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May 14, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-05-14

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UlS DAY', MAY 11, 1896. Foust PAGes?,-3 CENcTS.

VOL. VI. No. 163.


We Diust M~ove 4
14 The store siesis occupy has HO Michlosan W ?ins Second Game of
&r boensol. we most seek new 54 i
04 quartrs.'1$,
0W qltlSSeries.
We MuTst Close Out 11
sisekeofosMsie13.-The gagne was
ii ir~cs Weoller I i ed Mc cle rte lt y 1:3 .o oe Tssasl
rvi el od flo r csel w ci
1 manantlin t byers tl~-110 offiiatred Saturday.
I youwaist -anytiinin the0 ie 1
IVhutsc ie 7Tet11ourpricey s b (4Watkins, p.; Ill1llnls, (-; Loivntey, SS;
10,0 eer;. WI
!!ii ]1iiliuiugston, 21); Siils, e. 1.; Me-
THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO, 1 euzir, 1lb.
WS. 1M1AIN ST'. !!i C("eienrt to balicte h'folsswig
SBUY BEN-B _ BICYCLES. 14 orer:'. Nihols, p; Jonas. c; Adinlsonl,
21;('.Clirke, 31;Hr , slllis' r, C. f.;
Alurlls, .11; Brossn 1. 1f.; Pike r. f.;
i-0- pes Miciupan mcii Is work in Ille first


or Grape Phosphate is a ,
very poila rin111k Nvitlh us.
It is 11iit11e fromn Pile tJIlter-
lIletcll ("-rape J slice. Ive
' elI tyou tile 1,11t' ill')ot-
IDr-tke it very refroriilg anlI
noulrishling beverolge att -otur
I'oo31 s
W~e idra1w the genulline
H11ire's Rooet Beer
CCents a Glass.
Mulllv"1y1S Drug~ Store
17 E. Washington St., cor.
Fourth Ave.
G7. H. WIL.,D,
The Leading Tailor,
tind only direct Importer in the city,
has just received Ilis entire stock of
Foreign and Domestic Woolens for
Spring and Sumer '96, at
Fulal Dress Suits a Specialty.
SNpecial' Sale.
Baseball Supplies, Lawn
Tennis Rackets, Lawn Tennis
Supplies, Sporting'. Goods of
,every description.
Up Town, oawn Town,
inversity Bookstore, Opposite Courthouse
201S. State St, 4N. Main St.

ininLuga111d Ilide thrurtiuhl ns o i .Ise
en bllls, it buntt, a siulglr and n ic-
rior. Cictago failedl to scot-ei'nilthei
fist. Nieither sidrercored in thti' net
twuo inninigs. 'Shiildls madetw so
Blloominigstoni's thlreei-balgger' 11111a
sactrifie hit bly Shildts. Cicarige fall-
ed to scorrr. Tue fifth oatI sixth in-
nsings wwere' bitunksfir bothliesr.
'Neithelr side ecorrdin lltileenthi.
Watkins nmadte a sinigle' in the' rightiih
and tswo errors by Chicago's ocltili
gave Michilgan two ruin 11tuis in-
1111g. Hoillistere lilt thle11a111ftir a
th~ree-balgger, b1111woos1cailght ,l th111
plate. Tile gameu endedricigian Gi,
Chicago 0.
The score by inn~ilngs:
I 2 34 ,ud78. )
Michigan . .3 0 0 1 0 0 0 'li--6
Chictago.... 000100004)0-4)
flits-Michigan 7; Chlicago 2. Er-
riirs-Miiliglln 1, ChPicago 2. flmpire.
Elarned'ilrlln-lliclligllu, 4. 'lhlriee-
base ihits-lomlingston, Hlollister.
Saicrifice lilts-Hloliecs, Lown-Iey. Tonles.
Stolenl bases-Michiglln, 1 3:(Chicago, .
Bases en balls-By Watkinls, :1; iby
lister. StrtuckL out--By) Watkins, 3;
buy Nichols, 3. Timur-2:00O.
A5. fuller cud more' detailedi repsort
of the game will be givenI in tousie-
row'-s Daily.
A lurge crowd gathered in front ef
the Daily office laot nighlt to wltit for
(lie bulletins, and whieni the loot tele-

'cc nefeats '95. LEC'IfCRIS BYi DR. WEN LE.
blli sitorty to I tir crit i, -11111 glilli'ilNew i rof ssor (If Pil osophy
illirililit yesterday lafternoiliil, de-
feiting 1 0' bi iy lt'etlilt'of 1IS to ). 'hl d1111' roli ioiii 'Tappanillhall1
'1iely-llunei'got five-i'ills itffll-c-lllt l vIs filledii Iasdt iiglittoiii c'cr TDr. ei-
error's gtas'eiis itsi co515s1111d aiis i 11111en511151' eliri'lllcisi o
go(iA stirt t5oward5sVitory. 'i'iho vily small tltss fori bei'is ti goodri 'oi-
iii'iiiltiitl lii 11111 1111 th 1i t- rItia lito li'iliilhis apt 'lIsi'larely'ii
fer till'fitininilg 55115thitettslt of his cildienil' 11n1111li'tie cld. The
in doublt. sublsrtceif tleiii lpet'v-.Sues ol-
lPryt'iut 55Ils lilt qitlii'fri-ly caiiioi-_.(Iloiss: 'l'heirieis 1i11y5siuli steatiiti
1111s 55115' fit-quei-nt ioniiotiisideis. ',();)of (faitllpresenIt. fTi' ililisiiou ofthe'
uiud this, coulediilssithi tih'eeellrilt "Wbtattianleieieved?"i''ii) Thereuuuis in
bttery wsork of Ku-it1st otkwe'lIIthe071' if gri ilt;11sills' if ulilyidiui
Tliihescoilt: thliii the.. iii is'ligl'i'i'nit is cs lto the
12 > I .5i (7;S()11 htmin i ofuity.
'1)ii . 1. ii 2 1 X70i0 1 - J There' is iitliultsses liiie1bilief' in
'op. . .,i~ 0 012 0 5 2*-1845 rii-ilili:'s dItuit derliliies ieverythling.
Aluxuuueu't; cli 17-llt 1111 tsiks-rl touig ibis iii 'uliorinairy u'uisiiuus-
Another "News Story." Bsadp"on oftreia.(1
Wedniutsday's lDuerolis.-os eiontalin-lc tliuu s 'regarded'ias acfaror ff IBeing.
edi i reporuut 11011m.Ann11Arboritotthetlt'2) Ido,,tify 0 i igte uderilyig lunity
teet biat a quarrel wss-on ou etwe'iwitlit the mueuuu'God whicthliis rece'ived
thue OruatoriclAsXsociution soil lihi.frounilparen'lts,Itachuers, tci. () h e)'
r'Olltniuttt't'inl chauiei'ofithe ros-tnt cx-spiruit ssich doubits111111finlly'sits
cionI111to 'Toleduo. 'liie'artiele'It-it isefupf111as ani atheuist. '"Tiii'se-
templlts tou showis thit the Jllilus ("lislic stylued theist is a fooul, a ditiluu'.''
trosupi'lust uiulicy at Toledotaild tihThe'lit'ults fromlunoneuirouPltiese' ulasses
thei tcmiittee' ini clurge of litheirin of iuttua01.1'llpfuul.'Tury iroblutiy
i10ausked lto make' coot1 the 'di'cit iiie hot muhto Ibibhui-midforithieitr
Thlis is iiiuigntiutthsdeniedul Py 111 taciuers cure'not 'iten ogreedu.
conteunus dilli the muuatuer. "'The sorey 'I'lle' te'acings oiP llii'se leadeuis sere
is niuie ouitof -uhoule tlolt, suliul next Itlhill ull tuuul eritically extuinied.
Proif. TlItibliot, hltniliit. "'li'u Tinike'rs ale'diidedluuinto lugniusticas
11huisueen110 qiuarrel of uany sort. Thuand g-nostic-s. Thie stoiduos taught

Womensi Gymniuasiiuum will reeivest
about $200 frouteur ~litu Casar
benefiits, coilthue(Oratorical Associat-
1t11n wsill reivesabutt$10101'orihie
fiunul to etablishu a debuating teti-
No Game With Indiana.
'Thueresvill beiio goaumc vwti Ini-
ianuaStutte University AMonulay, 00
thieirmnauger lets cncelled the udatie.
'11cy' aie tprobably' afraidlto cotm" to
Ann Arbior becuscce of the rossdyismi
exhiibitedlhiy' niaittutIni tile gametthie
Isarsity played at Bisoititgttit.
Saituy's gamtte ssill lubeclledlat :3

ire' thitse if trasfigted-iItutlistiitiid
eritleaul iismu. The ud-fect-s if
Spe'ne'is realsontingssweeltowsnt a111
Tin~~ig uts the conistrutivet leadelrs
ini thusght, Itegel was1 resv'uiee. 'te
H~eglian tentdenIcy' to makte (God1 ianu
the untiverse coitucidle is tus bei regret-
ted.'i.Ih Thuiiicultica in gettingl-at tog-
u-Is trite id.es ssere etnumtedii.
Itt closinig, theu ui-iiduaul personatl-
it)' as the important factoir ittsolving
thle theli tirobulemutwas temphauusized.
Pertsonallity tiauutifusto itslf intthIe'1111-
bridgeudititersnil betsweentthaut wh'ich-
is antd thuatsshtichu ought ho lii.It is
to lie understood intthie suitor of that
whuicih otghit tiohue. It i to tie utnder-
stood in the senuse of that whltihiholuds
all site expecruiences togethier. By its
trojetives pow-er' 5weobtintastpirion is
front a better wsorld wihihfturnisht
motives for uward enudeavor. (1ud
is the ultimtate personiality. To iHitte
(Continued on Second Page.)

gratis woo receiv-ed thtscheerintg last- o1ceadWdethysgotssih
esifuly tn hittsts. humids sasChictagos will begin tiot4:15.

started on thie camus as sooth os this
crowsd cottul get to theis 'ttis'ersity.
Princess Christian of Schleswig-
Holstein, daughiter of (Queen Victoria
has been appointed a patroness of this
New York School of Applied Design
for Wotnen. This was donue at heer,
on request.

Webster Society.
Ths Wetuster Society at itt tussling
lFriday night will ubuate the ques0-
tioni, "Rtesolved, Thaot enmigratioti
shouhldhue flurthier restricted,'")Messrs.
Stephietand Longs will flake this affirmn-
'ative and Messrs. Losse tied Mc-
Keoswn 'svill suptuort this negative.


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