'IC a
VOL. V1. No. 155. ANN ARDOR, MICHIGAN, 'TUESDAY, MAY 5., 16,96. F(.-u R PACES-3 C N'.rs.
eWe Must Move lBaqti leHd
Ters sold.eWe met seekyn hsiliFesmn il 3 Hl
quarters. at Grangrer's May 15.
SWe Must Close Out -1re11i9r c
our sto~k of music food s ad Illi~ 0
tsuvcl Weffe urc~e whch 11 or the fres'o ibse ii ltquet liieb cill
will sell good.,i o rcs 1
mens anything to buers 0, e hold i a 1(11 t (iroiigir's May 15. The
11 THIS MEANS BUSINESS (H omtee" ar(s is 'll-s:I iies
If yoeuswoot anything is the Is 1 io himn t .Uhm
mesit tino e e see pices this jIsiIisl ,(' ir ii I.B.pht.
wekii0Bea'tea i t I.P g, P i
sceeli. ~~~~~~~191'l1ls1,~ ~ oe,.go ii
STHE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO,, 9 9It. )M. smmosis, lPihi lilpt 1Ps.
S. MA IXS'r. 11 (usomieie'o Arroeigeisici-IL IB.
BUY BEN-NUB BICYCLES . 00 _hsi, 'BreaThetat Pi, eheiriossli;
9111Thomas Grey, IDelta ipstion. Behet
____________________________________ Grinels'l, ZetaiiMtethew .Joyce. !
(Invitat ion (Coiiiiittee-I:. 11. Iloge,
INEVERY!BODY'S MOUTH i ima ihi, chairiman; Meerk beatnie,i
Ph'ie 'v irsity Glee. Itillj()oaniIaitll-
lie C'lutbs ciii give tlleir annual con- Sulcetion of Candidates Begrins
cerg ini Uniiversity H1011iltmorirowveves- Next Saturday.
ing. 'Flits cvilibe ustheisis eomlteert
giveni by tih ei5Siciiee their tirt" ('optileLe~o ie sd Me g'Wrigbt
and11Siureessfltip ilirsi)tigi iiAwst. i of tilhe tc1tea etti, hav iii' 112 leld il-
he elsubs heftihce(e(oit Airil 1) ft r e eoll('ieis'llforsi'a llrlliiiniil tr11ck
city oeegltttio i, .an1(1returiod Ash Sot tilyy ateriilooll. Tle'prune oh-
27. itS' bfar tte 1inosti laileb'pelt js'ei ef thi's met tis to asisist inl t1)
if fliii'ttell'wYellshtt thoiiiiii oloirti iSelt'iciotii if th o iilidllt( e fee 1,is
and 1-tll. Froetiiebd,by spsei'flrsity iracilt tltl, hall this sill Ini-
liraiigeleit IvitiilteB iDene lid It~ tio ieitoiiy die all addineitc'ive 1(1
.titl('i ito eie' h linarrcw lilye'raiil-l hardl this week,
lltictgliIltilth iel t'oitnii eftBe' Gun- offered(:
rison.ei.lil111ll y rile' tliiigti soemi)'of 100(1yardsil ii.ih .10iltyarids ree,S,14)
liii filwcciscen'iey iiintho' ii;e vrde 'ill. 121 y'rids hirtlei, 224) yalrd
ibeenlivisiteitbyily liiiollegi' itiistilit 16pommel shot, llieeccitg 16 potilim
ly ihe 'lSiliti e lutii hilcere, lh' boys 'lhe'bhcyc-b lls-aes aee fiiiteilanid
sciri' most1(1yallywecomiceit mi'd li-t tiihlri'i-fourthus imib' riin substituiited
lertliril. Pros ilatlotke ('ity- Hi' foi'ritie itf'eurue, is lthe iien atint
rouei'lediiaitio ei'tilville' bysey of yetilt tonlditioni s to reiithle ' l'i-
iiileoii Sprimigs atutuiei('.umbllifftog iif thrust'events. Noi teiissicni
ltie eliibs venit isto iiColoraio Speilgs, Southern Club Organized.
a111)1frei thicie'be scoy iif ittiehoatit
Chltigo) teosAnin'irbor'. ,Abouiit tccut si t iudenits iro h eiti
Mm ummery's
Ice Cream
Soda Water.
Fresh Strawberry Crush
. . . at
Mume S DIrv SO[e
17 E. Washington St., cor.
Fourth Ave.
G. H. WIL.)
The Leading Tailor,
and only direct Importer in the city,
has jest received his entire stock of
Foreign and Domestic Woolens for
=spring and Summer '96, at
Full Dress Suits a Specialty.
Special Sale.
Baseball Supplies, Lawn
TIennis Rackets, Lawn Tennis
Supplies. Sporting Goods of
,every description.
Up Tows, Dews Tawn,
'Uiversty Bookstore, Opposite CourtiHouse
l0OS. State St. 4 N. Main St.
Delita Taufeel'to, I. SI. Dumffy, CiiPAx.
Rteclption iClitliliticc it. SI.Silt-
Snmows, AlphasDl'tacPhi, itlstlllOslii'r
Tiii'teasts ciiwc iesfolliys :Ctas,
It. G. Griswo-~il, teta 'le t i; "Ini-
de'penden'tsc," It. Si. Neiriepgten eita
Psi; "F-rateiiitie's," I.. D. 1 'rdie'i;
ti; "Faculiy," It. IB. Bel'iu', i
Pi'; "Girls," It. B. 'i'liyu'r, I'imi Delta.
't'hieta; "Bioys," Aiiii M. Hwei, Alphai.
liii; "Alise.Maer," (I. E. lFay, tel
T'peiiiin; "Weomilili Gyii" A. H. Bois-
aeries,Deltta Upsilen.
Tlisli lchpriines for ihe oeeasioniire'
to be Mrs. Angell, Mrs. Morris, Mlrs.
Patterseii, Mrs.tKeatinug end Mrs.
Tue feshumanm promie'tismake the
litiliqeet the lareicst 11115 miist sucss-
fuil ecer held. Ticsketsnoay tie pi--
eliamsed of any moemier of thii'coit.-i
"99 Oracle Board.
A lmeetinig of the class oif 'ti9t cvs
held yesterdaoy afternooni it whiehth ie
foiloswing sceri'elhosenl.isomeimibers if
the 'itt)Orecie boarid: Miss St. #It.
Hdeson, (GII. Simis, C.,I:. Cart wriglt,
C. N11". Whitnley, 01151E. A. Datvis, his
inidepenidelnt menibers; Miss B. A.
tFiintermann, Gamuuua Phit-oa; J..(I
tHamb~lenl, jr., Beta itleta Pt; J. B.
Peii, Sigmea Phi, C. B. Hiole, Phi 1Ka11
psa Psi, and Mark Becathue, Dlts. Tan
Delta, as fraternity menshbers,
Dr. V. C. Vaughan returned yester-
day morning fromo Washington, D. C.,
wchere lie had been atteoding a mieet-
ing of the Amnerican association of
physicians, before witch lie reed
two papers, entitled -New Poisons in
Milk, Ice Cream and Cheese," and
"Treatment of Anthrax with Intra-
venous Injections of Niucleinic acid."
Theses Will Not He Dropped.
It lies be1en ilrumorielamong the' les
stuen'its that itie fieiulic of ihe'leas
ieparil ntos hadi mudeiedeto lispiticss
froim liii list iif thsi' reqireene'its fill
iy stated that ther' is no truth swhot.
evci' in thits riport. If lily laetioniis
taikenllit will pr'lobbliii' to limkoe(iii
hatve' beeii in test yiers.
Yesterday's Practice.
Noi timie swes lost by' the 'varsity
issell iiityEar'sye'sterdasy. Cuoacl
Siextoiii hut theimieinitonghi ciiidier-
abhle' tbhttinig 1practiee andl sf1te'that
ill. The infied showesd u1p vey cceii
aid soiie faist workt5511s disiillyeid.
Mcenz'iiie wsiait his thuS's' 011first
with Blooiigstoii oil seoiid ind Jack
Coiiilon at siiort, cchule Sextoin coachied
(hoe froiiithiirdl.
Th'le class ball11gene' sedcldilfer
Sattrda~y lifternoeonlliiprobably be
lalyedlit the fair groiunds in order to
avic-il a conflict wyithi (le traui k iet.
Miss Mariaii Parker, '915 C. E., tile
soly wovni engineering gradluate of
(lie University, lies been maduee aii lion.
orary member of (lie Engineering So-
sutitern stteis slit sit tih e-wiJimii-
hgt F'rhiiy a fternoonuuuufoir till'purpste
of tilghllihhili aiclub. A tiemporaryl'5
ofl4nghliehti.Ilivs efedi a-i'o ndl 11coem-
mlitteei' hl-piistedl ii idraft asiusitisit-
tic ii ~d by-isiacs. Aitheileu ses'ig is
to be hlsllnlextI 'ridlty mftilenoonit
5 o'elock in Itooni 12, iliaw hbuiluiing~
for the purpose of oceeptig his"(cil-
stitutionm mud by-ile Nssa111(1 'R'tin1
pimments'it iii-'es
to hltt('hliIthis ins'ilmg findl sign the
constituution., Thus'purphosse of thic lubl
wcill bei'strictly sociaul andilthousi'es-
pecially initer'eteduIiii its iorganizaomtion
expecet toi c'elbrate (lie evint of its
incptionliniitrui'esouthiernistylI-by(5 a
banumueut to lie ieid siomle timie before
Anlusg the stuidents from the soutii
liii us fewsvyouiig ladies wholmu lre
deepuly initerestidd hlalecexpuressedl
their inteitioii of lbeuominug aberins.
Tue Aiii Artier Organ ('u. arc just
ini rcceipt of a istal card lfroiiiJatupan,
in wchictehieswriter states thamt uhmviiiug
seen the advsertisemen'ut of the Oreanc
Co. lie islks tiucum to selid(lie little
booklet they iublish, "Flosw We 'Teach
the Little Oneuus to Sinkg" by Miss
Lucy K. Cole. This is quite a couuuiui-
inent to Miss Cole.,(lie Organu Ce. midu
tbe Ann Arbor Rtegister, ini whlichi
paper the advertisement scus seen.