l e . o
HTURSDAY, MAY 28, 1696. Fouit PAGEtS-3 CENTS.
VOL. VI. NO. 175.
IWe l]ust DMove
Th store sse now occupy has A. B. to Stand for Any orYa
° tessold. We msost seek new ou Ya
~ quarers.; Course There.
I We Must Close OutN4
441 Thse Cornestll facltylhasectitlddta
or stotck of msoicgosods 'aod
biyc o. eoffesicels wihI ntefustuesotnly oils'egteeer.eh-
Itil elrodseif lowpicesi4 i
meas asyttinag to buescielrli of Arts, will bet granted it thoat
111 THIS MEANS BUSINESS 00 insittionlst. Allsecifidreuiemnt
Sousidse of thosesi for e'ntrance', military
141 If you swat laegthsg ilotte 1
y usic lice ciou sic ses this 141 1101drll ndilay seall iututesi'bats e ee
ste.abloliosedaansnliiA. II. trollsCornelli
~THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN COI. ; illiheiicefothimiply "tsiisifor'trio.
BUY BEN-HUB BICYCL ES. 444Thiisihatngie hat s bern tiu ndrcnsil
________ ..... ersilion at Coirnesll fur two yiasrs. I
___________________________________ sas advocateid by liriesdenst Sisi-
iman in is itreport fist'189:1-94.
A G oodCndrnng t isirtuirielteCr
Nitdscrsiption if liithissnewldepartune
1 at S 4Jge iit(Cornel'l iwoullIibe just. lossevir.
deifinsitesets iif sillrsansce'rs'slsilesssts
--FOR A- whiiihi 1have1111been il lbu ilt' elift ill.
iat.'liiiesandidate' for ilsisiosn to
Itliii<\ B. course inieud slt, to lie'sure,
It~~iII J ~oifser either LatusinorCritic, bist lie
rcannsot insateasi offer any liosdge tsssgs'
Rotfar nw if vrni 1'w it liiipleases. He insist, in addlitintti
stinner if the Nsorthsern oratoriafl WILL. NOTl GO '10 NEW YORK.
rLiligni' t oilteti.
Afsot llit isciili'r tn litiin Mchigan Will HaveNo Track
liii Uirsrity joitn11111'fsthliii litrrsy Men in Saturday's GNos
cet'liontlihi s 1run(-nt iii'itis''e those t' issdsfiniltly ainists si thltlus ns
Psi Upsilon Wino Again.
lTli S' euodtnsl gll'et-wien PSiI';'ei-
fill sndsil alilt DelsltaPi i theiliits's"
fs'sii-rsity ;stilts Aittelasyedl it liie
uiltie fieltS Iisti 'SN slug. At sit
poiilit inithut' tisitits' t te ii itcitttt
lreistmiii sill go t 8si'oXrk. (:apt.
iL(At) etis 1st1ill Itliit4ig. l1sts15s)
tht heiis Una~les'to ia'tltltilititittligin
tiuhStosirt is still liaviiIissioul'Nvstll
wsfille e Iit'.'Iilssi'os-sisen ts's1 -s's'nl i
liii sinshing if Les'lty intl Sisisirt So
Ntow Yor5k forsi'aslts'tlsegsioit'. Ti
leaethe lls'sssstwist (Ilut.1'o .1111t4, M-
s-ertsaini. Ies lpsiloniiliiioff wilt i tti
asoills'osily intrcsslsgissl ' s-tilltet ,Ii-
suis. T'Isessgscetissis oe4 tso sg's itnis strt iiti
fatt sits'AsitaMDll tfa Pii, said finlly inc frtot~il em
Psi fpsifon won i to G. Society Programs.
'fI'e tamss basteidasoltlos': 'fllesJleffiesnin Soity wtill list"
AlitlisiDelItai l'iii Il 'sn, p; Skinnl'5.eist.litheflsowing Mtemiorialf Dsy flits
so; Wiosliof', cf; f'. Blitisiiil. se; 1gississ1sit its it-ei lg tIsisigll:iusts-
lSsoill 1);I.Iotlasties'. 1; itLie 85t, ilzg. jib. Wsethllerbeie;, 'sily Wi' Isls-
1:; le~th 'rai fxerge rf;Ton tstbsint'." N. . .South; ''Motniltor intl
telitfpsilon-i Al'xtsi'erIt; Suitley, Mt-rrimacii,"' I. lsls; '"l'lis' ()lsI
21s; ('sinfkise s; Cteil iinge, 31s; S ' iSoliert,"' t. S. I-sting;"fissty." KI..
bisry, so; (OsirsiifisIf; 1:I nslsrwotti lb;ttNsoirie; 'Boys iiBlueit,"'C.I Chatdiss-
Ks'ts'issuss rf; Pssl Iratanl; "Gthn. W'infitfld S. Scoittt,"'G. L.
SigitaI'l! In I'i dpslonply tsSanderss:s;ldebtei'."tResolvses, '171isst ts'
eirs nlg sit the atletsicie'lId. obseirrssatcest of tttsitssi Ition D ihsea
Preshmen to Maks Their Debut. tennsie'y tsoeigi' lr lsadsi"fselinsg bet-
'f'lie ' lselmlstisalijs andilMandiolin twssien teNorthlid tShlii'Sothl," sit-
C'lss sill miktik eIirirsst aiiItsie<1'rince iritiiri, C. I .Whtil'te sl '1r' .
51 lis ltesisg sl'lii' stiisil otsly (eoigs', nililie. 4'. It. Sii'iiitlitiitand
trisday night. Thei folflowiing is thes Otis Husff.
pro'sgrin oithets'soity for that niighit: At te AflphiiluSoisety F-ridasy
Mussis, Fr'etfsmanisBanjo ani ltMaisso- night the folfowling fsiogiiiii wilflIts
flun 'fis;teiithlceintury Araitais given: Vioilin solo, tisifMrietPeii-
Nighits prizei cotesiiist, comtiisltors5,iieff; ri'sstg, Mies \ssMrtquardt; sssll-
lMessrs. Voorfies, ('nary ands Wiflsox'; fosqsy, Mir. Cooli; debsate, "Rtesolfveds,
vocal solo, Miss Visffiis; tprese'ntlationi 'litts'he iimigrlatiotnflaws shlds nst
stf luize'r. Olsois; debasste, "Rteolvedi, Its'inasts iiore striiireiit," saffirnaiveist,
'Ilatit' 'iil's Stii'sgss''iisii'itMrl. Re'sibsen sissd sr. Sangerinegttie,
them at
MuoIyS OIro Stole
17 E. Washington St., cor.
Fourth Ave.
G. H. WIL,,
The Leading Tailor,
and only direct importer in the city,
hat just received his entire stock of
Foreign and Domestic Woolens for
Spring and Summer '96, at
1, nil Dress Suits a ySpecialty.
Special Sale.
Baseball Supplies, Lawn
Tennis Rackets, Lawn Tennis
Supplies, -Sporting Goods of
every description.
tp Tows, Down Tswn,
Uahversity' Bookstore. Opposite Courttlouse
2014. Miatt St. 4 N. Mlain St.
the prliinaiisry subljets, offeres'sither
(s.) tGres-ftanuit tlu, or (b) LatsiltS
advtancedl French or Glermansi, sir (s')
tsdvas' tancdFench, adsvanceid Gi'risiu,
atdvancesfsmsithemiaticst, inctluinig Solisd
Geometry, thigfsor Afgel)ra, and Plasne'
andh Spshericas l'Trigonomessstry. In a
until, then, tfhe stuslent uttoinsentranc'e
muitst pinoehiselffwell grouintdetd W
a systensatic fhighs school cosirse, Nasvt
lng certain staple subljeso, anstcover-
lug laon of the grounid of an o1sd-
fasfionsesd college course. 'Then, when
lie is atdimitted, lisenmay take whiat his
cfhooses, tprovisded onlsy Ihecomplesftes
saitisfactorily the amsoutsptrt'scribsed
for each term.
Joint Debate.
The Lyceumis No. 1, itf the Hdighi
Scfsool has arransged for a debsate with
the Crescent Society of the Siate'Nor-
mal School and ilsi upsfpor't the sit-
shtoutld grsant ats extensidon of thiie isis
the lih'noniPaieic It. It. smourtgsages,"
affiimaivie, 'Ir. Seterancee antdSr
'ITaylor, inegative. 'tt. Stnrgis aitdl'Mr.
Steasd; vocsil stofos.'Mits ssrks; msici,
Ftre'shsmns i ujo a'a ndoStiistlins Cfltbs.
Geofogical Expeditions.
C'ornellffands Princeetons will senad out
twoitmphfortanst geological expteditions
ifhits summuser. (Cornells expedsition will
llrnotive of clue question, "Resofvedl, aseosusfany Lient. P~eary and msake in-
That the successfnlmntesnance of.fporant scientific studies on the coast
the U. S. os a natiosn requires that of New Fondlandt, Greenland, Bat-
more power he delegated to use cen- is's Lanid and Labrador.
tral governmsent. Tuhe debate u-ill hi' The expedition frons Prineeton will
hold Friday. go to tse southwestern part of tse
The Lyceuna is not so muchl removed United Stains to study the remais of
troms the University as msay appear sit tse Cliif Dwvellers and also the geolog-
the firet glance. During its past teii heal structure of thsose regions.
years of wiork it fiat trained for the Tennis Preliminaries.
University thsree presidents anid a sic--
retary of the S. L. A., one presidessn nyseda'tesi tusases
of the S. C. A., font. class presidents, Danforthi heat tRenney (6-0, tI-1; Sea-
and has the honor of having had on busry heait Alexander, 46-3, 6-1; Cuin-
its rolls as an active mensher the first Emings heat Rtussell 7-5, 5-7, 46-2.
lMr. Keps'tner andc Mr. Zbinden'u; readssing,
Mrii. tPatul; Sibyl, Mi'. ('armodsy; music,
quartet; critic, Miss Nash.
Comment on May Pestival.
Yesterdtay's Ain Arbor Coaussiterftl
ltsies tse followiing interviewwtll
onse of lt'e tmusicisswhtltscamise So
Anni Arbuor tso ts'eflartinl'shess'May
"The concerts givensssee a st yousr
Masy Iestiva~l use equal to antypus-
ifce sinid this itcountriyev 'll thiose in
Cincinnati, which are adve'irtisedl ill
over' (le continenut. ft is to bei' .egret-
ted thiaut you idoslot have sssttiei'st
roosmsiii your half to seat 2,000 or
3,000 stunt'penfple. Touriusietus
Ihsiri' are wsasting thesiru'sstgies ushess
thiey give such mnagnificentconnets
sthilsisly some 3,0001 liteer's.'Thsere
are thsosands of peotple in f'its cini-
tryi u-io would travel hundreds of
isles to hsear these concerts if thesy
could he asstired of seats hind accnni-
snodations after they arrive here. We
hope to come in Ann Arbuor bsefosre
long hind find such an auditorii."