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October 18, 1895 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-10-18

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Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during
the College year, at
Orrn: Times building N. Main st., opposite
post office.
J. A. LEROY, '96, Managing Editor.
G. B. HARMso, '96 L, Assistant.
. R. Sims, '99, Assistant.
C. D. CAR;, Gr. L, Assistant.
S. E. KNAPPN, '98, Athletic Editor.
L. C. WALKER, '06. Business Manager.
R. C. FAnis,'99 M, Assistant.
Associate Editors.
L. A, Pratt, '96. A. K. Petrie, '98.
C. A. Houghton, '96 D. G. M. leath, '9sP.
Katherine Reed, '7. H. B. Gammon,'98 M.
J. F. Thosas, '97. W. W. Hughes, '8.
B. B. Matheany, '99. R. R. Reilly, '99.
R. C. Buck, '99 M.
Communications regarding foreign adver-
tising should be addressed to G. B. Harrison.
All business connected with the local sub-
scription list of this paper is in charge of P.
C. Meyer, 46 E. William st. All other business
matters are under the immediate direction
of the business manager.
The price of the Daily will remain as here-
tofore, $2.50 a year, invariably in advance,
notwithstanding the fact that publication
will be continued until Commencement.
To the U. of M. Daily:
I saw in yesterday's issue that the
regents had granted free use of the
gymnasium to the sophomore girls for
the freshman spread and that the
Athletic Association had been refused
the same for a hop.
I cannot see the justice in this, as
I suppose the gymnasium is for the
encouragement of athletics of all kinds.
The object of the Athletic Association
is to raise money to defray the foot-
ball expenses, while that of the other
is anything but athletics. If the re-
gents wish to support athletics, they
have a. chance to show their gener-
osity though the opportunity is gone
for the present.
There is no objection to having the
freshman spread in the gymnasium,
but it shouldt not be given precedence
to a request from the Athletic. Asso-
ciation. A hop will cause no more
injury to the gymnasium than the
freshman spread, if either should cause
any. CHAS o. COOK.
The Inlander Out.
The Inlander is out and was placed
on sale in the main hail and at the
book stores this morning. The cover
is bright in red and green and is ac-
knowledge to be the most attractive in
which the magazine has as yet up-'
peared. The half-tone picture of the
football candidates is a first class piece
of work and is alone worth the price
of the magazine.
Fifty Less Medics.
In Tuesday's Daily the article on
enrollment stated that there were 451
in the medical department, whereas
the number should have been 401,

Larger Number Than Usual in Fall
Yesterday's. matches in the tourney

Closing Out
We have left a fair stock of
all sorts of

Grandx Opera House.

iresulted as follows: First class--Sher- - - WRITING TABLETS Otis Skinner
man defeated Keith 6-3, 6-3. Second
class-Candee defaulted to Pratt; Har- which can be closed out as Direction of J. J. Buckley, presenting his
follows: new and successful play,
vey defeated Pratt (-2, i-i; Morey de-
feated Hervi i-4, 5t, t-5; Russell de- MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C Villon, the Vagabond.
featteil Warriner 6-4, -.,GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IC
GOODe WRarrNGerAB-4, --4. seats now on sale, Monday/rOct. 14,'95; at 1
The following contestants are re- OOD WRITING TABLET, - C o'clock p. m., at Watts' Jewelry store at s5.'
q o h p CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C forbnoxes, $1.00 for parquet and Ic for dress
quested to be on hand promptly this circle,
afternoon: Stack vs. Smith t 4BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET - 350
Maher vs. Taylor at 4; the winn.r f WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. Lowney's Chocolates.
this match to play Renney at 4:30. This stock will not be replaced. Hot Lunches.
Come quick for first choice.
Davis vs. Iturkert hnt 2.
All entries in doubles must be given Argus Printing House.- TUTTLE'S, 48 S. State. St.
to one of the members of the tennis
committee by Monday, October 22.

Football a Game of Brains.
President Thwing, of Western Re-
serve University, Cleveland, O., says
of football:
"It is not only a game of brains, but
it is a game that should be played by
gentlemen of trained strength. If you
have all gentlemen in the game, then
there will be no sluagging. If you have
players who are strong and well train-
ed, then you will have few.accidents.
The studentsand professors know that
the college is a training school, not
for football and baseball players, but
that it is for culture and to fit the
student for his life work. Therefore
all athletic sports commend them-
selves as a means to this end."
Will furnish music for receptions,
dancing parties and entertainments of
all kinds. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Call on or address F. T. McOmber,
Mgs., No 1 S. Fourth use., or Ross
Spence, Secy., at School of Music.
At 4 N. Fifth ave., very nicely fur-
nished front suite rooms, furnace heat
and bath. Also table board for a lim-
ited number.
For Sale or Rent--A square Piano
(Decker) in good condition. Terms
reasonable. Inquire at No. 14 N. In-
galls st.
WANTED-Fromn twelve to fifteen
students to work on commission. Call
at 6 E. Huron st.

A speedy man on a
A strong man on a
A light man on a
A heavy man on a
The right man in the right






Is unquestionably the finest ball
on the market today. It's light
ness and durability make it a
favorite with all players.
Price complete with inflator,
$5.00. Victor Foot-Ball Guide,
containing the new rules, and
chapters on the game by Dieland
and others, 25 cents.
Also a complete line of finest
foot-ball clothing.
Makers of Victor Bicycles.
Boston. New York. Detroit. Denver.
San Francisco. Los Angelem. Portland.

Finch & Laity
- . - -NOTON, CT..

inaking the tothl in all departments,
as stated, 2,708. This was.owing to a
mistake in proof reading.
At Stabler's, of course-Artist's proof'
etchings framed for $1.25. 24


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