IF We Diust lMove IC
Te stare we nwacnuity has1 Al pha Dleta Phi FraternityBe
heen sold. Wust seek new IIN
jil uarters.a Yganl Exercises Yesterday.
ti uslCloe Ou l Thesixty-lotlrlli annual cony toato
attI l. a aaeolgattttcs wted
me ttt anytlainto buyers o
iS MEANS BUSINESS' 4114 (Ittiroliof ( liriol. The cnvetlion iad-
THSjoturnedtffltatnheoi, whtihwtto gitite
til If you waot aoythilatin the b tiiiilr ttii-r i iIn'iao
weiCiek. sn tnno . itotinste li toth -gtites sndnlmietbteri of
IN THE ANN AHOBR ORGAN CO 14 il tefaulity ai toherito frattrnities.
1414II Anthetrttbusies session was hlmittni
lilt S. M AIN ST. 1fillti-tifte-rmootii r.tlihe ptbti rit lss
44~ 4i44
El BUY BEN-HUB BICYCLE.S. 1051 oean'it tUniversify 11,ll ohorttitftr
lil4N4 ol octk. 'fliese oxorniotce s o n tt 'o
US ---= =1 a Symttim O i ilTe' ot g~r oticty
of the ilnittedtstittso" IlioiilWaWttt
> EYD~yS O H Lottgtrs lbning the oy itpi~toril. aftetr
IN EVEHYBODS rnu the.lmo it tin, owis ttetediatltitertn nts
readifromi Cl1ament' A. Se'wtrti by Pittf.
9 4 'itts I _!.Mc uglgtin intl atdmo sts Were
,M -id m it;terycl IbyRgntA.J (olvr:
Ice Cream
Soda Water.
Fresh Strawberry Crush
. . . at . . .
ammo~ys Ofog Store
17 E. Washington St., cor.
Fourth Ave.
The Leading Tailor,
and oniy direct importer in the city,
has just received bin entire stock of
Foreign and Domestic Wooiens for
Sprin nttan umrm 1'
Ion. DantIii.PFitts.tImmeduiately ifir
to pitcttexercises the delegatetoo.t
tn spatl ittti. Iarrivinli iDtroit ti
littlet'beiforte octlock, where a rotet-
Striotltira"'s ,thlltbiy lteDtoitt
aluni.The convetfion riesumites its
btiniiess sessions todily it itoslheadi
quarters, the iRtssell Housen.
Tiltdeemgatets to the coitetiontliare
an' fotluiws:
ttamiltto-Dan fP. fiio itGeorge'L.
,fuom'lultL. iFtariitg, AN'. -l. Ritos. tale
-(ntirge C. tHollisteor, heonry ('. iiid
ytard. Amhiterst--Jhn 'r.hat , at.J.
MclEvoy. roin A WilimA. Ittnes.
meri. Atltmrt-AVilliinm(GtlteIMetadt,
iiamiiFrye 1'I1ite, Oliver IDuni Smtiht,
tEtwatrdt Sttlanard, jr. Datrtimoutht-
Ailtert It. Motrriii. Michigani-Rlpht
Freemnitti Faid .othritar-Gl. It.
Hunntington, Rit. tiPhiiipsaC'.13'.Irlen-
roy. Wiillim--tFanisnLyndeite itt-
snn, T. B. Cubrer, C. Di.laike.Cttllege
of the City of New York-B. AN. -Mo
Attto, T. A. Cuartis. Middlhetown ol-it
loge, IL. Al. Johnsoin, B. L. Itintty n.
BogthsIBoni. int.; if.. Autinia.of BUILD1ING HAS A IHISTORY
Chtttagt; i; iliatm iti dgtttt o f Sprintg ____
L~tl, Mli.Old Observatory in Whiich a
Saginaw Loas Again. tetA liseed
lTie'n straty iagtainl tttlfrotimStg
tna nnmu ye trdaylinlga ftve 1 .n'fgt tm-b 1.11 i n a lley-uarat th i t Attt i stto
ltlthe" fre t aodir t 1sn tof Tt ftl-ai ttdin i lt ftArotritandstlO r.t stalt l woao ttd
often tait, I lrishardlIttas-l ug htta wti lhirevolvhin-g alto ialopnm
t ttiiito eiulyhilft 4 Itilitti 1t t tll t ltWholt a of l i1: ts t roit-
tscorae. Ispetut itttt al tten'uf tiuon Ytutfis l-nugbuldr--
i-lil a tresittlscti d in t in the eut ig o sa i t ory.I hich f it-luialuit: mtote
lni uin n abat lise n ltis mmaiii tan ls:sint rtttitttttuluerestulIita.
fleittm tm ttmad in orttui. I itf it- t lescopet oltls owth) mketuf eprea.-
hilts Kmtt ytndt t otttnls I ilsatnticsitastronotmhi ofstrutsObserttttiitrAty
er scoed-il iuttilita- taliu m orelt Iailiuti tt itiegtrtts 1tulivai mutt itt an
tiltsm Itt Watlin s atd l nmitt-anItt ti firt toitt nitlItt'ertt is fa.
liluntloouu-o ' heeb ge t et It e lit- t-itt tt tlituPaoftt- ut-ru t
fel. a 1 a 'sonl arn a ne it i uthe .' hicet-vistitltottiAsu ltitrb If shtls
tir nltut errors it Blo Iito ttn ist wayCtittmJpanttif tt' ttgmmt nt
11111 tils Ntw-leanseoit1 bti. ~ttoitalihcipnyof hut'sit-mt-iitt l itt-ea
pitchersfmm d i tti w rktilm s it' a dte tht istititt It'olt H is t tittifmoild totlAnIt
wihtoii iitots altltr t i tihelast tendedit choit fttnltinliii' wastf ifte ite
hrnn i os 10. itthi's-llh hn icloh 111 mh is tttt rie littiwh irt hs
lit~~ ~~ til 3'h4hyatm1; Iitith E-itietrned them cis ittrii mi I ily
Mibian ......0 01 -1 G , hiitt n it hin'go thto het bet antit k87
SainghaGvnaw Sen..d_ Off. t1 2imgianlitrtiu intironmyanitr il
ha f i itlit--W atins ad Ii'lltiis idrltedhibyt thihk itetiti inlth 'htelstoi
iIti i51'ithiilandiiBliii 'I'iillel-baie (ilt wichhistil-ta itit has--tii t ay igtt hut
tBorini htio imTwo-se i iiugtt i tmii riim tit-al oudbfunonteiroiflofitiheo
mittir rukis utIg lyti t inhs 3, by bu II ili iiuntissmin i tstudin t he 011
''therfyodmirg" Umt irte -Haits'ittter ihan s. t A tiihthttith'ge of tmstrtemt tins
bef M~iltsnd ~h ii isandtifim and itighshoothis l snosuril hlitills
sprn geri. Htif isteor isth tstts inals dat edighistirnafiuti tu 'tioutrl.
fromtiheutinjrymioIlh erdrm i i Iig ue tilr dof hI utu-sm-u ityt tia itg
hetareceitdmonmt v'acaintrip andouteenineefrtingitcouiey li oti-t i'n
t' playFrnn idt ttttit tlso t S turay.itnif I Ittt was l ur~tingta Illstitearly-
tuo t'iiuuiuou iot-ofor('Iinigolimty1stat theIt'uIivesontybouittiitiry
af Ingr hmo i an a Se d Of , that--h r bultnhie is obs rvt oryiii' anmi
F. . ngrha . 96 .,3liliga ' P alsoied siniitalar tmunitdtetuesc-tt-i
rpRsequtiestnteClasshNins. - f it o rtmuhaeeinnltheilenss havut- m
foicl-eiaiue contestimitChiasguhf- ~arnuiifgben rontdbyui m Ilii ls--i-
motrrowitievenetin elaivedh i oratoinuity inthivsnitito mafruit I~tui
lii stofnt iilon tlltirim rotadie 'tuit-In ishe ias1ewadedwyli-le
yuis to Ayfnotn, Iand as intuur ttoveriglistitoethrftOstutlsit Lit-k
iastealy rceiei-n ma-t- f his rIet i stnw
lots naare mutishpoenuthuo rte he Iolis Oiotelony inlythes. Thenti
delofgfor' at nda-ieioqun n d shoomwri-i cIoety:a sknw sScub
'tinyreat igpovment ovter >y obtisomtafs Stitihuiioeis aimlistseomiun
prevouseffrts Mr Ilgraarutndontwichlyasminsoveredultbon si suin
Mef'engodPlvogi icaoiety. atii henrivetIsim tmobsertu-oi
- ~ ~~Won's tutfaoistintyutentitadiwhn i
logiqluoeittorilauesis iNoines ie radfyaind1i7G18ie(waseibecameurin-
Thin cating ad atge(1scofkrrs;rstrucoreofastronomy in:the Utlnvr-
batietrlln-t neslimeutnitthahrnt cty thed resisng toalla olsotsoin.
the litiof ltes n theau ltirnaltctieIltiemand toeutoit iamumittn li
temtuoffosigmitangBaeal Ms lerascaleto ipirotessortsti t 'uietk
lubscrt oe rinnordaily.o(ontinue ennSecndtPage
0O. 2 E. WASHINGTON STL. NEAR MAIN. Coitatins, G. A. Strtaw. Lniun-C'harleis
Full Dress Suits a Specialty. S. PIaley-, Jlarvoy A. H~arnmo.(Coneilt
____________________________--ChatrlosnL.faleei, Neswoll fyoni, Wati-
ter C. lvWhite. Trniuty-m'iiii
S e i l S l . Spraimnut Langforul, jr., Honry W .
_________________a a kinit-John XI. Aiin, Wittiuiau 'Iihit-
tredige 'W~iliuams.Uiversity of Mliii-
Baseball Supplies, Lawn aesota-Clark Htempstead.f Toronto 1
Tennis Rackets, Lawn Tennis University-R. (G. litzgibbom, A. H. i
Suplie Sprtig GodsofChurch anud H. IV. iloore. Untivrsity
Suppies Sprtig. ood ofof Chicago-Toseph B. itayeroft and1
every description. - ott Flint.
Amnong the a lumnni membtuters fromu
SEE UWSTOK AD PRCESout side are. Dr. tHeinry Wade Rlogers,
tpreident of Nrhetr nvriy
" Hon. L. W. Pendleton, of Detroit; 1
Slon. WV J Cocker, of Adriiit; A. XA'.
Val-V A HS !Mididleton, of Greenville; Geo. J. CamI-1
wtell, ofChicaho; D~aniel IL. Qui1rk, of
tUp Town, Dawn Tawn, St.foulsI Mo.; B. C. Rbainsout, ut
Unaiversity Bookstore, Oposits Caut easeI
2014. Stale St. 4 N. Main St. rand Rlapids C. J. Pliunny, of