MiCI11jGAG ET' ANO t(ThER sam itr i n 11the futur, sa0e1ti" t
GETS . thave becmeimorie+ ititred inexier-
(iColttioued from First rage.) rusle and tro(S aubttri h
5' ublished itaily (Sunday exceptett) duringstoeratotrinli-
tse Colle-ot vear, at tios of ttishonest Specutlators, gild t tistit't tlimle to wi h the itttlulle
THE UNIERSITY OF MICHIGAN. salt idtttese coatihei tie teittonlt it' ( ti.tof ltw' poits, this eenitilry of
Dr to Thesatilding N. Main at.,,opposite iby arouisitig publttslten1 timt itto fore otturs wiltltte tnootity itsthe ttitotle
..,,.r ,M- 'louihltos todo teirdilt." (courer. unilll--ill he ou ft'me
The sesnior lilertiry eluiss inemiorial
tax lisbetii reducied So $2, antI ia
pay~ablesvwttit'ttheoilier elataitxes
to Slit treasurer.
G. St. WOODiS,
Cliti. Memuorial iota.
J. F. T iii ias, '9;. 5W. v. TRames. '96L.
E. L Gu".se t,.'9SsL F. M.Loostts,'9is.
U. 11.lt1:.t 93.'l' F. S. SIuoS,'i".
it. (C. UtDEstOe(Oa, '9, .
tG. B. 1l tauoosN, '9ui L.
WV. W, lI z lss, '93'. S. SR. Ssiitt, 't'ii L..
S. WV. Sait i, '9it. AV. SR. Martill, 1901
J. L. Wlshi, '93 11. 11. 1B. Skilletn, 'S9ySL.
C. It. SRit, '9s It. Louis oasi-', '9;).
I13. B.Mtheliuy, '99. Si. C )essin, '9Si.
Thetssription pricesatfte Daily iha{
btets rel"a-At to $1.005in advantes far tserest
Daily a's eortitths 5. iU. Metyer, St.ci1
News Stats;].
Editor of todtty's palier,
5" . ~t~ t'it.
ttitgrtitittti hs -wo attoter vii'
Stay ttutu to li,'tii ;alt's I'i'otdilli
thit' tittctis of the Niidtllt'i )roitriti]
L~nrugr'ItlIts'is tliseristigof Slit
hti= hst eol-iitgrtolitis. Sit'«will r'i
tusrni witth te Oiiltlit t dlte-ittlou ut
11S:1.2 uitlock, ttsttndr' itSite, tioti
ove'r te 'Iit'tlui Cit(etratl, tind it 1-
htar'ity iiis'i'ss'y Stots'ge Shot ti 1'1r;E
'rrowid grt'St; im tttith' staitnitos]it
thi 'tttslt leit tis t'iro sith'st Seitsalle
Saginaw Took Another Game.
'lii.'VSlit'ity lost St' ist gitt
Slit h SIit oa tte l'ilailte1'dfosr seetIi lllilnss. 1Sytll
tetains ledstheitir itfin-itgrotlil's oalt
.11thtSi liisti stivs itol i1 f six tw\o
ituigg(x Ilt iu li hrts''hlre'e-ttist' Itits.
itllisiitgsiottlestd i inte ttsttitig,
Hlistor, ss'liss plysedS yesterdalty fil
tiii' Pest torso i.' l.'''iis intjury, ilo
distillttgish(It.'ililttsslfliy'aut prett' too
- ':,li'i;- ti'.oit's\:Vi'1i't'si'it\tt-ls'e. Al \i1'rt tieroltti 1g11ltt'lglitry -tit. s Sit 5st -Sits' Ifc ou
St.S ittnist, reprtisit iiivttAsit1sit Seittitti. helryUnit'stltttiiii t heoffyour icycleattesscletantitngor
H. Slimdtdelverd II oatin___lriuph _fte _eoluionof_ an. repatiritng Tuckler & Co., 1,vN. taurts
"Tt'Iood.tlo tl''itritSttil'"Education at Physical Instructorn., a's'., sSirltle ogt gasS or-t'
as555 tttoznlistts't Sy ts'te tit0 b_____attleoi'dne aittIituprice's ithatw'ill spiltttll.-
' Wtetrloo.iMr. S0tsmiil t itroductedt Sr. 'i'lliltntt C. Ansdersoasstanl~t 'S''WeaetS antisell whiels, use ohave a
hR lls ssjs't ' ait a re'fe'ren'e S ltoits'd- intriztoprof tittysstratstiigsit Ystle' full lite of 5up-0 to-dte suindiris.Otis
csivli"bttlssof ts'e'iworldiansitheiirtcottlribute's Sn Iterestinig ,utiitli'otilisotto is ''the atid let lire."
itmpo~irttanc'e'oili Sistoiy. ithtentitirtai'"it1,sietl Trttisttg taSt 'i it''slt it's"' t
ily ske'tch'ttseSlt'atttl'sif Z'i stirlso shelit' My Cisiiltptlilsttt. He ttouces t ot' Sale-Iliglt g raste Sityrle isoirst
frmtihelt'beglinigtto lttthedfeattt liii thireplitin i fifllitstiors if ( c'htts coiiiitioni.Mstbehrsoltdiila few
ts' 51ld itiutrsI. I1 lt s lsss It( , idttu: lit"sittl trttitt1it, st'eertti? t ' il isi ?t its i ttss i. O e'is ts'
''A 'ii'irlihe'tapirs' tts sth altnuof ss"so's:stt, 461 5. 'Itillittuttst.
Ntt1isils'iu. BStlcli.fill'S, is ('yruts '',iu'itti'r fetature of ts' dettsisrtttts'u Itf yost wanut totireit gossdstwttes's,
lit Alextandert'fttili'id, is ntti iuittst of I1,h3 seal tr1itlillgit Ystis' is whit i. friuit inhouti'to a Still -wieeks,etall it
sit isty fttil; farthsts'sy'stetli is ftals'its Is t u s ts' sietSis's'classs it g;yIti- Sthuprts oseet'tesdepot. Picst'
_its iery concpt'r1 its; falis' titsis'it nitstii's. 'litt' tiuSs'sits' psi suathis ri'usoiustIli'. Alsoitnustuctor u' rnuishedi.
isuli'si'itds uuissth Itiifi'i'-S'its'i'.lii' tittise t soiutug out tltaN-110 tO ybe Ls-Ca'tilts' on'iaitt laditys bti'i
tittoiatit'. tl"iil 1tiiistse cau'e'it ' tdl,- stillestuponltitSo gist' itstruc'tiossus it
sesur'lits iffs'"""'""' n e 1 i.mtti ''"'''"""'''''"' i'' ' o cl~t i siss sit.iuii',. utt'iissi u tiiy tsltstu ''t''
[. ''s'''''' '(i; uius' i i uttiistirsirutiud ei='tWashtet'imw ta'uss. Sh'
{lltohitul, uh''Iintlit'ult 1555555 sh;P's'u iii tutu tuosi it gytI.)usi"i'Antdeson fouiir ~lr
suit itiusut. tusususs S uth rota th t'u ld-t thi cs isitsit it uand tnualsis if ixet--
iil ugntsh pe'rfe't ittestf i'tit- 'htiS sse :'' , ia itt il h zr ezt' s o1'Ifyouati ei't' aeiedstof antinguignt
-'ss~ssumiltiesa ch Suitioll5'55 oN 5511 pQ'5 h rils Ut ''yetailediSupoSttsissit the is'he sif sportinug goodus andi 'iant it
lilsrt' tu itis. Ito rsies' hiest'fa't~ situ116 Si'tuschisns'thus' uighus u'h<sss's. uuuus it's' easpl, 'sill at Shut ~lyt o'atire.
ssuui.ipur'u'isisusu hs''usios an out ibstacto midllt'fa'tiliatNit sliithis' mosde'r'u mth- --
ltise pro'gre'ss sof mitind.istuto (tus's " 5(llS-od is rcill gymastics~s.. 'lty
urusisiug psupses" tha t r it'S t I 55 '-D . Swer fits' isuts'o it lbit- m
ustustigis iheS'ugs's. 'The 5uih-'15(iiatii"5ii ttit ft;t n pntheSlt'h55stryiof pitsisthi
t iiroset' e s l i i chst't 55555tS iii iiof A ii'' isusoc t'rin iIs i suuutl tu is'i'l vsouts."
t'iiothll155 of ;tet h 55'S S'u itti . s5 t ',5 ill's dturisug this'.eatii'Sy
por c rs;5'' idependntihi. yet SuitS ilhi i salt inilii th tiiig uontahiss'loorsti'
usuuiulstis s 'ttga: rii hssghhseu'in thue stistus St' "'I 5515 Isitzl, si tShtSitatthi ls' 'sis
e 'i'.'srik tf ts' isthift ntil and petitcS tsrf -'s., oiltieis' siou they areu fit155 to Ia isut' 's
(iof Sutitlaifil. hisi issheide, the ;,is's' sus' ittrecltediupon
1.u'suttu'aluliuuiu isitiuishus it ,ltesltit hu thuSoss.This times' gi ii Sty tu' tutu-
S ltsl hss'uhin a hsnsusutosahussuis stirie l i'uspi is 'i'-ii's.iissit
tithi I1 1'i itlisu l tialisuit opa' t li S h t uidet-s a s u s tus's i' o' u'u'l' i
Sbsosiediii is illth t it of tiikt' t 'Selli. s'sudy ii inteu ti''sit s o- Sts'si's thus' : it 'ttat
Mtr. iSthmidhtotis follous''u-o' 'IyV. C.71'' hS't'tmeantflis t ituit
Ke'sle'rsuf te ltit 'iiii'sty s'ittu rrs bsbenpidt'etis 't ii ttuaulnu
e>i> i 51. iiwhosesi' shl t -t iis " 'it sr, s' suit i Oberlint, andist:iiLetlandiit anut l~.
ipf this't-irusisth ttol'It" Ie ,poketforIssIl55iisllS't?. 'Tsr s #.s'~ss
n ia firstssmasl'Isul initittusl 5rsspiii's call fotr tituscatsut netut c i :,wi-s 11us1_ sethm
iltttithird ',ii 5: tep i llthis'eii'silSusulO'sttsutI'-otsSiiluirluit ous-s X
p bilofmal-herothwihihitrcfs, ;eVerywher. u
iii' a. greait mtiveiith it "h11,111sp'omtl T'h'formaiusic ttollof i'otsttttita's {( t"MfM
. htut Si lthi t i ghii't sis u i' siu tus's htsu-' titi. {l
r" tsi' tufiilliiugisf rigih st utu titu1 h s S'' . ett Sit. , hi
J_ in"'. fsorth it swecI''it hsi'nitile his at Dter- I tliisWAGNER & CO., AGENTS,,
aalistf(if ts uu~protselu, sutsd it ilast. iks' l T Lt'hiEIS& ('O'S 21,5. M8[2 ST.
nthis'rt''siilng glosryof-thslant isus.sirst-ILute of iBitOrtlsat hprites from $5S-0 to
thsti si's bu-t i hut Siftitli. sll;itilhis' tsthluts s of beatyO-ta sits-
Olis'hlgiit hadustosun s filty-itt'in 1111.011- ,tosiiut tosii'r ill thus' ~ii'uuiiss ofa
ftuinuiug a slele'd untusi a t'suuuiuis- t1111n." hit' thell turined titititi hit this
iuitt tfunortunate'-e'ruor n d usstwo I Stte s'.Sill;t : lit1 li'the s'iutin thtg i
three-'agsors Siy iG~m t ltSndtc'.htsinlpts it's thuthldIst on uuus tslsglisi''iosrs' hist-
hull ns'slus's'is'sho'intseii stssghtit, gsu'i'sshiplsntush istioss Ibst tiuss' luuisitis'4
Sstgiittuii se'i''iirussantdtts' nuem. baissi havettus'sloiily- rihangeunautil nosii
'hslit 5(552'itiIs simtittrilto'of instereststiupont 'i'is'h
1 3 1 50G7 8 11 It 115 5E tes' 515'is basesd. 'To.te r wilhts ii'
Miis st;ott . .4 71 S 1 (i3'I ) iU i-Si 17 5 S'h11til"t lisseo'llestheti?'t'irat'tlitlon o55
Satgiuul-'ii.. . i 0 1 o 0Susii7 Y-1 i0j :t oStityiO. N'Iers' suie thouisatnsof
flttheries-Michigan, Seatt an spttyso vsseegnss railtesnp,s' iIs-
totiusss; Sostlitw-\, firsy'zmd'Thorp'e55'elesnts nilst tsesldshu'nd ustligs tne-
Tlhrs'-tttst' hIis-13tisouitgsstsi, tau sideut; 'ihere ('tireauthtsfeiudual toutd's-is
zet, ('. He'mphuillt. T-ass'tits- jtidge 'iwithuin isi smialtlidomtain, noiwi
Mch'tinney'0, Siollister, Mtooisgshou 3, tboarsof ari'tranttiona seciet'iiestietus
Snaydter. atfis'orld-ide litrsts; wtherouce
1lttle, sc'attered horesroof w'irs
Dr. Wenley Here. wineembuutodtimaents of upoiser,,taows
Dr.hReoert ;Oh. Wruatry, 'ihose alt' iiigtarma iaes andst uuujraiic shiltts'of'
pointssnt its profrssor at phliosophiy'isar tielctiforth ike tdfince'of nal-
inis tatue effert net tfalt, is in Amn Sius. Thsegrleutendey of tir evo-
Arbor. HeS expesto i remain at thet tution of Slur state buas been threon-
University iivo 'ieetks, anad w bitthero tratization ofaSuthiorty." tin. heeler',
whxtose oration 'iaus optiishtic through-
he is the guest of President Angetll u,. eoedSu titar Shi ~s
Swan Linen envelopes are thand- to a discussion of man in hisory,
some. cleosing 'iithta his prediction:t "And
$5is auth $75, are util aste.'. o rnt
tisi reisair w'iheelsa.
Olt'sittt-f'. 5". Mstinbun, Xi h'si
Pi, te'acshuer'of Suisa(-ui, Olsisustiu
tush Gusitar. tRelsidece 7 'tothutust o.,
sor << S 1. WaI'shuingtonst o. 41) minute
lessoss : 500ces;stO2 tintute lessoats.
5 ce-us.138
L~ost-OniIn galsast. commnus a
'I''sis'u'usauaideuat fouainsiii at, findelr
ple:setretun t o this otticet usitr-
reis's' r'i'wardt. i5
Leost-About (hr uinatbuilding, 'a
tadies' golda'iatcht, open face, ISrat-
thams. Ptease return So steivard's of-
fice and receivt rewiiardt.
Do you 'iant us ne'i high grad _ ibi-
cycle at aget'(s price)? Call at Daily
L~ost.-Tpieta Delta Chi fratenity
pin. Finder 'iit receive rewatrd lty
returning to the house, ii0 Cornnsertt
Ripans Tauuts cure dizzinens.
Rtipana Tahuten cure headachue.
We have just received a
second lot of
and for quick sales will open
them Saturday at