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May 23, 1896 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1896-05-23

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AtGHIANGENTkj Your 7GradulAation' .Suit she COAST LINE to MACKINAC
Tinme Table (Reveod) MarcbS , 115. _____________________________"- b.-TA KE T HE EAST WEST
Nalli and Ex----1 50 Mall------ 38 We woulid like to makes for yotu. We halve tile Go011,
N. Y.Special---- 5 00 N. Y. Special- 7 A)
Eastern Ex-a--10 12 N. S. Linited S 9IS5can it on efc i ve orc }. eie V
Atlantic Ex- 73 PacifcEx-a-1"15 cmto inu 1will save l l oll oey. Whlat more do you Walnt/ . T? -
03. N. Expreaa---- 5 40 Wetern Ex.-- 200r
G. .Expres,1.5OiRNE- Sal1 1 See Mr. Rfope at the Cook lltuse every Qiulesy. 100 p AKIA
GR.EE-----557} y ;r %A KNCOE 0G. P.& T Agt., ChIcagoi.. . IEATnES, rbr nw ScotchPaten, 1(51 tovels, istoend Sit *R
to orider $20.00 111101up1 PE T OSKE Y
-)" ~THE GOLDEN EAGLE CLOTHING CO11 ETROIT. 2ewSeelPassengrSteaiers
TeGetsPefcinytatieinBaCenstrucn Et Lsuriotal Eipmnt. Artistic
Me ialE a intonFrnising, Derationiand E:Iicint Service,
MeIa xreiain.in -srog the bigbesE degree ef
Tim11eoh'dl1101111 11l 0111114oo T1S1e396. ,~ e
NOTsr'ibr tjElOS uelont desah llii 1:1 i-~-Toledo¢, Detroit and Mackinac
r: no. 01:10 a. i. ed tileol followting 111110 5, 1a5 e: The modern stand- PETOSKEY, "THE SO0." MARQUETTE.
f< oa i. 01ll:.1)0 a . -ulllllllit wee too1 . r tei ' llllllal d I a AND DULUTH.
rti14 p. 1in., t811 p.in, SO.LOW','RATESAte Piotnrreojar MMockinac and
x .5p.rn. ~~ 1.50 . plirltillet. lastid leture sAvillo-be Jard family M\edi- Petso n. jincluding flealsoand eth-s. Froim
1tiOunllly lilly, between11 'olledllo d Haiti- delivered'l t11e previllos 11(, 3% Ce,-.elo0, $S8; trans Tiledo, $is; frans ten
burs.-.) uncion, 0 '0c1iu Cures the troll, 013.50.
**1ai1y sleters Oeloeeon Toledo 11011V-RYllVENING
Frank1110t. AT T1E GROlAND OPELI-t10l lSPi a
*1)aly xcet Snda comonevery-day Betwe Detroi 1and Cleveland
lt.S. REENWOOD), AgeatW.H E N T G.PA.Tld C. r" ~ConcigaClvlnNitErietris
th IBN ET oed . 'L: foilovitt ,is list of a1floss of ills of hum niy. foal pints151t0ClessISouhad sou theslt anda
1$Q YII , 1.ol.1101pelle vlll 011o Aill appear1Denoit o l :-1 lonts North oed Nor thwest.
ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. BY.i a i, : ::' t1: )cr -Ri;,. N 1* _', W T KSunday Tripli laceldy. Slgest oil op1 ber Ealy.
Tin e TabloM1, 1896. - Cleveland, Ptnt=in=Bay ' Toledo
DPatay 17.lnric l: Seod lor Illustra.t1ed1' :Orlol5. Addrsess
Lerave Ypilantifrom Coogress St., :30, 8:00 51il11:-c tI1s'y I ldler. t, e Al.nnsS A. nCHANTZ, a. P. n., aERIT, Mine.
and1100a.Oins,;14,2:00, .3:,a5:00,6:45,stioo
and l11 .1 . 0. '11111,1 I111 Ilck r Ilno s. 1lie 'lci ':10: ,Detoit
Leaso Ann Arlsor Junctioon, 7.0), 8:30 'osl lol' _________ ieletut ile St~tell am . I o
t 10 a. Si.; 1:15, 2:3a, 4:001 :30, .15 :o 5 a d, s, St ools dls n a;lss,3: o~lisi 111 l l ____________________________
r UDA TIME.3 .1- S 1osrs-o ls'sle,',eI-n Iooe. AnsIdy ~ ~ 2 Ie ~D' Oo~H~e
lease Ypsilaintifromo Eongresol., 1:30. taO, A W 1iississ o slssst. ('o sIs':)(, AMoss- (ir3lllgSild:___
:00,16:30 and 9:O p. 1.1- b : ,insos2'iii ' I.iosls.'~'N e 0
leie An Abo osin :00, 1:00, aslA, 3 - los" tth .r tlc
('seaves 0011Erbol Jetieonleglalep Ii llmas ohers o dte. I 4.::oloi,1 iss II(.bstTHURSDAY EVE, Y 2
7:00 andl 9:30 p1. in.slo nlsy 0sloos o ,:l' ,:os. tloo
cents 0 roud (lp ticetls 01 cens. C11,nd Suppliesof :1 1uery
..,II..A ri,~HpE ball1 1.0 F 5 1 t'0. IsI ll'1 i smo:lx Ii, If.
- 1-1:1 ;Ssle' sIt ._:of 31. Nsovs D los, 1., Ist raed osloo 01110.
If Touwngodrla e l insurane call lO'illissssi sI.'Irse ,moi'i eii rfto n- LlLu isi
01Frd 0 0 xer ofce NolS.M I
i'osii (so ivs. Six ssoIs ltol''othr silolleoSeeloo-n0:10" H a
of ossl) so :f s~io'o 1111 si (lgoOs--~ 50iC Artists oo Ilse litO'cr. Tle.
S U I I e l llitthe «solol,
Bicycles Enanmeledanod all knd 'sools ss ooss._- P O R 1896. PB! C E S, 35 50gAND150
of machine work. t iIll lishlld 1II01solis too rent1.fose (550
iss1110 ,H011sg.ol .:x''l-i A. G. SPALDING & BROS., UMBNVLiS
I-i N tI~.BROeS.., lo 'tionoris ithioss- :l:siritoi:g11He-l is iENew Yorko, tChicago, Pltaodluli- -¢
No. 9It losEtLiberty SE. loso~idlsog; a : 1: 010; n lso:s llg(o ' 1n;110 Largest M.'oao 1:51-1 oostof orBi:'yole'-.and:0Alli- Wi InSt t w'l, iSl~l
511100'1-:01. Aosy00allosT lieEGooldos 111he orld. -:1:11 LeattIeIso 1Be-ts,
RENT1.,1SCR LER, snle <lol plyo u(Iea1 Sills Eluslollas, "IT.
0T0In&"]o111000lnti', as- lls~to- leli's alleoy' s isli C-'OF?. L.UIONi4 f1. 110:SolS
ANN sEARnRest- TC ssotl o lietpint1110loiill; ilog he00011 got t 1 SY' 10110 "SEAT) WMt ARNOLD'S JEWELRf STORE.


Just IReceoved .o Laruge -in0Eleegant Argl's boiunoery, 000 (bhe AnnIIArboor
y t --ArT-
Lino of Now :Ppes a . " an.TE IDRGRE
Itos t At buolos-sity 111:11 Insti :1(1,11t ' ITDR AIT
Hot'Lunches, Chocolates and uaosairof ooper'a ;lassos0. I-ilS-lobspls' No,. 3 N. Alain St.
Boo Bonn. rtnt'11o 314.]. loffol-sooli'sO.000 boil-
IR.El 1. J iLL-" 0& , lites's odrug slor:' :andl ':-ooivsu'voot. 13JF'..1.O 0 IE A.D F
105S. State St., Sager EBlock. I would101lits:'to -give inistr'uc o lsl::li ii
tG'ernoi , in 0.lxttaomlg-(: fot in:stru on1:1
DAN I DALL uEi llip onis'ersatio::. Caoll att 55 TToe corner stand bias teb tnew
K Iingslo'y st. II.t.z0, 01:. I). 1_t1 drio il tipll. Everyhuody shoulld
try it. (oonliud retrshitng. Tar-
t h Q0 t 0 g r a p hi e r D youwt O alli 0Victor lbaseba:Oll suit ker's snda woater and homne miad e
atagood discunt? 'Thent call at (lie E andy. (Coo. State aiid N. Uoiver-
16Wsigo lc. Doaily otlice. (sity ave. GJive hilnS a call.
Dn yotusw-clt a ose- higli grad"elhi-
cyclec at agent's price'? ('111l t PDaily J. WIN. H.AA.S,
cls Ou0-t office.
We have left a fair stock of' A $1100 bicycle for $751. Inqluire it LIVERY, BACK AND BAGGAE
all sorts of the Daily office. + + LIME f++
-- WRnIING TABLETS Sn 2d Sie m shghTretaer. 21 N. MAIN ST., OPP. POST OFFICE.
which cast be closed out as 2 e e t r ORDERS FOR TRAM~S, PARTIES, DRIVING
GOOD WRITING TABLET, - BC pposite___LAWbuilding.__
_______________________ Summer_ Law Lectnren, T~siv. of Vrginia.
BETCAELNNTBE, 35C July I1t Sept. 1, I8l6. Mur stuedentsa aume
WRITING-PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. STU DEBNTS. drss (P.E0 CharlttEesv'ille. v ul
Thssokwl o erpae.- Tale yenr Koa oobWrk to R. C. MINOR, Secretary.
Come quick for first choice. BERRYMAN HIE POTOGRAPHER !n CATERER,
Argus Printing' House. Satsfaction guaranteed. 16 E. fluron st. fHANGSTERFI 20 to anstng-

Ind asau sinuas
Thn Only Slneping nr Drawing Roonm Ear
List between Toledo, tColumbshaand
The nlytDrnawing lRoom Ear Linbetwenn
Tolnedo, Eolumbsand Charleston,
W. Ifs.
Pullman Sie~sSbetween 'Enlnmbsand
THlE ONLY LINE with 4 trains each weay dily
bewreen Toledo ad Columibs.
THlE ONLY LINiEwithb ans eachswayton
Sundays between Tolede and Colmbus..
THE ONLY LINE witu b trains acshbnay daisy
bess-era Toledo, Eow'lingGrmen and
THE ONLY LINE wieth2 tratin earl way daily,
between Teledos ansi Charlesnon, W0. Va.l
THE ONLY DIRECT LINE bses-eta Toleao
and lbs Virginias.
THE POPULAR LINE bets-ena Toleds, Poote.
rta, Buaerrus, Granvileandewa-rk.
Fult infornmation relativn be rates, linus of
tan,ste., swill be chseerfnlly funiashed by any
Agnat ofthesOlin CentraltLinea.


a. s r . .,.7 YV 11 3Y

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