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May 28, 1896 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1896-05-28

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Published Dlaily (Sunday excepted) during
the College year, at
0Felon Times building N. tMain st., opposite
post office.
J. F. THsOMAS, '97. W. W. TH svEn, '96 L.
E. L Gieismnes, '08 L F. M. Louto, '00.
0. 11.IIANSo, '98. F. S. SesO, '00.
R. C. CsoDEswso, 'to. C. M.CoREs, '00.
G. B. iiARRISOos, '96 L.
L. C. WALK~ER, '96.
W. W. iluglco, '00. S. R. Soslb, 'O L.
S. W. Smith, t97. XW. I'. Morrill, '98.
J. L. Wa'lsh, '00S01. Id. iB. Skiiiman, '00 L.
C. B. Roc. '08 1). Louioe iDodge, '99.
B. B. bilethoony, '00. ii. ('orwin, '00,
Lots 0. Dickinson, '99.

lHon. M. S. Knapp Advocates
Government Control.
NiotwNilllolaili thelbs tharca~eini
weaithcr'a lrge crowd ;galloeseinisthei
iawic cturc roomit oteveii o"'hoeoar
iloii. 'A. S. Kiniapis, of theIn. iterstate
C'ommiercc Commilissions, oil"Thic Rail-
Mr1. tKlapplO charatesrizedtheli'roil-
roaudo as thie chief agecies of our in-
tei'iailllimmer'etand tt'ir relatin1to
the othei' indistriai usiuoito aiid lh'
social fobric as cioose011d of the ut-
moot importanice.
"Tilt railirodoore age'nccecoof the
plei," oaidtlM. 111i,-11)1, "e'xecising
manily of theisnhlerenlt righto of gov-
erillt, righits derived directiy from

Genits' Specials in Colored Shoes.
Aul Gensts' $6.00 Shses go af $5.39. These priccs incluude every Coiored.
Aul Gients' $5.50 Shosoc go at ,$4.99. Shoe in this iouse, in Russia, V iti and
Aul Get'it' $5.00 Shoes go at $4.49. Canvas, in aiillteiatest shades and'
All Geut' $400 Shoes ego'if $1.49. toes
All Gets' .$3.00 'Shoes go at $2.69.
J A CO BS & ALLMVA ND, Wanhington St
Deegte o lago, Hunting ton
'lis t'niversity of tGittogos ishavsng
decidied to ceertethrfisttit ni - 111
versary of lteaccessisnto osihe of I C In-rt

Fordi telviss aosprofessosrof isiy sito,
his inivited ltef'iverrsiiy ssf Michsigans
tso seni two diletssI to teelira-
'Te Univer'sity sensite 111asippinfed
P'rofessor Islincy aiidlProfessor

v%. mw A&& -ILXIL


0 0.-

bees resduced tot7 ets its advansce hor te restt hitstatesanid art to hectoinoidered at AVstiiiy.
oh the yesr. LoattvoSzscritos sat te pult rslsrsssrical'rathesrr.A tTHO1fdii.t'l-xuzis T
Dully officeorotwith P. C. IMeyer, C. ohfis. rvt ichr-AOH+ICL.: 1:CCSI T
News Stasd. astes'.TOLEDO).
"Evryperonin urgovrnentis The 800 pssentigers who pastroizedt
Editor of today's paper, "v'~ s'si i o stiiin sthse A-isisArbosrRtisliroasd'sflrst excns-
P. L. GEISMIEf, '9S L. ensitiled to equlal rights; 155paialilly siois to Tols'do wert so highly plelised
_________________________________ can_ 'ilettshowii, and frostsilrodsinl lit wllsthi tirip that they lhaveodosse
It is a quitstion -with msany sisisints thet uiiblic chalracters du(lltstricf notinsg hut talk abhouit it sin1cc, aisd
ihsth'r ltecutomsiof iplaying a ball i ati5lCllty tosalli(classes of 1peo)le.lthe art sure ttelilsolsllttselsfthat
Discimintionis he rsnltOf oer ty haot decidesd Is give aniother 01l
gasin(' in Detrosit, -May 530, is slantavis. Sunday, )layllt31,iwislist' reisetvsti so'slr
alicout'. T'ere sire to'pirinciil iticing.e After ftesiovilwasrthe ( blit. 'Tlls'tetainmeiint gio a
Ojectionss raised ssgaiinst it. Ms'imorialslplirit of inss''ts1etisitlete o iis'sill-the ii'"T'1hetesr i h'e Labe,"sisltissirsn
Dasy waslOoriginaslly sct sisidte110 1of imtmel'lotsleiseto sindto huilsding softsoo'whichsis incltudesdi rasirsadtl isket,
day ofi'everece toIsthemsemiory of rosoi commuitinities h-lerefteshsip- 10ssiply sperbansi is aloits' wort t hs
lie country's deads and ally ineedlesin:; d51'lltttl Orils 00hoslly unesqual ts railroisd far.ot.'raint will leavoe Anni
Arbor at 10:25 a. ill. Fare fsri' hit
de'pasrtuire froms the osprit osf this ac- 1shiippinsg tcllscityt. ltie, iesortder rotundt trill only 75 cents. Rtusrinig
tion lois nolting in its ftavor..''lTh It itoi)a3'exilenss, etit raites'and it s- train leao'es 'slesdo it 7 is. in.
te'ndenciy of educteionasil intilttiionis Ctt'Iitl1t5tioii5werets'ed 11asmethosof A\N ARBtORtIt. It. BU'tLLTlIN.
msst isost obsiosly heIowoasrs thlis istrticitlit. 'T'eisiolemisi llonoily Rats of sise fare for the 155151d1trill
sspissessioln of aniy suchidesecrtions. bt'esoetd iy'secturings stricfthone'sty 'il he mladle to any isoint on the Aini
Tlits hatter is so appa~trtini itself and(1 imtstl'iality iii all sletalings in Arbsss' tosis DetortioniDtay, 'May 30.
tht itifneeds iso discusosions. Buit asisde ohiihtrairoads arc coiscierne. Tisi'Ticests liiiied o Ishiesitetday silly
fromsalli this it is not unianimousisly tcani oily bs etitached by go''rnmnstial It. S. GREENWOOD, Ageist.
adittlsted that the host ishace for the costiol of railsoaids. To lix a sclscdstic 7.osf-At Fritday's coneert at Uiiivti.
msot impllorttantliomse 7gameltof lteof rtsta1110 chsa'rgeosike for alii.to'ly Hail, a Delta Ciii fratternity pin.

of Detroit, will niake
your sittings every
weighing oitly 502 honnds
The America%
To introduce this mnagnificent
wheel, I will iiake a very
liberal (liscolunt front list price.
It is the handsomest yon have
seen, it is, a beauty.

yeair is aw-sy trout the athltic f ied. htsve'tg'ee'al supertvison~s of its frtn-
If ihie gasiss' wertelplayedtinillAnn Ar- tcurse stndgov'ernmetfansdiin (Jointg
bsor it ouold hseooinessed tsy a ltarger this nmake all charliges realsonltet.
inisther of stuldenltsindtlhierse oulid "'t'e object of goo's'rs'hicsil s501-
he~~~~Z n mssterisal hansge ittthis profits trol i islpt anientosl strife hs'twoen
r'eceio'ed. This atteisdaiiewoulsd not pattroin 11111raitlrotiaiisndlout all sis a
he as large, hot thsere wouotlsdhe no biasis of toimmionl and universaul jas-
expestiveo'spark tint anld this othset' its-tite.'
cidenstal expeisses woold he cut off. Excavations at Corinth,
The stndent body owould uiidohbtedly Ri.B.Rihar'dson, dirsttor of tilt
he better sat isfed to seeIlls gam meiasnhoiastenhs rt
here. The fact that this imerchlants of'
ten to Profeosor T. B. Seynosur, of
Aim Arbor are enitled no some con- vale, regarding list excavations at
sideration should also he a factor in Corinthl.Ie says:
favor of lths change. This bisisess "We ihave found soins gra.es wvtoi
rsues of this too's havie been asked to a dozen or lusts vases of a very ans-
contribute to athlleics every year and t~ tlsm ftl eyodo
they dhavesresponded ofliberallyolhut
haverespnded lieraly, hat id-siade affairs of interestliig
scant reftsin has bees given for theirhaspe Weavalofudtel-
generosity-not even a public acknowvl- ssp.W aeas on i n
edgmncient city iii several differenst ilaces.
of hei cotriutins asIn one of these ove hav'e found a
hessnimade. This Detroit game lakes
pavement of a broad street. In a
considerable mosey to that city wohich well we are finding great quantities
would otherwise be spent in Ann Ar- of red-figured ware. We have foundss
bor. A' fair spirit of reciprocity should
a feov pieces of scsslpture, the b~est of
be shown in this matter, especially wihI insa ru fDoy
whenchthere arennoiantgwoup ofngirca-
whe 'terear nooutweghig ra-sins, Pan and a nymph, all without
sons to the contrary, hoeads. These figures are about half
Swan Linen paper-ruled and plain. life size,"

set s isisdimo otandals. 511.1(1' i- N. ? wv KJ
lesve at steovord's ostieand rc I S Y ead. 7 tdnswohv eis ite is' 8 1,E' G ..
worked uhpinto hbindiitg ctn get this N. B-l SELL THE CLEVELAND.
heot and chseapest wook doioe'It the
AOrgus bindery, over this Ann ArbsiHO S
Savings hank. t OPERA H U EJEWELER,
Gentlemn-If you ovant to save
imoney on shoe repairing tall on A. Repairs all kinds of Gold Pins,
Levy, 31 N. Main st., just belowv the Rings, etc. Call andc see.
lost office. All ovork first class. Lighst c0 i-i. I IYiB
soles 50 cents, heavy ones 60O cents. ___________________
Lost-At Ltniversity Itll last nitghst 2d Sem es
at pair of opera glosses. Finder please L r.
retuirn to 54 B . Jeffersos. st. or Pal- UIEST SCHOOL O DANCINGmrsdusteanrcivrwr.
ovwould like to give instruction is Opposite LAW building.
Germoan, in exchaioge for instruction TERMS $2 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR,
iii English conversation. Call at 55
Kingsley st. H. Lt~uz, Ph. D. 171 ISnbscribe for the Duily.


Randall, Argard & Co. Shoe stock, Grand
Rapids, Mich., Bold to us.
Men's Hand Sewed Rnssias $6.010, cnt to $4.85
.Mken's Hand Welt Rnssias, $5.50, cnt ho $4.25
Men's Dark Brown Rnssias, $4.00, cut to $2.98
Men's Pat. C F Bale Rnssias, $5110, cut to $3.85

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