exa.__2 (t0cantrivaces at the age. The asecial dec it and leek si at its tremeadaousewe
G. R. Eapress ___11l055 (hi. Nt. Ex-a - 10 253pBEWE
e.ecR.Ex 1:11 -- 557contructioa at this instrument is of proportions, the dizzy height at the Toledo, 0.
O. Wv. RUGGES, H. W. HAYES, as particalar interest to any sac ex- halt-wey restiag places, which il aso Fnday, 0.
G. P. & T. Act.. tChicago. Act., Ann Arbor capt experta, bat what is told of ite he opened as reetaurats, a.31 the vast Kao,0
1f LL U wsondertll pawertasn aoungandild, size at the carriages, each. ae Columbus, 0.
sauns wil etertin ynagand idcontaining thirty persons. Certainly Ahn,0
o~ ~ as well as the scientfic and anscientific teAricesenaguatd, Oatth
readers at "Notes tar the carieus." great enterprises at the sec oa. Kiddleport, 0'.
h_ =r Atter the instrument had been camn- Pamery, 0.
t NORTH MICHIGAN pleted with the exception at a tew Can- Pt. Pleasmnt, W. Va.
RAILWAY .ihn tShimub tuditas- py Foillmwing lest, a tins. E h a
fihn oceSub on i bo ihod a b OTHi. SOUTH. lately necesary to keep the dear at his "Yea say that I'm net altogether oh-d Petersburg, Va.
8:07 a. im. "7:15 a. mn. workshop lightly closed, soa ste admit jectianable to your parents," ha said OdPitCmst s
*la:as p.m. 11:30 a. m. reul.OdPitCmot a
4:1.5 p. m. 9:0011p. noasosunds tram the outside, otherwiscetiiliasbrgyVa
All trains daily except Sanday the inarticulate ramblings given eff by N h ele;fte n ohrR .GENOD gn h eetrwudhv eoeai bath speak very highly at yasi." Newport News, Va.
bearabiB.NEven with.closedldears.the "Thea why does that big dog assault Storfork, Va.
beaabl. Eenwit clse dors heme every time I came neer and chew pi Anq all souiheasen pans.ENegant
tSA61 R PIAT S, cp hdt ekp ontnl npaepiece sat at my clothes?" drawing'rooms ears onsaeli ihroswci:teite.
STAY.1 on the receiver to Ikeep the instrument For furthser Infrtioni call onur:slsoceas
A NHARBR & PSIANT , hd t bekeptceatanly i plce Oh, you mustn't mind Blrutus.Mens Ticket, Aget or write,
trsm sending torth a roar, which pre- tandt ota.Anyhsgte MOULTON hOCUK, Oe'Ps's' l:. Agt..
Tm TalOt27181. visas investigatian had prayed to be a Toledo, 515
Leave Ypsilanti tram Cosgress t., 7:10.8:45 combinationosa nspoucdb loteoghsmlsfo iat .A EES Aihg PsArnad1:0ase;1:5 :5 50,64, :5ands poue byamat aloelgh sampleswramqito." .DAePETEs,, Michi.sii. gsi
s10:5 . m.;1:5 :5 :5,64,51 sIwatch beats, breathing, the ham a akofavl pthivr.qic
Leave Ass Arbor Junction, 7:40,95:15 sed flies, etc. A Bly walking acrose the DON'Ti'IAl
11:30 a. in.; 1:15, 2:45, 5:.30, 715, 9:45 and 11:15 receiver at the instrument made a :iLss S-si'swnliw 5S
SUNDY TeIE.soiind equal to5 a horse crossing a tn-iii'
Leave Ypsilanti tram tCongress st.l:3,3:30, bridge, and when Mr. Soalby laid his i______
:00, 6:30 and 9:005p. m. arm across the box the bleed rushing L soi.-Two (tlminIll!i Beta stickFq
7 Lea e Ass Arbar Junction, 2:00, 4:00, 5:30, in his veins gave forth a sound which isands an Ainaoi~s sit i n 1ll. tFiiideir
Cars ran an city time Pare: single Irip 15 mach resembled that made by the sNN-ilets:' r(ilri:t iii c i aiiil7 etic .
coats; eased trip tickets 25 casts. pump at a large steam engine. The ,
w..PssiS plpaying at a plans in a hoase across the 1-i tii'iot1:58 i ss 1.tst
street was, when ejected tiom Soulby's i'ilt iotis'-revivig ;al. Studly chiairs.
MAM OTHAIE IE mechiine, like the roar at an avalanche, Spseiillospiiesswiill lbe'squoitedl Cell
MA MO H IP ~IiLand the washing at dishes in the kitcti- aniiscsi' ileii. MIAIrITN IIAt,5, EIt.
-AT- an at a house across the alley made a Coarse 21 (ini Latini writing) will be
JaLZr-Y ca, sund which the inventor at the ma-: given Tusiiy and Thursday at 1
JOLL ' & ~ OS. china says was a "burden to his soiii."
Erevd a 5 . tae t. Sge aacs.Whan anyone entered the roam, walk- o'clock insteadota10
Met and Caid Loan'h¢s at All Hourn. ad aboat, coaghed, toached the tableJhNC tLE
___________________________or dear handles, the shriek which is-
sued trom the ejector was most pain- "ININGSIOTR LL LE NA3
Go to RANDALL for ful to hear. Mandreds at nees have J, I~IU~1EAST LIBERTY ST. C T EL EO A D
been saggeeted tar the microphone, the! ALBANY, NEW YORtE
Makers ot Caps and Gstoi ' euth sert
A rtistic Photo ,mast practical being those at bleed cir- Hot Lunches, o ihgn
calatian and lang test. Chocolates and V. KURRELL, Local Agent,
NE A L R . LONDON FERRIS WHEEL. H-ome-madle Candies. 44 William st.AnniArbori, Mich
NE A L R . The Princess at Wales ths First Lady ANN ARBOR
LARGEST OPERATING ROOM IN STIlE CarrediAround 5the Huge Miachine.' 'P ~ ~ S E N L U D Y C .


Ann Arbor, Mich.
eitiilg Ia order 313.54 as: Overcoats to
order :.5 up. Trouaseringa s erder 13.75.
C:leaning., Dyeinsg, P'ressing and 4tepalisg
a specialty
Merchant Talir, 26 S. State at., Ann Arbor.
Subscribc Isli les Dally.

at Waies Cas recently prayed tihat se
possesses a quality dear to all our
hearts. She was the Birat lady to take
her place in a carriage upon the great
wheel at the Indian Exhibition, and the
first to make the circuit aftsceanormous
revolation. She was accompanied by
her daughter, the Dake and Duchess
ot York, and same ladies of her suite,
Of course there is not the least danger-
in the act, but then there are many
ladies who would teal nervous about it,
especially as it had nat lang been in use,
and only span tar the public tar a day.
Since then it has, is use an American-
iam, "caught an," and crowds- throng
tbe _carriages.At every revoliution. Thev


.The modern stand-
2ard Family Medi-:
)cine: Cures the
Icommon, ,every-day
ills of humanity.

Htigh Gles sadc Domestic' Finisli.
E. S. SER'VISS, Manager, ,
- We also have a fine line
sit imparted
Subscribe for liha Daily.

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