THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ~t f pWoman's Building Fund. CLOSE OF MAY FLS T1 i-U. k1 Geut'Sp ca Tefoold for lith oiO('S i'5itiliti halos ireisistain addition of $155 by (Continued froni irlst Pge)--IN [ulstied t)aily (Sunddiy exieepted) during ,thesaleik'of ice creamegand coffer after 'fhr ifternloitti reoer t ulo the Cottego svear, at tltiii o' l tlst tt its t. mrs. A. good tinogs. 'f"rielsit ninbii, THEUNIERSTY F M HIAN h. tStevetis stiperiiirented the work, "'Thainks Be to Ctoil," fr oliiMdindi ililr Orric: Thbees buildinN. )lati st, eppose ~ VdisA''Itt t site 'Cit" a t0 ttt i i iu iuud:Shoe ]pest oficie. itt.i se f tiritr ottitiols. Itom A edtbtheliiClioril It til. hsdl~ -.r _______________ s tthe ttowei' oottt, tiring itecorated "it Illtg tttilii ili's art er - tolo- EIiiTORSO witti iptlns telDted ftowers kiiiily "fhltiArt Liter a i'iower," ittresonse1 J.1F. T0airas9'7. OW. 00. TisAYl. '50 L. loaniied Mrs.,'olsitis; ertt [owers to alleiirore tothe[tessttipele ii itni FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, EI. Ir,.l:aLF. 0. 2 9S. weein' dil oi the faleds eart days anthiis, with "Lesolitlrs iti Cai"I 0,. 1. IAS'3 1"ooso . S. SNOS. C. UtD'9: .A. ItiteE,' 1 tibytie younig laities if theitharmatcy if 1f1tiiii1o, Biter'oi theti rog1m,l i ~ 2 r n.2 -- dritr ittt 10. Iol I3 w Bas known 1' li1ledtinhr oe018's oneil' C ens IL LNtil[isl IINTOS It' l'liiiee i'ioili tieitg is stoseri ttrt li ottlltublnstsll Sits'siotil S tes.gi1at)5811 I. it. l ltloxi, I'M L. ssith t'tittre [tfags, litieirns ,111ita iiiop liti herie ltst yer. _dli. zeitza" t 1_iat *4t - Aldenlts' tt5.0itSho~es -go attS-1.43I. IItV'S IN 5 j .5LANA(OER, rn tolle 'of lilaI tubChilseirtlli's, ievre tetter 1Own whe1n[itie gilt e Aliis -o tlasg tOtIt L. ft Watoa, '5 lii nil ii to t tla iestie Iresident All- Sit iiSIi is' "tRoundo I'1 iriisi, 'andul All Grut.5 .01 Shtiie oa so ASSOCIATE EDlITORi S ytone attil o aio elte oi u itoett-ll ulethletik.These triers itiliile rot-ny I 'olored se.ri.t1Ii ike ti-i, 1 is's.sit ~ till-li.. Stioe itt the tiose, ill Ituitsia, VOtt mun Canvas ith, 97. 0W. 1'. srian 10 'si', il fSr.a ~Canvsintoall t110 latest shaties tatd SJIN. L Sitoio,9311. Ii. it. Sli 'Lo all hirm i[atiriscostumites. toitt togi'rs, N0i1t1titi liii' I nit il nitoore, toes. C. B. tRo-,'!)'i. Louise Itoiti-'99, '['hie cake iv0is ftrniisieuiblithei' t- I luldlwtrks'' flirer Sktcihesfoiro it i- _______ ili..ilitll' uicstli lii hs iiiAIitt 'li S'tottlrs.1111 '- omnt on 'Varsity's Team Play' beno liaiilii L to5s aicr iiie t t sof theil'irnro's Leaguei' srsi't eWas t lok ot the 91e1r. Lease ;sibserititlossat tie tei ifri-olti'ts, [li'heiice tiii1 '1 [I, I'iisg Siaia 'itlid Wahittnitd ck Da'iy offc' or aith I'. C. .yr,ei U. fM.i iC1 Iii un a T iu e al New ;and. r2ilot~le o'by A. I. tolmiis. Th[ 1-i n iiits lees ttl of the ii' k arI IO0lii- Editor of today'-spatper,11111, I:. I". ilfls. Oliosro StNirchols, "Tfiope[litfi liittlg if I ittiii Iat k and. 0 -1' ________iisllttt ic lile's 11111 helpo'dtto rendeinade ,1111111 c. O-l ht 11111 1- )-- ee'i'iilg illtiS 'isluo to ilect lhtstlli'sOCornmounioation. MMSa 51.1. ftertoy Il(,lirg Mariger fur 11('t,11 rtilig e-ar. M - simiton-ni111111tielisriii"iii' o h r l i l ti h ul e e s l t eutu liu o ltn e i a t i t het. p r e ssit id y t l l 0 1 ' rni f 01 1 la Ii l i'iids tu t i ly -N d f h t tikto li h Sa letiil 'ili'rs lii 1 of11 [ilt'it1i5,110" insof 1 i n li tilbelproudsoy . Scke 1,(1l rb - Tlheatuttg this [c~til hruitishetii yo'rt atir- lizt itls i iiveityliv;ius miii re['li'thdrnltlit seiite go t ebii'Babia Udrer o o prno ily refetrs1111 lto gl'40110 tpossile-mIc[li s m' utstlie ci o liutto to111j' Iendliproiels tiei 111 i tl ltI~ Sl . 'a~Teat h irt lilituos'uo(S1Asii~la l iis itier'ar, l th s so. lveotitrson"0 wh l0 ili,'"llti' iotal sidti.'s i i i t - a ltlil' iiit t;il o1111 'lttllo~ll t o 11 i' 'uutytisel yi'iiii olste--hiui totaiaw luh' eitttlit V 1'U i .,I(. J affir lti' 111 My 'u'ttiit111 tlk'lt placediiit iilla ii''ti'o hrtgfil011 ,t In ii' toIlbeing" rtoy it his 1.'' FUyrNsIpSH BPS. ~e1"ctv oiidee s i iingls ot is lirll)it'ligt lilt li tit il Iity Iis' o rded,1110 (sinaoill0 get1 taft ii'eruedtog"(111tourp2iMAIeST.andA NlA BOR tickt'stoite sloty in otislilka(e's.te lfidetat1-theots (1111'of S r-e tooi' dlytiisi h 11e11garinai" matet is nred. ~ e- o'liitly '1s iil"ll itiirlhn'i 21( Tesrttetowr oIhtit. Iabrgn newerfo o essa~y t stte tltill enerl te li- fak te'yit, 11sotlbilosal oiiuatsas "1 'iime 'fas ebirgl nebys."c Illos couresy ws shwn atill tmes.iible o titihis d l omers, itnlitOi'11111"'l whl ol eeo ass tt Wh'llttthiie itol i'i tai l s ~llsa. re iit. 1 is tta uh lioitts 111iftt ots 1'tn-. -ri.- 1 ass -ni ijestsiiorithseif official venoni, I~ ytlisiletits (oanatogard's it reatis