A. G, SPALDING & BROS. Noble's Star Clothing House.
Football Supplies a R
Spcalty 35 South Main Street.
]:vey risiste for the -- - -
g tme JacketsPats Jc ... -,
A ays, weales, Shoe Gps, W ePs, NotIAdvertiseb. n
"'( lelts, Stockiasa, orsl's, ~ t u ets
Noe Mas iubbee Mauth- cO3G
PEre, Shia Goord, Head ax
lees pli atbealA fesv things at half cost and ask a hundied pce cnt- ,.r
latcrcllegiato F.ootball
-:i ust o usd inall atchprofit oi everythinig else but sell at a uniformly low v
G oiaps tisi t$5 til0rice, at as smlall roft as possible. That's our way T E vI R
ooi ue e is ur Tdn r a~rnINTERCOLLEGIATE
Ilstae otaCaaousetre.Nesv Yori, Chiasgo, i' titiestioisablyte lsafiest bal
C9R &'9 '~p (tTVA f .C. McGraw, of snthe tetrir itet ttda. t'slight-
i A C.Mc~aw os O. favtritte with tti laIiyrs.
6 .MI LAND STATE ST, ~ of Detroit, forco a settloment Piict complete with ifator
S.MIjT of the estate. Shoes had to go. $5Mbll Vietor mot-all Guide,
CORNER OF WILLIAM, We bought ,UOOO pairs for eslof ii~i the inew rles, and
the $1. Hve opened chapters osthIle gsme' by lDeland
RAEACuCr TC fS 5c on h 1 av pnd atd others, 2 cellts.
V TEXT BOO KS the greatest slaughter known Also a comlepe lifne of finest
1JNVRIY- -in the history of Anna.Arbor. football clolhifng.
ew andSecond-Hand. t It will pay you to investigate. OVR A WHE CO
oitit-co, Fient ttsst, Ery Sisssrpttsssgt I ~Ma er(of\ito liele
G osdeee., wislh tey tttfeat thelowetttst ''- -'l'- - lt tst N Ytt ittst1t s
17 S. MAIN ST taCsLostsse
Col and see us before Purchasing. __________________________________
FIRST NATIONAL BANK. TyOur "RedStir" ®Ol. L. ____
ore site'd 15i1. Nosmoisk. No offeisie otsr. Wll ot char the wi-fel. Idy all yo can afrd, for
aisnal, alse0,oe. Ssrptss ad 'ceIas, 51500 I'si'tetlv safe ih rvt, Fa tceuli hs present Id future use, at our
Taelssacts agenersalstassdaet. Parusisimarket. Delvered pompitly to atY part of the city fn LOWES'T ' PRICES-
h~oeig 'xbne bogtadsl.brihltr of eredit. .siocitan. ,Price 1et per galo. e shall be here for si few
1' BlACH Pes. S. W. CLARK~SON Casier. glid.cays only.
TH N RO AI AK44 South ain Sitreet. DEAN & COMPANY. Callaghan& Co.
ReitlStss.urcea I1)ei-ssUNIVERSgLsYs NOTES__ . ils'i sslutuilslg stitidtl siis'er culltur. AT SOLEEDES, 50. STATE ST, An
Oe sesed undtie ti e r~ni asIe' isgs'sl sll sssssss' 1 sIstswouslse Abto.
of tissStsse. 1;,., vesd'epossblsandtss 'lls'(- siounlt~s N x rny w l raie hIi rnnt o~sfrte1
s es ng o'nbus.e0 tss'err. t't cites's'1ue gsofisN 55-t wl s- leittlhe ltsi isiis- t - s
United Slta ' te s - trftsr.sssedauitn prstper gi etiay 5'tsilts. A tNov timisr -it. slit's- of sttilt ha'itltisantonit 11551. itsGRANGERS ACADEMY F DANCING.
ldettifitiis. Ssfs'i e sss-.t iboas tstrnt it i ~ 's'siut ii~ tsi tfts.sss-ss'Telvs-t atsis'sft hine ttg itsAnisAelbsr
GeemCnsetui iittist i"I i rc. lse. \v. I. I 155 stc le'~:lll~inE ld ]elle'}i~isa ess(53sl pupils s i it1i-Isason ar siea
H trimn ssn ''i--Is's (, has . n. iseoel.. closls- h Iis slt's- 555-I lit 'ais - s-s i"t-i-t i h b ots'e i1a tilt l v ii tilt s- ris'n sss-ss is'- o Ises's- slttliy ts ta'chi
('anhtersM. 7.1i'ri ta nsisttstFie. tldin ttgits l u eil. All ecIisisaselin
I 1011.entesi- .asilts ssesilisson u asisi cislss. Idse- te praittst-i its is int f M i. tsh tAes
' T si s isisis. Il. sus-hl)tistist'lsssssn-lii-oisit sssisss-ssls - It i s ager. Sebiers f ie Ameeica i
THE BOOK OF ATHLETICS 01f lt'tilltt l isau le t t asud ili' 'iiP s ttt-si, n ruluilt2 i: siudg 'uite -s .l'eIitsielsioieeseselitslasesait t is--
.ANDflhOUTOF-IOOoR SPORS, I's ~insshous' Idc asnd 51 tuiil.y.I-slls- i slo eqssssii ss ee wth [tss'si el~suIs i tas ns ttustrsoisledTs.ssss
Fnssrisiis 11 LisDi t. h, .1frish sl sonI l stai11d1 llto l.sli~ s lo.. t'c.lls is .( 1HO S tlk i- {Y r'( r7'
NORIMAN NV. I i1AMl..11., 'Va salrsit i tbsal l ilsi lat tiali". tis-msited-iis-s ie.isdi'. stitii sss in t heimsg Ils'9 [ j J [ V l Pt
Captainsof Lbs Mst h v loseo Teoos. sl it edItch Ana5 Ar11 o5]isthsaesess-. It' isi ii' is'se s ish's-ft-isI' 1.,t-i s olit teIs' l eL1 5 1 r,1 IL
_________heis' 5501 of5 t he l' t"gll illtittl11t ssiHof Isissuiol o f ine isgh t-l tl"hr s l ihno l Gnrst i ec Iof tia i't h lY anit
Thisa uiniue hooithis ltt it istit syals sat this' ti llltu lil R ftIt. )t S. hLouis. lis. IIliili' tstis ltitirem mbra ce, Il sii fheta liii' ie l 'sis 11. sis os-i tc sti lst
e'auti ess beiI ys t'i-isttsasa ii'.e- a s ~ ~ clite G ssil's-ttuHi;ss'sa tdslSietalse a
.tirtitan college i' telsos-csuptlitag-m taaeur esi,5x5, t 55ri -n in;of te it pii t's lstl lt'c' es it i Is forsi i nk olts' ill :at. I ist isuaid forsls ;olt tind
}ai', siesotbr i-liiitttsi a e nt ilcre- s'inember l's its'(ho s's-itiseS areitt YIl t rit ' ttssogt ters. s Ce . I y .F( Y ES
seemed. Fotstballi i,ibtl e'ts, -'sil(_____.______________
cris'bi-, siidllig andt a e tess ci s , eie-a l W'01ttis''s Iel u.t hoitt s atit lush -It i"tls_______________________________
aiisl stiau tla's l r .s aresi aticall listl oi lll 1' nr ~s t ei -s-sssn TIS C A E .
THtLTH-stBLS INisMP N , srlAnuu rbort'l as c iisiu --s---tlin lsosd utiil T'h'lss-ss let. is1.21and Tobacco iill
132PearlStree, Boson. -____ _ lae the right (lav(r
Judge Cleesavot Newtirry Hall.ll-ashuishshasga i~it oif yu et thorn at
UNIVERSTY llisl tos oder.ottI.lslreossand's Pharm.acy
uAslargesfslush iesillss ir t l iies'u)S..ittus's. hawos lslsks rou theloss' tisla at s. Slate St.. Ani Arbr,
SCHO O DA CN saisi p ye tlsymornSCing iNeu011 ~sthe 'steeticastieh ts',dlist s de-i us'Youusay assit a nice Lits-ry Rig or t'sr-
:4i4 ANDI>40 S. STATE ST erylaltol 'r ug li~ sirtd. 11)3 S. Matilt .riage. Coie tad ilipstiue t
Spe lunt'e('Newuso'a" 'list' he u Fo eur 1-Il ssuur'li~os HOL.DES' LIVERY
U. Mi. AUssMN, Mlss. NuCsrisisL. TLR r lpr -e lf"The usss. lt' r tks ' k r)ss uIin gsuudsicodiiitn. 'rums
It Tisromusai St.P. t. Btck. glib'sthi. ts' u tur cof w5t'511ll s'ligsgcsi P CI L
Illht'uists'sttltg ut'tisiiislts is41 r'usoumsltl. uIui'e' ut N. 14 N. IlSoC-A L
0uuu0l.{) anu, thahtutoutof '_221 hsslhsi lls'"'t. TT O 0 111 I NO hPARLO anud Sti-
IAt 4 N. ith v Ert n e3* u - J oom'.Allv oiusmnts firt clas.
"THE FINEST IN THE LAND" atfiit. us, i t-is w renas-suiged u -- Iie, eicel fmrlluss-eutaslsoemceam.Luls uta
tsus Ossi. iii siter liii ittrs. i s h lied fomtsuie roomus, furace hluest ic hisuedu'ssg adths Ouisigipalosrs. J.0I.
bu udnIy. I( 'Troaosi 0. staest.
I~s rtd a-so,-tha asuit' ltlioullof aid bat. Also table board for sa ii- -
'mull t;weS esuft eutuscrs situlinsuu10 rElt'gaettedsrelenbahorreboand lgoitouMrs.
''.l2ganu's-u- -t-htheiingiandhiss'rleoer Sheean s ok se. Lab-
1 II o oa i od ttsfrto*e nd intoatoy apnsimde ts ode.
as forfoodloingiss.founttllu slushusbslighing-rent reasoable-horest In,
jfossT,. - 7.t.5IFliti incitaes, asestiaty os
caLtion fonuud i ls ,. liue 8 estve miFunaiiPn.ibuetsr' NeBks
., and Bids Bous from lie. upard at 5 .
Give it a trial and yoti froe aisuullatsuwsasustese 5hpeas alatSalr' o ie itr tatet'
will always Ilse t. ire of 11151, andtl lit fitsraa'uts'tid isolinmgs. Pictures framed awhile you
____~for olyomt 30uh21f.0h000imen. Tututwait. 24
asome id tuiist e tosbacco-u stand'ias, Fromt suite of roamon. fursace lat,
the olelucru belutieavias 1011l-ysdme o rash at reasoable rates. 27 Tonp-
SOLD ONLY MY t'codeiintt ol suesosfuhlic topiniontiison s. reisa 1 hrh -- -'
Qiaeh1 s ciefly il lten. Ito foundfhet'Sey lsau
IV.3 8.IJ F Pre fli ullcOhslhi l'~t i t.lturnace lhea. A few boarderne n
YaTrds M. . IR. IR. I la- isoiim uIu nehmlso u n- 011commission,f E. THuroit s. - - -
& lmeN. !h -l psesusedby 110 ehi -ast llisg, Swan Lien hattia fle, evemn finis. 4'