We lyveYou Crei
is sold. You lave showxn us iby your gencrous p itroceige that
O U I~~r- e just right for people who viiih to (dress. correctly 111d at the saiue timec SAVE MONEY.
37 S. Main St.
MJG IG N A I At the Grand Opera House. jt 'illisfi21(. llies0; o11; NIERSTY H LL
TieTable (Revised),Iay 19 ,1894. Ill(, iiikeuop ), f lith eB w er"i i,I in ' wsieril 22.> it isl u ciG' (.1'llirlg)i .
EAST. WEST. a re ("elvicils of is liccess. 'Ilial of - ---TO( P p
ANE ri xl' oleilFRIDAY, ______T
Mail adEs____3 O5 Mil --------- 843 rclvi iif tlei'o "oiliisarl. i hl)111 _________
N. Y. Special-- 5 00 N Y. Specil --7 0 lic isle ciceiirlleliexNvairdilead- Sen tis Itoxxviii oi l coliisi ail. ('al-
Eastern Ex-----1051', NS.Lomte.--9 5 evi : 1. 11113111 l t. N T
A. M. 1 PacificEx----1 7 rgent'ii x eiili '.S E A O
Atlantic SEx----74 t
D. N. Exs.--- 5 40 We stein Ex ----- 2 'I00 .]'he i s t1X.0(ic lcilof liii1id 5(1iic AltSlalli' of, ii i -Atisti's 1hiioi
G. R. Esxpress--11 05 ihi. Nt.Es----10 28 li iilgic 'lxee' si d etvliici I a~iiicilfor 'I-2. 2 24
o. xW. Rei l l', 11 W AYES, , 1 iiilliiili iiiil li v e"Iliix i'r l"i' 'k A >I1LNI7)A K.
0. P. & T. Acgt.,Chicago. At, Ann Arbor 111rid fa ;ceci ldeal ofift.1,(i 3 Alii o i
Y"The lociecey ((Gi li ix It eeimirK fa.,Oc. il, 211 .. l
-Milile cever little -~il lacr.i ll l~ i i itle ici
.). ___________ lceb- Iti i onii Ii i )ii II. 1 ADIIISSION. $1.00.
< ,NORTH Is2 I1CIICN Senior Law Election. j 93 lilftied.
R010 AILWAY- rIN 'L- i- e.lae llet,[ Y
c()(tiliiill,' air')ity fIii' i'liiit.iiiieores i and Boarding Barr
5:07 a n 1 a . . ls- esoitedill ii:' electioniiof IF.1.,
*12:25p. to. 11:30ia. en. 01S NCB. 31 Phinic14:..Gooii11latvk. ind Liey
4:15 p. is 9:00 p. th lilgecall11 foe i)resili n 111i lil' i ,aw ysoi ii E turefo Gng'
All tealnxdailiy exceplt Sanday ballii- by t1 iioteiof1291 inis fv r t 0 N NI EST LIBERTY ST. <I 1a C iilak l iioirfi v~c
it. a6.G1--E NiVO0l) Aent
w. II. IENNETT 1. P.ATici . 1f u .(tMe! - li. i iif 1lo n~t 4 11 EI il t iuArbor..
oppiol t. .Jig. Ile)geailiaii xv i c i- IliiressBoaridied anii wiell i rii I for.
f i hoclat s nd entle Ili ing Hosessfor Ladiiies,
ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST, RY, itae(bI". 1t . lillley-. I3lii lii'if (llIlad_________________o__
______Ai r. AMeCl iiiiciiii s i reelel byG19 I. 1inin ii dC"lfldit s.ANARO
Time Table, XIay 26, 1895. B. Kelly Indiillie otll(ie ________________I____________________A__ER__
LeaesYpsilantilfromiCongress t., 6:0, 8:0 (1 -13..11vIeve 1. 'M. F . 7 N t-r( W ACU l IE Op STEA4 XL AU,)"1 4 !Y CO.
and 1108.m;1:5 :5 :0 :43, 1:30 aiid noomintteiisii'i P .'1'. Ihutgh lule l]...I
11:00 p.m.XiiUi t it. High (lass and11 Ia mres tIe
Leave Aiin Arbor Jiincioiii, 0(0, 8:30 and 111'l cvlire ipectivly. ''l' eist bialliii ANBREW HUNTERLa.3____ __________t
t1:40 a. in.; 1:15, 2:45, 5:30, 0:13, 10:00 aiid 11:00 1enfe s f1ots n talnc
SUNDAY TIME. J (-(Ala .Ol 1 .7; ('vily. 31);('li-eir 27. ( Ity }elsRepairledIoI IRentted. E. S. SERVISSa, Manager,
Leave Yp'silanitfro m Cencress St.,l1:30, 3:30, ''li'oilier officess X1111lbeeliedit 1)a I lt:Istr ulmeniits lt.1) irlo 23 S. POURT'H AVE.
:00, 6 0 a0nd09:00 p. in._______________
Leave Ass Arbor Jsnctioa, 1:00, 4:00,5:30, lv l lilimeeig 0 bi'ecalled biy tInle's-
?:0 ad 930 p.ani. i111.,TT II PN S IS
tars rua as city tima Fare: siacle trip 15 _________1 0 I
cents; round triptikets 25cents. ''FLAG11 PINREL"I':AS-f U SL
WM. F. PAKERupt. y Saturdays Football Games. -SWe sifii hare a fiiii lie
Iic ii'C1sal t se fr cf"iporte
ITeo10110w ,Na iith rll of i:1- F1n0 Lunehes, STPEINIS M I H PP AE fobllC1 Fn hclts
MAMMOTH PiE SALE Ipni rsyoflilic n soi ad Baked Goods. W .Ajir~9rnr
.J'ozi.,L.7Yx '&. nell 4;Ciiisi of (If lelvili11154. VNIA-L V 0-t
Removed to 18 5. State S. 5'gerc lliick. Iiserviiy (If 'ircillilo();II; rill'i(11 iii.
Hat antd Cod Lu ncrhesat All Hunrs. 0Lehi ill 0 irIa1'vdI21, rown iG; 0:11-
____________________________________ Fayette' (;, Cornlll0I; AWest lfoist 3,
''lifts 0; (,'teseent A. ('.21), Atililel'xl il
Go to RANDALL for Yale 2-1, Oranoco A. C'. 12; livs.oori SE SO.N OF 1S95-964
Artistic Photos. _
NEW ALLEY. OUR1 GIRL K!IUWS Studeilts' Lecture Associationl
where gto0 get good I. SenatolDavidl13. till, of NeweYork --------- . . . . ..---- -----------Oct. 25
Ch coats.2e.ln s :Leitid 'r. Sitwers, Impeiirsonator-----State ----nader --------r--s. . . . . .----Nov. 18i
Nor 15 , WASHINTON BLOCK ~ hocoltes. She 101. JliiJhnW. Foster,'beeretaryo taty nue r.t laravisoni ..l-Mray--------Ies.11.
thm f s.Ifyo 4 RdpthCocet oMrs. J-lnalaie Bshop Mrs Claa lh14ra
NO n l WASHbGoNr LOKtemoMu.ifch. .RepalaCiaet oMis soi'llowell, Mr. Von Scarpa.
An r o , M c .want to really please 5. tey. T. DeWitt Tal mice ----- - ---------l--- ---------an 14
i. on.Iheary xati'rsoili Editior'of Louisaville Cllurier-Jot11515--. . ..----------Feb. 14
FALL r 4 " her wih the next k)Or 0 ]oston TempileQuartettiAllssIKatharinenRidgeway, Reader). . ..----_--------Feb. 29
F~~~~ AL8RE ~ e it h etbx . Oratoircal Contesvtat the Unaiversity Oratorical Association ------------------.Marth 20
the. A l Rll, '1. P~al bllet)i tomnedy Lecturrd-. . . . ..----------------April 13
Salting; to older 41355i0nu; OvercoatI to (nst get them here. 10. lion. Theodore liooserelt, P'resdent Sew Yorh Police Comissioii--------April 24
erder $13.50 p: Tr.'o'.tiirgxtoeorder $37. .111.ArchbishboplIreland . . . . . . . ..-----------------------. . 151---- ly 1,
Cleining.IDyeing, Pleasing anid Repairing If w e knew where to
a spec ity T eeA eEt e fwsX1 a 20
FOD3M&GE, bybte nsw : 9Mrchant Tailor, 20 S. -rtste t., Ann Arbor.d Reaerved nests for entire coursr 50c extra, single admtssion 50c, except Senator 1111, $1;.-
wl Udd0 i.Sedpath Concert Co., 75e: Oratorical Contest 2ie. Tichets on sale Wednecsy, Oct. 10eat-
! [ 1,R[ ECTRERWBktre Satrbes, etate and Slain sts. aen 1.mgStar,48 5. State St., 5lieeha & Co.,
Srrn CTRR ehtorSate at., Catting, lBryer & Cm., 210 and 295 S5. Main at., More & emorits Baak-
HANGSn ILIH Washin- soe-6S-Aan4,adAnn Arbor Orgasn lCoMan St.,and by students ion thecaps
Subscribe for the Daily.CLIS PAMC SNo conditional nihers. Every num'*er actually secured by contract..
t j