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October 17, 1895 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-10-17

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TIublished Dotty i lsodoy eneeptediO era duri.ng ~t(Cottntitntued frott i rt Ctt. We have left a fair stock of 'FRIDAY EVENING OCTOBER 184
PubisedDaiy Suda exeped drin 1,12?s(-'olars'lip)'to tte SitbtHatrtiot all sorts of
the College year, at s'ars~t hips.i'.W I l
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. D Itt. Itl. tzgeraldt. direttor of tte --e ETais S sitie
(JoCEs: Timnes building N. Main '.,opposite jitst tt'tl t gvilti ntis tfTN T B E S l ki n r
pos.t atice. fltl trot('str ott thltitttratry fatctlty'. which call be clooed 001 as DitectionoftJ.tJ. Buctey, presenting Itis
lDIlRS.i epan rtittt'ato fitettnootitd follows: sewa surse-sf I play,
EDA uitY'6,MniO dtrRS h rdrn li f1.. i " lil r MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C Villon, the Vagabond.
G. . nltovc,, 'It,AingEdtor. Dtltn 141 1RULE'DiTAtBLETS
G. It. Sit, 'to, Asistant. 'ltl(rte tertwo tmIewtltt r th te freej GOOD RUE !TBET,100 PP. 3 FOR IOC
C. D). Citer,Gr. L, Asistant.tn f1i vnilitit. i ennninteGOOD WRITING TABLET. - BC ea~ts nnwon";'l1 odyGt1 0a
S. E. En D'tnN, 'tO, Athletic Editno'. fo''inlt tfnrth tnttnt tretlCAELNN- - tr toxes,$1.00 tnt parqunet and 75o far dies
g. c. EAtm, ~ l,'6.tlit, sin iotattt . asli htf'!irhe P. nritihnntu fr ad BECRALNEN ALT LINENl. 7R .FU TABLETssat ndteAhetc ;scia -fra1 hIBS RAELNNTBLT 5, soit dios o hewei fth ot 35Ci~.WITN AE Y H UR R B o n s h clts
L. A. Pratt, 'It. A. K. tetrint, '9s. 'Then'formenr rtqentti s o to ad .A. or-ltn,9 D .r.HethttnPttelotrn'nt. Tissoc il otberptcd.Htiu ch s
. . D a i o, '9 t. . . t-ies, 'nt . sIt i ni t e 'tftsn'n~ t heT is sto k il no b r plred H thL n c e s
B. B. Mnatbeanty,'99t. R. it.tintlty, 'tnt.Arg sP inigHo s. .U.. .' L S 4 .Stt t
it. C. Burtls, '9nn I. iniiet's gytinaiuni. As t restilt tny ru Lntu os.TU T ES 85 tt t
- -athtnrize'nlArn'titn'ct sctt . onftetroit.
tinittg et(nad tdr'essed tt G. B. intertsot.
Att Itisities o natentd ithnitItheoal sub- lt. 'nt i ttlWa e Avitttl th n v t'rti!t' fotr
neripiantlint ofthItis aper10is itt' iarge oat1P. lidstlE ohm itnntt'tntcom' Innown':105,000t.
C. Mieyr, 46 E. Williatm at. All itotr business At thi'reqtt.ottf tin' tint. 'nntltu
mattters tar' liidIretinetInilletdiaten directint fntc'ulty' tin' tint'of finn' tnntenniatlin
of ttenbutinnenssmatnager. _____ltnnnttiteiiigtto"ttt'sy
Thetpric'e of ttit' Dailty nilt'emalin as hnre-IHnoti Itl. ttomeoathn'tict.'" f'nol C.
ttfoe,$2.50 a yt'ar, invariabtly in advatnce, Mnttiotntt Si ttnnitt'nt r 1,Efstltttt to Slit'
sntnihntninditigte' tfactihit puitino
wiilbe contitnaueduntil t'ommentemennt. hlotintpatti irolnft'sot'ottotistetrit's,
____________________________________ andtot$47)5 oleIplprto'ptriltntdfor tht'
DENTAL SOCIETY ELECTION. llntteoliatnicepaetnrtmtt'nt fnroru;ittl
tntmnt'ntttts. trill lug. etc.___________________
Lint of Officers Elected for the
Ensing Term. 't'IE1 ' NIX''VIiPITY ORtCHESTttA SE THTCR ?
_________117ill fttrtisho msicttefor te 'ltitnts,.
At It'ettitttignit'.lie tDental -no. iuttipti ties atnd cttaiinttsnf
nitty hldlst n etening'-the folilowitng ill tinds. Satisfactltin guatranteetd.
ottinti's wire elrn'tst tint' thoellstitiitig ('ttll ott or addtt'tss F.'1. Mcetlbt,
snittistern I'. IF. ith't.)'til. tt'nst'idn; 1Mgo., Ntt 1 S. toturthi tve.,or Ito-no
(lttret' XXtntttttt. iceyin lrt".ltt't; stitee, Secy., it School itt-Mttsic'.
Miss I:Mier, 'lit 'n'trn'tllry;Sauenl At 4 N. Fifthl ave., very icely fur' A spee ttomatin a
liltrot.'i.tnnstm.nistien front suite rooms, furnaceel it KEA ING.
C. II. Batniley 1.1't'lete'tt i tnt.tittt soild bath. Also table board for a hlt.a- I
eitotrif ttein'liltirtinl, Itnitli itett numbtter'. IA strong toin ott a
X'tlialtttsoist~ltieitottr, amtI Iliry -
\Vatsoniiutittests 1t1ntntgr. sintttl .r. Ynnpn;lOn KEAT[IN'G.

t'r. Tthe'freshmtnlttittnrollt Avill tie
1I. Bailey'.'Itittefonre Nov. 45.
A Good Y. M. C. A. Course.
'hfltirstt.titt'rtniinett it ithe I. \it.
C. A. 'toutst' for 1!5-i imill Itt' iviti
this eve'niun itt tie IPreshtyteriaun
n'hiurc'h. LautratiDantty'. the' "lntntn
Mr. litlinirtl. in -,wttilIlibethtcit-
tratitotn. 'f:ietets for- thte'itiirt'coitrse
ire oii stilt'for $1Ittpiece.
S. L. A. Changes Treasurers.
Yeste'rtday nta Itseciilelectioniof Itti'
S. CL. A.XW. II. ('otmptoni wa~s chotseti
treasutrer totsuecceed .Sttttley t Farniuti,
resignedti. Ide oastndvniedtlfritots
nistaitit freasuirer, tiand L. '. Wa'mler
'ti ltsnctntedl assistant trn'asurr in tis
Oracle Literary Contest.
TIhet'(rnaile tboamrdlhtas offetrnil 15 to
Pizet for cnttrittutionsiil trose antd
poe'try2. Ittre'st tnis aittlfesnttttilltie
centien-t andthetltbtoatrd is datily reeeiv-
icgIt'tters of inqtuiry.
Twn'ello players 'uitett for the
U'niversity OIrcestra. Apply to J. J.
McClellani, director, at Scitoel of Mtu-
sic. x
Ac elegant suite of reoms, also a.
single rot, both steam heated, at 12
Monroe st. Chance for Iter to give
private lessens for room. Lady pro.

1'sunuquestiotnably thetsfloest ball
ono the market today. It's light
ness and durability make it a
favorite with all players.
Price complete with inflator,
$5.00. Victor F'oot-Ball Guide,
containing the nieu' rules, and
chapters on the gamte by Deland
and others, 25 cents.
Also a complete line of finest
foot ball clothing
Makers of vistor Biryrtes.
Boston. New Yortk. Detroit. Denyer.
Sanft'ancisco. °Los Angeles. Cortand.
Captain of the Molt HDun Teamt, 185.
This unique bokIsin iathletic nymnposiunm
contributed to by well-known amtus, ex-
peland collepe team-captains. Harvard,
Yale, and other leading colleges are repre-
sented. Footbatl, baseball.t.entils, golf,
cricket, hurdling and leant athletics, yacht-
leg. sknting, bicyrling, etc., ate practieally
and suggestvely treated. One yol., ninth,
Svo., profusety illustrated, $1.50.
For sale by nil beoksellers.
9t Pearl Street, Boston.

/Alight ion on a
A heavy mantonot a
That riglat man an the right
Finch & Laity

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