34+ jf Howd Otersek atiUs. CUT SALE UNTIL JUNE 13th
than enemies has been reenly iliass All Gcets' $7.00 and x;6.00 Patent Leather Shoes.. S4,9
Published Dailiy (Suday excepted) during tted by ti'elUniversty of 'Miiiiian All Gent' ,$.1tO and $. 50 Colored Shoes for.....9teCleenaa
thel iColleiegedtowear.shng et- All Gents' $5.00 Colored Shoes.........
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Dilly to hehal ea o (ie g hr All Ladies' $5.00 Colored Shoes........... -S , 9
('15 to ue ali eamof (lii~tgolii-
OFFICE: Times building N. Main st., opposite All Laties' &4.00 Colored Shoes for ............... $3.49
post otice. versity on its eastern trip. 'he acbt All Laties' $3.50 Colored Oxfordsfor .........$2.99
EDITORS himay semt insignileent of itslf, bitt All Latie' $2.50 Colored Oxfors Pr..............$2.19
a. . IIMA,'7, w. , nmis.,INL.when we consider tuhe eei rivary This stle includes all our elegant les of Summer goots it
E. LIG STiioeR, 'its L F. Mtt Loostis, '9s. betweemi the two schools andthie too the lates- colors anti=styles.
0. 1. Iiiss, 'to. . S. QNStooxo. oftemi apttearingigituter p ttsansi
1. C. CxsEttsoos, '9. C. i. e(iow, n'tit"i.w JA CO B A ® Wanltgtea lk
- AINSEDTR which exis,, betweenitsuiiirivals iiJ S& A LL M A N D , ! 9WashingtnSt
~. ~ 115~ L. tiany oiler asts, we must feel thast
- ~~~two of the lesdintg wester'i'iitiesi ANAtsl t t.B.~.~N i
BUSINESS MAN AGER fits are setting atteatmspe that could Rtties of ote an silth~lird fart ott u ti g o
L. C. S!,XE tse. 5te ceriicate plan will be nade for
tibe'well followedtby eot's. irietidly tilit' folowing mieetitgs:
AS3SOCIATE EDITORS etnptitit letis etterg to aiy line Ctetgo-Assoiation of 'Nurserymen, C "T7-l
S. SV. hughes '93. S.I. sit'i L. of Work. Bitter patrtistinsihip muist Juie 10 to 11. - "
S. W. Stith,.a'rr. w. P. aorill,'it.
J. L. Itixt, '9-K.It. i. Ilieo, 'ti' L. eentutlly restult ini retrogrt'ssiou. I tEsantba, -lieh.-H.ibrniian Conve-
. I. tt i. . Lose IDoge'. t- i iithe fieldl of athitiles lrgly Lt onat 1110 .
. B. Mettessy,. 5. iCoeitt. 5.ha tslng oni,Mitcit-Arbieier Buitl,
Lita .Dicinitsoti . ill(thefotinier esanibe botighttabott, 's tteao1.
The siitts"CtlttoSprice oa r itily hstoheiiirt''presentiativises froitiv'ariu nti- ls on(ie fare for rotitn tril for te fo-
bees re sdassdto Ie its it sdotttctettion texttistitos tre brUglht its a mitiat.lwin'gl" o r g
of the ytt. Leave s'thciptioitx at tle '0G 1~.j I
News stasnd. l'trit to reognizie etich tioter' s nlb' July 7 to I. 1 h t
'le o cnoratic National Con-
Editor of toda y's pailer, s ort. It s this trotdeidolii f te.iiitSls oC
R. C. T'NDIIIISOOD, 'it. qhitlittie tattftinidshipithallt'tan St. Lous, Stt.-tieiutbliuan -Ntiotitl ofDtiwll ak
is.etrgesd s oie f the strongest gn Coventilot, Junec 1 to 15. your, sittings every
Tie lt'tis'eri'lit'of t'iii( 5 VtAl () i rtal eastims for the miaimtt'imie 0if 1Wslitett, D. C. -v. P. S C. E.
liss tbetiouttftir sontlinb fiti l itet'rc'olliattt'eotsts-Blit titttil Cinetitiit. rftrlhI Al(ATfhilC
pttistonsof moiteiee o ot ltoriti Tiblde, I. S. (ltEE'NWVO(D, :AttIY ItURVA III ND U M'IUIL
atilt l' attitlemprienuted in this rsne ihaFne. StECI'AL Siitt'l AND.SI II EI)~it
'00 Preentd Wstt Baner.-'AT-
strilts tts by J. S. ('oxey, ofstrtttsl _____RATES.
fatmes. C. oleygl' hy asceepted thei'The yostiteladti'sitf the' fre'shmansitToi sire ssihet sst lteoistlilts NO. 5 W LIBERTY ST
ohpotuitiy to hprsenthis pecu~tliarimitscliclassprsetetd this'JJ 1,1 to tll pesonstak Iing-MiirhigantCetal Y
vies ii util Tii'tisiltliss hs'sn lhili teamtitit i ayelsw ttlulll'etainss duritg this'beakling tutiof t11
vies i prnt.177 reulthasbee ° oleigi extr osmhes will eiprovidedlAB'
to give'thits'weetkly souse frees'sh'sr-sih silktbannr wit 00 iinthe.Site tr. oil tll tais. teshticn'te ss for pssrtis50BLS 59
the iotit etieidetary tort. It is isty nsFriday thsfond it inndj totwen ltll point,, ot the Mdig~hlnn OighBng oly 502 hounds
tebakbadwtthfolwninCetaoneryapiaintMr1.cetasiig, aaim tas minst bev77tioP ths eriiders;t s'iis
em' a 'sllges'aptsthsiossldbe misitinl e 55 tiiiss: 'Promistliii'iisis f tthe 1\. Hayes, Agnt,MichigC en.,strahl.
fiimf otrhersos of steitstihend in- cass uofllt9smesis oth le b14's iniai D. & C. tFloating Paacens a'inow isT h e71 A I1.1?. c ier~.'ws tonthexlnuhsiionsof onticia tittioti if thi n' orsoto hey have i'utnstiig idaiy btweens Diioitlunh
tieetictnt frthsi ,s~ . ~Cleelsnd, anteoi Say 1 will scott-Titirmiioducee this mtgniicent
isitticonssf oleg esuthe i. A mence tortut daily tetweent Cevelnd, weeh, I will makhle a very
etditor ofef Wee'hlymuethex A Pharmacy Felowship. Itill-Batuy ansTled'o,'t. If ytu sre libetal iscutntfaontlistpiice.
tlanatio thlutsthis utatper is ito i it itirfi'hswii iiiittae itavi'tinig btiweens the aboetpoints, ItiIleItmtiumesyttiiv
loss this'eaenr ut itscollege journal-titie advtatge of atwwatr trip adbe salse tth n risi smih, a beauty.
tiem.sThesshttsshs'tt atstit'entis'prsitit'.sue usmney.helt 5
tsss. his V's'khyisi 'his is o bthuppoltsrty the sh'su Slenduth rttt'vaeatimottonthis rat A .W L S EY'
piulicatissiioti souldht io sdoub be slte i eiiu flm 'tt'hLk'. Stndtfor ilustsratendhussahiss
dotine moretrortw's instituotivn ieis Dr.Address A. A. Sehast, G. 11. A., De-S LEA ET
xsts it tsr lietssrtte (istinPlesiaco ess ork, is ii Dr. troLtESuch.N. B.
woultigi'ieiumofuraeacetvisist teiong t's Mc. .B, SELL THE CLEVELAND
sistims.Tue ntsorfs is 1riiiy hiausntsamonur -wate.-our tenergetic oitg~hut.
tist mis t~~~~iieetious of this'faculty of uharm aits'. orgshetitoSrs'lsaiy '5 2 S e t r
stitluuey. limitSexenses. Also hae ptroitbe
___________ The' salary is four hsudred rs Iear iiempluoyent for thohse desiring to work t'n
Papers by Micihigan Profeitnors,'3 aditiiont to the muhyssurut of thei'labrer duurisg vacation. Call or tddess J. . UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCIN
troesr .R 'eef n .B ory timd college expenses. Cargill, IS E.Si berty St. Opposite LAW building.
Stevenss wiii attiend the meetinig of VACATION RIATES. Packing and forwarding of furnitur' TERMS $2 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR.
elaio t behed t -onrel, rates of 2c prmuc'ise to any point ingarttnteed. (all or 'phosne to Martit THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL
riaiin hu u'hshtitStmitetlAugust Cestrtl Traffic territory to pitie,, of PHaler's Furniture Store.fll ian TlI~
1, befors' wictheluy xiiiread paperostemi (S0) or msore traveling tgehher. Lost- A fox terier'. agetutte mnnts IRILROUADTICKET BOKERS,
perttinming to chemisry. Srs. "'res Special tains xiii be rust to Chicago scll mtarked, hat collar onx whenslst MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL
Ctt and Srs. Stevens xiil accompasly June 17' if 75 Ipeople take tickets. ider xiii returnt to 53t Packard st. PROPERTY.
themi. Aftr tie meetinug Professor'Qtickest tim~e mnd good service ga-adrierward1.5 woesle Cgaru, Tacscos and iarelen-
and Srs. Stevens xiii travel through ate.Lveyu mlettiktoice.
Canada. Ri S. GREENWO(OD, Ag.
NOTICE 'SO DAILY EDITORS. HALF F+ARE To ST. LOUIS. Randall, rgard &t Co. Shoe stck, Grand
A seeting of tie betted xiiie held The direct hine to St. Louis, Mo., is Rapids, Aich., sold g d& to us.
at the office Tuesday evening at S via Toledo and the -V abashi ty, $13.40o
ocleck. Importa nt business, pays for a round trip ticket, June 12 65C 0O N rT H E DO LLA R.
STUDENTS, ATTENTION! to1, god to return until June 2, eon
Men or 'omen wite xishs to go to acunt of Republiean convention. Men's Hand Seeed Rtusias $6.0, cut to $485
Bay View, Mih., for te eaon for R. S. GRENWOOD, M. P. A. Men's Hand Welt Rusias, $'t.5, cut 1o $4.25
Men's Dark Brown Rssas, $40,cuI 1o 2.8
work, please call Thlursday afternoon For. Rent-Furnished house suitable Men's Pat CF Bals Russia, $5.00, cut 1o $.85
only, at No. 7 N. State St. Airs. H. C. for a fraternity or society, at 102 .D ' B D 17.
Hanes.State St. - +~ "' ' ~ MI.