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May 27, 1896 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1896-05-27

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Published Dlly (Snday excepted) during
the College year, at
Derrion: Times building N. Minm st., opposite
post office.
J. F. THOMAS, '97. W. WI. ToAve, '96 L.
E. L. Coxis ,'lie L F. Mi. Loms, '98.
0. iH. uASs. '98. F. S. SIONS, '98.
II. C. UNDERWOOD, 'T C. M. boots:N, 'C.
C. B3. HxAainoos, 'ii L
L. C. W ALKE, '96.
WV. W. ilughes, 'Il. S. R. Smit,''CCL.
S. WI. Smith, '17. W. 1'. Mrrill, '1.
J. L. Waleb,'9W M. i. B. Sillman, '95 L.
C. Bi. Roe, 'is D. Louise Dodg, '1.
B. B. Cetheasy, '5. ii. Coris. '5.
Lla . Dicinson, ,lll.
The subscriptios price of the Daily has
beea recedcto 76 o'sI advance lfo the re,t
of the year. Leace sbscriptions at the
Daily office or with P. C. Micyer, . of M.
News Stand.
Editor of today's palper,
F. M. LOOMIS, '9.
Tue generesity of Jacobs s All.
maiud ini ofeing auiierit deoation fore
the 'omiise Glyimniasiiumi funtd Is
worth coimsiderablec notice. As iiici-
tionied ill the Daily thcy haive offrctd
to Lie one' of twenty to give twrity-
five tdollars apiece to increase the
funid. Itegent Biarbour wiii give
$1,000 mmore if the condiions stated
formerly aie fiilfilled aiid this is a
excellent Waciy to raise the required
amloutn. Tue iierchiants are lrgely
supplortedt by Che students anid shotuld
respeond to this offer. As everyonie is
aware, half thie einergie of tie Uui-
v'ersity hiave been exerted in this di
rectiono throughi the entire year iiid
Cue building already started is a
standing incentive to ltiiie who hiave
not coitribttdt Tue go ilxi of the
stidenits aiid all interesitud in tilt U'ni-
versity will of retiree be especially
shown to hose xvho help In ths most
inmportant wvork.
First Graduation Recital.
Frieze Memorial Hll xwas xvcl illhed
yesterday afternoon- xvhiin the first
graduation recital xas given by Mr.'
Jolin J. McClellai.
Tue programn consieted of six numi-
bere, emb'aingcompoitions of Bacl,
Beethiove'n, Schmnn, Chopin, Jonas
and Rubenstein. Mr. McClellan ntI
only bas acquired a ine technique, bt
possesses a sympathetic touch atnd in-
sight 'Ihicih aiways proclams Ce true
Miss Eimmie C. White and Miss Ein-
ma Fischer xil give gradnation con-
ceits in Frieze Memorial bal tumor-
row and Friday afternoons. at 4:30
LOST-In the rush on the athletic
fid Tuesday, May 21, a D. K. E. fra-
ternity pin. Finder in requested to
leave at D. K. E. house.

Prizes fur Linguists. ANN ARIBOIt It. 1R. BULLETIN. G ents, Special
Thee American Institnte of Sceiitiie Sae of one and one-third fare on
Liteatne ofer prcesiiiIlerextCe certificate plan xiii be nmade for S
Nexv Testmiment Creer, aiid Cet(h tefixigmetings:
anii Nexv Testatmenit ini Englism., Ciciago-Associaion of Ntirseryinen, l
emach of these subjt'ctser xx'illIn eli'lne 10 leeo i 1.r
gixeni oise first-prize of $100 mid 011e Cleveland, O.-Y. -1. C. A. Seere-S
('lexamu, inse liubr
'ioime r'offeret i.xitiiont fee' mmmii mre Jn ?t o55' Mstr Pubr, _-1D15
oiieii to mall college students amid 1 t iiJimi'alli
'90 stuidemitsenitering the' first year c~aa il.Hbria ovn inA F W DAYS MO E
class ini atTheologicail Seminary mm tue le, Jtine 10i. A IL
asitum of 1897. fMiiskegone-ii. Miri-Arbeiter Bunld,
'f lie examinations xiiibehi'leldi l ' June 9 to 11. All Gents' $0.00 Shoes go at $5.39.
imtittoiiix'mciCl, aiae(ie fmre for rouimd Criip for time fol- Al Smt' $.0Sloes go at $.9
a stmdent oin March 1ti, 107. ioxvinig: All (Semte''$5.90 Shoes gu at $4.49.
Timeixaminiiatieonsxiii be' comductedl Bay Vie'x-i amime Meetiig mnd As- AlGns eby uy7 o1.$.0Sosg t$.9
biy mi mmb~mer of ithe fiacuty' in each iiti ,Juy7 OAll (Gents' $.9Sosg t$.9
imstitution ill x'wihich ane'Xaiiuittuis t'liage-emocr'msicNmiinial Con- Al(imt'$3.00 Slices go mat $2.09.
to be heled. 'ioheestlins, umneer seal x'e'itiomi, Jniy I3itoi0. These pricee iincltde every ('olored'.
txxenty in numbiler, fuirnishiedeiii'ex- St. Loisi,1Me. tRepubliean Nmational Shoe in the housee, in Rutmsia, Yiindmmii
aimiier by time imnstituite, xwiii be oilemn- Coent-emiomn, eine' 12 to 15. Canixas, in all time matest shamdes and,
i'd iii time presence of time claiss, in me 'a~smimgtomm, D. C. -Y. P. 8. C. E. toes.
roomm xxhicih le umhall nmeii. 'hiece C('enmtion.
conisie'utive' hours mt sniclimmperiod ef It. S. (IIIEENW'OOV0D, Agt.IA flf
time daiy as shahl te'mnst i'omix'eimt A\ TefHEurt IIE,,AC' NCi1IISION TO JACBI'freamnranUadiae wlDeiOEDO) L M4 9;
alloxweidfor'eehi exaiinatmuion. W s igo lc
'Tie 800 paissenge'rsxwhmo patroedum'S ~ T shntr.Bo k
hIs coecmtioni xxithm emch i eamini- teie' n Artier ailroamue's flust exe(sus-
tionu tiehebest txxe'lxe pairi(rsxxiiteee51011 1o Toliedoi xxere so hiighly le'amssel 00yj2 ~'~
sele'cteanidelthese' xxwe'xxilhe 'simS- xvithmtime trite that they have doemeCollars and C u lls,
muiteiie'Steo a'icommmite'e'of comeilimitlunothmig limt talkoabouit it sinice,mmd
judige's fee futrhme'r election. All hpos-xx'e mre sure lime amimmmmemmmrent "lhamt O
sile prec'aultionse xiii bet'e inmor- I thiey hmaxedeeciidi'ito gixi' ianther omi
der that tChicjudeges maly halveiso elsie Siunday,Mmiay :31, xwilhbe receei vewithm o14a c
lte thme' idei'tly oftef m'writi'rs. ''iii'd imTe e'mte'rtaimmumenmt gix'en t
prizi'sxxilte' msvarihe'iisoehly on Chic lie "T'iemter ini time L,'aeamntssion
imntrinic mmerit:of lmhealers. Ceoxx'hiiciiis includein irauiromad licker, N e li e
'Thme judige's of lii'heHibrewIC'mumers is simuply superb animis i.lonm em'irhm lie
xiii lie'Profe'ssor' Edwxxar'd '. Haerper, railr'oatelfaux'. Trmam iin i xeveAnli
Chiieago 'iheohogic-al Semimiry ; Pro- Arboermt 10: 5 a. mum. Faire for lime S i
fessor C. Ci. Mitceih, IBostoin uis'r- reunmmeltruii oinlyy75trusts. SRetturning
sily; Professor Cihar'li's IF.SKint, traisn leaves 'roleido at 7 p. iii aeponrsaesani.prety
S-roxx'i IUiversity. aepoerae-adftp-fcl.
The juidge's f hic piipi'rs in Newx' Furnuisehed houesi to remit for txxo
TIestainuent Greek xilCi" S'rofe'ssor umonthsebeginnuig Suly 1, i'xcellenmt
Shimile's' S thew'xs-, 'lie' l'misesity of locatien for thoeec deirinug to keep aBabi nU dew rfo H t
Chicmago; Professor S.Clemr y'iayr boarding amid leedginug house dnring time'Weather.
HamrxvaredUnmiversity; Proeissor C. J. suummer school, Ahiply or aedreses5_________S___
Rhopi's, Bamnugor Theolo gical Seminuary. S. University ave., opp.i caumpus.
Time jndgi's of lime aiem's hum Cue Lost-At Friiday's ceomcertnmt UivIcr- XVA GN R C ..
Ei+7glishibhle' vi li e Prinipalu G . .citySHall, a DeltCiii fimaternmity mpin, FU NS E S
Glrant, Queensh'niiveisityRIHS. xih lmuinl ui lah.tid-
Cmanmada; Presidenut 'IF. tG. Blmzrihhi'ei lemive at stexward's otfice mnd receive 21 MAIN ST., - ANN ARBOR.
Oblerlin Ceellege; Presidenit C:I. Little, exvmrd. 178
GSarritt BiliucalIsiuute'. Students xxho have relics they xvishml f
Fui~imr iifommitiom aheStun~s orx'keed upi into binidinug cmii get time f
applcaton naybe otaied romthebest amid chepest xvork douse at time,
Aumuerie'axuInistitute' of tiered i tierm- Argus binidery, ox-er lime Ann ArborHU W [ T E
tore, Hyde I'ork , Sll. Savings banik.,
'fle ease iiitime' justice court against Gentlemen-hf yenuxvant Co save _,_.
CHarr'W('insteint '95, for beinug conm- money on shoe repairing cmll on A.
corned in the tunpeaantness lime night Levy, 31 N. Slain or., just belowvtime
of Clue freshmm ema an et xc ae lost office, All xvork first elass. Lighit
iismisseid yesterday of ternoonm. Nothi- soles 50 cents, heavy ones G0 cents.
in5 vhmtevr cnid prvedaganst Lost-At University Hall last snight
him, a pair of opera glasses. Finder please
Lost-A' Kamppa Kamppia Ganmma Ser- returnm to 34 L. Jeffersou et. er. Push-
ority key, set wvithm pearls, ownier's pier's drug stere and receive rexwarid.
naume on back, Finder return to Ste- I xvonld like to give instruction iii + I
xward's office amid receive rexward. t Germoan, in exchanige for inistrnction
Lest-A Liddell amid Scott's Creek in English conversation. Call at 55
Lexicon, Finder please return to Kingsley st. II1 .ntz, tPl. D. 171 You oughet to wear a pair of
Steward's office. Sxvan Linien paper-light asnd hieav.'K l r d - S e .


Randall, Argard & Co. Shoe stock, Grand
Rapids, Mich., sold to us.
Men's Rand Sewed Russias $6.00, cut to $4.85
Men's Hand Welt Russias, $5.50, cut to $425
Mon's Dark ]Brown Russiae, $4.00, rut to $2.68
Men's Pat. C F Bais Russias, $5.00, cut to $3.85

Repairs all kinds of Gold Pins,
Rings, ae. Call and see.

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