ttIj c U.of T. Wai1jj.
SWe Must Move
The store we-now occupy has Glasgow Mlagazine Congrlatullates
been sold. We most seeoc new
quarers.D1-.Wenley and tile U. of M.
We Must Close Out 30 The Glasoee tiveroity Magllcile
our stooke of masic goodaned
Bile;. esffer5 sricesuwhich !W recenilly said, refercring Cto tilhe point-
w ill sell roeds if low prices
mess anytinig to buyers . anen'lt of Dr. Henclley as pirofessor of
STHIS MEANS BUSINESS ,a d~oslYat Micltigatt:
T'Ihe news, of Dr. Wentlt'y'estoint-
Cl! I you weat -.nythiec in the )$ n cnt to lie bonier lprofiessorshtipiof
music tino get our prices this 5{
w eet. 1 h!'tlitipy ill te' University of Mlich-
STHE ANN ARlBOR ORGAN 00 , gets afirs many Itoughts ill these who
haIlve known antythinog cifor TVoicer-
Il S. MAIN ST. 4lI sity detritng the' 1astflifteen years.
BUYBEAU' BCYCES NIlIIeartily do we offerr ett'u'tgraltla-
I U E-U IYLS - el to the Orxfordl of Atinerie in
te choice cif headl to l itpiloisphlical
facutlty; lint as we ventre to ito like-
wise lp to Dr. *\ettey tiersontally,th
II', a. ii iquestion of outr iortltitess sitote do
so large tastldy of voluttary sftuidents, READY FOR TIEE BIG GAME.
Dr. Heitley will fitiderotie for tile
grettt org-antizing capitteiy, andelalso for
his racre tpower of guiditng ttettitto Chicago Men Arrive This Noon.
fields of resetircht trodutlice of tier- AVith Their Regular 'leCarn.
tlleett good. Bitt tmsy ccw etope ta
tie wcittlssoitieri'tot't itle aeciated Ter
flt itl'todity will have' a grea
iln ftecousttry fur white' Iiticeyt i a ens ealtried
sysfc'tt iii t~ li'i'ti ~ ~ jfbeairingci O lteWe-aternst'ttalttisslldu
anti wicheiienditerstandts sitwell." ttid every Michtigattneln shltdlbe
Lust Night's Athletic Mefting. ilatednerdyodollpsbe
toi help otur feamtitCiesards victory.
A meectitngof th' AiltiIc fBoasrdl cces (Captaill Ifoitties ccittllibettnable to
heist lastn ilght t ilRomt ), Mtaitnlittt. lilly 011accout oif anllaiscestin his
fliEto cleof te ftnalgaite tor the le'ft hand. "Jatck"' ICondioinwill fille
class btaeblstll ehampiioiepiis wtsis ilptltacbliltnth ie list; Hotllister
chantigedt from Satulrdtay tmoreting go cwitt also lie outt to ecver left fieldi.
Tutesdiay aftertnootn, 'Msy -96, at :1., The' batftig ordercwittlice' as folows:
1). it. Hollister, I. f.; Dicias, itt.; MeIiiac ty,
'Tra'tleMtanage'r Wsright teptortredthat 21}.; Wttf nstp.; locc'tcy, as.; Kinl-
tt' anlltsprintgfheld clay wo'usldl le mtondi, r. f.; C'ondoln, i'.; Shie'ldls, c'. f.;
hldlc ontthie athtletie' ficiti, ontt Ilts- McKenzie, lb.
ldly aft'e'loonll, Mi-"2. Stage cciii uttiet hei- lii amellt. tly
Arrtatge'mie'ts fisthlii'Decoralitinccitt be'gitt prompttly at4:15. Thoelet
in the season, but we
Sstill have a
Bealt1t1 Lflr
0!1 Woolns
on hand and most respect-
fully solicit your patron-
S. W. Burchfield.
B. Huron Street.
?G. H. WIL1D.
The Leading Tailor,
and only direct Importer in the city,
has just received Isis entire stock of
Foreign and Domestic Woolens for
Spring and Summer '96, mt
lulsl Dress Suits a Specialty.
Special Sale.
Baseball Supplies, Lawn
Tennis Rackets, Lawn Tennis
Supplies. Sporting Goods of
,every description.
'UP Town, Down Town,
ithslverslty Boohstore, Opposite Cortose
208S. State Si. 4N. ]gain St.
Mu5sf gistveiuipause. Rii'c-ttgiiiitg
hoever, te vaelidt distintctionti betwceens
quadtirangle's atdutu rtseifec c-ili atoelt
niar'rwc'ie'ss of te Atlanttic.see feet
fr-'e'rto ixpr-sesssscss'lc'c'a ittti-ciliasitf
sincer-e c-sstgrtstfionto Courstclosyal
fellwc--studtttcn p1on01 his cc-el-eartted
psromtiont. flay ore noT at tesatue
litte' feel atI meaure ofurcle' at te
entdorsemient gte-elibyisy cemtintiett a
U'niver'sity as MIciesgaic to orstu ft-
dent estimate of schtolarly cit's-onot to
"\o one cc-Itoboles hack on te
goldten diays of ottr atfafceulty gtei
to fifteein yeasago dcll ftill Co re-
ineisber R. AC. Wen'lley as facile psrins-
cepso in thtat brilliat ric-alry for p1hi1-
osopictal Itoisors. Elt'c't'tfirst irizes
fell to lilasatre'.incuditng thteUli-
ceresity ails-er tilldat ans ivtic-c iver-
Deay giutte tot Dettitatin 0 lccgrs-ss.
An e'xictlsion1iof Icccswo tis wiiilit'e
cii a ssal tivi-'rt'eMluigeuti 'Cen-
rseurnitigat 7 andst12 p. si.
'lte teaiticcill slots at te Ruseill
oase'.atid te gamte csill te plasyed
'Tlsheomly orgaized Alumntit Asso-
ciationt at De'tt'oit liss takienl te ull-
t-I' inhanatisiteiswsill atteniniia hotly.
Oweitig Co.ite'May- F-estivael ccii-
s'srtaslitre.snett Saturtdaty, no tbaasell
gamet'hlis be'en schieiduledl forft'e
hometit'grottinds. CBet te 'Vartlycsill
sity gold miedas. 'then foliloediltile go toCehiciago antd ccill play te tettit
Scotch felalsipt,.Clarks-iolaratsi f te (yttk Park Club on their.
anti Firstflotiors. Yet amtid all til
none toolk a ttore letiding paert in te grouttiti. This teaiti is a very strong
'corporate life' of te Unic-ersity tita nete, beittg compsesed of old college
'Mr. Wetnley. Nor wcas lils trofticicy plalyersand5t has lied a very stcess-
inI athileticsa lliowedcito stiffer; rither fitilseason, wcitintg every gaume aid
lisa lilainterest in stlsimanly sot eeaig hcaoUnvrstcCie
citeseloped ainmultanleously withi i n-.sectfn hi-ig ieat c-c'
teletual sattinmeitis. tiesioubtless Ready to Make Trouble.
hlsa aunsiquee rei'ordi atntgScot-
Ctishi atudents. Certainly no otielies Twco sopuhomotre stiudets cere hlee-
followvedi tp 00obrilltint a ciollege ca- cci unduer airrest Monthly night for
teer' lyay emtore self-eecrtitig servce participaiting 11 intecilsfterbance 011
of Ilesalsia hmater, 01'mita~inedI a l-ridhty' sight attd store tarrc'ats are
deeeper conicern in all thieftiffects thee likely' go foltow uessa the fins of
iterests of stndets.
"Thief ce are loastng 00 constructiv'e the men arreated Friday' night sre
it force in matters 'duecational andimminiediately adjusatecI.
social aso Dr. Wenley htas proc'ed tutu- 'Ninety-Lgttmitcate the otnes to
aelf boils in the Untiverasit' and extra- comse to the froist to aettle flues mttter,
munrally wve deeply regret. Buitsee Mr. Petersoni saya,,astie teas a log
are confident that no one of gretater ta f'8mnc-wtr ibet r
psersonal chants, no moire ispairing isto 9 e h r ibet r
homelier nor indepesndent thunker couldI coat at any moieett.
have been chosen to sncceed a teacher The charge againist the stdento is
so eminent slid a CHegelins so renowvn- disorderly coniduct and te ordiniane
ed as Professor Dewey. And -s Mucht-hey schitch this charge is tmade is Co
gan is the laergest state-endowed C to- te foustd under 'tin Ordinsatsce relative
versify in Amseries, having more etu- todsrel>essaadcnec.
dents in the Arts Faenlty than we Sections fonrrsaid eight, pages 177.
number siltCold at Gilmnorehihl, anti snd 178, in te charter and ordi-
htaving as well a strong post-graduate naneo of thse city of Ann Arbor for
department of scholars preptering to 1896.
-be specialists in te varied branches
of philosophy, we rejoice that here The Alpha No Society has chialleng-
-With five professors under him and , ed the Adelphsi to a gatme of baseball.
Chit-u uof tieleher, tw cill be rese'rvedi
foe' lades andiicaitseffoert ccill ti'eIsiade
to heeavteeee-rsof ft-eAthleticiBoaerdi
015 haendi to i'nfoe''titeisprovision.
Ti-eli-henetwciltiot lee'adittiedilii
their ipisses Chitseafterstoon or at te
Ilinies gamne.
Claire 'ccill probtestly pitch for Clii-
The hic'fisago tices left ('liiceegu it 4
ooctheyeste'rdeyafternoonetiusc-r te
Miehigati Cetntrali. They' alt-lt the
snight at Jacekstoniaid ccilltirrivt' i
Anin Artier at noosi.'Tihey- iset h~ints-
snel oinMeishiall Fie'ldiMondaiey' after-
nlooni,iefeitinsg thitossa College teamt
9 to 1.
'fhiefolloweisig titenttre' osiChit ceat-
ciii trill:
Nichols, pitcher, right i-el; Jotnes,
caitcier; Swveet, asiorttop; Abtells,
heast besee; Adissuoni, aecocuni haet;
W'inistontiiitbaet; Liesehberger,
cesster fieldi;reseti.pitchericft fii'ld;
H. Clairke, pitches', right fc-let; Pikec,
catchier; Slew-yet', centfe fieldi;(C.
(Clarkee, asbatiteste inifieldi. Coach
Stagg accompaneslatile teaml.
After teas-lng A-tn Aetrbo CtielEat-
crcii telwcill he'taiensiansi tiell' itlsv-
ing games cviii he playedi hbefore'the
team returns to Chicago:
May 22-Corniell at Ithaca.
May 23-Oranige Athtletic ('tubuit
May 25-Pennsylvaniue at P'hiiladel-
Ma y 27-Yale at Nec' Haven.
May 28-ilarv and at, Camabridge.
May 39--Michigan at Detroit.
Bloomingston Will Play.
Word lies been received just as tse
Daily goes to press that Bloomsingston
wviii play hits old position ott seconid in
ti afternoon's ganue.