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April 30, 1896 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1896-04-30

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' BUILDING HAS A IISTORY. Elected to Membership. TL'tII', S. C& (''
________Line of Bicyles at trics from f-lb lo
~L.+ 0P ~ Al111e 0110001 11001illof t11'Naionl- $0111 nd $755, are oup-o-arle. We rent
((ontinnedfIconirs1"i age.) al A- dnly of Sei111ces1 711Washing- andi repair wheels.
0Pulishedl aly (Sunday excepted) during 11111110 111112seris iof merlidian rlel ( t11 , lo . 1)C., l t Week tChalrles 1). II l--
to Coieoteear, 0uteeVIi l 111 W7etll~t'111 ot111Po.Illr .Woll'rlLot-A (dark blu,ik lied onr-
THE I~VERSITY OF MICIGANL 'ul1tion11i1 10 11(11 Iis Idloidrind1111welle lhonore bylec'01t(1ion to metal 1 - ('olt, 111d(1'bhg('1100' & lebl, nof
1) cF10111 'mes 011110010N. Mis t., oppoite "1111111 01-1111, 11a1Ils dnle 111111 ill ip ote Aademy.' Prof I'.ood1(1- (hicago. 1ider 'leereturnl to 1111
EDITORS 1101 001111111.Hs h eyor11051 the 1111au(ses ill (olllliall Co0111ge 1slin tonl, 1. FoP l e-11'Ilill g l 'grade, lo-ele illtari.
J. F. TH101AS, '17. IV. WI.(1eceel '1(5 of i1110'i011110.00101111 0a1101111't((t (f a C'. 01a10gladualltedI front1 10lieli0101y lss condiio.u st111111 ld00(1ill a fe
1. 1 11. GiS '((It.t 4L 1"1M. Llolo~ ,'. 11e1111 ilisu ioI'0 in1 ( he L oy a71711Astron11- 11011001110111Willi te ('1:1ss of ' r.0- (1ays;1 1115tles it. Mer' nlmws
O. 1. laos'1. . . Sol '9a(S 5 lital Soity o11 l'lglolull 01111i i (i'll i fe 111' Ilgaee (of C. L. '11'h 010111, 161I'. Williall S.
dualyae~ptcl il betothoe choVshigtii ta sas f hm: Lot-0lAoutlth111 mainlllbildin, a
a>?ixACI1IGBi rolt)lue1f11 ho1111' i1 111(f 1111' 111- 1R11er1t 81111101111 Woodwar o tas ladies' gll 11-1111-1, open fae, 'Al-
te lob I Observoaory." ''(e'll earsl'o 10(1172 (II88lie 111's1 Do( you 7011 s1t11111 new high glO 7" h-
ASSOCIATE EDITORIS This 1od1 I1101''0 111117' (f Ploo. 1. 11. assistant l1'11gh 1111'ill te 1 iY ' 111( 8(1s 1'7'lI' at agen'sic ~re? Cll t tDaly
W. AV, '1T'eer, '113L.0 . . s itW1 . 0 SI ' 111 1( l sa d i tell'ey111111 ill 111'1111(urIn ety:1'0117. Ile filetI)('Illbecame u 1' ________office.___
J . WaACt.'AlI .I. Oki'llltitan "(ohL
o. . hot,'(Is I. Lonle o dg III 5( th ' 011111 In o rner(01o11 Maa101 and11of Veus o mm'iss1111ion11as1 101 '(1111111'0. '1'laiul11 1'of ie(,'ea' fo'1
110011rdo ca1'to 1100 in11advance00 for Isheb'rcett Delegates Will Leave Tonight.n v rit al
o h yt 11. .0eave sbctio nat 1115 te____cat('1 '111'.11 11 wld fro1 st 1 10:; lts SL. A. COURSE.
Nalo .,-Is tI. .Mee,1ofA. li_______ tllll'11'1 l l,1" ats( ('1 1111 0111 h 101'('1 101 l td nti tl II [01115 1 F I A EStatAYeST
wol1'(II011 II11 s 11Stain1111 11'(11111 ('(1 0-l 11 1'((Il. Ici I 11'.01011(51-
1111hllOratori0''c11111 1 d 0.a s 1'l :~ e o'(e o-c.1('(111(7' '111's('111111111(0 tic l ae, l hm FR D Y"A ' I T
((Il'ew,' 1111 l (1114' lE11'lI'V E.1(1,'11 (('1
17' L. 111' 1 (1(17 ~l I ((('111-10'98 L,'the 1 0 1 00.loc 'hri . -r oieleu111 ' 0 l-i.,as1rof1110 ' 1 o1f11' echanic111, 1 AoRE LI
11(1010 (IiI rateof tell'oll0-s fr ('1 nbarl Cll li-Irli 1rIn1111nb111.on110-l-hen 1.111 1-1i7's to 12- t.e711111 tip willleeisee0h1.1I!1-; f11heiAleol to A10.11(10 for1t0e000(1(1
th__httht he __mb 1i(11 ((1 (111h am 1-f ci ne. Hi cid
ls .0 11111011 1111"itea oi''l'( - 111 11111(1( 11),(1 ''a(s ite it 111w111 tel,1(11111i' 110 idoit b fo l' 1(to 1)c 1.nceoftavhe7been1'115lin0000
11.1 01111 11(11e111intention('I'll 0 (IAil ihe01(iI11of (leh1'01ll1'o lo Os' .011111
:0-1(11 '' Al'"'1"l -111to II'owi11n1g-1711-111 1t1o1I
(alI 111111'111(1 .0-1111101111 1 '(1111 11' .01(1 Ito 'enl111'reom7'('.1
ing111hilt 1ihe .stude Is' 111111011 111111 It 'f11('. lci[ntnrlso N I'111 hss(( 111' fto ll 1001cl7bohi "0h1llnhe litLisD itplDc 0 iNn
11111I' 10 111' (1 11w ill( 110' 11111 11 at 111 ill(, t it t I l dl I L
Irlan1md. Tloste'17In 11O'001D 115i 11 111 (1 01 10 lo1111 I W in itilg0 flantnitlni $.5ad Ifn
adu11lt- i heo i(Il1lt' 00010.111 (0 ) os 1 'le a ltt h tieliy o onlw owl eh n
101 f1.1l lt 0117' (III S S11 ().1 1(1 Ull(111",1'0111 he hb-';d0100Itc4.45 '-lll0 l SHINGb O N, t $.5 . t ile 'Ct
'Ill'" 1(111 ('O l'1111(11s l oiogu' }i Y n e illS )cui t 01ai i td'gai ls.
effersot air onia P _' ix tetiofrtrnga . ' 1((111 b~IO. (ll'irlu., t $750 I 11111)1EALITYo,0(1k
so.lIn- is sall g0111 711', Ii.r 11.DetaMayp0 ,11111E1p11sio onu l ilu'y11g rle w el. a)ie l
11111111; hego f adfatlhyt.he enor; 11- 11' 111 lN.Ps11111 ot.. Jit er' en( io pop-eo.1110 lb a $f' °
1WO~nllhll (10'lhasll, ladvrtised at'e , 11100ptin it(l' III li 111 h-1o5.1r 711o5f5. Man tret. ilu ~ ocok
shre , l-:rwo Winot. 11' stl' ecured1Ihl'I ( ('((', l t sit(( ('('1(10, s'a 7 t(o00()tool. -
cSlrlJ ld l 1110'throghrIllrolhthe i ou of bll' l d 0 ilt'(-lso rea loule', 711' 'II'
dr.I' 1117' 11111 05100k 00t 1005,or l S -. thheo h t .Li 'lhlsoc1110Allxt1100 bnil (I-
nO te, 1'. o. 11to1111s11h1(to1-. 11. 111710,docedto$2 el tledlt. 0o. PH. Wt)Olt)C.O-
lhegt a~IeiD. S. 1iII'isladio .t1a11h. Chaiman oon.he noilto111)1.

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