f2 o 1. 2 y "Julius Caesar" at Toledo.
~I+ ~'P~~"'' ' ~Arrangenentslhave been etirtly
Pubdished Daily (Sunday excepted) daring coiipiletedtIfor the itrtseiitioi of
the Collect year, at "Julius Caetsar" in the Valtentinse The-
THE UNI'ERSITY OF MICHIGAN, tre it Taletds, May 9). Th' Ann Arbor
D FrC it'imes building N. Matn st., appasite Railwyay has kindly donated three silt-
J. F'. Tilt! as, '957. w.XV.. TeticsR. '96 L..
E. L Gmstioaa.'98 L Ic. 91. Loomis, '93.
0. If.I iAN. '93. Ic. S. Sianos, '93.
It. C.CUNtEROOD, '95.
Gl. B. IlAiiSOt, 'OilL.
L. C. Wtf.Kit. 'it.
W. X. Ianches. '5-,. S. 1R. Soith. 'Ili-I-..
S. XV. Smtith, '97. W. It. Morill, '9s.
J. L. %talsh, '93 91.IH. 1B. Stillman, '9b L.
C. B. Rot', '98 D. Louie Itodge. '99.
B.iB.IiMttiaty, '99. H. Cot-wis, '99.
The subs~cription stices atthe Dolly has
beesnsseduced to $1.00 ini advance for the rest
at the year. Leavsaubscriptions at the
Daily o:ss e rwish IP. i'. XIyer, IU. itt 9.
Editor of today's paper,
hi. '. UNDERtWOOD, '93.
Auleasintg featurs' of Itle hay Vt's-
tivlwilllbe lt'itlteinitiontoftt'e symi-
11lloly wit-ih-lPItof. Sitatley hats re-
tn Presidlent Aligell. T'eie mait ndists
mtatdt'uttotiPrtof.Siattlley's liite irs'
irttcesttiity 50t ittsrossthat it lis
grtatifyinig to his frieitts to knott ha'tit
lit hats li's'ent a sli to se'his taetisitit
it conil nstr.
cit traitns to the Oratolvtal Associa-
titn. Dune isill leav~e Ain Arhmor tt
I):<>(9ta. ini., sttiidatrd timge. Two
triins will letave Toledlo, ont at v
it'slock trtaitt lis bteen secnred so thait
ltiosteXwhot'wishitoto ake'.tttts'ltigt'of
tt'e clh'tftt't'e hit; retulrn
etirly play tin so.
It t'oth t the trXwilhi' hut <w1. Thet
formliaite tiill lie give'i is sttidi to lit
the fist ill theFUiteid Statts it titi
a shor ttu'i.
to iitiy seat ilitthe Ihouse.t'.PTickes mayitt
he se'eured't u tity tof the usuatl tpluices
ofsi stile tir byitittlittiimu lt Miss Doutt,
57 E. tibeirty at.
Western Alumni Association.
irThett'liitg oftthe ii'vstciiti uvit
loint~tg tiicers: tPresiden't, Dri. Iluirk
- I your bicycle neeiss-euni~g or
Wed., May 6-Antnal concert of rpairing Tucker & Co., 19\T. Fourtt
l'IiX'(rsity Glee, Bltajo aitu Mandlolini aie., is flitplice to get god work
Clubs. doielnt at prices thiat will suit tll-
Tlttrs., -lay 7-Varsity vs. O. S. I;. We rett and sell whieels, also tlltit'a
at Annt Arbor. 'ftll line of tup-to-tate sndaeirs. Or
iii., My'S. --itrtitittent at 1t1gli mottto is "LiX'e tand let lit.'"
Schotol fll for tihetbeneit of thtlt, Musi'l-' ".. .t'inbatut, i 'si
Frutitaitti Ilower lissitti, :48 t'itstctro thtjtlMitiil
i~l'itttly!Mutyacher-oft't'tittg of'Stndthiis
I'rdav Ma 8-Meeingof o situ Cuad tGitar. fResitecet 7 Vlltits.,
Sitenits inIiittomti12 Illa uilingttgoi
tiilei Il.or 85 E. Wtashintgto,5. 41) itinte
tttrft't't tant'ttttto. Southernicluf.lssotis It0cets; W5 mtinute lestis,
Stt., 9109y'J9-'Varsity vs. Cicago at tns 8
Chicago. 75i __ents.__ 158
Sat., Maty 9.-Euginee's batl at I ost-Abott te mintitbilinlg, a1
Slt., 919 9l-Prieseittliont of "Julius tiu. 9'Ie'ase rettrn to steiard's of-
Clltsar" in Valen'ttinethleatetr, Toledit. ice atdtrecie rXXwrd.
Mon., Maty I1-Vatrsity vs. Wisco-t -
sill at Miadison. Te Daiy' will be delierei for the-
Wiet., Maty 13-'Vursity vs. Chicago. rentaner of the yea' for $It.
tt Chiieago.-
tFridaylMay 1,5It' i ristitit anettiti
Slt, fliy t9' 1ltiversily Coitidy H11111HER
C'lub ini Sirtint's "A Scapi of Paer," *
Ini Grandti Optert ouse.I
Sat., hMty ill 'Nrsily ivs. Viseonut
giii, at AntitArbontir._- I
Ml., illy I1-'Vrsity vs. Indtiana'ttl t ;
Slate Ulliet-ity at Anni Arbsr.',,
Wlied., Maty 20-'X'tarsiiy vs. Cicags
at Chil'ago, _.
Senilorsin fhs indttclauss trasure
ini thei stl'Xvtars's offhce Mondaltl,XIii '
n i'standrii daltty onin'tigs fromit;)
to 918:0 o'cockt. I
Psi' Sale-tighi ruiscbtiyle it sus
i-l ass consditioin. Mtust hi' solin a1 'is
datys; $8835 tksi' t. h-teyersliii stouoht to tiearato
staisi, 4t6 P. Wiliiam st.paro
Do you itant a nwtigh gritibi- liKolored. - Shoes
cycl'eittlagets trice'? Call at Dailt
If youi are ini tiei of anyithigit KALF OR KID at the Daily offiht. toe,
Eipans Tahules assist digetion. 6 N. MAIN ST., OPP. COURT HOUSE.
You sholdit see our toek of (IANIDOLJ.NS
We ai'e obliged tnosove froni our present store soon
anld have secured 00 DOw location.
To Close Our Stock
We are offering a good mandolin at $3.95 sd a fino
one at $4.45. Sunme better ones at $6.50. These
ace rare bargains.
GUITARS AND BANJOS during this sale $3.50
to $7.50. It will pay you to look.
Ann Arbor Organ Co.
51 S. Main Street.
£'We'Sell Bicycles.,i
It. is hpossilei'that Itie imptotrtmie of A'. tHarringetonu, '6'itptreidtetit oitlie
a ltr~t'tititttiict tt lue ratiut M te ilt'liersil9- of Wtislintlt; ilit
Saturdaty afitternioaotwill tnt be tirois- preisidet;il, it1yi9i. Dt'iies' 'ii0, of
e11y'estsimtedy e v9ei'yi9'oue. 'its' tace, Tacoa; secetary'i.i. N.II. ter.,01' Ta-
hut thsits will liteitatttreliit' ina -stmeet lcsts; treasisrer, 1'. AI. Tirosy, sotf1Olit-
sinhy it~ti-tits the bt-nitlit to obtl- lil;t;oastliaslcr, iiDr .. i. t ot',ill
taintissifrui thets preseance-otita hargi' Si-tls.
c-ioitdioitt Spiectators. tftthiisioi It ispropsedst's osext'ndlt'e instil-
shiniiiit tu tltedwil st--i~ itsiii hs'sii ofsthels'assoetiattioui to ins-hul'-
inscentive tsoliiicanditdat's thaut u-ill 1th~miiitl lvtig initie sutire Pi'cs'
hats's sutinfuentu-ce olilt-eit'efftorts ill soutndsh distr'ict, inst the numbeitr at
lt'e Wuteusimpotirttan tth t sl:ltt'inl the utti'iibtrs is s'x~e'tedto 10 uutuit150.
ss'tssti Ahitlsliut s-il i- i''t'suIi 'fit'eitt-t nltig at ofthie. assuts-itiut
fliers' is uttlig tnohpreivent a latrge at- ill its litlit it Seatl inhi lt t i'-iS
tt'litluiiti. of thits iltiattt durig thi'enuitint-cncs-
"l______ tent iieekt if ths-Statsei'uivs-rsity
A lairge auien'uce shiosiltd gree't the of ' Was-ttiugtont. iAbanuiitet u-ill li--
'valrsity' tles', iuluijo uandsi andotiintgiven lit this nit-ting.
Chubs it lltthe nnual concert tlomoirrow Geilietf9'twultnsti
nighit. The'se orgaizaeitis tby theirmonoety onlshine cehptiringo etcalon A.
extes'isve' tripss ths tore acuatt lunh Levy-, 31 N. luNiaiii st., just below ineii-
pruattichalsadertisig for tile i'ti-cr- past affice. All iiscit first class. Light
sit pehap, tan s coneby nysales 50 cenuts, lhealvyones (tO cents.
oilier mtuis-st. 'T'e vis it of college Lnst.-Tiietut Dtlta Clii frate'rtihty
or'gtizationus are almost unihtnaiin inuin. indtter will rcetiive retward 1.9
returninig to the honuse, 10t I'aorutt-l
the fair west. Micilganidraiws frcoin Place.
1110 west a ltarge propoartioni of hilt The formaluh dedlicationl of Columtnbia's
studeunts andthevery' tetuns by'wich uneivsiteRtaks iplace ttiday.Ison.
her namie uund famie lare spreadi tbroadl Abratit S. Hlewitt iiill sake the dieti-
is deservinug of encoaugemetnt. The icatory address.
fact that the concert is givenl far the Lost-On Ingoalls st. commons a
benuefit of the Athletic Association ~trtti tll fuuau el iuh'
peae retain to this office ansd re-
should einsure the clubs a large audi- lela rewad-8
_oe If you ivant to rent good wheels,
fioum an hour to a full week, tall at
With the view of going ont of the the Opera Rouse news depot. P'rices
bicycle business we propose to dispose reasonable. Also instructor furnished.
of the bicycles on huand ait sacrifico
prices. Eberhach Hardiware Co. 1599 Swan Linen bill heads.