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May 02, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-05-02

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We M~ust M.~ove
The store wenow ocupy has IS
ibeen sold. we must seek new IS
iH quarters, D~
We We Dust Close Out11
HII our sto 1 of music goods and N
?U ice'sle'. Vietsioo e s S hieh H
wilsell goods i loseprilces
meen anythigto buyers H
.IA If you scot unylhius. in the H
musicliue cct or price this I
01 S. MAIN ST'.
Ice Cream
Soda Water.,
Fresh Strawberry Crush
. . . at . . .
Mumy's Dug Store
17 E. Washington St., cor.
Fourth Ave.
The Leading Tailor,
and only direct Importer in the city,
hue just received hie entire tock of
Foreign and Domestic Woolens for
Spring and Summer '96, at
Full Dress Suits a Specialty.
Special Sale.
Baseball Supplies, Lawn
Tennis Rackets, Lawn Tennis
Supplies, Sporting Goods of
every description.
Up Tows, Dewn Tws.
Universitsy Bokstore, Opposite Croullse
20 S. State St. 4 N. MaisSt.

MICHIGAN GETS ANOTHER. o telosefficient aenems inthei LECTURE ON WASHINGTON.
INGRAHAM WINS NORTH ERR OR- tl~i'th liav isbeome so by vtrut of i A.t1- _
ATORICAL LEAGUE CONTEST. liigltee sse Of Indivfidua otetility. Prof. Aclcs CoILtyl>er in S. L. A
Norhwstrna los Scod nd Tey' tre noit etrooriittor. They ~Course Last Niott.
Norhweter a loe Scon lan thve ht imptlrovedlteir oplotutties
Oberlin Thrd-Not Many1M1ich- atd exanedliteiosibilites." tev ossHttTlr if'rie,
gun Men In Audience-Party Re- IRevl MostesiroltoTyt.lof1tefiiCornelt,
turns at 10:12 Standard Tonight.isoai oletybgsoefrt 'pklstvnm iUnestyh t
Lily etegi ap1"'rhoTte Dlly.l (i thi'e cinflictng forces ciii tat bhi.- oicy.'' it :1kas 'syta r nts elii
(hictago,Il., May 2-Tesixth au- tii'leii.sying: "flh'fores i contt- " is, ltiasliirs averiiy ttts
utloolesiest of the Norhernl Orlitor- iet on that fielil sere the producot of aneeiis, andiiinisit of the faict
!calLeaigite is a thiinof te list ald ages. Slvery is oldir tiu istory. tat hi555 w iltshniped by liattsevre'
vietory to agaiiii with licMiigati. EgypttAssyra, (Greele Sld tRoiacotili l i'kiltthileaiudieieciiiterised
iortveslerii esas a cse scentd wit serie' tll foiiinieilott slavery. Aid to to'e'iti.
Oteiltiri. The c ontestsas fari'tigieveniisw-len Chrtistianityfvhad tssimeiiIle sidi: "Wtsilito1ist oiii of
ibist tLelaoguec has pirodiiiei. Igrai-esay front .1cliisillem ito Clhe'faite- theipuirest lind greatest ilgires of his-
iam:we-nt fair biyonid himtsielf,vesi- test ises of Sotlaindter senlptureid 'torywvthotlirf ouilluei loiivnyote
ing irilstinideleivery. Ilie hld the:saints loiikeid iowniifromthetii'spiiei'o if age His faiiet'dos not dipindoil o
auelince in iiianitense'piottof ite rit ailthousandilcatheidrals uplonla pola- b~ ooks forfii it itts e rchaediiilOt ieyont
to thlaslt. The battle seeineiacld nottiin f ailijit sases. cued owiiietheshrifbosadhsbco
be urased b fudlim. Afermetinig hetrdi'on.lereif iiiiiiks utuehtihiianii
!Filsoii of I'leago tie-irsity hadtii ses's elileliiuipito theiccivil wir Inee nllO it liypiits foritheAmer-i
a plilaellig. wellvc tid diliviery,liitt tntugiving asviv-lupicttieif thii'bat-lenpoethidasliruerni
shtoweeil ackt of fevir and ihpurose tei' of Getitsbiurg ll. ,Igraham iii led citiin.
hits suceilswitis too miti-htof a itlilo attnionttotheit'rsuls aiitiluene asintoai'knwntii'ia'i
soiilieal essai. Waid, of Nohestvo- of thii' buttli. Hie clised'iysiy inig: itimein. ntas a persions. Uiilci' ls-
utis. hail alight voicei'.bht sas secy'"Gtttysburg riasi'iliillions f biind-l iittik atil Byron his pesonaliy wase
iroig iii cliax, biut sas fonid cif lii' llcitheli:tiors f digici'onilah -lprvatt, homite fie is lttnost inlioss-l
ridaling his ritiinid;his fevoirandl lii' ir's triiw' s-ti a silandilof liiiior. to n. 'Tese'imyhslthat sirriiindilindi
nicty tf lilstheeiei'lpedtiimih hiiiii I ibhought thei'wvhole' hilltin rae osurtheliirsal Wtshigtiiruresnt
rail. Graill, of Obheii liehs iii x- neaeiritothaititgolden ae wenittio Kiln ihtitvarios lihts, tllinatira.
(clicntitetliOt of addtressoveriyudiiect', sha~ll hpreall iamtog the naiton as etinOOtrI ats Iii Washigtons itoi-
earnest, natural; llhis'rodctioniwas5n15 ose nliuhg theistates;ewhei goeirn- actir hv oitntuc-tdi to tii'griiwstiof
maort' of aii essaiy iii finane thatiiiai pir-let sha~ll le for thii iiasses, ot the tlt'si'imitis aiiiiithis niame. iis
siiasiv'e spieech. Sc'hinidt,of Wisceun- clas5se thinlprist anid lorii:lhdtdes- calil~h tf cntrol incearly'ite-rysit-
sin, hasitfin ie hpresencee, an exceslleiit lit iing, alueudytotering oil the sat nation, thii thoroigiiiisosih svhiceh
voice, easy mniner-sliut bis noti-t if powieri. shall fall ise i-ot'himsort', lit'criedti to ia finishi eri-Cluig vieii
leatrineidto idistingiiishibiitwetn atcItnt Airoundl that sacriilslt sill butrii thue indetook,t'uirtiniifoinlit' tnt
anditoratoiy;the cisat-rltvi' hart Of Iit'alturs ofthit'eeturis. Ito thtei stiffiiesstf mianer, ut iiiir' thntll
Wuttiloo wststooiitiu-lhrolgd, so ewreathi of iher gloiiois i(,tilt0ihslt'reseses-lhie haithttally imin-
that lie lot his auienceu'wen cit caiti along wsitiMurtihon ant Smi. fihilli to all blis his inints, theis
tio the' clout. Kitle, of Iowas hihadaii Ihilinyiliclt'ani lMarston Mloor, altc Wisintilosis'iaidt
excelent troductntul, tii' lst luivasiYorktowen and u nkiiue Hill, iluimi-7ie ul-uitus'Wshnohnuuuiiti i'nIii
hats selt to tieleag~cugie; thii styli of his u-c- i'l etheavuee thic naite of Gtctys'- 11riaeliead
uelieiry esas inoiotolons hin foice anilurig." it' tre so coni-llleuti-c't-uikniown-I.
pitbhrehyt. Hiarry' . Wrd, Notwsestein's orus- Yet le coiul iuendl at tiiis anil
There esas a goody' displaiy of col- til, hat chosenh foehis subet "Thu though the diniuty of hitori, b- ig-
lege colors, hlenty of naroon, pueple Tuiirk Mt (Go" te saiid, iii part: norng tiese aiuedtes of tlii lighter
antd cardinal, ht little of the i-i-tose-"The destoeur is often intetuildhuer. side of str nationaullie's life' hiui
andthblube, there wer'ie heers 0111 coin- buit the 'fuirktbus retlacec t ohinhg. lost to its any- of theum, i-t wesi'nowts
tee chieere by Chicag, NorthiwestenHilte hias heud 5swaiy'oer the very hu-irth-that oi oci-tiotos Washigohi cou
anud Wiseonusin,hit there ewere lut plae of civilization, the cridle of hIs- brush asidte this barier of resrei aiu
enouighi Michigans alouni out to get ill toy, the ifatlhomune of cultret andt1becoiue like otiuer iien, feardthand1
a yell or at leat they eere so stat- reigioi;and011 touat' his sujets see repectedt is le seas for th stritness
tereid as not to be effectal. The dllt- ieeu of kiulrei bloodul ii'ihg in theanstresofhsdcileIews
gaion sith reach home at 10 oclock vanihguard of progess oly to 1k110e also beloveut ad htonoeud foe thiu gen-
tonight that for theni the hanidus of fiis e tleislies ad idiines of heart which
THOS. C. TRUFSOLOOD. tated; thieir it is to ;tland liiid watehi liecotuld01111(uiutisplay on ocealeoi.'
ft'hemarehi of miiidlhpass biy'ithtminhO trof. 1T'le wsaphrofesor of rtuoruic
Wiilliam T. Wileon, Chicago'se Orator, the disitanice; thic Isighty gowthiof ald Englishu litrature in the lini'er-
spoke upon "Tue hIdiidual n Agent -commeriscee anidliutry thie'dimtIly i' -o 1(; t 173. H~ easia-
in AMan's liev'elopmhent." Mr. Wilso ee, but is theier eyes it is a imocing pitu uoesro lilsiligig
said in pat: "The msore perfect de- viino hungt ft e tcis anu litertreIliu 1874 anu heldt this
velopment comes from witin. tile of indiiutal libety they' hear, but to psitioni unhtil Jtue 2, 1881, wen ire it
inherent powers are unrolled as the them it is an idle tale; foe'Turishsigedtohiccept the chair of Amier-
blal of a fern bud unrolls into tt' rule rests on therhik~he a pial-the lean history il Cornell. Prof. Tlel is
leaf. In a mere school boy, seho re- ghastly emblemo of a living death." a recognizeu auhorify 011 Aiierican
ceived fifteen whippings at day, lay 'Spelationi anidlPnis'eas fit history.
powers which developed into the tGer- subject of theleri V. Grabill, of
man0 Reformsation. One mian had thic .Olerlin, evho outlined tefltour geat Engineers' Banut.
courage to prove that (le earth is criteslhich have disturbed lt'e con-
round and our American iRepublic eas merce of this country andt spoe of The annual engineers banquet will
msde possible. But there is a develuop- their results. The Oerlin seaer he- be held Saturday, May 9, at Gragers
ment beyond inherited characters, a lieved that thesue troubles were not Of Acad-my of dlacing. All professors
perfectio beyond sncestral attain- necessity recrrent and thut thiy in the engieerig deprtnent wil
nients. Conditions of maturity in ft' could be prevented by proer lss. respod o toasts. Several alumni are
ancestor have becolneseet'pases of The orator particulaly urgedt the expected to be present ant will re-
youth in thle ambitious progeny. Such need of laws prohibitive of fle opera- spool to toasts. A full progrsm will
development In le individual is one (Continued on Second Page.) be given some time next wee..

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