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May 25, 1896 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1896-05-25

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~t f pWoman's Building Fund. CLOSE OF MAY FLS T1 i-U. k1 Geut'Sp ca
Tefoold for lith oiO('S i'5itiliti
halos ireisistain addition of $155 by (Continued froni irlst Pge)--IN
[ulstied t)aily (Sunddiy exieepted) during ,thesaleik'of ice creamegand coffer after 'fhr ifternloitti reoer t ulo
the Cottego svear, at tltiii o' l tlst tt its t. mrs. A. good tinogs. 'f"rielsit ninbii,
THEUNIERSTY F M HIAN h. tStevetis stiperiiirented the work, "'Thainks Be to Ctoil," fr oliiMdindi ililr
Orric: Thbees buildinN. )lati st, eppose ~ VdisA''Itt t site 'Cit" a t0 ttt i i iu iuud:Shoe
]pest oficie. itt.i se f tiritr ottitiols. Itom A edtbtheliiClioril It til. hsdl~ -.r
_______________ s tthe ttowei' oottt, tiring itecorated "it Illtg tttilii ili's art er - tolo-
EIiiTORSO witti iptlns telDted ftowers kiiiily "fhltiArt Liter a i'iower," ittresonse1
J.1F. T0airas9'7. OW. 00. TisAYl. '50 L. loaniied Mrs.,'olsitis; ertt [owers to alleiirore tothe[tessttipele ii itni FRIDAY AND SATURDAY,
EI. Ir,.l:aLF. til.ss. 0. 2 9S. weein' dil oi the faleds eart days anthiis, with "Lesolitlrs iti Cai"I
0,. 1. IAS'3 1"ooso . S. SNOS. C. UtD'9: .A. ItiteE,' 1 tibytie younig laities if theitharmatcy if 1f1tiiii1o, Biter'oi theti rog1m,l i ~ 2 r n.2
-- dritr ittt 10. Iol I3 w Bas known 1' li1ledtinhr oe018's oneil' C ens
IL LNtil[isl IINTOS It' l'liiiee i'ioili tieitg is stoseri ttrt li ottlltublnstsll Sits'siotil S tes.gi1at)5811
I. it. l ltloxi, I'M L. ssith t'tittre [tfags, litieirns ,111ita iiiop liti herie ltst yer. _dli. zeitza" t 1_iat *4t
- Aldenlts' tt5.0itSho~es -go attS-1.43I.
IItV'S IN 5 j .5LANA(OER, rn tolle 'of lilaI tubChilseirtlli's, ievre tetter 1Own whe1n[itie gilt e Aliis -o tlasg tOtIt
L. ft Watoa, '5 lii nil ii to t tla iestie Iresident All- Sit iiSIi is' "tRoundo I'1 iriisi, 'andul All Grut.5 .01 Shtiie oa so
ASSOCIATE EDlITORi S ytone attil o aio elte oi u itoett-ll ulethletik.These triers itiliile rot-ny I 'olored
se.ri.t1Ii ike ti-i, 1 is's.sit ~ till-li.. Stioe itt the tiose, ill Ituitsia, VOtt mun
Canvas ith, 97. 0W. 1'. srian 10 'si', il fSr.a ~Canvsintoall t110 latest shaties tatd
SJIN. L Sitoio,9311. Ii. it. Sli 'Lo all hirm i[atiriscostumites. toitt togi'rs, N0i1t1titi liii' I nit il nitoore, toes.
C. B. tRo-,'!)'i. Louise Itoiti-'99, '['hie cake iv0is ftrniisieuiblithei' t- I luldlwtrks'' flirer Sktcihesfoiro it i- _______
ili..ilitll' uicstli lii hs iiiAIitt 'li S'tottlrs.1111 '- omnt on 'Varsity's Team Play'
beno liaiilii L to5s i.in aicr iiie t t sof theil'irnro's Leaguei' srsi't eWas t lok
ot the 91e1r. Lease ;sibserititlossat tie tei ifri-olti'ts, [li'heiice tiii1 '1 [I, I'iisg Siaia 'itlid Wahittnitd ck
Da'iy offc' or aith I'. C. .yr,ei U. fM.i iC1 Iii un a T iu e al
New ;and. r2ilot~le o'by A. I. tolmiis. Th[ 1-i n iiits lees ttl of the ii' k arI IO0lii-
Editor of today'-spatper,11111, I:. I". ilfls. Oliosro StNirchols, "Tfiope[litfi liittlg if I ittiii Iat k I.la-ji~s and. 0 -1'
________iisllttt ic lile's 11111 helpo'dtto rendeinade ,1111111 c. O-l ht 11111 1- )--
ee'i'iilg illtiS 'isluo to ilect lhtstlli'sOCornmounioation. MMSa 51.1. ftertoy Il(,lirg
Mariger fur 11('t,11 rtilig e-ar. M - simiton-ni111111tielisriii"iii'
o h r l i l ti h ul e e s l t eutu liu o ltn e i a t i t het. p r e ssit id y t l l 0 1 ' rni f 01 1 la Ii l i'iids tu t i ly -N d f h t
tikto li h Sa letiil 'ili'rs lii 1 of11 [ilt'it1i5,110" insof 1 i n li tilbelproudsoy . Scke 1,(1l rb -
Tlheatuttg this [c~til hruitishetii yo'rt atir- lizt itls i iiveityliv;ius miii re['li'thdrnltlit seiite go t ebii'Babia Udrer o o
prno ily refetrs1111 lto gl'40110 tpossile-mIc[li s m' utstlie ci o liutto to111j' Iendliproiels tiei 111 i tl ltI~ Sl . 'a~Teat h irt
lilituos'uo(S1Asii~la l iis itier'ar, l th s so. lveotitrson"0 wh l0 ili,'"llti' iotal sidti.'s i i i t - a
ltlil' iiit t;il o1111 'lttllo~ll t o 11 i' 'uutytisel yi'iiii olste--hiui totaiaw luh' eitttlit V 1'U i .,I(. J
affir lti' 111 My 'u'ttiit111 tlk'lt placediiit iilla ii''ti'o hrtgfil011 ,t In ii' toIlbeing" rtoy it his 1.'' FUyrNsIpSH BPS. ~e1"ctv
oiidee s i iingls ot is lirll)it'ligt lilt li tit il Iity Iis' o rded,1110 (sinaoill0 get1 taft ii'eruedtog"(111tourp2iMAIeST.andA NlA BOR
tickt'stoite sloty in otislilka(e's.te lfidetat1-theots (1111'of S r-e tooi' dlytiisi h
11e11garinai" matet is nred. ~ e- o'liitly '1s iil"ll itiirlhn'i 21( Tesrttetowr oIhtit. Iabrgn newerfo o
essa~y t stte tltill enerl te li- fak te'yit, 11sotlbilosal oiiuatsas "1 'iime 'fas ebirgl nebys."c
Illos couresy ws shwn atill tmes.iible o titihis d l omers, itnlitOi'11111"'l whl ol eeo ass tt
Wh'llttthiie itol i'i tai l s ~llsa. re iit. 1 is tta uh lioitts 111iftt ots 1'tn-.
-ri.- 1 ass -ni ijestsiiorithseif official venoni,1.lut.st I~ ytlisiletits (oanatogard's it reatis
<rf <1r iketh fly I etivl re ake "1.;lie ll lieneusaryior10ill taldil tt reelt of 1hrowsnyoetutl.


senie's muslical feolislil. '['1le tdetails
wsere admnirablty lootoi i after;; [he Chloir-
at Untiihi is ideseri'ng of hightira ise
fen the hig h iuaity5-of its soont; dli.
Atotlliatlet' andl his iexcentio(lrtihes-
Ira is usuaotloisieleft a 11(st of atd-
asineno, hut 110 critics s'ihtadeerse
opintiiosanod the recrd is is favor-
alt'fun earls andalalt oft11e'soloists.
lBst to P'rof. Sanley is dun the gnat-
eot prnaise'. Not tonly foitis ymph[onsy
whticht 1ad its inst Itearinig Frida~y,
biut also for the patinstaking i-randit
isc abiity as a coniductor sshichts ~
desvelopmed thinsgs muttsiel to whallt thlt'y
are thse Unisversity ac[rdtilhe' sisters-
est plautdits. 'Theire Sastsomorfeaitons
in echticoncert Nici('tbriousght, outtdi
ackunosoledgemienst, and tlte oshole
series emphstasized thsefitneos of it.
College gameas Saturday resulteil:
Beoit 10, Wisconssin 0; Oberlin 10.
Allegheny 3; Indiana 7, Waba s 5;-
.Williamts 1, Dartnmonths2: Grinnell 5,
Cornell (Ia.) 4; Brosn 5, Holy Cross 4.

iissuanid the lasti to shuow anty-rai-ty Goriugie IL Dtlili's, lnea hs
01111' or fs-os exestllot sitgr 2 Agenst,tGrandtlCentiral Station,
'03 Wilt Hold FReunicn. Lost--kAKpapio ippa Guarina Sos-

H~adleiy 0'. tttethalsoi, '93h, a[I
Transz tC. lKuhni, '93,hbiotht [ractinsl
attiornseys tonDetroit, hove been ini
AnnssArbior ftir asfoss days atteninlg
the Slay lestival. Whle hen'e111(y
madbue defiilti' ranrig nts for 11w
isst reniionl of the Ctass of '93t. tie
senonts willtbeli loil We~dsnsdtay
of Commsoeceentsoeek..511 atteud-
ani'etif ftully 150 is assurnet.

oriyly ey', set swit pearls, owoser's
inamehI tun back. lFindenr rtturn to Ste-
sward's office aid receive resward.t
Otis-cyourn biiycle sepairetd at Writ-
gino repirinshop. Reasonable hprices.
S N. Fourth ave.
L~ost-A Ltddell asnd Scott's Greek
fexicons. tFinder leaise retusns to
Ste'ss'aud's office.
Sos~ts Linien--envselopes to moatchi.

baa aug;lt tosawear a pair af
Kolored - Shoes,
Repairs all kinds of; cold Pins,
Rings, etc. Call assd see.

Randall, Argard & Co. Shoe stock, Grand
Rapids, MVich., sold to us.
Men's Hand 8-awed Russias $0.00, cot to $4.81
Men's Hand Welt Russias, $5.10, cut to $4.21
Men's Dank Brown Russias, $4.,00. rot to $2.98
Men's PaL. C F Bale Russias, .$1.00. cot to $3.85

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