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May 13, 1896 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1896-05-13

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Time TabSte (Revsed) Marchl 1, 185. Built en honr. Built to be the best, re :a llliof i tt it Built
M.s. .M ostisfy the citic.'This bicycle will plc-ase, ou. Its- taint.? 2.
Mell and Lx-_350 Molt------ s 3sTHOE MAJEST"iIC, .old at . --
N. Y. special-- 0 1rY Seil 3
EastriiExi 10lot1 N S.Limited _ 9215 'Sf°tPFa .F ¢A4. °
Ala ntEx_ 9' elfPitix 11t15 6 58 and 60 S. Tatn St. Furnitre.
G. N.Eeo I . icxic-i---- 7T M CIA
lO. uitci iti, t 11.NV.i H l vt
Sav. arivd.ThJ.A-te adfie a.lrnto--go s A AcnAn rbr.Sut sE' 0
friiiii~ vi St t ioi $4 t j2
Weckot ha iii npi eyu ad'illp c -i ie seou to .:t-ur st lelsioe OH AGO
GlTen, ® ~ Ncw-vSteel Passenger Steamers
1@ 1 * C IA.CL)-hCLI* l f TeGte tmPefetin yt tindin Boat
I Cnstcuclion-Lxuis 0Eqipiment, Atisicii
20 S. STATE STREET, AsiNN ARBOR, M,1IH. lOhng ecrain ndEicint ESrvice,
NORe le, ' fieIuTn. O IL ON EDToledo, Detroit and Mackinac
9:22 ia. i. 74 P a.-m. Trav e o ETOSE, nTOiE 00"MAQUETT,
-12:20 iD. Ill. 11:1G a. j f Tillii-tl-1AND0 ULUTHi.
4:5 pii.,Si:21 p. m, i ® wIIII a Ol RATESo Pi curesqueMckinc soid
Alti n c dsiaiy excitSundea:y 'itu1. IcludinlieO t and -i tsoi ,ii-Frm
0Tci i s t etweens SActiroc and iTldo I5o-titt h .-s . Cittt Oe.I .5d, $18; fro Teldits$5in c
W.I.B N TO.U 5. Tol~eoiO f F -eene:E4CS.Y'E.MitNt
W. IE. INN f 0 i A Sitci Ieufe i:__riese sho , 4 .Maiti-,t. I etween Detroit anti Cleveland
_________ __________ p'C ,eitto c cu~ t e tndiithtcict1rin-.ic
ANN ARO&R P anNTIi CAENDR. we Sildandostat
Tinte Table, Oct. 27.,89. 1 - t:.,- lt' esity ys. Chiiatgo.A i L 1 9L Sna rp ueVESuY SAY BtadepTW EmEN ~
>EEYDYBTENLesavc Ypitfootem Scongress si i9t:10t.t3.t45i-t ( .Is tily ol'le kitd Cleveland, PtttinBay A$ Toledo
and 11:00 z.min.; 5,0021t55:00, :45, t:1 and Th cr., iyli t 1- at i~ y Sriiedlod- se ttIticciitPotocsiidnec
10:45. .o ae Ln - Sn o lutae a plt drs
Liave Ann Aciec tunction 740,t1s5Oi s-cIt I( /,(?- M:-tt .r ttt ttot. tV iEx iiiine itls A. . SOCHANTZ, o. . . DETOIT, 5ICH.
11:a0 .,ii.;.5,32:-5. 5:Ws,2115, ti9. ie a d 4it1t; ll'ie Which1's-O 015
sm. Itrisig ~y1 r-tttt ~ot- i tt~thl 4 -t~talStdi toi IV i)
5CINSOAY TIME, ti ( 1t1 e1-4stt te ______________________
Lee Yiati frlom co eso t.13 . tc 30, Mo 1 Oti cit Cs-y
:00, 6:2.aid0:5 ci. il..I pI t
Lessa ie A to:b o esction, U 4It1.80 (',lu Itt 1tt ttto stoti er A lS t of I spitos
70an 93pi.Caro not; cicdetit fteistE- il ti1 nG 1].Ola -0b"
cet;rudti ikt n t . . itEieei, Sot Sit _Ibl.Oi~t t-0 ttcity V's. 110iscot- (tt1Onl ti on of te
STUD E TtJhtitsttySewhcteel.StutoterillThis space is resrved
If yursc initoodeialtt iie isurcei ci --cati St ~ tti ~iity tat Ails-bo. stids t -e for 'he Grand l.Opera
oil lt-d1 it t erE offceNo.1,-1e., lItt l 5 - A ii-stt1-v. CtAic-go, $5I~tIo$ 5u e
IBiccle Repaiing. 3Totf-lt .1at
Linttetf Sicyclesi tirices frotti400to iRcoeomterti s itee te onliy I.ltive iic cy-
Bicycles Enameled and all kinds w,,ii scat$70 oo-i-1 o-it~ti. Re rstcit o ti eii i tiec coiiy.
Of mach~ine wortn. Dotin'aict iiitt,ive oytticiett- e tt bTic
slid ______________h ______ ell, iititep irt(,oc Ti::ei c s.
HIV U TIR R 5 tiiti- ttfy51i. sie cictiEttit.,SU M B i'VLTiES,
No. 50JEast Liberty -St. tiiisy onsit oto-Ie-tsuitng c-ittn A iit q f1, se s I > at. tl
Li -.1 . t lut t. tst to--ow the i Uc4, ~ i evj.U IlfalLe aibir. n.u ii to
RENTSCHLER, Ly . tI toittci. All Avletf is- tooss ightit A . lie, IcSiltk tttcbt i ii111j
r ' a Ara l sotts ts ct-ts, tio-x:onstes GS c ets, codAn01A1botr, s-tc1
AXTQ ARIBOR. MLI-1. . it teo tt -t:bihiooAurnglB'Q JEW I it TRE
la______________________ ~diies 'ld li ttt.h etis-it fee 1At lesl tl ' i IlllUL . Q I
Jost IReceivedot a1Lacrg e d Elgan it tIn. lo-irt.returnitto Stcootrd's cf
Lini Q yelis ist etic r-1 toti1JPiPGs
Olilttia vii-ovof F.ern og ot iiiof t it I o ! V-
got Lutnchess Chocolates and eoti toto-tit%--ot opos t o diiti-xpc i:. - Call: o iinote o r o
Bon o ns.iteti-co- 1 ostis noii. StitM IcJ15yFine Lunches,
s uIhnda SOif rie. bebshl.'dileCo 1 ins Chocolates,
F-. IS. JO bU1Y & 010. tirti-o.a-dtiBtakttdIGroovosi
litt iiee St. Sger ckiti Sp00 -sob ls cittescostipation. -L. < 5 -eP- E I, TryeOur Lunchs.
AtND!ALL HNGST E02R Q20 Eons in.i-~- t ose.i o 7
photographer fSpa~difo?&rri I ~ ~ ~ I0
15 Washington Block. - lt0 'e.N. mt iiloCnr-e- nt Sleeopigr rList Ietloon To- s
aoto Ise l et J
ptsodccd. Uiforms-s rdo an- isu bus
F -, teidSuppis of every ThesOnlySlepi r rawigRoom ar0
1050g0 a ' e, i foeSb -- Lie btwen Tod, oboichs and 0 1
Closiig 0 itt ~c~i ~~c~toc~nDraocwitnsg Som Gar Lhmne e
We Iave left a fait stock of Tr ceof ieee -tiot--Toledo, Clmu n hretn
all II sorts o tH E tl
IAIHTI TAB LETS P I 11 Ciors btween os ebsand5
w a Bicycleaidinggo.TONLY Si.I' it Sotranesh ayes1
Sptaldinotgb outso eo olcieso aColumbiusd.clBe.
Whchca b cosd utasTH O LY LI Tootwitsa raisleachee 0ay (on
folwsFOR 1896. THES OOTYLID its rieci51olechway siSor1 so
MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 50 A. G. SFALDING & BROS., etweenig5Tole1do, owingseen sandt
GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP 3 fOR 100 New York Chicago, Phldlphia. TIS eot e ten l tedCalesttIo. eV.
GOOD WRITING TABLET, - BC Lno eLi oos nte woBryles. si A anTHS teVirgiias. c otj. se -thet-
thHEeed.POBL ultLINEIS we oeoFso '
CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15G0 _ 0,0ucrusorvlOand eweak. - I every1Iier$UY
WRITIHO PAPER BY THE QIEORL., iinnriv' Anr'.get oe Sits etal Lie.
Thin tock -nill not be replsced. TOLEDO, OHIO
Come quick for dirst choice. DIONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL C. GNS
PROPERTY. The Daily for (le rest of the yor WAGNER & C. GNS,
Argus Printing Houses Wholsate Clgas. Tobaccos sod Cgaretes.- for T7e'. 21 S. M1

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