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May 01, 1896 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1896-05-01

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f Whitney on Western Athletics. ATTENTION ttl(YCLITT
If your lbic-cleedtits t claig; Oi
Illtoe correntt iticiher of iHarper's repatring Tacker & to.,.I '--N I o11totlglu
i ublishet i ly (Sunday exceepted) during (a ae' X.Idicysi ftie iii t e i
the College tnear, at soitie stace to e dt-isli f i'uonte and aet prices that will sulit all
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. baseiall situationionlictuiverstitiestbAwe rlit antd sill cc-lit o, also lite a
ci thte west. Hie speaks espe(Illy io fdiiteotp-odesioce. ii
OircLc Times building N. Mtinsat., oppositett'seti iit heletit tlles-tf1iottoft"poatlet licie Ou
totsic.itts have takcen inretuirti to pitifes-E
OIiIS ettsioatli silln while lie rate lrtpior'-c TC;CKEit&S-CO.'0
J. F. TeasesiA, '9it. X. XW. To seen, '96 L. the fietthilact thisryit"igliiotf ciii- Line of Bieyclesoattpliners froiti40lto
K. L Gorsiz, '55 L F. M. Lotitis, '98 teir atiitetco httcot lent cotispletety N) iii$7t, are tilt-to-dlate. We itrett
O . . as.'tic. F. S. SitoNs,'c raiaeda ttrit iapnae fsd ititail' whfeels.
iU. C. CcetstmOOtt, ''. ( c ___ca___atoce by_________ o
- ~~~it-oi ladtifleiis, it'l iieprecities andt it-tetlec nif you ccwtnt lt sale
31tIWAGINGIIiTOIR praises te efforts whit-li1itace bero itittct'- on slie repiringcill ott.
G. B. LAttIONi, :i Li. madelttl('lAicliii n a ribelsewhere to Levy, ti -N. Mauriit., jcst tb eo ee t~!
iitt~SN R petrify athdetics. list uoffice. All work fiest titss. LIitj~J


tile'. Viiltnteys atictle mcettlr tlittle soles t5lt 'elitse, cavytttes 60tilt -os,
L. C. iVsitc 'tt, 'is I_____pehapprsenstestuaio
ASSCITEEDTORS ti-c-itticilais liesti the lintn sti - silk litedtioc cr- Yout outit tocweca apetr ol
WV. X. iagiee,'tic. S. .ithli,'50 L. tosct-ill tostoty tie. SIregte visWt-('tCoti, made iit'rvtue r tetriea tof~K l r d - t e
S. AV. Sieiit, ' fit. . It. cMioirill, 'ti. tctuts ti sipeasnli'dzi fur the stni L ti l[ 0 . H 3 klm n 1 .i U slnhuea d eev e ad
C. B. Roet, 'e . Di. Suismeti. e,'Wc . l1hha entirei'acepi Pstei Lislchuetttitc'c ead AND KEEP KOOk. ALL STYLES IN
B. Bi. Mttetay, '55, 1. Corwiti, 'ccci, rttli's\\eclilit ;eeriopotsedl at ('lIlego h-or Sale-l-iittli gri'-, i"ce 111itNIKALF DR KID.
is ti cc-utle Inthis ltstkitig alitndclees tcondiition. Must he tutd itt a fov" t -r, "
The subscriptioin prior of lice Itaily bee zit one blii a rll dottier cif iroifes- day, 1:15taki's it. Met-er's cie's-
bees reducerdto i-edJint advantce fee the iret Williamt '-4 ~
ot th~e yeair. Leave suscripttioni, at tie ectittliotit at tut ulitcic"rsity.Ilie stndil dI'.. t'tslit1.
Daily aie er tituhIP. C. tieye, U C . Stct'rtilc' tilirlic'saliso th e ta ctioti oinlvite lispitioiinof cult'Nationa~l 6 N. MAIN ST,, DPP. CDURT HDUSE.
News Stetid. Icki'cii iuia t icititutud('iiragitlosk-aet itilter ciwhcels, fori' iciieh c-i'yecare
lIgititoitt'ecitine cemlitindittly rc'grt'ieagtts. Ilint rchit-is, hieit iii icile Uniiver iy H l .
Sevcirailtif 1icew icttiiclites for Ithatitti' saet'roiolher eformcs weeni honiieist, sustantial ctiltttition etak ell rsityohaete.ie alldea.t ~sonii S L .CO RE
Si'riliictcsi-tliilt'li'dt titti'istWsutst. Sltilet & iSon. tt . *A COJRE
thNrglrirtiii em Work by Prof. Gayley. if yoiuicc-tnt ts ccittgoi ci'i' FRIDAY EVE, MAY ISTV
fr tck teen,'lTey l ebn(O-ft'iictaclthocitr to a full ec-rek, caiii it
itig otliot-asiiutichy anctihiircctirtc' -tii nti ftl'lirch the Opiiietit''chouiisi' titus (detot. I1 i'es
gititric-tutu tiacc thu ittc tilcistilsgof t'l'icf. tCithic' , if lii the c't'sit e tecsiiiit As tsrii heiihii
gularly and avei'lls beeiiti'ti li easnabl._Alsonstrucor___ _____
thet cc-irk if tIlt- h-itcchticeik is -,elh I'of, tctnyley's citctciiitet'cdoiht isioiioiist-Cathit'frottia ladti'siiii bop Ife an
ats itdtitillt(i ii itc-tictaic-cs. (tigh- to nitteht a latteritng cftir ft-itt tltw--macinitiosh, hprttbably littict rtg.,iittai
lar ectirictiis 'stsetialcin tiirckieat- iiilhhn Cit Co. iito icieihettim-hf eciihttNtt-i ~iitu ci ti
for'of' I si-cit's ot ittiliei tcmetdie iiisstrequested to tetutititiceiiit'
leti's cit'itiyt1e e lsi' cndiin0toMclii ills as ittlenttht hie mitwibe stnablett' 0o e
eciicitthety intnd lublisintg li5sbPetitotice'. liii nriic t,'i iiciAss Arber iseI to
caii sticke liii' icilci bVy doig ci)ti--- ilsness. Ic tis laciter iesbett s-cured
ivrk ociort i-i'\ee li ic -i-ile- c-il tt It}il1cil iisitel' its a diest' iiut tl' iilt ttiitg t ~ ~ - ,
Nituric tiii'eit of the sti'etidtogcin altec' tiof abstctiit vr ai ecti'. ihititt lease rentrit to stewarduu's otf- ~ JV UUI ILI
tlt mititxd, hower,''c't'tllt gt'tidC1- ice cand receivce t't'ttt'iof Catnellt, sitetitll lectusre oin,
tietiliii's olctr tt tilt'e Ntirtiic'rt ionciithat liithet-1icei'tiyof ( ciifoitl c 1c-ct t 1hpi "ii WAHNTN ASMT N
Ortoiallen~u oll -tyvllV,1111 hcts bit icti crt1iii tc't'eslcti tea of* tytl'ciOt agt'tt's prict'? Caiiit at ily A RALTY
oneti of heri'faculty for sti-hI cirislititsi- IY
lie houl be sle by ll eth i-c~iC asiitfocr ittg'ctncitgttcs'c If you ate it meth of atethitii bit ylr s flt theoator adciseo
crowdcri. t'turclltss itoti'tetsutiof iito- tit.Irot, ttiyhcecill reltihits 5pro I thetinhe of tsportiggoodis andth\ actiitl 5
n igh's icntist, Iit.is intocasy ve ,rv esr hit ri'ewhili' pt orit he , ccc.i
Avli,,c nt- o h 1 ino f om ofc Itdrtite of hits tnieiviptsitint, -hit' bib s ciiat i' l y tdbhcenz aLectic begls at 8 'ti f ck?.


\Nlii'Ni tnilici t 11rN iIcI VI t'cgttt cot
his d thitsciesr"', lttn'estceill list-
hapis it'tet hth O si'st sit held., XW' cut"
t'tnttiitit cC tf ee-iiiu:, hi-t cii bi
Muelutuiii'a os not stiue-iti'rlst picci',j

htts sto it'ctlttis'chthet' Etilishi hdert-
mcenttof 0111'iver'usitytutha tceu'ftl
-rii' hilsrantkeit iabovie th1i'etrri's-
totl(Iitttg i'ccriect in tit'otile',
Anii'ibtit 1initrsiy. IHe'hica ston'

cc'shuotulslice' tour ctlprt-ciutotnittiuu'cihiorfiie ii ittiit
11r Iz-rthairs hrd li bygi i it're'sts of (Cliforith iatianyttlyi itt"
iiti a roustitugrnt-t onbttoilttics rt'-
Sirtii VOnen's Gymnasium Fund.
Thle futidtifot'the XX'oineuli's(iGA-
ChesTournament Finished. ticsituc lids tuetintcreaisedhblit liis'
I+ . 0 X'luituucut, 't3 Lisho liii' eic' uldittotus: iProce'edsiofittPassioni"ll
of thei ('letss Clu ourcttceittIlite Olt reu chlS-~
sdefeaeduthX.' titiuthcrtit, 'JCSL,ic iciuthacrote li5, 'ics. icriet's XX'ax
imthh, liihe ll'huts ciiuiug seconditiXX'orks X17it, smallsisu uilttibtig
hiing placyeod for, fli toturnamlient hues flit' hcr;t'e'increaise of tradle -ch
beeniisuct-essftul iii bringitig out ii ithe ',.1J. Iitr'tiojcuocski hacs receicud ti t
cheshpliyers of tt'et'nive-rsity intlhits Slate strettlocstioti hir tecesob-
sheting the' relativce ttilitit'stif thtesettatedi itt enlargeumenut of hits shiop.,Ilei
lays. 7, 'ttasitoiutsideir, lhowev'e''r, it haitis in t wico caddtitionacl chaiurs auth
seents thatthte'contuiles h eent drawntimudue othier imtpirovei'etsiocwhihuit-
out to antetirely unnetcessairy lentigh., doubtet'dly giie him the lust fat-iities
'flits defect ciii no dotubt be remeiedoa in Anut Arbor,. liEterything in hits
in future tournametis. shtavig pairlor'-sant bathl i nsi I c
D, P.tdunnell, 'hff, hias left the uttn- scrupculously cleaun andt hits einplttye's
versity besause of ill-health, but wiii suae nil expericed baurbers.,tIc, 'Tnn-
retmurntnext 'ear. i janiottshi's location is esuiecilly ueii-
The bSginawc nine tiill open the criiut o roesosundscdcs
season on their houne grountds cwiii Bicycle Livery at 12 N. Main st. All
Jackson tomnorrowc. Guamel is nets new high grade wyheels. Shehlet &
-captain of She tenin. Sen, proprietors. 15ti3

I PR C-You 1hould see our stocit Cf CDANID OiIiN S
j We are obliged toe mote fronm our present sore soCon
scud hate secnred no new location.
To Close Our Stock
We are tffering a goodi mandolin at $3.95 and 't fino
tono at $4.45. Sonmo better ones at $6.50. These
tiro raro bargains.
GUITARS AND BANJO0S during this sale $3.50
I to $7.50. It cwiil pay you to loolk.
Ann Arbor Organ Co.,.
51 S. Main Street.j
WWe' Sell Bicycles.

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