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May 20, 1896 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1896-05-20

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f ciniint. i ewed from I he ipres1 psi Upsilon Wins Again.
%Io f f 4 <27 a f bech heaffir s oi iusl sen i a The Alpha Della Pi Slid Psi Upsi- Ifl I
elearsr lighlt than that inl whiell somie lon fraterniities played offtheiisechondu
Published Dilly (Sunsduy excepted) during oif the spectators may look ait it froms of the inter-fraternity basebhill m~nissi V
the Coleoasneas, at the bleacers. It was a mnatter of dis- i ou-nigcnetls s is,
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. clhzine in which the captain was 11cr- P'si Upsilons led off and it looked as if By express and freight a
OF Fsoss Times building N. Main st.,soposite fectly jsiiesd in the slips takcn. 1+:.- l , .sewsd i'lsisd(d ut~ fneasrmeto
pesst office. tresie lenienisyNwas shiowsn durinsgthe telsrlai oitiiissg ieAps
mot-onsfsielilrt o th seaosslow~rd heFells inscreased their score to 4. 1 he
T. F'. TssONIAs, '57. W. W. ToAs'eu, 'Si h. player Nvso caused the actiosn, andil le fina~l score Nvss 7 tsi 4 in Psi 1 lsol's I an
0. 11.F.S.1MOS. 9. EnosrseIetilwls s aor. The teasisoplayed as follows:
It. C. L NDisveosis, '9is. C. 11. GusEN, 1ll. Hess thsroughosit. Hie has snit been AlhIetaPs-issri;Sowts S i
Alha ela ii-Sine, ;Snwli z.K crN~l IIDITCOJ taken off the team, as has tieeni repsort- sm; Le'ttssouis, If, P. liourland,c; . t S h s
G.B. liAssssss509,'96 L. eds, tbut wssonly relies-ed for Sates'- Shints.sf; I. BoirlssdIsslt; Metheiiy
IIUSSNII5 atANAuOd sss' iiii lsdese sllsrsiil ,liedisiiHealth. 2b; George, rtf; Tones, Its. i eette
L. sC. w1surssoo, '51i. beesi exendedi'itoulsow in usreturn Psi lissilsin Alexaisdstr tp; Guslkins, alth
A55)OA~v' iI5T)R5 ii i 5iiiil li~lliii.e:I sssussist, b; Sciuiy, ss; Spilts- Call and see them.
S. It. Susihi'. A V. t'. Ilorcil,'98 Communication rom the Captain. s~,s it2s 'sl''osl t;d''it A'nl
J. L. Italsii '9is M. l B.Ssisns-f;8 i,.l2bif.d.ILII.IIH\ &nIll HIrIttNIf
JC. B5. hoc, '555i. iLouise 5losle, 99. The le ussie i' seslay final-illiob.-UI UJI .FLI.II'ILI
B. B. Misishauy, '99. 11. toewis, '15. ii silb ui'l oii.m elssi Joeffersonian Society.
hula t. nuwilsibosir'Ill. I WashingtonlBlock.
Luc J Deknsn,99 o B itstesdi.Evilryoni' erlus aiiily' i5'illi'0 Mise isfisssssasiSsisie'tewill hldsisihngti
The suoscripsiios priesofsheInDafibs thes'fallacy of prhsu'isuyinig <l posii'v' ull'sis's'eei lug iii atvsl he
useeeeditaP75 assiii advancesee tise rest
ofite year. Leasve 'iisiins as she s'ictssorfor asiy seasms ohisthe 'lust:s fislsisiigil'so;lttiii5will belii ivie o Ialot: ~ii c
Dally officeeor situhiP. C.lisee, U. of li M. a il ss'iy"iilCoelaisrs' andesssi'' ld, , etis 'ii' CLI.~ uffs.
Newa san 3.
istle tin;issAvill sftes'i o surni lii'e liei'ls'Siresliert,'' .I,. ('lark;'"Thie
Editor of today's piaper, ini fuavor of oiss' isais or listhe isthr tIlisis Nse Vioiiii," IB. losch; "Th'ei
I', -M. LOUiS, J itsiftensis ss''s abusoutelr fool!'," to tsi''a) 1 isf;M xslisisjiiacI
cs's-i sendesavoir'to ssels'ct the si'sr. wiAsisi:arbosrs'Girls," If.. Rosiluit;
It is the ciearrdstsy of es'ery stsilceiil
We--, lsu irely smusst not iusdrrats' a teaissi I"A \Ntsdss A-Il'san" It. Jacobe sn '&T -A


is' Isis aoasny L;uni s-suvsirisit o ast
tenidtoshiy's gamuue. The contest ss'il
decisde mush fllicliiglmsoAtleitic
secoars dss sCicago siill bend every
energy to sill.i A lbaige croswd siill
stisiilale lie'Warsity so 'do goosd sort
smore tlian asiystu-criieails of ec'osir-
agi'ns'st. 'Thle lie'niwilli appriueciaste
propesr spport ansi thesydeservcs-1all
that she t'nivs'rity cans give them,
There is a disouoraging laucy of unsity
abouttthe es'siiisismsii shi11siat5the
basll anies. 'The cuss' dug i0sinot
hsearty cisosighl; it dlosinot comie at
vise hproblesr till', and5gosh )tssSisg lies
nsot recise the commilendalstions vie
specstators choulsd give it. All tisist
duiemintily 10 tiell'cklisof sysieloltih'c
leasss-vhil, 'hle smi'mber5's of the Akth-
letiisbosrd arc plily ih'shirking thseir
duty i iss 10regard. seseralniesmhers
of tile boasrdhhvehlsrsnses their lost-

as goost as liii'0155'i'representling ('Ili-
iagithlis eyasr for it is s-srtaiihs-all
iiisillly stronig teamlidi515 Imssphlalye
lts-stlier fis'r i'is-ilrl sasosundeisr
thie directions of a coach aos-lapales'i
ever'Iyone 'knowis S ;*ltoia be. flow-i I

"A. Mlexicanitl," I. A al. illil g 1g e
desas', "Rieuisse, 'h'illt this' fess' 5555111-
asi i1~eliss's'llss'iil sro-lsa strilils'it to S tiirts
as M er. Mosrris, 11ive', Mr. Sillill are lutoper shaptes esudlit jperfectly..

eves', thiey' haves'1is-id1slit to thisiui 51 Preparing for Refreshments. Balbrigan Underwear for Hot
Esastses'sitrill 5as nisss's'silv'stohairsd
synh;s's'lliil tis~' lisils l~' bl Pre'parlationislire still gsoisng051 for 'Weather.
to copi'sscsssfully s-itli the stronig- thss sersing of ice cesais, cakielush
s-st scollesge tiuss 'hiis' sot iuds's''st- scsltsesiftss the evenlig scoscert of ills W AG 1) (" .
isng Stagg s ailitiy or thus'°strsengthsofMa~ry F-'stisvsl. 'lickes-usswill bs'solN ? ~ ,
isis teamsu at Ills'samhin e wu'evs shouljsust osutsisde the shoors if 1R0oms1 A FURNISHERS.
slot undseriestimaute' the plhayingu sfsuir inst B ini Psuisersity tissl,1-.iftesen 21 MAIN ST., - ANN ARBOR.
ownsl tessisor' ths' eshi-ss'' sf this'cstnts vsill lse chasgsi fssr ics' csiams
coacushiing giveniusibylsyeSxton.i We and(1 suke, andstcoltf's'vsill coot j cnlo.I1 fl
hasve pliyedthe lilesgo tesssi ~l'srov'isisnssilubsieeni maude to serve 3i10
their ossns grosuiissandsIttisiilk, our people at one timie. O 1,[
('n si1;, not5.:1,ruius o .:.k >>uu a tfsirsisih tHoso ato rs'nt for ivy-
isiti the allegs's "chanipionis of the Isonisthss begisinsg Jsily 1, excs'llesnt
W't'st." Osie thsisng sas usuitbhl' lssscutiosi for those ds'siringe to beephi .
5-ssii, 'iu, hiit s-tssi iia fs vior boardtiig ansI hedgims house sdurisng the
osumime'r school. Appsly us'asidrets 1S5
weeks withersatyInse, Offli. ciuihhitll

attioss yfilt u'st therrsoerslitlesawohoyautsei i hsegiilo Studsentos-ho have relict theyish
15t51'li heli, slt her ae thes s-inu their respective psositionus fore' iwvosrke'd tup isito bininiucass get the
hae on otin t xeptthmfirst tume hiais desvelpest Isose sctuval tsest anistchueapsest irnsdosie at the
frosither bsius ststes s fliiuhsteam wisorhs thiass the Chicago teamussse- A-rgus bindery, os-er the Ann Arbor
of the iathlitic tissocisstion., Thiey hibitedt after sev'eral seasosis' coach- Savisugs haulk.t
sisould get oust to leusd the chieering ill1. I tinkul I causnhuesitatisngly51' Lost-A-,iKappa Kappa Gausumu Sor-
stud stir upi the latenst ensthsusismi ority key, set with ptearlsownseser's
thitstIhie smesnisill giv-c a good saecosusut ssneonbc.1isdrrtrs ,o e
whc ss uecssed't fsiyaeof" thsesmselsves 055 Wedsnesdtay asist sard's office and receiv'e reswurd.t.
detruisishtos'euiis isstleut he whiethier wse siis or hose t certaisnhy Havse y~onr bicycle repaire'd at Wens-
hhoul at least let that fasct be knoiwn,. hp lecleewl o oecni e' earso.Raoal rcs
and it wsll be an easy snatter to find hoetecieos-lo os of- e' earso.iesnbeIrcs
desuce as ill must knsosw the spirit S N. Fourth ave.
volunteers to do their wvork. wvith wshich Mlichigasus teassus llly, LOST-A Zeta Psi monogram charm
h ind that the players ill not consiiter with oswners nanse on back. Finder
A matter wvhii'h arose is Saturday's the series host 10o('hicago until this please return to Zeta Psi House,
gasne does not seess to be thoroughly last man is retireid in (lhe nissthsisnning Wanted-To exchiassge a typeswriter'
understood by niost of the students, of the decidisng gasme. in first-class condition for a bieycle.
The captains ordered a nan to theW F. HOLMEFS. Inquire at Daily office. t
Ibenchi early inl the gamne, substitisting Watch -Cfharnm Lost-Aasonic Wateh Gentlemen-If you have any second-
anoter layr i hi poitin. hisChsarm lost between 12 S. 5tate and hand shoes or clothes you wish to sell,
Parker's Restaurant. Finder is no- call at. 31 N. Main st. 1765
is ordinarily a niatter swhich should quested ho leave sanse at Parker's Ifyuaeinedoaytngn
be left to the coach, captain asid play- restaurant. F. P. Ramsey. 169h the line of sporting goods and wvant it
en, hut in the present instance it is hut Swan Linen paper--due for office cheap, call_ at the, Daily office.
fair to all concerned to mnakesome use. -~ Ripans Tabules core dizziness.


You eughst ye wear apsir ef
Kolored - Shoes,
Repairs all kinds of Gold Pins,
Rings, sic. Call and see.
H~~~2 ANS: ~1lEWashing--

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