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May 14, 1896 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1896-05-14

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f f t ~Lake Erie Park and (a-dna0, OTeld
Continued from First Page. wineli proved shell a plopuxlar resort
there can beto'110e0t11r world (lilt of last seaoon for Mxelhxgan people, xiiiHO *IIU
Published Daily (Sunday excepted) drt) g which Iile caln bring aspirationsoi tobeopenied Sonday, -May 17, on at scalx
the College Year, atOfnantenencilledvn1y
THEU1IVEBSITY O M0 HGA. imotives for a high1er eisteilece.Ile o igiier ii ialti 1 evnb
tile host celeixtexilxite ring)laies _.
as in all and Over all. Nix possibile o terot
thost~ Tx t iceg . Ml sub lioie xtstitxute for a heronil (bid caxiiiie Sinxce the 1Pa-rk -wio closed.lalot foil,
Igixei icisi oneithier imupossibxle niiorkvmilxieii bate beeii buoy renmoxelln
0. F. Txmnxi so, 'ir. xv. o. To1axr, 'iii96L. nxrx. I'lslreliiii i xioy ciiiand obtegthasoiithe , anilf:bxid
E.. I Gmtnexi'so kL F. 111. Lxxxilio, '915. reverenee becexIvrte ran ipercexve i~.ai 0xii1(0ietie e
t0 . 11 a s'.3xx. F. 0.txxo,' xtr xxxvii persoxalitysoxnieitiing x'fxxixx a ti (Wixir'lt
it.C.U\ERO~s, 5ofl thle most btiulx resort on tin.
- oxilt Ileies1. chinl of lake's.
At 4 o'clock yesi,'rlay afternoon Dr'. The foloxwing lproglazil las Peeria jg I1 l I
A.n.i. en.,WiileyO addiresxed a large laudl'iene lat Iraxn xl for itie 011llcfg n Ail b xxiI
i;UiNLr Nn0 O. IExt' the 'ixuiuiuin Itxll lectuire 1r01111onifrein to .zlimuof te Ann Arbol t. 10 xgx 1 lalpl
L.C O~xOi, 0. 'Scotchli h'iversitlir,' ' and1 iiin'h h amu rnhAeril Arlists
SS)OIATE EDITORIS couxrse of lis reimartks iprexsierntedbnySt. ittliix o. the iimot daring life Ileap I i ilo1 'ed >! Shoe~s.
W. O. liaviet '9O. S.. ith11.'D6 L. fxacts ieexliar t10thiiioxolso tf cxxi- ers hi iithe lixi; A IDre'aml of tteaxity ANK Kok ALSTESI
S. x. 5011111, 'to OW.. t ai micili, . ADKE OL L TLSI
J. L. ltallx, '01l. . II. ii n1(n1, '95oL. I(llnd., twhicthretwiixuel ilit oi (heir -A iartelxf itrilliin(eyDianxiliii
C. i. txx',11 11 Lde lxdor '(1. *iiiir xiilrliix 'lirit ~1KALFO KD.
Ci.. .to,'98l), oise t ort 11 5tlxhil,'9. inr w rkn s l+cofid ix' uellOflecrii tx y ill.ller tt liltolx i li
,_____.________________________ "ii lxi'Stoiim Ixxx.ixilxElifeIirl' l-111'll thel e lrCg't'iieil150wt olltlo he oeins, un', Buxrke ad ai ndalln BtoUe
The subsccrlptiaa price.oi tixe tDaily haxs
been reducedd tot75 cts ill xlllxxxcifoc tile reit ild lthree'-fxiitllio iiillionis 11:x(1lix- ite (If 'rinrose &'Wx'stsLhixxlstrEls;6 N. MAIN ST., OPP. COURT HOUSE.
of the ycear. Leavsxx ubascripis aitixhe Iltiiilttiven60(llandi7,01100studen'its. FEng- Alhlit 'oxest, el etrcal illlsiexl lot'v- _________________________
Dlaily oii(c or wixh I'. C. 1liryer, U. of ai.ely lti Irvythmornd'a
Newsx Standi. ' lxx isithia polatlilliiion iet ilt s xSxiy lnl'hrn.ii ntendx PIECIAIL
Editor of todxay'slpapher, "reat lixid txxt 500ltud1 xeixts. 'b iri yem&ieoel oieyeoiel
a hctc h;skelel.11t'x'xxE rle. song lop trt
E.L I. I tS th, '9S tx life' of Scotchx unix-ersit i-s maty it'xi-x it hIittf is 'ioile
v;(iedinfixthireretxpo-hs, frotxilbIe ill- "Itilo'Circuls," thte ilixers tIo 1 adLadiegs' CoDIe[d Sh t
Aneiriigf Ilhe Daxily Doardo wiii 111,xfceeixtury lto 15). 151tox"155.1. -nixkie; tIll's Pailouttiitary1am --CD -
x' hildl it te lix'ihel'this x llig to "Int 1 i0itx :ti'. luing tolirslix it tlieOrhil'xli'xt,
eelxiiiithxleic exditxxr for I I)lix 17. oixs ii llill-'l l ~ m ''rxiniileav-es Ain Artboratt10ill1 a.E(idaY zndatur l Y My od1
-i-utsO i'iieiht iili'( ii. Fxie tot' rountrip 75ci cenis. It,01''101 s i-o~ txSiel
-We ito not lose ainytih ~(lt ( tiinggbtcxe n ix'xives 'hoitlo 7:1111ill teix' iii( . Te',lae, tis l o). om id tiet
netionl of ttIdina 'iiiNositxiiin a i f the lpirofes'r 11cleiixsx'lxT8, twhichi giving sevein hoiurs ithxe city. .oLaies a'hxrkx Ied ltcs'xx, Tailor-glxde,
crhtiing itie glilli' sc-hi'ledhiihfotr toil-to oredi'indless twrong a(illlotorl'l 2(111Century, lace 00 f o.39o.
. ieslillrli eloxrli, i~xtNEW TIIA\INS Ct IN TII "NNI Ladl~es' Chocxlaie Chroo Ki1d1, cnxx hal-
toay. 'hm'teamso toimiwe x-I'tiore ot hes nddofsh 1411. cftAtitOIL" dol'leeto, Omxttomn, S15010g1.:39.
so hislstotc llmx't' thaIxii(il('aiaeh'i mxil i lit m i hue Aim Arbo1rI.I. to. expect to ton, L4utIx (e3ac im (.1T.im, tt
chxmatleslChicola'etViciIxidxe lxm'toe, emce,
gentimmeim 5should lbx'avoixled otter howxeveor, andxitoda~ytile Si-otcho l'ii- etmtimge titmeia'otloi l 0'17tH, fixdl\N-ill Iow.1 initt, ototelae
ltoeir triteo' thxxitxttec is honoxowi triy si'ilohI(tbooioirl, m x i , Ilt o11t milm imll in x$2.69.lneolle0it tdx~eib, 1C
ixi'iitt(rs liC o'l't'x't it t'li1115im Ttledortl '.1111d1 l-'rxo tx'i.thmse' trxxinst 1Iactixt o c olate 'Viel iid, razxxctoc, lace,
ime Daxily 11x.1i5itlt' Ol~ecit'i effols ox-l elrysxriimgtrsLxxi'oft. il'mi3-x Buittontxx .(tm' IToe, 'tttitroxme
S i o uoasto r rihxmt thelinx' rt~ltxvlx - it tttt ' Kti xil l :5 .m. xd Inn'llshoe, xxaztrto t 0 tieoti.
too sxilIhO'fuill ex's repots ofil lte I 'ttlex' CI I I~tct t itm i 1 idOxotds, rxzor'
live amid Plalllr ekle -lls, xxxiiitill' mrixiimg oa t imki on t t :50 ill,'ffl- toe, '2, 101111o 1 .
gxaxmxs of Sxmioiidxxy, IMondaly anmies- ILftI lxtc0'te i 1511Kl oxd, 1'ixila-
col, exii"e of studiie's hxate bxmen 1mmmodx'tiloixnxtmorn~ilig;time Otloxr xxi lx , t- dlic t , orItI 0 le 2to(0 l
terdxmy lx'eoxisx'ill lilt' Oi1ti 11Of the+' lxii'a 1 ' Y ltalt l''Silt' All i t' .Clit c Wr htMe rs& C .
InmtudemlecI'- t'5i insitead s xtid r 11'lriititlthe7:21_0 ii. ii ti 5 i It l toic.N. Y,0 in 1 5 0 Soe i ld
editorstheot'ccxasionlidemalxnde'd it.ol in Tol-do ::55xa. ib. Time s ling camecdlxxn(thissae
olsysxx'mo t-ereer 11'oscribted x stillu'5.' o lltI od5
'flis ptxb-y txill Ileix' xmmxxiliiioIfox' l"sI-ilb fr o e nd 1'1
couixse' xxos 11a111oxxutx'o'erystudt- forurperititt''bxhs, o x.i' .t(fxr a set-uI o. M B L AN
a'rxiitiinte'itothilt'it'tra'y d'epart~meint. 'lie pulilliimittfttr'a lntui e 0 nb
in re'gxardl to talo'iix-s. Iloxoexr, n110 IT allnn St., t'nlgton lll.
Zithr brnch f InisErsit nes til fae tilit is ihotted'they1m a o li l Show
Pt' xcrowdted'x 111:1Iy t( l' lirtliolxee Time fmaculty concmtert ox-ichtxtxax lost- thir 'mxxhre-ixl liof thois imolooxi tlixi
of aimy'othetr. 'ieledtiitocrsof time Daxihyionedl fromlast: Tlmixclxmynimght txill olthe lilt' otof lime xoxiA ilOl' It. It. 5 O2 mAB , L I SS O
txill exndeax-or lxo fxurnish xxccxiatetrac- lie give'n this evninxg at ltme Schititl of IOcvlf ~enx cxxs0 xir~t
1 isupptorhttt. ti' immnewox o-imx'lxi'axt Ann oe1 igngDlly 502poxunds
couonts (If allInix'ersiI~y'ne xxmandMusic. Themx pmogx'alis 11s follows: Axhot-ilieoof1105Oiogictx 'i
vigoroxisofforts txill lie nxxide to hate 1. Sonatia, t0lt. 12,' No. I>, Ietrhi- J.5.- 110,i., 4:18Ip. ll., 7:32 a.iin.; ; "o1x"
thilrom p tcohtas wxell as at'cxrxate. ov'rn; Albinto .1110115a111101llr- -txxxlxi 1:tO a. in., 8:57 11 in., 7 t;10 ,1. ir
imnniiixt il. 2. lxo'., "AtAlast ill. 1 1C x--eta.
+Ciieo0s "uiiixih tlxexlil r iec''xd" ttot'ii ti~ mi,"il
. .T ... 7 . . .....l"'n.-. .. . .. .__ . .n-....- ...TIT . -.. Tt miiiont ths iia(mtie

hxms been Punlil cot, 111111 0ttllilIo-
lilt'hlvaxeadb''xty <It'tiilll1thoe ight
of thalt Vlii5' to thi ellahxxix11
slhihOof lt'e xvi.sxt foir111' ttxsebtaolsexa-
son of 186)t. lBe uthaxs it may, ielo-
igansteam lahtxyedia grealt ganle andx
deserve rousixig Osupport for thxe ce-
inainder of thor sexsoil. Time Univer-
sity' has nolt supptiortedl (le tramo by
attendaxnce mtliotnegaines; noxis 0a11
excellrnt tine to t-work a reform in

froxim "'limo' Se'asox," Haoydnt;
Gardneiior S. Lanwson. -:I. Saraita-
limit,Gatottte 01011 Ioxito, iBach;
Ilrmxanni A. Zeit. 4. Six'gimuniix's
_Lxot, Sonlg ,Wa'gner , froimi Die Walx-
kxeet; Gamrtdner S. tamonx~. 5. (a)
Sonamta iiiA IMajor, DonmSt'clxxhli.
ions oiithme Hudtson Rixr," I;.
Godlotvsly. It') Falor Prilliaxole,
Barinett: Albxerto Jonims.

If yonr bitycle needs cleanixng or
rep'~airing Timcker & Co., 1S N. Louth
mxve., ixslixe place to get gaod xi tort
doime end at loncers that txill suit all.
We lent and sell tvbreeio, ta lave a
fxull liixe of upt-to-date soixixries, Ourc
motto is "imIie anxd let lire."
'fle seniors whlo Nvish extra invita-
tions are rexquested to leave -theirz or-I
deco for them at 20 OForest ave. on or
before Thinrsday night, iRoly 14. Thley
will cost ten cents apohece.
Chin, tnvitation Corn.
Athletic goods wanted? WVell thxe
Vietor Athletic goods are nod at the
Daily office at a good discount.
A-hi canfl dtes for thme feeslxton
baseballteam reportoLDthecampua
4 ociok eery. ateoonforpracice.

Whleel,, I twill 11001e0a0very
liberal' oIisconntfronm list price.
_It is lm thelladsollet younhia
seen, it is a beauty.
Repairs all kinds of Gold Pins,-
Rings, etc. Call and see.
2d Semester.
Opposite LAW building.

tbis. Exery elmourhginent pososile Hoxx' call EIteep upti h thle timesc
shold e gventih (c~nespcihllyfor 75c.? Subscribe for time Daily.
bxy attendaihce at the practice and at Susrfo the Daslymind ixeoas.
the homie gaimes. If the professors i o 1 nne fayiigi
and studenlts txill do their part, the thxe line of sporting goods and rant it
'xvarsity catn he depended upon to do cheap,, call at ltme Daily office.
theirs. Do you wxant a next high grada li-
Prof. Griffin_ completed lis course of cycle at agent's price? Call at Daily
lectxures to the first ya a ls office.
yesterday. t :. . Subscribe for lhs Dally. M

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